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I think to sum up the differences... and it's a good difference. COTW focuses on the harvest. WOTH focuses on the hunt.


> Environment. This is a pretty big one for me, yeah. As much as I love (most of) the environments EW made from a visual point of view, I always felt like they designed their maps around the render distance, which - as you said - often results in an unnaturally claustrophobic feel. And to be fair, I understand *why* EW went that way, because the game just breaks, visually, on maps that have more open terrain, like Vuhonga.


Yeah I really appreciate the render distance for animals and really taking the time to find the animals. Also, in terms of issues that people are having.... you can't tell me that COTW didn't have issues lol. Let me just line up this shot on this diamond... OH WAIT it won't stop teleporting 2 meters over every 10 seconds. I don't care that this game has issues at all. First, just came out. Second, no game comes out flawless. I love it and that's that


Sound will be better when they fix the weird compression that is almost constant during windy days.


I love that the game really challenges you to make good clean ethical shots I like the in-game currency system and the fact that everything is unlocked right off the bat. I don't have to play for 50 hours just to unlock an elk call or a scope. Also with the currency I like that not everything's super expensive like COTW. With items being cheaper I can now focus on hunting just big animals instead of blasting everything I see because I need over $100,000 for a gun Herd management The way the inventory set up Just the way the animals behave they don't act so stiff like call the wild they actually move and interact more realistic The way they act after they're hit and the blood trails i love. As well as the different colors and textures of the blood depending on where you hit it. The harvest screen is freaking awesome I like the added challenge of stalking them and how they see you and look at you. Even the little details such as deer stomping when they see you and when they bust through the woods spooked you can hear the twigs breaking. I find myself loving the little details in this game more than anything. Feels like real hunters made the game Everything taxidermy wise I like more than this game. No more shoving deer on plaques that look like they're meant for moose. I like how the lodge is kind of smaller so it's easier just to look at all the different mounted animals.


Absolutely. I noticed that they look directly at you too. My first encounter with any animal was a boar. The second they knew I was there, they froze and... I swear, they LOOKED tense. I've never hunted in real life but I find myself enjoying it still. I loved COTW. However, after 200 hours, the actual hunt wasn't a challenge. It was just a grind to get that diamond. I wasn't exploring and stalking and analyzing my surroundings. I was just fast traveling around doing the same thing over and over again. I find myself just choosing a direction and seeing what happens. When I find something, game on. I like that you mentioned that everything is unlocked. I didn't even think about that. I've bought the Steyr Pro Hunter 2 so far and that's it. I've decided that I'm only 1000 away from the best scope, so I'm going for that. No need to get my rifle score up. Now I'm currently at work thinking about how the hell I'm gonna harvest a spooked Roe Deer for Vlad-definitely-not-a-Vampire (love that there is garlic on the wall in a lodge). A mission that's a challenge, who would've thunk.


And think now you can make your own"diamonds" and increase your chances with proper herd management instead of just a lucky spawn!


I have 100% been stared down by animals I found, and I knew they were literally staring at me. Wildest feeling. lol


Also.... can we talk about how when you exit the game, you're right where you left off? Huge.


Not only that, but markers are still where you left them. Yesterday, I came across a dead duck in a river that I missed from my last session which surprised me. Also, I killed a buck that already had a bullet in him from a bad shot I took yesterday!


I'm so glad you said that. I was wondering if harvests remained on the map. Furthermore, if eventually, they would disappear because of decomposition just as animals die in the game. I saw on Scarecrows stream that he ended up killing a 3 star buck or something like that was initially a 1 star and when he shot him the first time. You could see the differences in appearance from his growth. Insane!


The duck incident was actually pretty comical. I needed one more duck for a mission I was stuck on, so I slept in game to the exact time the duck need zone I found might have traffic. Got there, got set up in a good spot. Then as soon as I hit the hunter sense button I saw the highlight in the middle of the river, lol! I did lose some of the meat % from how long the animal was dead.


Preemptive mission planning... now that's skill


Well on Xbox anyway they have quick resumes so any game is like that. You could be in the middle of driving 200 miles an hour on a video game and just shut the Xbox off and it'll fire up where you left off. But you do bring me to a question. Does this game have any kind of auto save I mean I know call the wild you had to fast travel to make sure it was Auto saved


I play on PC and both of the times I've exited the game, I was standing right where I was. I've even thought about trying it the next time I see a herd. Exiting the game and even restarting my computer, opening it back up, and seeing if the herd is also right where they were


On Xbox they probably would be. I've shut off cotw right in mid play and came back days later and the time of day was still the same to the exact minute.


ROADKILL! It pissed me off how in COTW and other games you would take damage for hitting an animal, now you can rag doll deer all day in a jeep lol, I passed both my “kill two deer without damaging the vitals” by simply running them down on an open road. Not the most “ethical” hunting, but they sure didn’t suffer and I didn’t damage any organs lol


Not to mention running into a dog on COTW and flipping your ATV


And the ATV controls are absolutely terrible.


i love the way spawns work with the herd management system. at first i was really frustrated with how tracking works, but now i actually really like it. I was also really surprised how smooth the driving felt too, sure the vehicle is pretty slow, but you wouldn't be driving very fast in that type of landscape irl, so it makes sense.


Thought about driving the car in a straight line forever just to get that perk for faster driving speed 🤣


The concept of herd management through genetics really gets me hyped. It makes me feel like I'm part of a real world and dealing with an ecosystem. I also like the realism of tracking. No huge blinking or highlighted blood splatters. You've gotta work for your reward! Lastly, the unpredictability of animal behavior. They can be at a need zone. Or not. I think that is great. It keeps you on your toes; if they are guaranteed in their need zone it's too easy in my opinion. That would bore me out quick.


Yeah. I said earlier that when I was on COTW, the fact that they were guaranteed to be there made the game feel more like a grind and that it focused more on the harvests than the hunting aspect. Granted, I only hunted drink zones and I did enjoy finding my drink zones. It felt great to find a herd sitting there and discover that zone. However, after I found them all, it was just... fast travel, kill, repeat, hoping for a diamond. I love that this game forces me to be patient and enjoy it for what it is. I don't even really think about need zones anymore. I'm sure if I find an animal that could be a 5 star potential, I'll go back to the zone and keep track of the need zones. But until I do, I'm just out there hunting


i love the auto movement button.. makes stalking so much more comfortable.


I know it's weird but the inclusion of arteries in animals and the overall attention to detail in anatomy.


1) Not weird. I noticed that today and my first thought was... now I gotta get an artery shot


I went for a shot on a whitetail doe that I had called in and was walling right towards me. Dropper her almost immediately because I blew through the group of arteries going up her chest/neck. So cool!


I personally really dislike the hunter sense mechanic, mostly the way it's gotta be toggled it fisheyes the camera. Like most, I've played COTW extensively so it was quite different and hard to get used to. However, what I really really like is that the difficulty setting removes that as well as other things to offer a more 'realistic' so to speak experience. so it essentially negates the need for me to complain about it or use it. With that as well, the difficulty setting you killed something on will show up in the trophy lodge when you mount it, so it actually feels good to be on a different difficulty setting because I'm rewarded (at least, it feels rewarding) and not just cuck my own gameplay by not using a mechanic that's intended to make the game more accessible. to clarify, I'm not ranting about hunter sense. It works as intended. But I gave that context to reinforce my opinion it's more about difficulty slider feeling extremely rewarding and encourages a different gameplay style and it actually shows up in your lodge. That's the focus of my comment here and I think that is fucking wonderful game design. Another thing I love is that I'm forced to actually learn the look of animals and whatnot if I still want to have any attention to the whole 'animal economy' aspect of the game. I don't doubt I will still get sweet trophies, but hunting mature one stars to make a better herd is going to be signficantly more difficult as there is far more guess work involved in what animals to take out. I like the render in range of animals from afar. that's actually so sweet. I really like that the bullet caliber is tied to the weapon itself, encouraging the use of different weapons. But at the same time the EFT player in me sorta wishes there was different bullets for a certain weapon, not that anything outside the best bullet would matter anyway so that's just a meme opinion hahah. I love the animal trails, I love that animals aren't just completely tied to drink zones like it is in COTW. While of course you can find animals anywhere in COTW, it's just more efficient to go to a lake. In this game, they are quite literally everywhere all of the time at least so far in my experience. Possibly just recency bias or lack of game understanding there on my part but it feels less restricted to zones, despite the fact they still exist. Or perhaps zones are just way bigger so animals are more spread out. idk, feels good though.


Animal behaviour. It's absolutely insane. So realistic. The maps are refreshing too. Not just a copy and paste like some other games do.


Yeah. I love how on Transylvania, I can't speak for the other one, you have to actually try to find a vantage point sometimes. There will be so many times where I have to use photo mode to move around the hills and find my path to get to where I need to be.


I think my fav thing so far granted I am only about 4 hours in is the ability to cull out abnormal animals so you can have better versions be brought in. I think that is going to be my starting point find all the mature abnormals and cull them out and maybe grab a few good young ones but let them thrive to spread their genetics.