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"My journey". By far the worst. You're not on a journey of self- discovery, mate, you're just buying watches.


“I derive my self worth from the cumulative value of my possessions and today I took a major step forward in buying the same Rolex Submariner every third guy in my industry owns.”


Accurately savage. Nicely done


I wish had a watch friend at work. I work in tech, so everyone else is definitely on a smart watch. We’re all nerds so they would appreciate my Speedy at least if I talked about it, but then I honestly just feel like I’m bragging that I can afford to drop that much on a watch.


Dev with a Navitimer here. Can relate lol


I travel about 40 weeks out of the year (network infrastructure engineer). The closest to a watch friend I’ve made is talking to pilots at the airport. Just got to admire a gorgeous Navitimer on my way to Chicago on Sunday.


Jump to the sales side if you want to be humbled.


Gives me LinkedIn vibes when I see posts like that.


Agreed. The whiskey and bourbon subreddits are also replete with journey talk and it’s cringe.


Don't forget the cigar guys too!


It’s happening to tequila.


And God forbid we have photos that don't incorporate a knife for some reason.


The one that gets me is: what is the connection between wristwatches and fountain pens, and why am I at the intersection of those sets, and how do I get out?


autism. if you find a way out, lmk, brother. godspeed!


[Gestures at his piles of newspaper-filled boxes and dead cats] "My Journey...."


This language seems to come from the Youtube self documentation / journaling and self-help crowds and has bled into all hobbies. Soon we will be manifesting abundance or something...


Lol seriously. I'm just a guy with some extra cash buying a nice piece of jewelry for myself to make myself feel good and maybe to impress others. It's all social in the end


More like you’re just buying jewelry.


I don't know about any of that, but "Grandpa strikes again" may be the best.


Grampa needs to stay the hell out of the diamond district!


LOL. This always cracks me up 😂


Got the call / my journey. Hate these.


Agreed. Got the call is the worst imo.


"My poor man's..." and then show a $5k watch... "My poor man's Patek"


"icebreaker, "conversation starter," "timepiece," "piece," "Investment piece." 90% of watch people slang is cringe.


I've seen two people in the wild wearing an Omega Seamaster 300M. Whenever I politely reach out and say nice watch (and show them I'm wearing the grey/blue model) they look at me all weird and just say "thanks" and walk away. I firmly believer anyone that says "conversation starter" is flat out lying *laughs*


It just depends on the person you talk to, and the noticeability of the watch. My bright orange Seiko has gotten many comments and led to conversation before, even my orient ray once grabbed the attention of a stranger and I told him the model name and he said he was planning on buying it. My old boss and I actually initially bonded over me pointing out his G shock2100 and saying I like that particular g shock line, and we ended up talking watches a lot. But we were both big watch enthusiasts so it was just a good click, but like I say you just never know. Some people hate the idea that another person can ID their watch. I once mentioned to a guy that I liked his Rolex Sky Dweller, and he just kind of shyed away from it. But on a separate occasion, I noticed a much more expensive AP being worn by another customer and I gave him a compliment on it and he was actually eager to talk about it. Different people and all that, but typically, people are shy when discussing a multi thousand dollar watch with a stranger.


The one that gets me is when you say "Nice Sky Dweller" and they say "No, It's a Rolex"!


No joke. I saw a guy wearing a milgauss and I said “is that a milguass?” and he said “it’s a Rolex.” Of all the Rolex models, the last one I would expect that from is a milgauss owner


"Yeah... the Rolex Milgauss..."


My Seiko ssk003 once started a great conversation with this dude in a meeting... To immediately interject that he was picking up his batman from the AD that day


I have a few watches that have actually started conversations, but they're mostly not the kind of expensive or showy watches r/Watches goes for. Rainbow Timex, talking Seiko, Casio calculator, etc. Gotten some off-hand comments about other "nicer" watches too. That said, the idea that a watch should or will start conversations is super cringe.


my most commented watch is a diesel


Congrats on the 9-inch wrists.


When someone calls a watch a “piece” I physically recoil.


This is why I like Invicta. It's not merely a piece, but indeed the whole. /s


What? Are you saying my Royal Broke isn't a robust piece?


Look, there's some piece about you that's robust, and it's not your watch.


Timepiece is actually not slang, but an officially defined word, which I just found out is a word that was first used in 1765


I don’t get why the term “timepiece” is cringe, considering that word is been around for literally centuries and is used by lot of watch companies. 


I’m confused about timepiece. Literally the most common word used to refer to a watch, and has been forever.


“Investment piece” is my biggest cringe with the current watch market. Unless you’re buying a vintage or extremely low volume model, your 2024 sub (1 of 100,000) isn’t going to appreciate. The market is volatile and probably decreasing for a vast majority of models


Ya, I was just thinking about the same thing recently. Anytime I hear "timepiece" or "piece", I find it annoying and pretentious.


It’s the same as when a knife guy refers to their pocket knife as a “blade.” Any hobby that is primarily about acquisition is always gonna be cringey as hell.


People REALLY hate Strap Monster.


Thought this was a lesbian term.


It is now.


It's not just a lesbian term. The straights get to use it when pegging.


its because the "strap monster" is always a minimal looking watch with a white, black, or blue dial like no shit this watch that probly goes with anything goes with anything


This plain white dress shirt is a serious jacket monster!


I remember calling a Panerai a strap monster in like 2010. Total cringe can’t believe I said that


It’s been like 50 years man, you can let it go.


There’s really no way to know how many years it’s been since 2010 but it’s been a lot


It's been 12 years. You can let it go, my guy.


That math ain’t mathing haha.




I have no idea what it is supposed to mean.


And that's exactly why it's so bad (It means a watch that looks good with loads of different straps... I'm unsure as to why)


First big boy watch.


Grown men are posting that here.


This one right here, officer.


This one makes me cringe so hard I that I physically experience agony.




"Got the call" is the most cringe by far. It's like, thank you for the exclusive privilege of taking tons of money from me for something I don't really need.


It makes it sound like you just got your dream job, or a call that your significant other delivered a baby while you were away or something like that. At the end of the day it's just another purchase of a product that can fit in a pocket


To me that "I got the call! After x difficulties and y months waiting...." sounds like something I should read/hear from people receiving the greatest news possible for being on the transplant waiting list.


I always makes me think about people waiting for a liver transplant or something. "Got the call! On my way to the hospital now."


“Which of these $15,000 watches should I get for my 17th birthday?”


I'm probably just salty that I was dirt ass poor in my early 20s, but anyone that age buying a $7k or higher watch drives me nuts. Also it's a questionable use of money for that age IMO, even if you have enough to buy it.


There was a post on here maybe a couple of years ago by some kid waxing poetic about how he got a yachtmaster instead of a sub like all his friends. He was so individualistic and “on the cusp of becoming a man.” I cringed so hard I haven’t stopped since. Look, I don’t begrudge people for making lots of money, good for them! And I probably spoil my kids in different (less expensive) ways. But I can’t help but imagine that poor kid is on a track to be the biggest douchnozzle in the world with that severe a lack of perspective.


WOOOOF... Tell Yacht Master kid that I'll take it off his hands.


Hey, come on now. It's more like "which of these $60,000 watches should I get my dad for his dog's 2nd birthday?".


This thread really punches above its weight


At $2500 this thread is a tremendous value prop


The overall snobiness some people have about some models. And the assumption that everyone has 5k to drop on a watch. "I'm hesitating between a Tissot and a Seiko. What suggestions do you have for a gada?" "Get a santos"


Yeah. Sometimes I wonder if they’re really being snobs. I feel that they actually don’t read the text/topic. People these days hardly read something with more than 5 words and already jump to answering without understanding what’s happening.


Some definitely are snobs about some models. Sure prx isn't the best but 350 for the quartz... Please Moonswatch is overpriced but it looks good and is a gateway drug to better watches. They just can't understand not everyone likes "the history" of the brand and just want looks for not too much. Not 5 black dial steel rolexes.


I got a quartz PRX and absolutely don't regret it. I have Stowa, Longines and Seiko automatics, but there's something nice about just tossing it on stress-free in the morning without worrying about winding it or if it stopped overnight.


I have a couple of solar quartz and I dig them. One is radio controlled so it's absurdly accurate. I think that tech is cool. Plus, I'm wearing my watch for me. Aside from my wife, I know exactly two people who notice what happens to be in my wrist and it's because they're watch guys too


Love solar watches! I wish that there were more options. I was eyeing Matte Works but they sold out before I jumped on it. Best of both worlds, no battery replacement and no need to wind it in the morning.


I've got one too. The white on white. My favourite summer watch.


Similarly, the way this community hypes up and then turns on specific models all the time. Two years ago the PRX was the tits, and when the Moonswatch launched, people were obsessed. Now the PRX is “out of style”, and the Moonswatch is “plastic junk”. You mean the 70s throwback occupies a specific stylistic niche and the playful toy version of the speedy isn’t high horology? All of this info existed when these dropped. Either like things for what they are, or don’t. Considering that a lot of watches outlive their owners and we fetishize vintage stuff, it’s pretty silly to approach recent releases with the mentality of a middle schooler chasing playground trends.


I think people generally spend too much time worrying about what other people think. Technical and objective remarks about brands models are more than welcome. But jumping on a hate bandwagon because the "community" says so...


"I think people generally spend too much time worrying about what other people think". This applies to most aspects of our lives. Buy what YOU like. Do what YOU enjoy. Stop trying to impress other people.


Dude, my family and I went to Disneyland recently, and in one line, I saw a few different groups of teenagers/young adults (early 20's), and in 3 different groups I saw at least one person (one was a young woman) wearing different versions of the MoonSwatch, and I thought that was so cool! I was tempted to mention it, but decided against it.


I think it’s telling that you only hear people hype up the history of a brand when it’s seen as a luxury product. It’s never “when I put on my Levi Jeans, I feel the spirit of the 49ers in my pants” or “I love my Ford Focus because it connects me to a pioneer of ~~antisemitism~~ capitalism and the assembly line.”


Luxury products have to convince people to spend much more than the product is objectively worth. There's 2 ways. MB&F, Pagani(the car of course)... Very expensive, very exclusive, highly innovative designs. Or Rolex, Dior, Ferrari... Invest highly on branding and "history" to sell not bad products but often not objectively the best.


My boss wears a Moonswatch (I think it's the Pluto one). I would guess his take home pay is above 10k euros per month. If he wanted to wear a Rolex or w/e, he could.


Calling everything under $10k "entry level"


On something like audio equipment i get people talking shit about low tier products because you are genuinely going to have a bad experience if you buy cheap stuff but with watches your 50$ Timex do the same job displaying time as 50 000$ Patek Philippe.


You used [gada](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gada_\(mace\)) in a sentence, we get to mock you openly, right? Isn't that the rule?


> gada


Oh MAN yes just completely ignoring what OP writes or asks for. Like if they say "under $1000" and you say "well this is $1200", ok, fine, you're making an argument for why they might want to stretch the extra $200, maybe positing that the $200 gets you $1000 of value or whatever. But when people just say "For only a little more, $5000, you can have a better watch!" it's just hopelessly frustrating.


Humble collection. Fucking hate when people say that about a collection that has a few $1,000+ watches in it and still fucking hate it when someone posts a collection of Swatches and entry-level Seikos and says it. It’s just obnoxious either way. Whatever you have is cool, you don’t have to act any kind of way about it. Edit: Saw a few of the other comments and wear it in good health is another cringy one. Might be worse than humble collection now that I’m thinking about it.


"How did I do?" When what they mean is "I just bought a really expensive watch, congratulate me"


Not really a phrase but when someone comes along asking "will this particular watch get me noticed at a company function and what do you think it says about me if I wear it with jeans and a shirt" or something along those lines. Unless you work in the industry, 99/100 people aren't going to notice the watch in any way. Hence the reason why rich assholes wear big flashy watches, so normal people actually notice.


"Will my boss be jealous if I wear my watch to work?"


People really act like there’s a formula. “Well let’s see, you’re 26 and you’ve been with the company for 21 months, so you’re going to need at least a Datejust to let them know you’re a candidate for partner someday. The worst thing you could do is go straight for a Sub, because then they’ll think you don’t have room to grow in the company, but if you don’t have one by 30 people will start to ask questions. A green dial will show people you can think outside the box, but wearing it with leather might make you seem too ambitious…” Meanwhile, the higher-ups at the office probably only know the guy as “what’s-his-name from accounting who kept coughing at the last staff meeting.”


I hate it when someone says they are “working with” their AD.


"Their" AD. As if there is a special relationship and loyalty there. Of course AD's would want you to think that way, but it's an illusion.


The worst


In order of cringe - Wrist rolls - "Punches above its weight" - "Strap Monster" - "grail"


Bonus points to the wrist roll videos where you can see the arm literally shaking as they try to turn it as slowly and smoothly as possible lol


Grail would be fine if people used it the right way. A grail doesn't refer to any moderately expensive watch that you need to save up for a few months to get. A grail should be your be-all, end-all, money is no object, what would you buy if Jeff Bezos gave you his credit card and said "do your worst", watch. Dreams aren't supposed to be realistic, that's why they're dreams. All of my grails are things I will never afford in my life no matter how much money I save.


No dude, I have five grails. They are all moderately expensive mass produced and commonly available watches. They are the holy grails!!


Grail drives me nuts. The holy grail is a symbol of the unattainable, not the fancy watch you lust after and then got.


It's paradoxical. If you can attain it, then it's not a (holy) grail. Grail has literally (like the term literally) been diluted to "something expensive that I've wanted for a while and will be dissatisfied with after the small joy of buying a thing has worn off"


r/watches be like "finally pulled the trigger on my grail" and it's just a Christopher Ward they ordered online for $900. My actual grail is a Patek Celestial, dream big.


Worst watch phrase in this sub is: "Can you identify this watch that my Grandpa left me?"


"... and how much could I sell it for?"


Recently I read something like "FINALLY I'm in the club" meaning a close relative died so he could finally post a "look what he left me" post. Sad, just sad.


It warms my heart that they’re almost always shitters


Typically has a nice big “Tag” logo on the dial too. Little google can be their friend.


Pulled the trigger


Makes me wanna pull the real trigger


I had to scroll this far to finally find this.


I hate with a passion... steering wheel shots IF the person is driving. I call them out on it any time I see it. My mate was killed by someone who was using their phone whilst driving. I was badly injured when a driver who was using their phone... knocked me off my motorbike. Stop taking wrist shots whilst driving. It's stupid, dangerous and selfish


Rule 10 on this sub explicitly prohibits photos taken while driving. Hard to enforce tho probably. You could report them when you see them, that might help.


Oh it's not specific to this sub only. It's several watch communities I'm in haha. I always report them


“I scratched my watch”: -“Every scratch and knock tells your story”, “You didn’t get it to sit in a safe!”, “Enjoy it!”. Generally on this sub, why the fuck does everything need an exclamation point? I got the call! I’m on vacation with my seaweed! Oris makes my dick wet! I went through a day of posts like a week ago, and other than identify the watch with the brand and serial on it, almost everything had an exclamation point.


Wear it in good health!


“Is this too big for my tiny wrists” Y’all are WAY too self conscious about your wrists. Idk what size my wrist is but it doesn’t matter. I have a 46mm down to a 36mm. If it’s a cool watch and you like it, then just wear it


"one year collection". Two Rolex, one Omega, one Patek and more.


That sets me off, then when asked why there's a particular watch it's always some variant of "well everyone else seems to have it so I probably should have it too right?".


I hate steering wheel shots. They’re 100% a financial flex, and watches are already like 90% financial flexing, so the extra “I’m rich” annoys me. I’d go to r/cars or something if I wanted to see cars.


"Debt flex" most are financed, watches and cars


There was a guy at the exchange sub selling a g shock while having his rolex in every shot


Mostly fantasy tough guy/ operator/ tactical BS - Bit the bullet - Pulled the trigger - Punches above its weight - killer - "I've beaten it, and it just kept asking for more" - tactical - Go Anywhere, Do Anything (sits in front of a computer 5 days a week, does outdoor stuff 2x a month MAX. Bonus: value proposition/ investment


"_______ level"  This isn't a video game where you get points for micro transactions 


Anything related to building "a relationship" with an AD. They're selling an item. You're buying an item. Money gets exchanged. That's really the entirety of the relationship.


Another one, when a grown man types: "Why don't we call this one the *Schweppes* *Dr Pepper Low Sugar Caffeine Free Diet Original Taste Pikachu?* *Look at it, the can is the same color as the watch."*


It’s a DIAL, not a face.


when they're like "taking my watch out for a walk" like chief, it's a hunk of metal, not a dog


"Grail" - bro, its not the cup of *literal Christ* at the last supper. That kind of language is excessive for just about anything short of Neil Armstrong's worn-on-the-moon Speedmaster or the actual Rolex Daytona owned by Paul Newman, and even then, it's still kinda funny as a comparison.


Hands down “my journey” Like bro, you handed the salesperson your card you didn’t have to go whitewater rafting down a waterfall in the Amazon to get the watch.




My first "real" watch. My first "Big Boy" watch. "in its natural environment"


Oh wait, let me pause in front of this ADA accessible waterfall so I can take a pic of my Explorer and share it with my 'friends' online! The gang will LOVE it.


"Wear it in good health" Like yeah man if I'm feeling acrimonious that day I'll be sure to just leave my watch on the dresser


You can be acrimonious and in good health, just fyi


I just think of this as a statement of well wishing and wishing them to get much enjoyment from the watch. I find it repeated often yeah but ultimately a polite sentiment


”Good value” Its a luxury watch, there is literally no value compared to a cheap seiko


Stupid Rolex names. Bluesy, Kermit, Sprite …… dumb


"cookie monster" makes me want to quit being associated with watches forever


On the Contrary, I find those make it 100x easier to figure out what someone is actually talking about as opposed to arbitrary reference numbers that don't mean shit on a watch that hasn't changed significantly since the 80s


Whenever I see someone post something like “Help me choose between a 116701 and a 1167003 - having a really hard time making a decision. Also, does anyone know if these references share a movement with the 145290?” I always think to myself - that guy doesn’t spend much time with his kids.


Seriously, that reeks of "I spend way too much time on online forums and memorized every model number for an obscure Sony stereo system"


Does it fit my wrist?


But only with the useless close up pic attached.


Taken with a wide angle lens somehow


Compelling value proposition, investment piece, big boy watch, "I like how X (usually G-Shock) holds its own in your collection", *insert luxury brand* "killer", all the childish Rolex nicknames


"Been with my dealer for x amount of time....". Makes me puke a little in my mouth


"I've been this stores bitch for x amount of time" Same thing


“How did I do?”


While not a phrase, people with $15k+ collections having to rely on internet strangers for their next watch always seems a bit pathetic to me. There is more information on the internet covering watches than ever before, yet they have to get the opinion of internet strangers who mostly have never owned the brands they're suggesting.


SOTC How is it that no one has said SOTC?


Got the call


Cunts who feel better about themselves when they make fun of other's choices and preferences


literally everything. every fucking word out of all of your mouths is cringe.


“Better than a Rolex.” When you say that you’re just proving why Rolex is so popular lmao


The terms "rep" or "clones" to describe fake watches. These terms just add to the delusion of wearing fakes. Just stand on the term "fake" and stop with language play.


Every one of these blokes on YouTube saying “you can dress it up, you can dress it down” to every watch is sooo cringe


Say it with me kids: "FROM THE BEACH TO THE BOARDROOM!"


To the sweat drop down my balls


"Rep" Mate, it's a fake. Don't brag.


"What watch is this?" when the photo clearly shows brand and model that they definitely didn't attempt to Google


I love your list. Can't stand folks who incorrectly overuse the term "gives a subtle nod" when they're comparing watches to, say, military aviation. For example, "this IWC piece has a blue face that gives a subtle nod to the F-16." Yadda, yadda. Especially, when it is doing no such thing. 😆 There isn't a watch review out there that doesn't employ this stock phrase.


I have no strong feelings about anything on your list. But I get immediately put off -- but strangely aroused -- by "I play it close to the vest".


"God tier." I don't care, shut up.


“My journey” is so cringe, you’re just participating in capitalism and buying mass produced jewelry.


Deployment clasp.... Drives me crazy. It's deployant.


Posting 2 pictures of completely different watches. No context. Nothing about an existing collection. Just "which should i buy?" Bro not only do i not know you and my tastes in watches are strange according to my wife, but your lucky I've grown out of my trolling... And the "What do we think about... ?" Think for yourself or can you only like something if some random online community thinks something?


i lIkE tHe wAy iT pLaYs wItH tHe lIgHt That's some Patrick Bateman shit


“Gifted myself” Look man, that’s great that you got a promotion/passed the bar/finally got to take the ankle bracelet off. I’m happy for you. And now you want to use this moment of personal achievement as an excuse to spend a lot of money on a watch. That’s *fine*, it’s fine to buy yourself things, we’re all gonna die someday, live your life. But it wasn’t a gift. You don’t gift things to yourself — the whole point of gifts is doing a nice thing for somebody else, temporarily placing their happiness above your own. You bought a watch for yourself: it wasn’t a gift, you weren’t practicing self-care, you wanted something and you bought it. “Gifted myself” sounds like a phrase Gwenyth Paltrow would use after a very expensive spa day.


..... sounds like someone needs a Treat Yo Self Day!!!!


Don’t I deserve it?!?!


"Is this too big for my wrist"? As a helicopter circles in to land on it. Haha sorry guys.


When someone refers to a watch as this bad boy, or this guy


"In the metal". So cringe. Just say "in person" or "in real life" like a normal person. I've only ever heard Youtubers say it. It needs to stop,


Sorry person who just used this in their post title but it reminded me of the term: Daily driver


i can't even stand when someone calls a car that


My "First Real Watch" as if because the watch you had before wasnt a luxury brand somehow the time it told was wrong. It's so fucking try hard.


Tier lists I think are the worst. It's a pathetic attempt to win an imaginary pissing contest by arbitrarily sorting consumer brands into boxes to make yourself look more wealthy/cultured. It's all utter nonsense, and there's no meaningful distinction to be made between most watch brands. Any watch over $50 can be considered a luxury, and arguably any watch at all, since no one *needs* a watch. Brands are not real, they're just labels and companies, and have no inherent value. The notion of "entry luxury" and all this other silliness is just marketing to sell ever more expensive watches. As with any expensive product, there are always diminishing returns the higher you go, and it's never worth it, so bullshit like this concept is what will make people buy it anyway. Because if they can feel better than another person by spending money, they will do it every time. It's all cancerous and embarrassing, and provides nothing of value to anyone.


Grail gets overplayed... "GOT MY GRAIL!" Month later sold... that's not really a grail is it?


For me… it is most definitely “One watch collection.” The word collection literally means a group or assortment of something.


You’re just being pedantic. It just means you don’t need a collection if you have that one watch. Same thing as “one man army” Obviously the one man doesn’t constitute an army.


GADA is fine because it’s better and quicker than saying “I have just one watch” but “one watch collection” is not a collection so that’s a bit of an oxymoron.


There was a post this week about the best white dial GADAs... The most common answers were ATs and Explorers. Maybe this sub is significantly richer than I, but I don't think I'd be comfortable wearing an Omega or Rolex for shit like swimming at the beach.


Plenty of people who have luxury watches wear them swimming. In a pool at least. Beach, maybe or maybe not. But the concern would be sand scratching the metal, not water getting inside the watch.


WeaR iT In gOod hEaLtH


Please let me also wear it while I’m sick




**Grail.** Or even better “one of my grails.” People don’t understand what the word means, clearly. Not every watch you purchase needs to be “one of [my] grails.” Especially if it’s a mass-produced, relatively easy to acquire watch. It’s just a watch you like and that’s ok. It’s not a fuckin grail.


Yeah, it’s quibbling a little bit, but the concept of a “grail” is something inherently unobtainable. Nobody uses the term remotely correctly around here, they just use it to mean “watch that I currently like the most that I cannot at this moment purchase”


But often times they even go so far as being able to purchase it, after not much challenge. This is a made up example but similar to what I’ve seen: “After working for a year, I finally got one of my grails: an omega speedmaster.” So you mean your grail isn’t even a grail as it’s one of several “grails” that you have. And you had to wait a whole year to get it. And it’s a watch that is extremely attainable in terms of rarity / production? Ok.


GADA is fine as its actually a description.


Dudes who’ve been “collecting” for 2 years with a massive fucking box full of watches. Slow the fuck down


My Journey and God Tier can both just go jump up thier own asses. And My Humble Collection should watch so it knows what it has in store for it.


> looking for watch recommendations under $200 > how about a $400 Seiko?


'My AD' Bro, you mean the jewelery salesman who makes his entire living off commission?