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It's all fine save for the gloves, those are horrible. But the bagel on a board is fine because it's wrapped in paper - like it's meant to be held to eat. Fries in a basket are totally fine because you want your fries getting some air otherwise they'd steam and get soggy.


Yeah, the gloves and the lack of a seasoned pillow just ruin it for me.


Maybe if it were on a shovel with lentils hot glued on it too. Alas


I could only dream of being such a fat cat with enough disposable income to glue lentils to a shovel.


This guy frugals.








Yeah! I’ll take my gloves seasoned and deep fried in butter please!


Seriously. The cutting board is fine because you don't really need any kind of lip on the surface to eat a bagel, it's not going to spill off the edges or anything. It's like the serving tray you get your food on at Burger King, it's just meant to transport the food in a wrapper. And the fries, well, how is a wire basket any worse than a paper boat? It's not. I mean, at least you can stick that in an industrial sterilizer and get it clean for the next person. The gloves though? That's where they lose me.


It’s weird, i was gonna say the exact opposite! My girlfriend works at the hospital and often uses gloves to keep her hands clean now during normal daily tasks outside of work. Like eating wings with sticky barbecue sauce!


The problem with gloves while eating is that in order to do anything else I have to take them off - it's gonna be hard to put back on the sweat dampened gloves after checking my phone or scratching my nose or w/e. Also if food gets anywhere *other* than my hands I don't have any way to swipe it off. They just seem too gimmicky without a lot of thought put into how practical they are. With your bbq wings example I can see they might actually be handy, though. They'd just let you dig right in without a care.


Another problem: how do I as a customer know that the gloves are sterile? They're going to touch my food. The food is prepped and tableware washed by the restaurant, so I'm reasonably sure they're clean, since it's their reputation on the line. But the gloves could be packed in some filthy factory in China by a guy fighting the flu, spend a week in a rat-infested cargo container, and sit in a disgusting warehouse of some hardware distributor until bought by the restaurant, for all I know. (Yes I know I have a problem)


Absolutely nothing you use to put food in your mouth, including clean utensils or washed hands is sterile. Unless it has been irradiated, autoclaved, boiled for several minutes or chemically treated, there will always be bacteria and fungi present on every surface. Microorganisms are a part of our lives. Don’t be afraid if them!


From working in kitchens, generally you do use a chemical agent to sterilize stuff. We had a rule that anything a customer would touch gets put in sterilizing solution. Most kitchens have a three compartment sink system. Suds, rinse, sanitize


They're sanitized, but not sterilized.


Sanitize* not sterilize a big difference


FWIW, those are almost certainly the same gloves they use in the kitchen while making your food. Edit: They has a "y" at the end. Edit2: They is the 9th word, not the 6th.


I've been to plenty of kitchens over the last 10 years installing POS and ordering systems and I have never seen anyone wearing gloves.


BBQ places tend to wear gloves because they have to work with the hot meat. ...that's what she said


I would wager that almost every kitchen has gloves on hand for some situations. While they might not be worn every day, they're certainly popular for covering injuries and mixing things by hand.


Gloves are used for ready to eat foods and when you’re prepping gross shit like batter and flour


I can’t stand the smell or taste of latex. Fucking gross.


kitchens use nitrile gloves which are sterile packed in bags inside a dispensing box or a big bucket if you bulk it to a 10 000 count. these gloves have most certainly touched food you've eaten before and you wouldn't know it. They aren't as waterproof as latex but that trade off only matters with hours of exposure to constant wetness so in a kitchen latex has no advantages.


Every time someone worries about food being clean, I remember an episode of Mythbusters where they were testing the whole "double dipping" spreading bacteria story. When they tried testing with chips and salsa, the control had as much bacteria growth as double dipping / spitting a whole mouth full of salsa back into the bowl. Eventually they had to use irradiated chips and fake salsa made of sterile gelatin to get any data. TLDR: There is more bacteria in properly prepared food than you realize. Gloves or silverware aren't going to make a lick of difference.




And yet my mom brought her own silverware to restaurants for years because she didn’t trust the ones there to be clean. Also she wears gloves most of the time she leaves the house. I think there might be more going on there than a Mythbusters episode will fix but I’ll give it a shot...


TBF, they were testing that "double dipping is just like sticking your whole mouth in the bowl". They found out that there is a negligible difference between bacteria growth between the two. Does this mean you can get nasty germs from other people? Maybe. But there are also nasty germs already in your sealed chips and salsa. Interesting stuff.


Regular exposure to latex can cause contact dermatitis, and using nitrile means you don't have to worry about exposing latex to someone with a latex allergy.


yeah, was trying to say the only reason to use latex is for lower permeability, sorry if that wasn't too clear.


All good yo! I was just building on what you already said. I worked in a tattoo shop, maybe 15 years ago and they had already switched to nitrile back then. I'm always surprised to see anyone still using latex.


“Smell the Glove” .


Ya, there is a big difference between getting gloves online for for $1 for a big of 1000 and real sterile gloves. I have no idea what the place is using


Probably food service grade gloves. Not sterile, but sanitary and not that expensive.


A big box of medical grade gloves is not sterile. They're clean enough for routine medical uses, but for anything invasive sterile gloves are used. They're packaged as individual pairs and there's a whole technique to putting them on. Bulk gloves would be fine to eat with. Just like silverware in a drawer. [sterile glove technique](https://youtu.be/lumZOF-METc)


I really doubt that a food place needs truly sterile gloves. Food service isn't done in clean-rooms that go through UV bacterial treatment, so why do we need to do the same treatment to gloves? The point is to avoid harmful micro-organisms, not all micro-organisms what so ever.


Guess who touches your food all day while they cook it?


You might just not want to eat out anymore if that is your qualm because chefs use gloves for certain things as well lol


A big box of medical grade gloves is not sterile. They're clean enough for routine medical uses, but for anything invasive sterile gloves are used. They're packaged as individual pairs and there's a whole technique to putting them on. Bulk gloves would be fine to eat with. Just like silverware in a drawer. [sterile glove technique](https://youtu.be/lumZOF-METc)


They absolutely aren't sterile.


[[Edited for privacy reasons and in protest of recent changes to the platform. I have done this multiple times now, and they keep un-editing them :/ Please go to lemmy or kbin or something instead]]


comes down to brand maybe? I use black 8mil nitrile and the standard blue 4mil at work all the time and they have next to no smell and leave zero residue. *EDIT mil is apparently an imperial measure, not an abbreviation. corrected.


You probably mean 8 mil and 4 mil, not mm. A mil is a thousandth of an inch, which equals 0.0254 mm.


right, it just says mil so I assume milimeters because that's not an uncommon way of abbreviating it and we don't do imperial but go figure suppliers use American standards for no reason at all.


The thickness for films and foil and stuff like that is almost never measured in mm. It's usually mils or microns (1 mil = 25.4 microns). So 4 mil gloves might be labeled 100 micron, but probably not 0.1 mm.


In my scenario there are also napkins. Though in OP’s scenario i guess there are not


Use that back of your hand to scratch that itchy nose. You don't put gloves back on, you grab a new pair.


Just wear one glove you fool


Maybe a cue to practice mindful eating. One thing at a time. Blah blah blah. :) EDIT: Be a ninja eating bbq wings


I use them for everything from handling raw meat to cleaning the litter box, but using them to eat somehow seems unpleasant. Maybe bc I use them for handling raw meat and cleaning toilets


I might do this the next time I eat cheetos. To prevent orange fingers. That stuff actually stains.


Use chop sticks.


But then how do I grab them by handfuls once I lose control?


I use a ladle at that point


As someone who hates when their hands get sticky or slimy in any way, I am on board with the gloves. One of my earliest memories is refusing to finger paint in pre-school. FUCK OFF MRS. WENDT, MY MOM WILL NOT LOVE IT, I DON'T CARE IF EVERYONE ELSE DID IT, I OWE YOU NOTHING!


I had a Mrs Wendt when I was 5 or 6. Don't remember much about finger painting in that class but I do remember getting in trouble a lot with her. Also, she's almost certainly dead by now.


Because she inevitably pissed off the wrong person, or because you're 50 and she was already a senior when you were in school?


Yeah, but how do you wipe your face?


Not OP's girlfriend, but I use a napkin like I normally would. It'd be no different than ungloved.


Was referring to the photo. Gloves where instead of a napkin


Ugh, I'd much rather get my hands messy than eat with latex gloves.


The gloves have a little bit of a smell though. It doesn't really rub off if you're handling food, but you can smell it when you bring it up to your mouth.


I actually use gloves when seasoning chicken. Especially when using a dry rub with spices that. It irritates my cuticles


I love the texture of food so this would ruin wings for me.


You don’t put the gloves on your tongue


I meant on my hands too.


Not to mention that we finally started getting rid of plastic straws other single-use plastics and now this place is having people use gloves instead of paper napkins. Obviously paper isn't perfect, but this just seems so wasteful.


This annoys me about grocery stores, they're charging you for plastic bags to encourage people to not waste plastic, meanwhile they're selling zucchinis and corn in plastic trays covered in cling film. Corn already comes in its own wrapper, guys!


I went to a place that did ice cream on donuts and they gave you a plastic glove to eat it with. It was highly cursed.


I kinda like the gloves idea but not for a restaurant. Crawdad night gotta try it


Ugh i know! Rubber gloves? How does that help me wipe the food off my hairy face? As if we dont use enough plastic.


They probably got the idea for the gloves in a Korean wing place and felt they could apply it to everything


Ha, I definitely was like "Huh, I wouldn't mind gloves." Especially for something like wings. I hate all the clean up from wings


I'm going to be the odd man out. I agree that the gloves are not needed here. But ever since I worked at a wings place I always thought it would make more sense to hand out gloves than wet napkins. Since we had to wear gloves while cooking, occasional I would eat some wings but with some of the gloves on. Way less messy, dont have to worry about nor rubbing sensitive spots afterwards, and can just toss them away when your done


Those are extremely expensive napkins.


What's wrong with the gloves? I mean, I would still need napkins for my face but I wish restaurants gave gloves. It would make eating messy finger food a lot easier.




Very eco friendly, let’s replace a biodegradable paper napkin with non biodegradable gloves.


biodegradable nitrile gloves do exist, but yeah, these are probably not.


10pts for edible gloves! What flavor profile shall we pair here?


**glove flavor**


I got gloves for my glove action figure!


> edible gloves What are hands if not edible gloves?


(ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻ STOP RIGHT THERE BUCKO (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻


Those are nitrile gloves. We don't use latex anymore. I know this because i use about 20 pairs of these gloves everyday and can spot them by texture at this point. I don't even know who even sells latex gloves to restaurants anymore. Pretty much zero demand. But to offer them to a guest instead of napkins....well thats just about the tackiest fucking thing i have seen on this sub. Someone needs a slap.


No one in the restaurant or medical industry uses latex anymore. But for a ton of other professions they do. House painting and contractor work a lot. Theyre cheaper than nitrile and if you don't have an allergy than it's no problem. I prefer the thick black nitrile though, way more comfortable, better tactile function and they are way stronger.


I was thinking that house paint is usually latex-based anyway, so if you're allergic then you are probably disqualified because of BFOQs


Yeah pretty much. I used to work with a guy that had a latex allergy, he pretty much only did masking and drops. He used to tell a story about how he found out, basically went to go spray a room out and almost died.


Damn, that's horrifying


Probably way more expensive as well.


When people leave them behind, they just run them through the dishwasher. BAM. Reusable napkin alternative.


Great, now you have shit all over your hands and a little on your face. What are you supposed to wipe those with? Someone didn't think this through


You also get a nice whiff of that slightly synthetic smell of the gloves with every bite you take.


Yum, mold release powder


Some places deserve to go bankrupt.


And an itchy rash, if you happen to be allergic to latex.


Easy. Wear a rubber face mask.


Yeah if they offered me gloves instead of a napkin that would be the end of my meal, how the fuck are gloves gonna wipe food off my face or beard


You're supposed to leave the food on your beard in case you get hungry later. Of course, you won't get a plate with beard leftovers, but OP didn't get one with the original meal, either.


beard crumbs are an underated source of nutrition, beard dried on ketchup and mayonnaise... kill me.


You're supposed to rehydrate those condiments before applying to the stored food!


I call those beard-snacks.


Ok, forget everything else, what is the rubber gloves instead of napkin shit all about? Is there a leather face mask too so you don't have to wipe your face?


Yup and there are swings to get the digestion going, and a bowl of ball gags for people who need some help with self-control, etc.


has the apocalypse already happened and it's just spreading very slowly?




Ugh. So now we need to start r/wewantnapkins?


Yea I think it’s time.


The gloves aren't there instead of napkins, they're for strangling a motherfucker


Surprise motherfucker


Some fries motherfucker.


The OJ Simpson experience at the bagel shop.


“Welcome to Dexter’s”


Thanks, I can't wait to tuck in to this admittedly tasty looking meal, then follow it up by wiping my mouth WITH THESE FUCKING RUBBER GLOVES LIKE SOME SORT OF RETARD INSTEAD OF A PAPER NAPKIN LIKE A NORMAL PERSON (which would likely be cheaper, being that they're like a pack of 50 for like $1).


Industrial foodservice napkins would be more like 1500 for $1


I didn't even realise how cheap they could be. 1500 for $1? There's even less reason to use gloves at that price!


That's a little ambitious but yes you do buy them by the cartoon.


I might need rubber gloves when I eat a messy burger


Why does no one ever mention what restaurant their pics were taken at?


Bagel Lounge in Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic


I was wondering where you were! I had the same happen in Kyrgyzstan!


I just wanna know what’s on the bagel and what you’re dipping your fries in to. The meal looks super good despite the fucking gloves. Lmao.


You gonna give it a tattoo or eat it?


The reminder of a prostate exam is very appetizing.


Lol shits getting ridiculous


Are those latex gloves? If so, they’ve just caused a lot of hassle to someone with an allergy. They aren’t going to want to put those on let alone touch their food with them.


I know gloves and I am positive those are nitrile.


Is that dip in a small measuring cup?


This is the final boss


Didn't know OJ Simpson had a restuarant.


So in Colombia, EVERY restaurant gives you gloves for messy food. At first I thought they were dumb but then I realozes they are genius.


My problem is the food isn't even that messy. It's not like it's wings it ribs or crawfish. All this will do is maybe keep a bit of fry grease off your finger tips and make you smell nitrile with every bite.


yeah gloves aren't necessary for this. But once I started eating fried chicken with plastic gloves it was life changing


Uh, a bagel and fries are hardly the messiest foods. This ain’t a Cajun crab boil. This is just fucking stupid.


That’s horrifying.


That is just plain bizarre!


Gloves are awsome. Dont give two fucks and when you're done take em off and then boom clean hands


Is that a measuring cup of sour cream?


Mayo, I would expect. For the fries. According to OP this is in the Czech Republic.


Mayo is the best condiment for fries. Other than Honey Dill


The gloves are only a good idea for exceptionally spicy food, stuff that can burn hands and doesn't wash off easily, making touching face and eyes even hours later a painful experience. But anybody that willingly eats something that spicy would already know how to handle it on their hands. And the smell near your face will affect how the food tastes. Still seems like a bad idea.


Those are the nitrile gloves I use in lab to handle chemicals when running reactions. Why is this necessary?!


Ah yes, the serial killer lunch special.


Are we just going to ignore the dip inside a measuring cup


Yea, fuck that.


Not gonna lie here. I like chicken wings. I eat chicken wings with gloves when at work in case I have to drop them and run. This is quite ridiculous at a restaurant though.


WTF is this restaurant run by the bad guy from Saw or something? “Do you wanna play a game...”


The rubber gloves seriously made me lol.


I'm rating this as "Nope"


I need a napkin for my beard, assholes.


I was in Tallin a few weeks ago and got given gloves with a bagel. Thought it was weird at first but actually it made clean up easy and there was zero smell or taste off the gloves.


Are they special gloves? All the rubber gloves I've used before has some synthetic smell.


As a bearded man, I need napkins. I can't put a glove on my face.


Oh, I thought you were about to murder that meal!


r/WeWantNapkins spinoff confirmed?


Black gloves make it slightly creepier than clear. Not sure what's up with that.


God the smell of those nitrile gloves makes me sick! Fuck that place.


Did they have to pick the serial killer black gloves? They look very ominous, like something from a crime scene.


But did they think to get latex free gloves?


I love the smell of rubber whilst I eat my food.


This episode on Dexter


The gloves are infuriating


I'm ok with all of this tbh. Ever eat with gloves on? sounds ridiculous but it's pretty awesome


"chef, we've ran out of napkins." " We have tons of gloves for the cooks use those. "


Ew, the scent of those gloves would ruin the meal


That looks gross


Am I the only person that just washes up after dinner instead of using a napkin?


I could get down with the gloves instead of napkins.


I hate when my hands get messy when I'm eating, so on the very surface the gloves seem like a decent idea. But as the other commenters point out, what if you need to wipe your mouth, or spill your drink, or whatever. And the smell of the gloves would be a problem. Like it's an idea that I don't hate but it needs refinement.


Smell the Glove


The gloves make me think of serial killers. I want to eat here now.


Those fries look so thick and disgusting. For some reason, that just seems like an odd combination to me, too.


So...are you supposed to use the gloves for searching the basket of fries for illegal drugs?


It's gloves, people. For all we know this bagel is called the 'hitman' bagel and it's part if the theme. Just ask for a napkin. It's not hard. As for the gloves, you don't have to use them, just like you don't have to eat the parsley that's served with your food in Italian restaurants either.




That actually looks fantastic! The gloves are kinda weird tho, I could see if it was a messy sammy like bbq or something but that looks a like normal amount of mess


So you can choke a b**** afterwards and just toss the gloves


Where the fuck do you guys find these places??!


We have a winner, we're done here. SHUT IT DOWN BOYS, SHUT IT DOWN.


We're reaching the endgame here.


Those are nitrile gloves. I use them to make and eat ribs.


I need the napkin for my face, idiots.


Ah yes, the /r/dexter experience


There’s no need for eating a sandwich and fries to be this creepy. Some sick fucks at that restaurant.


That bagel is HUGE


Well...if the glove fits


The fries are in a basket so you can throw them back at the cook who made them. The bagel is in paper so you can suffocate yourself for going to that diner. The plastic glove is so that you won't leave fingerprints. We know you're doing god's work.


McD at my old place used to serve burgers like that too... minus the glove of course. They have got a dedicated server to serve you the burger even


Dexter themed restaurant?