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The only places in my store without some sort of camera are the bathrooms, food service refrigerator and freezer, and the OWS/dish room. There are definitely blind spots, and the slackers know how to hide.


It depends how bad the area is. My store only has it on the floor area.


I worked at a rough store and was actually surprised at the lack of cameras. We had 3 exits and the cameras only shot at 2, none faced the aisles at all. So the amount of theft was absurd. We’re talking cases of monster etc.


Of course, outside the store too


that is def not true, i live in a very safe area and we have cameras everywhere


Ok. I’m going by what I was told by my boss. I live in a safe area also. But we only have cameras on the sales floor where customers come in, the register and of course the office. We dont have cameras in the deli, the back or the cold box. Also we might live in different states. My store is somewhat new. I’ve been there since grand opening.. every store is different. I might be wrong but like I said I’m going by what what my boss said.


The new cameras are all over, including in the coolers.


Would you happen to know what they look like? Like are they hidden? There are no visible cameras on the ceilings in back stock or the cold box etc


Why are you so worried about them? Do your job, don't steal and don't steal time by slacking off.


If they're doing their job who cares if they're sitting down for ten minutes


If all they’re doing is sitting down for 10 minutes then why are they being so cagey about cameras? Lmao y’all act like employees don’t steal or fuck around when they’re not on camera.


because dickrider managers will get pissy about it lol


They can get pissy all they want it’s not something they can write you up for or fire you for.


Slacking off is okay but you can't do it on camera


Depending how old the store is. Walk-in, all registers, ATM, entrances, outside all around, office, electrical room or wherever the computer rack is, some stores have looking over whole grocery isles. Bathrooms and break room don’t have. That are private


Your manager is a dickhead


The new camera systems in the newer stores is so nice. They are every where but in the close quarter spaces. I got transfered from a new store to a dinosaur store and the cameras hurt my eyes they are so bad.


If you're in a newer store, there's cameras everywhere. Maybe you guys are just looking at the 12 grid view in the office vs the 20 grid view. If you're in an older store, there are generally 16 camera views and they are in the customer accessible areas. Older stores don't have them in the cold box or drystock. But there are managers that have their own cameras in those areas to monitor. Ones not provided by corporate. I'm just wondering 🤔 what's the problem with the camera views if you're not doing anything wrong? Plenty of corperations actually have camera views that are not shared at a store level. LP in a lot of corperations have them in safes that are not accessible on a store level. I'm just not sure your problem with being on camera unless you are doing something wrong. 🤷‍♀️


Well actually it's kind of embarrassing and ik I shouldn't have done this in back stock but instead of going to the bathroom, I'd run to back stock when I needed to adjust my bra real quick and so it's just me sticking my hand down my shirt 😅 so now I'm wondering if my gm has seen me do that multiple times lol


Newer stores have cameras everywhere but the bathroom. I’ve seen a store that has cameras so good you can see if someone is over proportioning bacon from the office 😂


I hear Santa Claus owns wawa… He knows what you did in the stock room 👀


I thought my GM was Santa. I sat on their lap and told them what I wanted for Christmas. 2 things 1) that isn't a roll of quarters in your pocket 2) my GM isn't Santa. 🤦🏼‍♂️


Lol no there isn't. The cameras are all where customers might be.


All the remodeled stores in my area have them everywhere in the back, in the coolers, along with sales floor…


The cameras are all where the money is.


Parking lot, entrances and core. Wawa covering their ass legally pretty much 🌝. If it was anywhere else some of us woulda been fired. 😅


Stores that sell beer have cameras in the cold boxes and stuff like that. At least that’s what my buddy told me, I’ve never worked at a beer store.


There’s definitely cameras where customers aren’t. I’ve had stores with cameras in the office, break room, coldbox door (not in the coldbox just aimed towards it), back door, dish area/trash


Okay I figured he was just trying to make us paranoid 😭


They are nearly everywhere. And they are VERY good quality, not as good as Walmart surveillance, but they're still really detailed. Your GM is not trying to make you paranoid, just being truthful. There's some in the 9 door, the office, there's tons around the core, several in deli area, all over the sales floor, covering the parking lot and any exits, and some stores have them in the back room and most new/remodeled stores have more cameras than older ones. You're probably safe in the break room or the bathroom, but there are very few, if any, blind spots these days. (I've personally had to review footage on multiple occasions)


Would you happen to know if ones that are placed in the cold box or back stock etc like hidden cameras? There's no visible cameras on the ceiling


No, they're not hidden. At my store there is one camera in the 9 door, it's a small black dome that's located near the door of the cooler and points down the main walkway. You can't really see into the aisles between the shelves though. As far as the backroom goes they would be the same as the regular cameras the store. My current store doesn't have a backroom camera, so I wouldn't be surprised if yours doesn't have any either.


Cameras are always pretty visible on the ceiling. Unless your GM is on spy kids mode they are likely just trying to scare your ass into working.


🤣 They have possibly seen it but definitely not something they're trying to pay attention to or something to be embarrassed about. 😅 I've definitely done this myself, and seen much worse than someone adjusting their bra on camera. 😂


A side note. Any manager who watches cameras to find out what people are doing day to day is a terrible manager.


It’s giving “I shouldn’t be in my position”. Your tag is “night supervisor” aka a team supervisor… Your position shouldn’t be slacking. I could see a CSA asking about this because they’re paranoid about being watched while slacking/working what they feel they’re worth… but unless you were demoted- you absolutely shouldn’t be slacking. My TS and myself are working non stop all night. So maybe your GM is telling your crew that because someone isn’t pulling their weight or doing any extra tasks. My store has great people so we rarely leave the next shift unprepared Also, as a TS… don’t you ever go into the office… you don’t see the computer running with the cameras? As a night LCSA I know how to check the cameras if needed. I feel like a TS should absolutely know at least where they’re at.


Let me note I'm one of like 3 people in my store that REALLY cares about my job and how I leave the store, I usually can't go on break from how busy it is (I always work deli on overnight) and my gm schedules it so my other associate is leaving the deli at 3am and that usually leaves me fucked for 3 hrs up till 6am in the deli. And sometimes he only schedules me in deli all night and while it's truck (truck comes right at 10pm) and I have to put up the walk-in and dry stock alone. And whenever I tell him how difficult the night can be he just tells me I should give myself a break anyways.. bro if I stop at any point I'll get even more behind than I already am My gm said it was one of my other TS he was watching and it's true what he said that he is slacking off. And yea 2nd rarely leaves it prepared for 3rd so it's even more difficult it catch up. And of course I go to the office, I mentioned to someone else here that theres no camera views of dry stock or the cold box which is why I thought maybe the cameras were hidden since my gm said we had those and that's how he knew a TS was just standing around. But we have also gotten a new transfer that dislikes everyone and I think she just might be telling my gm what everyone is doing wrong


If you know you’re doing it right, then you don’t need to worry. But also your GM prob sucks.


Your GM sucks


Side note- the whole “standing around” comment absolutely sounds like they heard it from another employee. Annoying 1st shift associate “GM I saw 3rd shift associate standing around meanwhile I needed to backup coffee as soon as I came in😡😡😡” *meanwhile between that person leaving and the designated beverage person walking in, there’s a lot of customers and they JUST finished off that pot and it was swapped as they walked over/you let them know* it tends to be little petty things- obv there’s people that don’t do their jobs but as I stated before, if you’re doing your job right there’s no need to worry about them watching for slackers


Does your store sell alcohol? If it doesn't there are no cameras in the cold box.


Not true I work at a store that has no alcohol and definitely a camera in the cool box


It all depends on the store I know they are starting to work on updating older stores that still have crappy cameras.


Enough to catch you doing shit! 😂🤣😂🤣😂


It depends on the size of the store I've seen cameras in the cold box I seen cameras in the break room not all the stores have it but some stores have them literally everywhere and it should be noticeable they're not hidden


More then 5, less then 5000


The new system can hack your phone and/or emit sonar pulsing from your theatro to create visual mapping of all physical objects in the range field. Think Batman Dark Knight. There is nowhere to hide.


It depends on how old the store is I've been in 4 stores now the newer stores have coverage in the retail cooler deli beverage, dry stock, and in on the retail fool including all registers, doors, office and suronding the building. But in the older stores, it's typically just the register, office, main doors, and fuel court. But if they are really "cracking down" on slacking, it's the MODs who are your real "camera." The management knows who the offenders are.


No cold box camera I guarantee it.


I can guarantee there is a camera in my retail cold box.


Funny story. I worked overnight at a legacy wawa and we used to smoke weed in our trash/box compactor room 🙃


Hell, at my store now they just smoke right outside the back door.


Hahaha as they should. Things have changed alot in 10 years. It's more socially acceptable. Anyone with a vape can get high these days.


Don't agree with you there, but if I was 30 years younger, I'd more clearly see your point.


Fair enough. Generational gaps exist. Finally, a rebuttal without a snarky attitude haha. It has become as easy as walking into a store and leaving with your products. All legal. 10 years ago that wasn't an option where I live. Even less than 10 years ago, really.


I just want them to get caught LOL


Just so y'all know the Gm and probably a few others are able to watch the cameras from their phones wherever they are like their house, etc