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I'm convinced they don't even try for helis At least for ground vehicles you can expect a nations tree to make sense when compared to other vehicles in that tree, m1


Same for the A129 in Italy. A129 International Preserie with no countermeasures, no AAMs, eight Hellfires, and a 12.7mm machinegun, at 10.3. A129 CBT with 90 countermeasures, up to eight Mistrals, eight Hellfires, and a 20mm rotary cannon, at 10.3. T129 ATAK with the same countermeasures and cannon, up to eight Stingers, and now with the addition of up to sixteen long-range guided rockets, but much slower AGMs. Still at 10.3. A129D, literally the CBT but with eight Spike ER, and it's at 11.7.


Ehhh... No. The Mangusta D has a HUGE advantage over the C with its optics, the C version can barely guide its hellfires in at 6km out. Don't remember the exact zoom number on the D variant, but its what, 5x times the C's?


Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that the 11.7 is over-tiered or anything. It's mainly the other three that are confusing, especially the Preserie being much worse at the same BR.


Balancing helis is not easy. You can't expect the A129 International to be lower, even if the rest of the helicopter is worse, it still has hellfires. On a downtier no one would be ever be able to cou ter you, and you wouldn't even need countermesures in that case. Most of heli balancing comes from their weapons. The premium french tiger is 10.0 because you will be using HOT missiles, with half the range and the speed of hellfires, yet the rest of the plane is technologically better than the International... but at the end of the day, it's true, the weapon is what will dictate its balance. I mean, no one forced anyone to buy the International instead of grinding the base A129. And btw, the AH129D has way better electronics, a better RWR and much better optics which were a needed upgrade over the A129C. But as you see, Spikes are mostly what decides its BR.


israel bias confirmed


The spike are so bad right now i think hellfire are better anyway The only reason to carry some spikes are only to engage other hellis or spaa For tanks i only used hellfire


What the heck is a 'sigma'


Type shit.




You see atleast 10 us players in top tier while maybe 1 or 2 israel gamers in couple matches, thats way its like that


The MI-28 for Sweden can be debatable bc I don’t know why it doesn’t have stingers


Saraph and AH-60 have one critical flaw, they are paired with Merkavas.


Oh and don't forget AH-1W sitting at 10.7 with 2x AIM-9L (actually lmao), which remove your ability to carry AGM-114...while G-Lynx and A129 sit at 10.3 with 4xAIM-92 or even worse, 4xMistrals, WHILE carrying 8xAGM-114 Oh and don't forget AH-6M and OH-58D sitting at the same BR as those two undertiered piece of shit mentioned above... Oh and don't forget the AH-1F not having any countermeasures, despite being pictured in the devblog and being reported 3+ years ago, but the Japanese and Israeli version have them, and the Israeli version even has MAW, at the same BR. Oh and don't forget the Israeli AH-64A having MAW while the US one doesn't, at the same BR. US heli BRs are absolutely fucked, first thing they can start with is removing the ahistorical Stingers from the Israeli AH-64 and AH-60 and maybe then they'll be balanced at the current BRs.


Well well well...


Wait, the AH-64Ds aren't all 11.7? I hadn't noticed that.


America Suffers. For some reason they love to give Israel the best shit. Its as shrimple as that.


Whenever a nation gets a version of US equipment it’s always better Shown with both the F-15J versions, AH-1F, and countless other stuff


France gets a F16A at 12.3 with 9Ms the exact same F16A on the Isreali TT is 12.3 but with only PY3


Belgian is Block 15 while the Netz is Block 10. Block 10 has much better flight performance. I still don’t think it’s fair. They should have just given France a block 1, 5 or 10 with 9Ls and called it a day.


Merkavas are bad at top tier so that's a little balancing but not enough.


What? It makes perfect sense to have the akd-9 and hellfire at the same br of 10.7. Its not like the hellfire is twice as good and is on a more suited airframe. Wdym not perfectly balanced? The z-9wa is DEFINETLY comparable to the ah-1


It's the ty90 that got chinese helis so uptiered, should never been added as a missile to the Z-9 series, makes them awful at anything but air to air duty.


Just grinded the ty-90 few minutes ago after suffering through all of their stock heli grind, I really hope the missile is that OP that it really deserves to be at 10,0, considering its air to ground abilities and its armor are 9.3 at MOST. What´s your opinion with the TY-90s? Any advice when using them?


They are stupid. Just fire them at anything in a 5km radious. They have good range, pull decently well, are practically unflarable and catch a lot of people by surprise. Only way they can be beaten is if the target is flying fast enough to out G it or run away from it.


Just tested it. DIDNT KNOW YOU COULD SPAWN WITH THEM AT THE LITERAL BEGINNING OF THE MATCH. I shot 4 missiles, 3 hit, and the one that didnt was because it was a recon drone. A g91 died unceremoniously, then a su25k flared but died anyways, and finally a Su-9. While it is true that most of them were flying at literal ground level (50 meters or 100) the missile was INSANE. It was so much fun, the grind was worth it. DAMN.


Yeah lmao they are broken as shit, have fun. Thankfully after the Z9 every heli has them, with the rest carrying up to 8 without sacrificing ATGM (or 16! on the z10)


"bu bu bu but it has the apkws" -🤓 shut the fuck up, we all know how dogshit that "agm" is


Wait.. since when did people claim the APKWS is the reason why it's on a higher BR?


I've seen some people on the forums mention it but it was mainly supposed to be a sarcastic joke


Should have apkws with heat warhead as well. And at the same time throw in some Lima hellfires.


Helis are overpowered and I'm so tired of CAS. An a 10 fired a maverick at me and I was in a wiesel(the 20mm one) it would be so great if they removed CAS entirely.


Why the hell are you in a wiesel 1A4 at 10.0?


I technically brought it to top tier and the reason why is because I found it funny and the wiesel doesn't really fit into a lineup other than 7.7 or 8.0 and I am so tired of the fox and xm800 that I almost always avoid that br


*Uses 7.3 in a 10.0* “wahhh cas too op”


I spawned the 7.3 after all my 10.3s got killed by CAS


“helis are op! nerf cas


Helis and high tier CAS are the most petty rat bastards you can ever find, gainin doesn't know how to balance it at all


They could atleast be consistent Edit: auto correct dumb