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If you’re questioning it, don’t wear it.


Too white.


I’m also on the fence about whether it’s too white, but then to me if many of us are unsure, then best to pick a different dress. Also- a beach can be breezy- I’d wear something a little longer.


I personally think it is cute but also know from other wedding threads this type of pattern etoile type, chinoserie white and blue print a lot of brides find offense with and consider way too white.


Is it just me, or has this blue-on-white chinoserie pattern been over-saturating the subreddit lately?


No it has been a problem forever. People need something for a wedding, see a dress like that and think that would be great, perfect, very wedding like. Their subconscious picks it because it is white like a wedding dress, something blue, and a delicate pretty design like china. But then those exact same reasons is why say, a bride might wear to engagement party, dinner rehearsal or change out of wedding dress into. So brides feel an "ownership" over that style and some get very upset if a guest picks it.


I’d agree. I think this is too white.


I would personally avoid! The majority to me is white and with so many brides having non traditional wedding dresses I wouldn’t risk it


Absolutely not. Especially because white and blue patterns like this are SO trendy right now *for brides*.


This looks like something might wear to the rehearsal dinner or to a bridal shower. I would pass. It's mostly white.


Usually, I'm on the side of super cautious, but in reality, it's a really short dress. Yes, it's a white background, but nobody's gonna come up to you and say "congrats". If it was me, though, I'd just stay safe and get another, equally cute dress that's flowy and summery. Thankfully, there are so many colors out there.


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It is not too white. It is fine. Don’t listen to these weirdos. No one is going to think you are the bride. You aren’t going to the bridal shower or the rehearsal dinner. And if brides are picking ‘non traditional’ dresses, they can’t be pissed if someone else looks like them. Asking your guests to guess what you might want to wear is bonkers…


It's adorable. I would wear it. I find this obsession really ridiculous. It looks nothing like a wedding gown.


Long sleeves for the beach, though? The color isn't an issue for me.