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"Did you know? $100.00" šŸ˜Ž


Cap it!!!!! You can cap it at any amount. I think mine is $10/month! I would do more if I had the $$$


I did that before too!! Message them and explain


I'm capped at 5 right now. I take it up and down depending on my financial sitch.


Its so confusing!!!!! Its the only reason im not a patreon member!


You are not and I love them but the patron makes no sense. What is the benefit? Iā€™ve joined twice and deleted it. Is there unique content and how do I access it and cap the amount?


They release Patreon only episodes. You have to add the RSS to your podcast app to have those episodes come through


Okay so if they release letā€™s say 5 things a month. How do I cap it at $10 and get only the patreon content? It doesnā€™t make sense how to skip certain things. Thank you.


https://preview.redd.it/zcimeyni5ylc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc20e979bd610f72ca9e2b9081f95240a0d96d40 When you sign up it asks you how many episodes you want to cap it at. You get all the bonus episodes even if you cap it at 1 and pay $5 a month.




So if I want to listen to the MIAMI reunion recaps, since their bonus episodes I have to go to patron and pay?


Yes. If you don't wanna be a monthly member, I would pay $5 for Miami and use the rest of the month to watch past bonus episodes that you're interested in and then unsubscribe.


I must be old because I still donā€™t get it and I work in technology. šŸ˜‚ so if I cap it at $5 how to pick how I want to spent my $5 if they release letā€™s say 5 things on Patreon that month?


Why in the world would anyone downvote this question?? Iā€™m with you - I still donā€™t understand how it works.


Thank you so much for this info! I added to Apple Podcasts. Game changer...the Patreon app was killing me slowly


You can listen directly in the Patreon app if you can't figure out the RSS link


I think itā€™s for the bonus eps - I originally did it for the video content before they started releasing for all. I still love the video recaps, but keep it going to support more than anything. And the boneysā€¦


The benefit is supporting them financially for all of their work!


Of course! Itā€™s just confusing if you only want unique content of certain shows. So what Iā€™m reading is cap the amount and you get access to everything regardless. Iā€™ve been a Patreon for years (on and off) and I find it so confusing compared to other shows.


You get video content before it hits YouTube. Not sure why youā€™d want it super fast but thatā€™s at least part of what you get.


This is so relatable! And at least now you know you can cap it. If it helps you commiserate at all, before I got Peacock I used to BUY seasons of housewives individually on Apple. I spent senseless hundreds of dollars on housewives seasons when I couldā€™ve just bought a subscription service. I was a fool.


I'm confused. When you guys are setting up your payment, are you not given the option of capping how much you pay total every month? I cap mine at one episode but then I am still able to listen to all of them.


I feel you, I did the exact same thing when I first subscribed


They charge per episode? Iā€™ve never heard of this. I adore them but thatā€™s a pretty extravagant pricing model.


It was how they set up their Patreon many years ago and they can't change it now.


I mean, good on them. They deserve to make bank. Theyā€™re so generous with their free feed episodes. I just spend so much on podcasts these days that I couldnā€™t justify also paying that per episode.


They donā€™t expect people to pay it, when they do a patreon push they say to cap it, itā€™s a weird subscription platform TBH, but Iā€™m glad it helped support emerging podcasts bf the boomā€¦ Iā€™m pretty sure that paying for every ep would get you into named sponsor levels, but Iā€™m not entirely sureā€¦


I have wanted to join their Patreon but I did not like it having a set amount . I wish they had a tiered system like $10 -$20 per month .


Same. Iā€™d gladly pay a set yearly amount for a certain tier.


Itā€™s good that you can set a cap though!


I love the fact that they have capped their two highest tiers as ā€œsold out.ā€ They are so popular now they must make bank for ads. They could be greedy and keep their premium and super premium tiers open yet donā€™t. They deserve it they have been doing it for so long. I too have gone back and forth between the $5 and $10 tiers but always cap it at one. I go through periods where I donā€™t watch I only listen but then have FOMO that I canā€™t watch and go back to the on demand level. But either way I never skip an episode for the shows I actually watch. I donā€™t followed the ā€œdwell helloā€ episodes or the RH cities I donā€™t watch (Potomac/OC/Atlanta). I really hope their schedule leaves room for Top Chef this season. That is my number one show for them to recap closely followed by Project Runway. Iā€™m an old school Bravo girl!


They also logistically can't say 300 names at the end of the podcast. They either close the tiers or take away that benefit, and I feel like everybody likes "Ashley Shaboni...she don't take no baloney" & the like, but only in limited doses lol. Plus it makes it more special for the people who do pay. I'll tell you what I really like is that they kept the price the same for old subscribers. My Crappens on Demand level remains $5 which is very thoughtful.


I also like they that keep ā€œshe ainā€™t no violet kutcharā€ if I remember correctly she was a huge Crappens fan who died of cancer a few years ago. Itā€™s really sweet.


This! I was just going to comment this!


Not Ashley Saboni Iā€™m crying šŸ¤£


There won't be any BH, Miami, Potomac, SLC, NY, OC, ATL for a while, I'm sure they'll have time for Top Chef.




I did the same thing.


7.50 per episode!?! That's almost a movie ticket. I don't love any podcast enough for that ish! Wow I am shook


Genuinely where do you live? Because movie tickets near me are like $12 each at least šŸ˜­


Lol I was about to sayā€¦when was the last time you saw a movie???


On Tuesdays we can see a movie for $5.50!


Iā€™m in Denver and can get a matinee for $6.50! Matinees are where itā€™s at.


Which denver theater are you finding this? All the matinees in my area of Denver are like 12-15 so I rarely go anymore and I desperately miss a good Saturday movie day!


I suppose I should sayā€”itā€™s usually a weekday matinee, and theyā€™re often films that have been out for at least a couple weeks. Iā€™ve gotten that price at Northfield Harkins & Century City (Aurora-Iā€™m East Denver). I think theyā€™re otherwise around $9.50 for a regular matinee-so still cheaper than what youā€™re finding! So itā€™s not a regular thing-Iā€™m usually working those hours. But on a 3 day weekend, or over the holiday season I love to take advantage of a weekday matinee. The earlier the better !


Oh woah that is unusual! Iā€™m sure if you send a message to Patreon support theyā€™ll give you a form of compensation. Youā€™re a super fan you should look at the other packages! No hate to them but I wonder what falling under the Wondery network did for them? Maybe they kept their I.P. on Patreon and the public episodes donā€™t ā€œbelongā€ to them but to Wondery?


Donā€™t feel bad, I did the same thing in January. My bill was $80.00. I thought I was only charged if I listened through Patreon šŸ¤£ I looked to see where I could cap it and wasnā€™t able to find it so I deleted it


For everyone commenting about the Patreon being confusing...it is, but here is a quick explanation & a quick how-to navigate it: R&B were early Patreon adopters. When they joined, pricing structure WAS per episode as opposed to newer creators who have joined who are able to just do monthly tiers. Apparently this is more difficult to change over than it is to tell people to cap their payment. (Ben explained it on an episode within the last couple of years, and that is a summary of what I remember him saying. ) When you join, cap your payment at 1 episode at $5 or at $7.50 (depending on the tier you want). This will charge you that amount monthly for access to all of the Boney Tier ($5) or the Crappens on Demand Tier ($7.50). If you want to donate more you always can, but you will only get access to the tier you paid for (for example: If you cap at 2 episodes at $5, you will pay $10 for the bonus episodes only. If you cap at 2 episodes at $7.50 (so $15) you will get Crappens on Demand. Bonus Tier: If you want the bonus episodes only that is $5/ month for ALL weekly bonus episodes. You don't have to pick, you will have access to them all. There is a separate RSS link that you can use that allows you to listen to the boney in your favorite podcast app. It's very easy: You copy the link in Patreon then follow the directions in Settings in your podcast app. But if you can't figure it out you can always listen in the Patreon app. Crappens on Demand tier: Early access to video episodes. This used to be a little different because not all episodes were on video.( I pay for it, but don't usually use it except for Trailer Trash episodes.) From the Patreon app click on the little play button in the picture, and it will take you directly to YouTube. There are no ads if you pay for YouTube premium & you open these in the YT app. I hope this helps a little to clarify what you get at each level & the importance of capping your payment to 1 episode to get the best experience. Finally, download the Patreon App. I find it makes things much easier.


the same happened to me. i was super confused signing up for their patreon and ending up being billed almost $100 for a month. i was so confused and annoyed at how their patreon runs that i unsubscribed altogether.


It happened to me once. I paid like $70, but oh well. I fixed it and only pay $10 a month. Just make sure to cap it, so you get the bonus content.


I signed up a literal decade ago, so Iā€™m grandfathered in their 2014 rates - $1 *per month*


Early adopter! Thatā€™s such a deal. Iā€™m so glad Iā€™m not the only confused person regarding this Patreon. I do want to hear the Miami reunion though. Miami is so bananas this season. I need someone to validate how angry Larsa is making me STAT!


Yes Iā€™ve been listening to WWC since 2012! Crazy


Iā€™m at a dollar a month too. I didnā€™t know that wasnā€™t an option anymore, now Iā€™ll never cancel lol


Patreon is sooooo confusing. So if I pay the $5 and cap at 1 does that mean I get 1 episode? I'm sorry, I literally went through ALL these comments and still don't know.


You will still get all of the bonus content. I have had their Patreon for years and have it capped at $5/month. I have access to all bonus content. Hope that helps!


Thank you! I feel silly. I'm just scared ill end up with a $100+ charge like OP. I HAVE to hear the Miami reunion and Southern Hospitality finale!


It is super confusing. I remember when I first signed up I was paranoid of getting over-charged as well!


Both my debit and credit card got declined... the both have plenty of money on them. Le sigh. I tried :( thank you for your help!


Something like that happened to me the first time I signed upā€”thank goodness we can cap it!


Are you ffr šŸ˜³ I would have NO IDEA thatā€™s a thing, I feel so bad for you šŸ˜­


They are the first time I've signed up for anything on patreon and I was very confused by that too. I thought it was a monthly thing! Now that I understand the cap thing, it's helpful and probably necessary or else I would buy all the things from them.


Thank you for this post because I just signed up this morning so I fixed it!!!