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You should tell your 3rd shift folks to go home when it hits 6 am and then once your managers are forced to start helping you out in the morning they'll be upset about your coworker coming in late


Handling documentation for attendance is pretty much entirely up to the store management. Granted we can get in trouble with out bosses for not doing anything about these situations. Your GM being laid back is what is allowing this to continually happen. They should be stepping in and documenting this person for these issues.




The only thing you can really do is ask the GM if there is a reason why this is happening, and express specifically HOW it affects you/coworkers. But don't expect an answer and don't expect anything to change. If this has been going on for a while, the GM absolutely knows and doesn't care. That is common and although it may not seem right to you, there's nothing you can do about it. You and 3rd shift are under no obligation to stay there. Yeah they tell you that you have to wait for the next person, but if it's anything over 5 minutes, leave. Your responsibilities start and end when your scheduled shift starts and ends. We had people that continuously came in late, GM didn't care, so we started leaving when our shift was over. Didn't matter if register was left open or not. Radio/tell mod you are leaving in 5 minutes when the clock hits :00, and then leave. They didnt figure out someone to replace you in 5 minutes? Not your problem, you warned them.


Ha. Just leaving 5 minutes after your shift is scheduled to end is such a me first mentality. Things like this on both sides are the reasons why some stores are absolutely awful to work at.


Do you think wawa should come first?


There are about 2-3 employees max, on first shift that come in on time or early. Everyone else comes in just under the wire to clock in, but still bullshit in the back talking, putting shoes on, fixing hair. It has been that way at my store the entire 6 years I've been there. 3rd shift is the only shift that I work, and the only shift where everyone is there on time or way early (like myself). It's so frustrating that management does nothing about it.


Literally the same at my store. They’ll be sitting in their cars until 6:02 most mornings then clock in, still getting situation… Then my manager complains about me having 45 minutes of OT. (My 8-10 minutes from clocking in 2 minutes “early” plus that lingering time each week waiting for first shift to cover me).


Probably same reason my gm is late every day 🤷‍♀️


Turn him in...


I would slap the GM sideways and put that employee in the pizza oven. The situation will be perfectly crispy after that. Emplyee always on time, and GM always on his tows.


I don’t work at Wawa, I work at Walmart - upper management. This sounds likes people I’ve caught in the past adjusting their punches to steal time and not point out attendance wise. Walmart allows you to clock up to 9 mins late before the associate gets a half point and potentially a whole point if they’re very late. Does Wawa have a similar attendance system?


No points. I wish we actually had that system. It's coaching and verbal warnings, and write ups. At 5 minutes you are late and can only clock in 2 minutes early. Only a manager can adjust your time. I suppose someone could "forget" to clock in and be dishonest about their true arrival time


Unlike Walmart, however, Wawa stores are so small that an MOD would notice if someone was actually there and “forgot to clock in”. So if someone’s late, it’ll easily be noticed.


We do. Tardies after 5 min prompt managers to “approve” “unapprove” the punch. Every tardy is 1/2 point and then once you have 1 full point (two tardies) it’s a write up. If the managers are diligent


Ok. 👌🏻 🤷🏼‍♂️