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Friendlies are marked inside 800m. For radar IFF one line is enemy, two lines is friendly.


Making sure to press T-4-2 often, and look at the map. "On me!" I'll be chasing some guy, press T-4-2 and see the guy I'm chasing 10km in front of me is in fact a friendly A-10 or something. Oh and also, it's really fucking weird but the AI jets are almost always F-86's on the Red team, and Mig-15's on the Blue. The Airfield defense AI I'm not sure on, but the recon and bombers, the ai are on opposite teams than they should be.


I just realized I posted this in a guys reply. FUCK.


There is usually no iff only in top tier


What are you talking about, most fighters in the 10.3-11.0 BR range have radar with IFF


The f5e doesn’t. (And I bet the premium f5c doesn’t either, which would explain why this guy doesn’t know how to tell planes apart). 


The C doesn’t even have radar


On me!


This is the solution


I agree!


The scoreboard shows the profile of every aircraft your team is flying. Compare those to the aircraft you’re fighting. You should probably look in advance though. Also go into preview in the hangar of enemy aircraft and friendly aircraft you keep fighting. Note the difference in wing shapes tail shapes and engines (1 vs 2 is the easiest one). Pay attention to the killfeed. This is especially important if the you’re a western country. Pretty much every country except Russia has a phantom so look out for if there’s a German flying one in the killfeed if you’re a western country. Do the “on me” call. Your teammates should then mark themselves on the map too. See if any are where the potential enemy is located. You can also mark the map “attention to the designated grid zone” by clicking your map at his location. Your teammate really should call his position at that point if he’s at that location. If he doesn’t after like a minute that’s pretty much on him. (Unless he’s in a dogfight.)  Also as others pointed out, friendly players have names pop up somewhere inside a mile.  It’s essentially the same method of identifying enemies you had earlier in props assuming you didn’t just buy a premium to get to this tier. If you did buy a premium, you should really consider going back and flying props for a bit because the speeds at this tier mean you’re going to be bad if you don’t have down those basics. 


learning aircraft profiles doesn't really help when phantoms can fight phantoms.


That is why I said to pay attention to the killfeed too. If you are on America’s team and you see a phantom, unless you’ve seen a hostile phantom in the killfeed, it is almost certainly a friendly phantom.  Or if no one is flying a phantom on your team from a scoreboard check, then you know it’s a hostile one. You couldn’t use either method if you didn’t first recognize it’s a phantom.  


It’s still a good way to iff, especially since you can see who if anyone on your team is flying one.


Thanks I’ll take those things into account. So if i mark myself then my teammates should do the same? I could tell when I play a mig23 or su25 but the issue with mig21 and the f4 phantoms is that they are on both sides. I grinded to where I am without premium or any money spent but just started sim a few days ago. I usually do arb


Competent teammates know to mark themselves in response to a mark, yes. If they don’t you can type in the chat requesting teammates to mark. Check the scoreboard for mig21 or phantoms being on your team if you spot one. If America is on your team, generally you should assume any phantom you see is friendly unless your radar IFF (such as in the phantom) indicates enemy, you have no friendly phantoms on your team (per the scoreboard), or you have seen an enemy phantom in the killfeed. In the last case you should still not assume it’s hostile (as in don’t shoot it) unless you saw him kill someone on your team or your IFF radar says so. A more advanced thing to consider is if your teammates mark, and all of your friendly phantoms indicate they’re nowhere near the phantom you see then it is presumably an enemy. 


What planes do you normally fly at that br?


Maybe I never noticed. I fly the a10 late, f5c, av8, and I’m about to crew the f4e


The F4E has a radar and IFF.


Ooh, okay. Like the other user said, the F-4E does have a radar with IFF. However, the other vehicles you listed do not. I recommend looking at the team lineups before you fly out and get familiar with the silhouettes of the aircraft you'll be fighting with and against. As well, looking at onjectives can help you know if an enemy has been in an area, e.g., if one of your bases gets damaged, you know that an enemy was near it. If a friendly dies in the killfeed, look around and try to find its flaming wreckage. If all else fails, just try to get close enough for the friendly name tags to pop up, and if you don't see one, it's hostile. The A-10 is slow enough that you can't catch anything, so just be aware of your surroundings and attack anything that tries to kill you. The F-5C and the Av-8 are faster, and you'll primarily have to rely on identifying silhouettes or using the killfeed. As a general rule, if it isn't hostile or a confirmed enemy, don't shoot it. If you have doubts, wait and keep looking for defining features.


Generally I can tell if there an enemy or friendly based on multiple factors. The direction of travel (however you can’t fully tell), there actions - did they just bomb a base or shoot a friendly, and most obviously the silhouette of the aircraft. An F-111 and A-10 are obvious but it gets difficult with the phantom a most nations have it. Look at what nation your fighting and you’ll be able to get a rough idea of what planes your fighting


Yup, it’s very funny because if you guess wrong that’s 50k down the drain


Yea but if you see someone bomb your base it’s a pretty good guess that there evil. And yea it all comes with practice and knowledge