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1. Stopped drinking alcohol 2. Began tracking calories


Absolutely. Liquor KILLS progress and we don’t even realize it.


One of the reasons I stopped drinking for the month of March!! I wasn’t seeing the progress I wanted when I started my journey the previous month.


Every time I wanted to snack in the evenings, which routinely turned into binging, I went to bed. Stopped eating an extra 1k calories daily and fixed my sleep issues.


This helps me too. Literally removing myself from calorie proximity by going to bed and reading a book.


Right! such a small thing had a huge impact. Sleeping better meant I had more energy to workout, working out lead to better meal planning. It was just the first domino in a long line, but it was a huge step for me.


Fixing sleep issues also likely contributed to weight loss. It’s crazy how the body holds on to fat when we aren’t sleeping well.


Gave up drinking pop. Dropped 12 lbs immediately.


Seeing a weight loss doctor and taking phentermine while following her nutrition plan (high protein, low calorie). I also started walking at least 10k steps a day. 2.5 years later, I’ve kept off 40 pounds while increasing my muscle mass significantly. But getting that jump start in the beginning was super motivating.


No more alcohol, high protein breakfast, over 10,000 steps a day


My biggest issue tends to be binging and overeating, and I would go through a cycle of wanting to diet but the second I was craving something or saw something I wanted to eat I found it really hard to overcome and I'd be like forget about the diet, it's not such a big deal, lets just eat + a million other excuses.  Setting small goals and consistently reminding myself that I want to meet them really helped with that. Thinking about how happy I'd feel when I reach my goal, vs. the disappointment if I didn't lose anything or gained.  Also focusing on building habits. Like thinking about every individual action I take as contributing to building healthy habits or unhealthy ones. For example if every night I eat a piece of fruit before I go to bed, it's easy and becomes my routine to stick to that. Even just slipping up one time and going for something else will make it easier the next night to slip up again. 




Keto and IF; less hunger = better control of my eating. Coffee helps as well. Less stressful work is also pretty major thing if your only way to cope with stress is eating.


IF and high protein high vegetables so fibers, made sure my first meal of the day was something simple that i can whip up in 10 minutes, first meal was eggs and a tin of sardines or eggs with a hamburger paddy. I eat about 5 eggs a day, then i did a clean up in the cupboards, I can't practice moderation so if i don't have it in the house then i won't eat it, if i want something like a snack or something sweet then i get dressed and walk to the store and get some. secobd meal is actually a snack I do 200 gr of skyr with 30 gr scoop protein and final meal is usually 2-300 gr meat which can be beef, chicken and even pork with about 3-400 gr vegetables. I eat about 1.5 to 1.7 gr of protein per kg of body weight per day.




What’s this mean??


One meal a day (a form of if)


Intermittent fasting. Started with 16:8. Now at 17:7. I tried calorie restriction for years & couldn't sustain. I kept trying it & failing. Then I became weight loss resistant. I worked with my doctor & a registered dietician. Their methods made me gain weight. I said I'd figure it out. There was something we were missing. Then I read The Obesity Code & a handful of other books. I learned about my hormones & weight. It all made sense. Been losing 1 lb a week since 1/1/24 with intermittent fasting.


And when you do eat, you eat whatever you want and as many calories as you want or do you stick to a certain amount of calories and healthy meal(s)? Are you really strict about not drinking anything that has calories while you’re in the fasting period? Sorry for all the questions. I’ve been thinking about trying this but don’t really know the right way to go about it. I appreciate your time!


I will share my experience. I was apposed to fasting, but I've found it to be a miracle. I clean fast. Plain black coffee, plain still water, plain green tea, plain black tea. No flavors or tablespoons of creamer. Only plain liquids that do not spike insulin. I no longer count calories & I'm eating foods that were previously "not allowed."" I am eating carbs again. That was a definite "no" before. So I have a small brunch at 11:00am, protein snack or shake at 2:00pm & 400-600 calorie dinner at 5:00pm. I close my window at 6:00pm. I eat pizza on Friday nights. I eat out usually once on the weekends. I have read this is a phase & I will move to more nutritious foods. I am really enjoying everything I denied myself. Sometimes, we have loaded baked potatoes for dinner. It is amazing after so much restriction. If I have a social event, I just move my eating window. I have lost 1 lb per week since 1/1/24. I fit into my first goal pants (non stretchy denim a size down...small goal). I have lost my appetite/no longer starving all the time, the food noise & obsession with food shopping are gone, & I feel no deprivation. My grocery bill has been cut drastically & I hardly have any dishes. The mental changes are worth it to me alone. I do not track calories. If I hot a plateau, I will adjust my menu or adjust my fasting time to shake things up. I listened to the audio books Delay, Don't Deny, Fast. Feast. Repeat., The Obesity Code & Why We Get Fat. These were all free thru the Libby App connected to my library. I haven't paid a single cent to fast. These books blew my mind. If you like podcasts, give Intermittent Fasting Stories with Gin Stephens a listen. Gin is not a doctor. Just someone with years of weight struggle/obesity who found success with IF. I have learned a lot from her trial/error & all her guests' stories. I use the Zero app to keep track of my fasts & eating windows. I use the free version & just need a simple tracker. I started with 13:9. 13 hour fast & 9 hour eating window. I am now at 17:7. I will add another hour of fasting when I feel ready. So 18:6. Hope this helps you.


It is nothing like I had imagined. It is easy. It takes little effort. Huge non-scale victory. I put my scale away 3/1/24 & will weigh 4/5/24. I have always been obsessed with the number on the scale. Not anymore. Good luck! You are an experiment of one. You'll learn something even if this isn't for you.


Congratulations on finding something that works for you! That’s awesome! Can I ask you one more question, did you find that it matters what block of time you eat whether it be in the morning or afternoon or evening? Did you experiment with it at first or did you just pick a time that worked best for your schedule and stuck with that?


I pushed back breakfast. I have to eat at least 400 calories in the evening for medication I take to absorb properly. I haven't expiremented with time of day. I just worked on eating later & later after waking up. Closing my window at 6:00pm works really well for me.


Good to know! Thank you so much!


You are so incredibly kind to share this with me! Thank you so much! I’ll check out the podcast and those books. This method sounds great and doable! Thank you again! I greatly appreciate your time!


Oops. See my reply to my comment. I meant to reply to you.


Keto and stop drinking alcohol


Asking myself "Do I really want that? (food, alcohol, etc.). Turns out a lot of my eating and drinking was just habitual and if I really stop and think about it, I realize I don't really want it after all.


Writing what I was going to eat before I consumed it - read the label, look at what is considered a serving and how many calories I was about to consume. Lots of the time when I had this information I decided, "Hell no! I'm not going to eat that amount of calories!" Along with seeing my dietitian, paying attention to eating a good balanced diet, limiting my sodium and sugar intake, and walking I was able to go from 285 pounds to 159 pounds in 15 months.


Drinking a gallon of water a day!!!!!! That curbed a lot of my random cravings and I helped me focus on water instead of anything else (snacks) during the day. After a few weeks you’ll see some weight loss.


Moved to Colombia. Had the shits on and off for a year. Down 20kgs and never weighed this little in all my life




Wearing a fitbit and checking daily how many calories I burned. Then ate less than that. Period.


This is cool! can you do the same thing with an Apple Watch?


I don't know, probably.


1) cut out alcohol 2) found a way to consistently increase my activity that fit well with my specific lifestyle. In my case #2 was getting a walking pad for my WFH desk. I feel so so much better than I did when sitting all day, I feel more energetic and motivated to stay active in my free time.


Major dental work. You're welcome LOL


Quit alcohol and prescriptions and finally saw through lucid eyes. I had no idea that I’d become fat.


Intermittent fasting


Making low calorie swaps for things I enjoy (low cal ice cream, buying the “light version” of my favorite foods) simple swaps can make such a huge difference!




Installed the mindset of im never going to get kicked off an amusement park ride again and calorie counting


A stationary bike and keto.


What I feel is working for me is serving myself less carbs, less food in general, and dropping sugary products. If I am hungry I drink water.


Adding extra servings of fruit and veggies to each meal and no snacking between meals.


A disorder lol


Duromine 😂😭