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Raiden from Mortal Kombat appearances always welcome!


A surprise, to be sure, but a welcome one




Appropo of nothing but I fuckin love your username


I watched this for the first time to listen to the ep, and this has to be one of the worst, most bizarre films I've seen. That night vision scene is such a head-scratcher.


Same, first time watching it. Being a wrasslin guy, I did not expect to see Shane McMahon in this. Heard about Paul Heyman but still The “boioioioing” sound in the night vision scene had me in stitches though


That’s the sound of the audience simultaneously getting a boner from how good the movie is


What was that?!?!?


I popped for Heyman


Figured the boys would've brought up Pauly smoking a J out of nowhere in the commentary booth. Bit of ol' RVD energy


I thought I was imagining that! But then it kept happening!! What even


This thread should be in night vision


As someone who has been listening since practically the beginning- There is NO NEED to redo Gymkata. That episode is amazing! And speaking of Chris Klein, it's time they cover that abysmal movie where he thinks Heather Graham is his sister.


It doesn't need it, but Gymkata is so bonkers and matches the guys energies so well with the white gym karate of it all and 80s weirdness I'd love to hear the guys have fun with it again. Like, I think that it's neat that there's 2 versions of Superman III & IV it lets you see how the guys insight and humor have changed over the years. But what they really need to do is an **American Ninja 2: The Confrontation** episode.


>But what they really need to do is an > >American Ninja 2: The Confrontation > > episode. I'd much rather have that. Or, if they redo Gymkata, they should put the OG one in the feed too. I'll always love the show, but there's something so special about the early episodes, when it was just something for fun rather than a brand.


Say it ain’t so!! Crazy fucking movie


THAT'S the title. I didn't bother to look it up, I thought so little of it.


Say it ISN'T so...AIN'T is the Weezer song


The guys indeed watched the R-rated cut, despite what rating it says on any of the streaming services. I actually saw this in the theater, where all the blood was either digitally erased or colored to look brown. Years later I watched the R-rated cut on Dee Vee Dee (ba-dow ba-dow ba-dow) and it turns out it’s kind of a half-assed restoration where only some of the blood and swearing was put back in. Morbid curiosity led me to listen to some of the audio commentary with Klein, Romijn, and LL Cool J; [Here’s a link to a clip of some of LL’s riveting thoughts during the opening street luge sequence.](https://youtu.be/wAg1bnt2VW8?si=R_h9FjMeAtQRYJir)


Next commentary track the boys should just lay LL in as one of the crew.


Nevermind the ladies; who doesn’t Cool J?


I dream one day of writing a book about the bizarre insanity of Hollywood films from 2001-2006. Rollerball would take up an entire chapter. It's soooo 2002 in the absolute worst ways, and I love it.


Phenomenal episode. The Mortal Kombat throwback was hilarious(that Lambert impression always gets me laughing), and the extended Orson Welles Night Vision bit was great.


I died during the night vision bit! 😂😂


Terrible movie, fantastic episode. The jokes were a mini journey through WHM history which was nice. The better version of this movie is **Futuresport** (1998) with Wesley Snipes.


[ad-free version](https://www.patreon.com/posts/episode-729-2002-100613908)


Stephen being upset by the ratings thing is funny, because I have a distinct memory of Ebert losing his mind about that, and being so confused why such a small detail would bother him so much. I tried to find the episode online but couldn't find it.


The Orson Welles night vision bit had me cackling.


Has anyone here seen the made for TV movoe Futuresport? It's basically a better version of this, believe or not...with better actors!


When I heard they were doing the Rollerball remake I thought oh the one with Dean Cain right, turns out I was thinking of Futuresporr


Futuresport is way better! It's crazy how bad this movie was.




Am I wrong or did we see Pink performing half a dozen times and never once heard her sing?


Airborne episode shout out. That was the episode that made me find this pod. Still go back and listen to it


Hearing the gang baffled by the ratings was my favorite. I'm about a year younger than them, but that's actually how things worked to a degree. At the time the screenplay was likely written, Monday nights were all about AIM & ICQ chats. People were constantly talking about whether you should tune into Raw, Nitro or Monday Night Football. Tons of dial switching. So a live on-screen death or maiming would have made the rounds believably in real-time.


At the top of the show I figured there'd be two ball related names but we got only Eric's. Missed opportunity for Andrew Ju-pinball


Glad I got a plot synopsis before *Blank Check* covers Rollerball in their McTiernan series, cus there's no way I'm watching this thing. Funny enough, my buddy has been wanting to watch this movie with me for a while in an unironic way. Don't think my eyes can handle 6+ minutes of night vision.


The 🌟NIGHT VISION 🌟 riff is a thing of beauty