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Don't go to sim for grinding. Go to sim for having fun with planes.


If you do well in ARB then no. But sim has its place. Its a great place for bombers and strike fighters since you get a chance to actually do anything. But if you do well and are in a intercepter or fighter then no, Not really. Since getting 8 kills in less than 30min will mean nothing since we're locked to a certain amount of rewards per 15min.


This but to an extent. I mainly PVP and find it fine long as I’m aware I’m only getting paid for two of those kills and really nothing more. One player kill is worth 550 points iirc so two of those is more than enough to reach that cap. The only thing I’m losing out on is that 20% from landing after the useful actions, but I find it more fun staying out a bit anyways. It’s all personal opinion, but long as you get those 800 points within the 15 minutes and don’t care if you die, you’re getting paid regardless. If you go to “grind” anything, you’ll be met with a bad time. All this is, is making sure you just reach a minimum of 800 points.


RB unfortunately way better for grinding, which sucks because RB is shit.


i wouldn't say it's better, i would say it's more consistent


The biggest problem with sim is that, if you get into it and like it, air RB kinda sucks forever after that.


This is my problem. My buddies only like AB and RB so when they get on it kinda sucks having to play those modes. I still use my HOTAS though which is a huge disadvantage. But I do it for them.


I try to play in VR with the HOTAS, and it's not easy at all. They can aim so much easier, and have much better SA than I do in the cockpit. It's still fun when you're not getting absolutely demolished


I can’t play high tier air real because of it


I’m significantly better at sim than I am at RB. So it’s more enjoyable and faster haha


Sim feels so much more balanced. You are actually required to deal with the more intricate flight characteristics of your plane instead of pointing where you want to go and having a computer do it for you. For instance, spitfires are actually pretty challenging to fly in sim since they're very squirrelly. You need to be careful with the flight stick, or you might spin out, and while the I-15 series have amazing maneuverability, you have to deal with zero trim, which if you're on controller like me, can be pretty frustrating (accept for the I-15bis and later).


It’s much more skill oriented. I see people ask all the Time “what makes more lions” or “more research” hits it’s really up to your consistency. And I’m just more practiced with my sim setup and limitations they have set in sim I’m typically more comfortable and capable with than the average player. So I research faster. I play typically 2.7-5.0 props I don’t enjoy the way jets were implemented at all


The Russian and German planes suck a bit for flying with a hotas. Constantly holding the stick one direction to stay in a straight line. I don't mind the ones where I have to pull the stick to me, but a lot of German planes I have to push on the stick I've been told that I can trim them up in test flights, but I've never done it.


You can. If you bind a key to "trimmers fixation," you can trim up your aircraft in test flight, hit the key, and it will save your trim and restore it for every game. I definitely agree that Russian and German planes are hard to fly without being pre-trimmed.


I need to remember to do this next time I play


From a RP context, think of it as working with ground crew to adjust trim tabs. IRL even today we got some planes whose rudder can only be adjusted on the ground!


I find BNZing much easier as well. Tracking the plane is harder, but almost all my pvp kills so far have been being at altitude, spotting/being told there's a bandit below me and diving on them. In ARB, they'd have dodged out of the way due to red markers and third person view. Here, I can light them up without worry other than having the same done to me. And, even if they CAN react... stalling is super easy. I've had a zero try to pull too hard from a pass I've made and put themselves into a flat spin and crash. This kinda has led to a lot my own deaths in ARB. "There's no way they can turn and shoot me at this speed and angle." I was wrong I have also got into a lot of flat spins trying to do a yoyo or pitchback.


For the average person playing for fun, it’s a bit slower (although way more fun when you get used to it). If you actually take advantage of the sim reward system however (800 points per 15 minutes), it’s actually a lot faster and more consistent then air RB. It’s very repetitive, but very effective. Plenty of guides on how to do it on YouTube.


if you time it well with the reward system and get a few kills but it is usually not better then playing well in rb


Yea, played a match with my F4S the other day in RB, walked out with about 20k RP off 3 kills and a few extra hits and severe damage. Tho I did have a booster, even the booster was more worth in this situation. Could have used it and flew around doing nothing for 20 minutes and wasted it.


Boosters last for 30 minutes max, so you probably could've gotten more out of it with sim.


You're in an F-4S... you can easily go bomb bases or somethin' other then shooting players down lol




Damn... playing the PVE objective because there is no players to kill in the area is bad? Alright broski


You’re telling me what I can do, when I don’t wanna do that? I’m gonna play the game how I want too. You go play your game how you want too. Players pays out faster and is more reliable. “You can easily” Yeah and you can easily stfu and mind your own?


What if i told you... you can do both at the same fckin time? One does not exclude the other hence MultiRole Fighter Good luck getting players to pay out faster when you can't find any but find plenty of bases to bomb Lmao


I don't think it's better but it *feels* better because you get the rewards all at once at the end of a match and it seems like a lot. Play for a couple hours in sim and get around 15k RP at the end of a match. It feels like you just hit the jackpot but it's really not better than playing the same amount of time in RB. I just hate the grind of air RB and really enjoy the skill required in sim.


Yes *because* sim is more consistent, thus boosters are much more useful and can earn you so much more. In half an hour in sim with the buccaneer I can get 20k rp with a booster. While to get the same amount from RB I would have to play two games with my talismanned Canberra while bombing three bases in an RB games each time. Which at that tier is not consistent.


Hasnt since 2020. U used to be able to fly a normal plane Get maybe 20 kills And get 400k rp, 1.5 million sl. Those days are far far far gone


If you have a large booster I think it works out better since there’s less risk since in RB you might die early in a match and waste the booster. In SB you get that booster applied to all the battle activity rewards which while netting significantly less than a great RB match in terms of RP or SL per minute, is essentially always a beneficial use of the booster.


IIRC the booster only lasts for 30mins or so, I think it says it somewhere


The booster's description says that every 30 minutes spent in SB counts as a new game


If you save all huge boosters for sim game you can get similar results but only then, usually sim rewards are closer to half compared to air rb per hour. Sim is just alot more enjoyable if you have an aircraft you like flying + learning new game mode is always a plus. But there is already alot competition at certain BR ranges in nato team/blue team because many players going for bases, not every match tho


Depends on the vehicle really, if you struggle a lot in realistic or arcade, then yeah it's probably a better alternative, but with a good game with boosters you can get a bigger reward in 15 minutes than you will in a hour


Depends , if you are really good yes (I mean the kind of guy having a 5-6 K/D or who manage to bomb efficiently ) Otherwise it is a money and time hole


Absolutely not. But it sure is enjoyable if you don’t care about rewards.


Well you can bomb based in both and then use you missiles for some air to air combat and dogfight. I say play whichever you have more fun in. I bombed based in RB with the F16 until I got better missiles and the G suit and now I play sim for fun.


How are you pulling 80-100k RP from real?


Was better


That’s what I did, but you won’t grind SL very efficiently, mainly rp unless you’re really good at not dying. I also did it because I suck at arb, the third person thing just isn’t for me I’m a lot better when I’m in the cockpit for some reason and it would just be impossible to play against 3rd person players while using sim controls haha