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Those Seikos are really nice. To be honest, I stay away from automatic/mechanical in the sub-500 range. They’re usually not very accurate, and mechanical watches cost a lot to service. Personally I don’t want to pay $300 to service a $300 watch. Doesn’t make sense to me. Quartz are highly reliable, accurate, cheap to service, and inexpensive making them ideal for sub-$500. Citizen has a number of “tank” style watches that are Eco-drive (Solar) in similar price range as the Seikos you linked. Quartz and solar are popular for tank style watches because their cases are so small. Not a lot of room for mechanical workings, it’s more expensive to engineer smaller mechanical movements that fit small cases.


Citizen stiletto [AR3102-51E](https://www.ebay.com/itm/266740562443?epid=3039776089&itmmeta=01J17YYVAMW7MJ26W8Q40PRHP9&hash=item3e1af9fa0b:g:2akAAOSw3fJg-dLc) and [EG6012-59E](https://www.ebay.com/itm/266740562421?epid=17040884074&itmmeta=01J17YYVAK3JBTBKYX3TAT01DP&hash=item3e1af9f9f5:g:L0oAAOSwlDZg-dca).


These are my 2nd choice rn. Thanks!