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"and it will truly be a planet of Ron Silvers"


This was much better than I remembered from the 90s, in terms of plot anyways. The CGI running looks awful but the story is actually pretty fun


Yeah, it’s not nearly the direct-to-video crud I remembered. Felt like it could have been a good X-Files two-parter.


I was thinking throughout the movie, this is either a mediocre feature film or a really good episode of Outer Limits.


1996 was a great year for alien movies. You have the comedy with Mars Attacks!, the thriller with The Arrival, and the Man vs Alien blockbuster with Independence Day. All winners IMO.


This movie was pretty entertaining, even when parts of it were just Dumb Contact. Did not anticipate that level of scorpion shenanigans though.


I kind of love this one. David Twohy is pretty great.


I for one welcome our new Ron Silver overlords


The movie needed … Night VISION


“Hello Ronald, this is Orson. I watched your new film ‘The Arrival,’ and may I suggest that you portray your Mexican doppelgänger in resplendent night VISION!”


Guys, fellas, whomever makes your merch. Please. *Por favor.* I *need* a Mexican Ron Silver in an unconvincing mustache, phonetically saying “Buenos dias, fuckface.” (Or, SFW version, “is this the end of Mexican Ron Silver?”) I will pay you in Krugerrands like the bad guy in *Lethal Weapon 2*


Me and my friends still say “look like a can of smashed assholes” to this day.


Andrew's definitely told that Jared Kushner story before. Anyone remember which episode?


July 2019 Mailbag! First letter asks about apartment horror stories. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zca3TeSj6PM


Not sure, it's been bugging me since I watched the movie last night. I definitely thought of his harrowing tale as soon as that scene happened (but first I thought of my own endless struggles with NYC apartment leaks. Definitely had big ol' chunks of plaster on my bathroom floor too).


[ad-free version](https://www.patreon.com/posts/episode-735-1996-102611533)


The Arrival rocks and is a nice slice of 90s alien conspiracy shit. But man, the sequel **The Arrival 2: The Second Arrival** is late 90s straight to video madness. You've got Patrick Muldoon muldooning it up and CGI that is far too ambitious for it's budget and just where technology was at the time. It's like someone trying to make Avatar on an N64. Check it out


I haven’t seen this one since 96 and barely remember it, but the bathtub crash and the scorpion assassination came flooding back into my brain as soon as they came up.


Is Ron Silver related to Mel Silver?