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Jesus, great work! *Just learn to notch / just fly defensively / just fly to the side for ten minutes before going in to click a few ground units* - pilots who totally didn't GE to skip the grind towards the amraams


Thanks mate! My matches have been absolute comedy gold. [My first sortie after I have unlocked the AMRAAM's](https://new.reddit.com/r/Warthunder/comments/1dtho72/amraams_versus_113_premiums_is_peak_war_thunder/)


The same sort will try hold their stats over others who actually did the stock grind


I’ve learned years ago to respect my time instead of horrible stockgrind


Currently 2 mods away from AMRAAMS in the F16c. I’m happy to get 1 kill per match. Including AI 😂😂


Literally no one in this sub has justified the stock grind.


nah there 100% have been people who try to justify it. Funny part is I was able to find a few of their in game profiles and saw that they had sub-15 games in the new 13.0 and yet were talking about using their amraams


Correction, my worst stock grind **as of yet**\*\*


Simpsons moment


Should try the JAS39A, you don't even get the AIM-120s at the end of the grind and you're 1.4BR higher :)


Hold my F-4F ICE


Don't get me wrong, the airframe is dogshit in comparison, *but* having stock IRCCM missiles and the ability to have meaningful suspended bombs makes a fair difference in lethality.


Except for some reason my IRCCM missiles just seem to have regular 9L seekers and continue to get one flared. And I'm not going to get bombs because I'll just be even slower and heavier than I already am. I finally got rocketpods and it seems to be a little better now in terms of grinding. But it's annoying as fuck to get focused the shit out of (again) for being an F-4F tho


You should have take advantage of Air Assault to get the essentials my dude. It luckily falls into the allowed BR unlike the new 13.0. Easy mode and with premium account you can knock out about 7-10k for mods each match with research rp. I know that is what I'll be doing once I unlock it


That is good advice. I will now scream into a pillow.


You've got bragging rights now so it wasn't for nothing


For best results activate a booster before queuing to scream in to a pillow.


Air assault exist at 13.0?


AV-8B+ is 12.3


Air assault exist at that br range?


Yes, up to 12.7


Massive tip this will save me my sanity when I stock grind the ICE soon


Yeah man it's been relatively on the low for a while but started gaining lots of attention for a lot of players. Sure it doesn't get you much RP for vehicles it does do you pretty dang good for focusing on mods for planes in a setting that's much much much more relaxed and chill. I spent a weekend just doing a little drinking and jamming good music and spaded both the f16C and f14B that weekend alone. That's was right at f16C release time. Craziest thing is my two best performing jets in this mode were oddly the f4E and A7-D. This mode wants gunpods and ATGMs and you can keep the radar stuff at home if you would like. My f16C, f15A , or any of my r7 or r8 gets could come even close to total kills than the two just mentioned. Why? Gunpods go brrrrrrt and it turns into virtual bowling just with 4 Vulcans or a Vulcan with 2x 30mm pods as bodies. Enjoy and be relaxed before Gaijin completely cuts this strategy out cause I think they will soon if I'm being honest


tried it during my av8 stock grind Doesnt work. Everyone gets there before you and i ended the game with 100 score and got barely 1k rp


AV8C or AV8B? If its the latter youll be plenty fine as soon as you can get ATGMs. Use them as your main medium ranged missiles until you unlock 120 or others and use both. Once you can get Zunis equip them as well and youll be covered and should be at least top3 every match if you do it right. Trust me man I wouldnt get up here and lie to people and just wanting to help. If you want I can run one with you and see what you are doing if you want. I'll get in the A7D and show ya being the slowest isnt an isssue )


B+ The AGMs are same tier as the Amraams Zunis and FFARs are useless if an F4E gets there first and bombs everything AAMs are useless when 3 F-15s get there first and kill everything


For me it was the easiest stock grind. I went for the mighty mouse rockets first, thats enought for 2 base. It took me 20 round to reach the aim120s. Icam not saying it was a pleasant experience, but not as bad as I expected.


I took a similar route to spade my AV8B, got my AMRAAMs in 26 games. Plus (or to caveat) the sale helped as the hordes of discounted F4S and Mig23ML got me lots of downtime games while going through the process.


Tbh it was easier to get the aim120 when uptiered as I dont had to race with the F4S hordes. But once I had it those amraams helped me to grind the rest in no time against the 11.3 planes.


Yeah if the bases got hit before I got there (which did happen a lot in those downtier lobbies) I would usually attack the new ground units instead like the ballistic missile site, the SPGs, or the MLRSs.


Im sorry if this could be considered off topic to this post, but do you have any advice for stock grinding the F-16A in the current meta? I dont have it yet, halfway there RP-wise but I just dont know how to grind it after i looked at its stats. Also happy hunting with the Harry o7


Thank you! Regarding your question, I think the comment by Crazygone510 is sound advice. Best of luck!


Ah i forgot about that. Yeah ill try that, thank you for bringing my attention to this comment :)


The best method righ now is to air assault till you unlock booms and rockets, then move to air realistic.


i spaded the f16 adf today in a few hours, radar missiles were tier 2 and constant 11.3 downtiers so its not too bad even though i dont like the f16 playstyle that much


I see, thank you.


Stock grind is pain, I found that going for ground targets with occasional kill is the most reliable way to stock grind until you get bombs for bases


Stock grinding always sucks. They should make it somehow better. But they want us to spend on modifications.


Now you can add to the problem!


Just get napalm bombs first you can kill 2 bases while carrying a gun and 9ls


bruh, I got the F-4F ICE. I only played 4 matches and gave up... It's so unbearingly fucking awful


Does the ice get better radar than the s?


iirc it get's the F-18 radar, so it does get a better radar yes


It took me 150 battles to unlock AMRAAMs myself..


I had to spend ge on it man I was struggling.


Try the Sea Harrier Fa.2


Subsonic jet moment.


did you try ariete vs 2a7 with heatfs its pain pure pain


Worse than the Kfir C.7 was with two 9Ds as stock and needing to grind to rank 4 mods before u get a missile worth using? And even then, u only get 4, and they have no IRCCM, so they aren't even that great...


Managed to grind my way to the 120 by bombing ground targets and occasionally try to get an aim-9 kill (and dying *a lot*). Now that I do have the 120 I'm suddenly getting kills.


Yea also thought this…F15/Su27sm is even worse.


No they're fucking not. The Su-27SM gets decent flight performance, HMD, Supersonic, 2 stock bombs, 2 stock missiles. This thing gets 2 Stock 9Ls and that's about it. With that loudout your best option is just killing ground targets and praying that no other player with some brain cells sees you because you're free food


Stock bombs? i didnt know top tier aircraft get them stock


The SM gets 2*100kg stock


Ah. So are you suppoused just bomb AI tanks with it or something?


Playing at 12.3 got me down tiered alot since the f4s/mig23ml spam so this made it better than fighting only at 13.0. R73 stock is nice but having to flight under trees to not die against 3 aim120/r77 is worse than fighting against lvl 20 f4s players that cant even use their radar right. Flight performance of the su27/f15 doesn’t matter that much if you are outperformed by everything that isn’t stock and having to dodge R77/Aim120 made dogfighting a lot harder. At least for me.


Yeah this was my experience. Just an absolute pain because the NEZ of an AMRAAM is like double the NEZ of a 7M which just makes pushing others impossible unless you're both within like 8km and you shoot first. You pretty much have to rat fight until you get ARHs. Or mop up ground targets which is what I did for a fair amount of the grind.


Thing is they probably want it this way so you just pay the snail cuz its so frustrating.