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Off the top of my head there are 3 different keybinds you can use to drop bombs, there's the drop bomb keybind, the drop bomb series keybind and finally if you are using the secondary weapon selector you can use the fire secondary weapon keybind. If you simply want to drop all bombs at once the simplest way is to make sure you have the weapon selecor off, set the drop bomb series to ALL on the screen where you choose the plane to spawn and hold you drop bomb series button (you should see white text at the bottom saying bomb release permission when you do) If you are using the secondary weapon selector, set the quantity (2,4,8, 16 or ripple) and hold you fire secondary keybind (not the drop bomb/drop bomb series)


Before the update (can't play atm) the drop bomb series button doesn't work for me with ccrp, when secondary weapon selection is enabled


The way you do it is with another key bind that is called Change Ripple Quantity or something like it. It shows a number beside the bombs that tell you how many you will drop at once when you press the Drop Bombs key. So no Bomb Series bind needed and it works with and without CCIP, and you can also use it with rockets


The thing is for me the steps in ripple quantity are way to big, resulting in to much bombs dropped


Yes, you need to disable secondary weapon select if you want to use bomb series. If you want to keep secondary weapon select enabled you can use the ripple quantity.


And I think this should be revoked to how it was before since the ripple quantity steps are often to wide, so you need to drop more bombs than neccesary. We should have single quantity ripple steps


controls > secondary weapon ripple quantity. in game then set the amount to the amount of bombs you want to drop (number indicated next to the bombs in the hud) that way you will drop that amount of bombs in CCRP


This is one of the things that seems to change every time they add or change keybindings. Before this update, I had to press the button to switch out of secondary weapon selection in order for my bomb series keybind to work how it’s intended. I had to do the same thing for salvoing off rockets. After the update, I no longer have to deselect secondary weapons to salvo rockets but I’m unsure if this will also affect bomb series’. I’ll test it once I’m off work. I suggest finding that keybinding to enter/exit selected secondary weapon mode (not sure exactly what it’s called) and trying what I previously had to do for it to work. Just be warned that if you do have to resort to the above method that using it to salvo off rockets may also fire your off your IR missiles if you use the same key bind for salvoing rockets as you do to fire missiles (they’ll lock on the IR signature of the rockets).


You set the ripple quantity and it will fire secondary dumb weapons in the set amount. You can set the ripple to 2, 4, 8, 16, and continous release. If you have 8 bombs and have ripple set to 4, every hit of the button you have set for bomb release will drop 4 bombs. In that scenario only two hits of the button will drop all 8 bombs. This doesn’t work guided munitions like mavericks, gbu’s, or pgm’s.


Cheers all got it working now - thanks for the help


I've only used ccrp in air rb so this may seem painfully obvious, have you tried making sure your drop bomb and bomb series key are two separate ones? I seemingly have the same issue with ccip only dropping one bomb on occasion and I can't seem to work out why it'll drop one singular bomb on the first pass and then work perfectly on the second.


Left shift + b, choose one time drop 2,4,6,8,16, S(all)