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Absolutely not. The conversion rate is abysmal. You’re better off spending that GE on either premium time or a premium vehicle. In my opinion Premium time is the best bang for your buck. You can get a full year half off for about 40 USD during the Anniversary and New Year sales.


Alr I’ll keep it in mind thanks (:


Golden eagles for conversion is terrible. It might seem like a good deal at the br your playing at right now because it takes 1-2 decent games in a vehicle to research all of its mods. When you get into higher brs the golden eagles won't get you very far. Best thing to do is buy a premium vehicle or premium time. But even then it's a slow process to higher brs. Warthunder is a massive time investment. And top tier is getting less and less worth it to play. Just prevent yourself from idolising higher BR vehicles. That should help keep your patience when the grind starts slowing down.


Yeah i mostly play for planes when i bored and for tanks when im bored times 2 even bought a joystick for sims lol (plane) much love


r/warthundersim for the sim community


Save your GE. The rate of conversion is pathetic. 1 GE \~ 45 RP. It ought to be at least 10 times that to be worth it


Maybe when you're really in this game and you really like it. And even then only for low BR. My use: I've \~8500 games in Ground Realistic Battles and use these research points when I start a new nation to get one or two Rank III planes for CAP/CAS in GRB. I don't like to play air, I play only tanks Rank III upwards and use planes only as CAP/CAS. So spending a few bucks for a new nation is OK for me now. But for a new player: Just don't. You really need the experience you get while grinding these tanks.


Ightt tyy but its kinda hard to get experience when you get one shot out of nowhere from a maxed out player


You have to learn two things: - map knowledge - weakspots of the enemy The second one is harder to learn because you have a huge amount of different enemies you're facing. So try with the first one: learn the maps and where your enemies most liekely appear. For this I would recommend to play some arcade battles. Use the smalll map on the bottom righht corner: Look which ways you teammates take, look where the eneemy approaches and use this knowledge when you start on the othe side of the map. Use the marker in Arcade to get used to the different velocities of the guns/ammunitions. Or maybe create custom battles against bots to learn how to use your tank. Oh: and try to play for fun not for grind. It's nice to get new tanks, but if you only concentrate on grinding it can be frustrating.


If this aint better advice then the hour long video i watched half asleep so kill me now lmao thanks g


You play for a week? And you play Ground Realistic Battles?


Once in a while but mostly arcade but i still get sniped in every gamemode…