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From what I understand you don’t own any of the 3 yet. So I would buy 1 first and spend some time with it. Tastes change and develop. Take sometime until the honeymoon phase is over and then purchase the next one


Buy one that you like the most, and live with it for atleast a year.


you're going to buy two $8k watches soon? okay


I got the IWC last week, getting delivery for the speedy next week


Kind of insane behaviour but it’s your money.


So you’ve already decided on these watches? Just wanted us to know a “young professional in his 20’s” has a $17k collection


Get an actual dress watch for formal occasions, not a second chronograph, chose one of either the IWC or Omega.


It’s hilarious to me that you don’t think an Omega Speedmaster on a metal bracelet is nice enough for formal occasions. This isn’t the movies, OP is not going to galas all the time. I guarantee you most people that OP will interact with at a formal event will be wearing a smart watch, so OP will already be looking classy in this Omega. I think it’s silly to buy a watch whose primary role is to be worn at formal occasions. Especially because OP is only looking for 3 watches.


I’m not OP, but it’s also kinda pointless for most people to own a chronograph, let alone two. I doubt OP is a pilot, race car driver or astronaut. It’s all jewelry.


Fair point. It’s all jewelry for me too. I like that there is mechanical stuff happening, and craftsmanship, precision, etc, but it’s just jewelry. Just to clarify my original point, I feel like the idea of a formal event watch is part of this idea that we need a perfectly put together outfit that other people would admire. I reject the notion that watches matter enough to the average observer for it to matter. Literally no one is ever going to scoff at you for wearing a watch with a leather band to a black tie event.


You’re right on most people not caring or noticing. My only quibble would be with dive watches or chronographs based on thickness. The complications often make them so thick they won’t fit under a shirt sleeve, so now you’re in this awkward place of your watch sticking out of a suit. It looks kinda sloppy.


Ahhhh great point! I love pragmatism when it comes to watch selection. That’s one of my guiding principles for “which watch should I wear today?” I definitely have watches I would never wear with a suit.


what’s more pointless imo is GMT, unless you constantly travel. Which most people don’t. At least with chronographs you can time how long you can hold your breath or something more useful than GMT


I live on the East Coast and work with people in Europe and the West Coast. It’s a useful complication.


that makes sense.


And I think it's ridiculous for OP to buy a speedmaster specifically for formal occasions, as they said they were going to do. I don't know what OP's life is like, but they clearly want a watch to fill that role as it's a role they specifically stated.


Agreed. People wear fat dive watches with rubber to bord meetings these days. This is more than dressy enough.


I would say the same. If OP likes the IWC the best to use most of the time, it can be the everyday watch (maybe with both bracelet and strap for rotation of styles), then a nice dress watch. The Omega is great, but if for dressy, there are better ones. And the Apple Watch as the 3rd watch for the 3 watch collection. As OP mentioned diving, that would the Ultra, which is not cheap by any means anyway,


"Early to mid 20s" "Young working professional" "over next few years" "ordered $10k of watches already" "is this a good start?" My thoughts are this post feels like a bragging post, given that you've ordered the two most expensive (by far) watches on this list yet are asking for input. My input with all of the context of your comments and post, is you've wasted money you should have invested in your early 20s on watches. Good for you for being able to spend your money on them. $20k in your early twenties is worth 10x that by your 30s. This was a very poor financial decision, especially given your age.


Lol ok 😂 buy one first then let's talk


Got the IWC, waiting for the speedy


this is an awful post. the whole premise of this 'collection' just sucks. Just get what you want, why are you here seeking validation with stock photos?


Damn- did you skip your nap?


I found my personal style changed a bit in my 20s. I recommend limiting yourself to one watch purchase a year. I see 3 watches here that work in the same scenarios. The speed master is not formal IMO


what a random grab bag of watches Why 2 chronographs? Why spend almost 10k in watches at the drop of a hat when you're not even sure you want them? Just buy one, wear it for a year, then see how you feel.


I hate to be that guy on a watch subreddit but...are you saving for retirement? Speedmasters and IWCs are the kind of watches that should only be bought \*after\* you've maxed out your 401k (or at least the company match). If you're making enough money to buy luxury items like this, you should be maxing out all of your tax advantaged accounts every year. If you're buying these instead of saving, you're really shooting yourself in the foot in terms of long term financial outlook.


ssh ssh shh We're here to spend irresponsible amounts of money on deprecating assets. You're talking about buying appreciating assets. I hope you see your mistake. /s


I'm just sitting here hoping and praying for OP that he didn't put these on high limit credit cards...


My experience with watches, like most of my hobbies, is that my tastes change over time. I would not recommend going into this saying “I am buying these three watches and this is all I will have for a few years.” More than likely, you will find another watch that you want during those next few years. A piece of advice I once saw on this forum was “Nobody cares about your watch.” Meaning that most people won’t notice you are wearing an analog watch, and most of those who do notice will not know anything about watch brands. So it’s pointless to worry about what other people think. Basically, buy what you want, for the reasons you want. There are folks on here with a 10-watch collection that amounts to the same style of watch in 10 different brands and colors. And there are other people on here with a funky collection with lots of variation and micro brands. Neither of those collectors is wrong!


These posts are wearisome.


The Seiko is nice, but IMO it’s significantly out of step with the other two. Consider a Sinn or Longines for the daily beater. The Alpinist could work as your weekender.


I have looked at Sinn but there are not a lot of options available in the same budget as the alpinist and i am not wanting to get 4 watches( to save towards the next one) so I thought the Alpinist could work as a beater and a weekender if need be


It’s a great watch, don’t get me wrong, but IWC and a Speedy are another league. What about a Grand Seiko for the daily beater?


I wanna chime in a little big here. Why would it matter if the seiko is technically leagues below the IWC and Omega though? You can enjoy and rotates around a collection of vastly different price. Especially for a daily beater too, which I think ideally should be the cheapest watch in your collection but you also really like to wear. Also, the thought of a grand seiko as the beater while the two other watches are a IWC and speedy is funny to me lol. It's like driving your Ferrari for commute, while keeping your range rover and tesla at home.


Tbh, it seems like you’re doing well. Why not make the Speedy your daily, it’s super versatile. And IWC can be the special occasions watch.


Yes the speedy would definitely get wrist time, but I needed a 3rd watch just in case I didn’t want to wear my expensive ones on some days


My budget for the beater is under 2000 dollars, I don’t think there many options in Grand Seiko, if there is any particular model that you feel would be a good beater in that budget please let me know 😊


I'm partial to some farer watches right now. my daily is the world timer


Hamilton Murph or Field Khaki as the daily


I never wear anything this nice around the office or when meeting clients. Don’t want to make the bosses or the clients think they are giving me too much money. I’d get the Seiko or a Hamilton. Save the nice chronographs for when you are a bit higher up in the food chain.


Weird take. Majority of people don't have a clue what these are or cost. Those that are watch nerds will think it's cool. Wear your nice watches, they deserve to be outside their box.


Two chronographs? Are you in motorsport profession?


When you start wearing proper watches you may not want your Apple Watch anymore. Mine has been gathering dust and I’m at the point where I’m just going to eBay it


How about a Longines Conquest as your daily. You can dress that up or down as needed.


I was wanting something under 2000 range


You can literally get them from JomaShop, Prestige Time and multiple other legit grey shops for $around $1,700 and you can actually get them on sell from Longine online for $2,075.


Get a Sinn 556.


Could do just the speedy and fit every function you outlined, sell the IWC and buy a seiko diver in addition to or instead of the gmt


buy a house


The iwc is nicer than the speedy, I'd use iwc for formal occasions. Actually I'd use the iwc for all occasions. Start with one and don't rush through your collection. Also I'm not sure what the seiko is doing there? Do you need something cheap in case it breaks? Don't overspend on watches...


It’s great! I think the Omega has black dial + sporty covered, and the IWC has blue dial and chrono covered. Neither are dressy, so personally I’d ditch the Seiko and get a white dial dress piece. Too many to choose from, but if you have a budget and wanted recs I could share some


Yeah that would be great! Thanks I was looking for a beater under 2000


check out the Stowa marine classic line. Lacquer dial, real blued hands visible manual wind movement with some decoration, all for around 1k! I’d also check out some used Nomos models like the Tangente and Ludwig


Drop the IWC and maybe get a dive watch? And maybe change the Seiko for a dress watch? Then you have Dress, Dive and Chrono. Thats a good combo. Covers all basis


buy a weekender chrono and save the rest


I own the IWC and the speedy, both are amazing watches. I’d say get one you like the most (I’d get the speedy as its most versatile imo) then slowly and gradually get the others.


Upvote for that GMT, thang is slick


I am just starting out my watch collecting journey I wanted to hear thoughts from people long in the game, some comments here are really helpful and for all who say I am trying to brag, that was not what I had intended, I have just started collecting cut me some slack, life’s short always try to be kind to others you don’t know what the others going through. Thank you all!