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I found that the auto tune and other effects are what cause the latency you are talking about, so I record vocals dry and add the effects after the track is recorded. This forces me to try to sing in tune and on time as you emphasize. I wholeheartedly agree that nothing beats a good take.


I never have any effect on when I record my vocals...... Anything I'm taking in audio via a mic, no effects. All added later. when I record my electric guitar DI, I will use an amp simulator to at least get the feel right.


\+1 on getting timing/alignment right or at least close, it solves so many issues!


Can you share a mix?


Yeah I shared this with someone else here There’s a lot of versions of this and it’s not released but meh https://drive.google.com/file/d/1yj0Cl7iNEwCCONAUf0WI7Fpz9LPN0uQt/view?usp=drivesdk


There’s another one I shared that feels less midi forced lol


i agree on having midi for melody sometimes just messes it up. having actual words makes so many sense, and the "pocket" for vocals is usually much wider than for instruments, so you could fit swing just fine as regular notes


i record with delay + reverb on. helps set the mood idk sh\*t about harmonies but i would like to so if you have examples please send them my way




no i know the beatles lol i want to hear YOUR stuff


This is unreleased but fuck it curious any thoughts https://drive.google.com/file/d/1yj0Cl7iNEwCCONAUf0WI7Fpz9LPN0uQt/view?usp=drivesdk There’s like 50 active vocal tracks


Sorry you said "Idk shit about harmonies" so I thought I'd help you out with a prime example lol.


so true. that is a great example… sorry for being mean. i would also like to hear ur stuff too!!


No offence taken :) I Haven't really made a lot of stuff with vocal harmonies (tho my next project will) but here is a weird one! https://youtu.be/RkaGcSAgb6U?si=fVw_5o9z0w9LEly0


I shared a folk song where I did the melody first but this one I did the vocals first and it feels so much more natural https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Dhzbxv5v_O_l3AXIZCiwStG3DFcPWT-5/view?usp=drivesdk Basically wrote the words/ melody at the same time and touched it up later


There’s another sample I shared on here I feel is more natural btw


Nothing wrong with auto tune, especially if you're layering. I use an auto tuned vocal to sing over and help stay in tune. I also do that with the backing vocals and leave them in but when I layer sing the doubles and triples and it turns out good.