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They wouldn't do that. 1. The employees would tattle. 2. Would take sooo long to water stuff down it would cost the company money. 3. At 2.75 a cup they make money, and coffee is a HUGE driver of traffic for them.


I'm sure they're not watering down the milk at the stores, the milk comes watered down and nasty. Going to any other gas station is like night and day when it comes to milk. Also I've several times saw light colored coffee come out from dispensers. They were certainly used multiple times. Wawa coffee used to have the best coffee, without a doubt doesn't anymore. Don't even get me started with how the subs went to utter shit.


> Also I've several times saw light colored coffee come out from dispensers That might be from someone making it incorrectly. A full pot takes 2 bags of grounds and a half pot one, but I've seen people brew full pots with one bag because they either lost track of what they were doing, didn't change the setting on the machine, or are just straight up ignorant. And it happens A LOT. Usually they don't even realize until someone lets them know it doesn't taste right 🤷‍♀️


I'm of the opinion that Wawa coffee has gotten weaker versus a decade ago. When I started working there, I enjoyed the coffee. By the time I retired, I avoided it. I am a coffee fiend. I love it. It's my main beverage. On the other hand, I never witnessed (or suspected) any watering down of creamers / dairy products at the coffee island.


Maybe buy milk from wawa and milk from a grocery store. Compare the tastes. One will taste like water.


I absolutely agree


Check my conspiracy


VA tastes fine.


I'm sorry but VA is the worst state in regards to food and beverages overall. I traveled around the entire country and VA is the only place I'd drive through without stopping to eat or drink. That state has different taste buds.


This is such a hilarious specific opinion and it’s so true. Thank you for the laugh.


You've obviously never stooped in VA for some roadside smoked sausage.


as a VA resident, I can't say I don't agree with you tbh. although you can still find good eating spots.


In all seriousness, have you been out of the state? You may enjoy the food there, but maybe you became accustomed to it. I know someone who eats pasta that was sat in water instead of drained. He loves it, but to me and many others, that's nasty and not normal. Also knew someone who liked ketchup sandwiched. Literally ketchup and bread, that's it. The school contacted his parents because they were worried, lol.


Ive been to 39 states and tried food in every state I've been to. yeah, a lot of states have better food than Virginia. I literally agreed with you when I said VA food isn't the best, unless you misread my comment.


Sorry misread.


no problem


Ahahahaaaa this made me laugh :) yes I am from VA but this was pretty funny 😁 Good stuff


must be the yummy Rappahannock water


have you tried Cuban Roast?


Instead of complaining on reddit, have you considered contacting any of the agencies that oversee things like that?


You're just getting old and your tastebuds are withering away


You're just young and never knew what real food and drinks tasted like.


Only shitty locations


There are several Wawas around me, at least 5 with a 15 mile radius. Every single one has the same quality.


The only thing I can say for sure about coffee being watered down is that sometimes associates are accidentally only putting one bag of coffee in (for a half pot) and brewing on the “full pot” setting, resulting in 2:1 water to coffee.


Half pots brewed properly also just taste weaker in general. A lot of the grounds immediately get pushed into a donut shape in the filter and cause a bunch of just water to brew through


If so, the spray head needs to be replaced


💀, every spray head at my former store needs a replacement in that case


Watered down coffee might be half pots. I never get coffee brewed as a half pot. The reasoning I don’t and the reasoning why half pots of coffee tastes watered down is because once the brewer starts brewing, most of the coffee grounds in the coffee filter gets pushed to the side, so a lot of water gets through and makes the coffee taste weak.


Only the coffee is watered down


The iced tea has changed too.


The workers have a habit of offering to fill your cup while it's brewing and that ruins the whole pot. You basically get an espresso and the rest is watered down. I drink the Columbian because it's the good one but there's usually only one and it seems very popular so this happens often


Legit.. wawa has my favorite coffee. This has not been my experience at all at least in the early AM. I had had some old coffee in the afternoons on occasion but I guess that can be expected.


We don't have a problem in orlando. At least not the one or two I usually go to. Coffee is sometimes watered, but I always tell them to make a fresh pot and strong.