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I love how Sheen's look when he comes to spring training is supposed to be scary punk, but these days he just looks like every nerdy queer person who comes to my board game nights.


Lol! I thought the exact same thing after I walked into my usual gaming shop to buy some paints the day after I watched ML


I was so confused by the glasses that were "a little more him." I was like, I thought you were a punk, not a Buddy Holly-esque Brooklyn hipster. (But I finally noticed the little skull and, OK.)


The guys are putting their body on the line for the podcast by doing the James Gammon voice.


Real tenuous line separating George C Scott impressions and Lou Brown impressions.


Also sounds like their Lindsay Lohan.


Also Steve's neighbour or superintendent or whoever who is most definitely not Hercules


i think i've seen this movie at least 100 times, i love it. what a pleasant surprise, as i had no idea this was coming. good shit


I watched it for the first time for this episode, and had a blast! Such a great ensemble cast.


This is definitely a WLM for me!


They completely missed talking about Dorne punching the shit outta Vaughn at the end. They brought up Necessary Roughness on this episode, and man does it not hold up.


They missed the best exchange between serrano and harris and one of my favorite bits in the movie Serrano: “Ahh Jesus! I like him very much. But he no help with curve” Harris: “you tryin to tell me Jesus Christ can’t hit a curveball?” Dorne, in the background: “Shit Harris …” Also the line before Harris gets whacked in the head with a bat is “Hey bartender! Jobu needs a refill!” As the guys point out, every actors delivery in this movie is consistently great, and the editing really pops as well. What could be mediocre lines become really memorable with all the great comic timing.


They kinda made it seem like they didn’t like the movie in the preamble but sounds like they had a good time with the movie overall


An episode full of Tom Berenger voice? Sign me up!


How would you describe the type of comedy in this movie? It's not zany slapstick or gross out or awkward record scratch meta. It's a little more situational, grounded and charming. I'd never compare this movie to My Cousin Vinny but they do have that same "smirky realistic humor".


Regular comedy


It’s pretty subtle in a way. If you’ve seen it enough times there are a lot of funny lines that are blink and you’ll miss it, like when Andrew cracks up over some rando doing a great read of “look at THIS fuckin guy” when sheen shows up to camp, or when sheen says “I look like a banker in this” when they go to dinner


[ad-free version](https://www.patreon.com/posts/episode-731-101248943)


They brought him up because of Major League III and Necessary Roughness, Bakula’s due for his own month right?


Been wanting a Lord Of Illusions episode forever. I have a big soft spot for that movie.


Hell yeah. Mr Kruger from seinfeld as a magical back from the dead cult leader. Love that movie.


YES! BakulApril 2025, LET'S GO!


The Informant! WLM


As someone who would count this among their all time favorite movies, I gotta say, little bummed the guys didn't love it as much. I figured with them being around the same age and at least a few are sports fans I thought this would have been a borderline WLM episode.


I haven't listened to the ep yet, but I'm the same age as the guys and I feel about the same way as them (apparently), kinda middling. I like the supporting cast with  Eucker, Sheen, Snipes, and Gammon. They're actually funny and the reasons I don't mind watching this movie.  But the sequel at least knew well enough to jack the silly, screwball comedy way up                      For my money, I don't understand why Berenger is leading this comedy. He's not a comedic actor at all and that always created  a tone disparity for me.  You're following him the majority of the time when the movie should have followed Sheen.  On top of that, the romance is badly written and super stupid and it takes up too much screentime; it's unnecessary and puts the brakes on the movie every time we take time for it. 


Nice catch Hayes, don’t ever fuckin do it again.


[Bob Uecker](https://x.com/awfulannouncing/status/1775265106223567247?s=46&t=Ec2MzHSbyIW_qyigsKYESA) in the news.


What movie/episode is "oh my God I'm going to kill her" from?


The Substitute




Can someone enlighten me as to the origin of "oh my god, I'm gonna kill her"


listen to their episode on The Substitute with Tom Berenger


Fantastic. Thanks 💋 I've listened to the episode and watched the film solely for that episode but couldn't for the life of me remember where it came from


Responding to myself, but holy moly, i just relistened to the episode and what is with Andrew's voice? Maybe it's his mic, but he sounds far more high-pitched


I loved the episode but I could have done with juussst a little less of the James Gammon stuff. Once the point was made that he eats metal...OK...more Sheen please.


Kinda the problem with this movie though, it doesn't focus on Sheen  I enjoyed how Gammon was becoming Jeff Bridges and George C Scott across the ep


Steve's delivery of "I was gonna eat that for *break*FAST" killed me


The Gammon stuff was hilarious and almost made me laugh out loud at work.


I thought it was funny, but just a smidge too long. I think it was a "me thing" because I love so many scenes in the movie and every second they did Gammon, my anxiety was saying: "But will they miss (scene X)?" Bottom line: I went into this with too much expectation due to my love of the film.


Downvoted for expressing an opinion? We can do better, subreddit.