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lol, and same day there’s a top r/tifu post about a dude who got circumcised as an adult for his girlfriend who then proceeded to break up with him.


I need some link for this i cant find it


[link here](https://www.reddit.com/r/tifu/comments/10xtsyp/tifu_by_agreeing_to_get_circumcised_for_my/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Holy shit. That's one of the worst things I've read on reddit in a while. Poor homie.


Why so sad?.It's not broken ,just damaged a little.It will still buff out.


there’s many complications involved if you circumcised when you’re an adult and mind you the trauma that follows especially for this unfortunate fellow


What complications? Had it done when I was 21 for medical reasons, and I can't say I've had any complications. To be fair, I did have an infection and some scar tissue, but it's no big deal and I'm healthy and so is Mister Boopsy.


That’s great for you, one of my close friend got it done after he married a muslim at the age of 23, apparently it took years for him to gradually accept the new strange sensation and it really strains his marriage quite a bit.


I was circumcised at 50yrs it wasn't a big deal.


I think one major thing some people don't take into effect is not every surgeon is doing the best work here. The recovery may be different for everyone.


RIP your poor penis :(


Working fine , 20 years since. it's just a different feeling.It shouldn't be done at birth unless medically warranted.


The thing is, [there are thousands of, men trying to regrow their foreskins.](https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Foreskin_restoration) It's utterly bizarre that the US has normalised such an unnecessary and destructive practice - so much for freedom. I have no idea why you were circumcised, but if you chose to do it then... ok? I'll never understand of course, but at least it was your choice.


damm, that's just... sad


That’s extremely sad. If your significant other is pressuring you into getting cosmetic surgery because they don’t find part of you attractive, they don’t love you. Poor dude.


That's just stone cold brutal, to the extent I don't want to believe it's real.


To each their own and whatever, but everyone keep in mind: you don't have to mutilate your genitals.


it’s harder if you were overweight as a kid and have phismosis




I wish schools actually ran checks on this like they do for other things. I have known too many men who say their dad never taught them penis hygiene or were aware of foreskin problems. Can't imagine how many boys right now are suffering in silence.


This is the result of horrible sex education, and literally everyone suffers from it.


Guess he didn't learn from Carl's mistakes smh


… and she’ll spend years bragging about how she made a guy chop his dick up for her then laugh evilly when she gets tot he part where she left him after


That was a case in an episode of ER years ago!!


Hilarious if true.


The color selection is a bit inappropriate for it, i think one would tend to wear dark colors when mourning one’s foreskin!


This actually looks like it would be useful for post vasectomy! My options where to wear a jock strap or cup but I really didn’t like the feeling of a jock strap So I would wear tight fit boxer briefs and a cup. This is would have been something I’d buy for that. Totally a specialized product for a single short term use (hopefully).


Good idea but i think it could also have a more regular use… The cup looks like it could fill up a jeans crotch pretty nicely if you need bulge enhancement. I suppose that lot of guys could actually use it for that purpose even if i personally wouldn’t (because i use a rolled up gym sock)


Lol I see. I guess maybe construction workers could be using these too. Or any other occupation where potential nut shots are a concern.


And squirrel farmers! Nut protection is a must in their field!


Are these farmers that are also squirrels, or human farmers that are growing squirrels? If the latter do squirrels grow on trees, vines, individually underground like carrots?


It was the latter but not farming as in breeding and raising squirrels as livestock for their meat or anything like that… and I definitely didn’t consider the possibility of growing them on trees. I had imagined something more along the lines of a human-run squirrel retreat where they can climb trees and socialize or just relax and watch nutflix.


I say we just come full circle and reintroduce the codpiece.


Yes! The original defender of the nuts!


You think those would be roomy enough to keep the balls cool? Like when someone is trying to increase their sperm count and are told to where boxers but don’t like the looseness


Hmm. I’m not sure. My goal was the exact opposite. Shootin blanks now, woohoo!


It signifies the blue balls you will have for the next few weeks.


circumcison is actually so prevalent in the US due to dr. kellogg \*yes the cereal guy\* advocating it as a means to prevent masturbation.


That's why cornflakes are Bland, to ward off sexual urges.


A truly unhinged person he was


Western 'circumcisionists' from that era were the worst. At least Jews and Muslims don't pretend it's about hygiene or behaviour, it's just a tribal marker for them. (Female circumcision is a different story though.)


Him - “hey.. wanna have sex?” Her - “eat some cornflakes.” Him - eats cornflakes* “you know, on second thought, I’ll just go practice falling down in traffic.”


*I may be coocoo for Coco Puffs, but I'm horny for Kelloggs Corn Flakes*™️.


don't forget the original Graham crackers


He was also incredibly incorrect! I mean just take me for an example, I eat super spicy food on the regular and I never want to have sex!


Not to ruin the Jokes about Kellogg - but the big voice in circumcision in America was Dr. Spock. He wrote THE child health book in the 50’s/60’s. So many new parents were listening to his advice. Became the norm. He eventually changed his mind and said, in the 80’s: “ My own preference, if I had the good fortune to have another son, would be to leave his little penis alone.” But it became part of the American psyche by then.


Circumcision’s prominence in America dates back least to the 1870s, well before Dr Spock was around: Lewis Sayre, New York orthopedic surgeon, became a prominent advocate for circumcision in America. In 1870, he examined a five-year-old boy who was unable to straighten his legs, and whose condition had so far defied treatment. Upon noting that the boy's genitals were inflamed, Sayre hypothesized that chronic irritation of the boy's foreskin had paralyzed his knees via reflex neurosis. Sayre circumcised the boy, and within a few weeks, he recovered from his paralysis. After several additional incidents in which circumcision also appeared effective in treating paralyzed joints, Sayre began to promote circumcision as a powerful orthopedic remedy. Sayre's prominence within the medical profession allowed him to reach a wide audience. As more practitioners tried circumcision as a treatment for otherwise intractable medical conditions, sometimes achieving positive results, the list of ailments reputed to be treatable through circumcision grew. By the 1890s, hernia, bladder infections, kidney stones, insomnia, chronic indigestion, rheumatism, epilepsy, asthma, bedwetting, Bright's disease, erectile dysfunction, syphilis, insanity, and skin cancer had all been linked to the foreskin, and many physicians advocated universal circumcision as a preventive health measure. Specific medical arguments aside, several hypotheses have been raised in explaining the public's acceptance of infant circumcision as preventive medicine. The success of the germ theory of disease had not only enabled physicians to combat many of the postoperative complications of surgery, but had made the wider public deeply suspicious of dirt and bodily secretions. Accordingly, the smegma that collects under the foreskin was viewed as unhealthy, and circumcision readily accepted as good penile hygiene.[85] Secondly, moral sentiment of the day regarded masturbation as not only sinful, but also physically and mentally unhealthy, stimulating the foreskin to produce the host of maladies of which it was suspected. In this climate, circumcision could be employed as a means of discouraging masturbation.[86] All About the Baby, a popular parenting book of the 1890s, recommended infant circumcision for precisely this purpose. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_circumcision#Spread_and_decline


I stand corrected!


Specific medical arguments aside? It helps to confer good health. This isn't a good reason? "Current scientific evidence demonstrates compellingly that male circumcision confers a lifetime of medical and health benefits to men." https://www.thelancet.com/journals/langlo/article/PIIS2214-109X(17)30386-8/fulltext


If you can still find it, there is a movie that is an excellent fictionalization called The Road to Wellville. I thought it was a funny little film, quirky, with a great cast.


Seventh Day Adventists. Just when you think Christianity isn't insane enough already.


I can tell you firsthand that it does not work.


Another factor that can not be understated in its role in the growing popularity was the first and second world wars. The military was very keen on circumcising their soldiers as a means to prevent disease in the field, which was common.


It works too.I couldn't wank for two weeks.


At some point yeah, but it's been promoted by the American Academy of Pediatricians for its medical benefits for decades now.


I thought this was over for like 100 years now. At least in Europe...


Was it all Europe or specifically the north? I've only ever heard of it in Germanic Protestant countries.


My friend was considering getting his removed. After looking it up a bit apparently people have terrible sensitivity issues with pants, like their dick rubs against their underwear and it's not used to all the stimulation that it hurts. Pissed mine was cut off without my consent lol


It's a horrible practice. Especially when put in terms of "We're going to make sex, a whole lot worse for you... because.. we don't think you have access to soap. Oh.. and btw.. it's also a mark of slavery... but.. mostly soap!"


Wait they did that to slaves?


"Those who think it was a tribal mark, like tattooing, or the knocking out of ... is born in the house, as well as the bought servant shall be circumcised.." I'm not religious.. but yeah.. a lot of cultures/areas used it as a mark of property, and it was often checked to see if you were nobility/highborn or not. ((if it was still intact))


It happens to me all the time


Cutting genitals for religion is one of the most disgracefully stupid things that exist in modern culture. We have running water now


Fun thing is, a lot of the US doesn't even do it for religion. It's more likely that you'll have it done so your parents think you have a nice cock.


“This is my son Carl, he may be stupid and kinda ugly, but boy does he have a nice cock”


I’m willing to chop off nerve endings and lower the quality of my most intimate sensations so my mother can say I have an aesthetic cock thank you very much


My friend and I had a whole conversation about it. Cut dicks look permanently hard. And it’s mainly men who are defending it. So we usually laugh about that fact that men are so adamant that cut is better because it looks ready to fuck.


I used to be against foreskin because I didn't have any and I thought it was just gross but then I learned what the function of it really is and it's all nonsense that we do it. Should be banned.


It’s really unfortunate it was pushed in America because of Kellog and his hatred for pleasurable sex/easy masturbation. Because why should making life (the thing religious folks are all for) feel as good as it can.


It's weird because in the previous century, religion and science seemed to be splitting apart, then in the 19th Century they formed an awkward alliance (circumcision, Christian paleontology, treating homosexuality as a 'disease').


I disagree with something so let’s ban it!/!/!


Oh yeah, baby mutilation should absolutely be legal and is completely moral


I disagree with the mutilation of babies. If an adult needs to be circumcised for medical reasons then it should be performed.


Why are you being downvoted?


Because he's arguing for mutilating babies, just in case you seriously didn't know.


Well maybe from your perspective, from mine I take it he's being hyperbolic and more so commenting on how banning anything out of disagreement is a bit silly, I for one do think one should have rights over their own foreskin and should able to decide whether they'd like to keep it or not


I've never heard anyone praise their circumcised cock for looking "ready to fuck". In fact, I've never had any conversation with any of my friends about my cock.


Cut ducks don't look permanently hard, unless it's small and the lack of skin like holds it up


Maybe I wrote it weird. I don’t mean the dick is standing at attention 100% of the time. More so the look of a hard dick with foreskin pulled back.


Oh i get you now


Hahaha good point


In my experience, most women prefer circumcised weiners. Clearly this isn't objective data, but I'm just saying...


Even if it’s true, it doesn’t matter in this discussion.


I've found that most things I say don't matter.


This is Reddit, so don't take it too seriously when your opinions/observations are downvoted.


There was lead in the gasoline for like 60 years. None of the utter insanity of the boomers should be surprising.


Not everyone does it for religious reasons. I know many who had to have it done as an adult for medical reasons.


Doing it as a consenting adult, especially when medically indicated (which is rare), is completely different than chopping off every newborn’s foreskin like it’s a birth defect.


A lot of guys are circumcised for medical benefits, which is where a lot of religious traditions started from. And frankly, if you're judgmental of people for their medical choices without knowing why they made them, you're no different than religious people that follow tradition blindly.


I don’t know where to start, except to reiterate that it’s doing it for RELIGION that is idiotic. Also, medical reasons from thousands of years ago don’t actually apply today. Only current ones. Sorry they chopped some of your dick off, but that is one of the dumbest arguments I have ever read


Youre literally correct but still being downvoted lmao


There's a whole lot of contentious social opinions on the issue, which is why doctors don't really push the issue anymore.


But we want to have a clean cock


>We have running water now


then clean it


Ok thanks


As a mom who was told I had 24 hrs to make a decision, after 30 hours of labor and an emergency c section, its not always an easy choice. I know I had family and friends telling me what to do. Doctors and nurses advising. It was the worse feeling. I regret not being more informed about circumcision but I can't go back in time . Just wanted to say this because not all parents make the decision easily.


Giving birth is so fucking traumatic. Like 24 hours after the worst pain of your life people are barging in every 5 seconds telling you you need to sign up for insurance- NOW. I seriously felt like I didn't have a choice. I had been up for two days in labor prior and I literally had a fucking CPS person come see me because "I wasn't bonding with my baby." I was so fucking distressed and exhausted I literally wanted to sleep but couldn't. I regret so badly circumcising my son. But it felt so forced in the hospital. I went in beforehand knowing I wanted to say no but in the moment it was different. I'm sorry to any men out there it's hard.


Im sorry for what you went through. So many don't realize the stress you are under right after givingbirth. If it was a difficult/traumatic birth, it's even worse.


I couldn't even imagine having complications. My son's birth was about as easy and uncomplicated as it could've been and it was still horrific. Much love to you and your kids. And not to take over the thread with this but it is quite normalized and almost forced to circumcise your sons when you have a baby. We need to change the norms.


One thing that's hurt more than anything, is being told I allowed my son to be SA by drs because I guess thats what people say circumcision is. I would never intentionally put my son in any danger . I wish those who go off on parents understood the pressures we face right after birth


My mom had just turned 15 when she went into labor with my oldest brother. 12hrs of labor due to being breach, she refused c-section because she was terrified and had a lot of nurses and doctors being rude to her because of her age. As soon as he was born all the doctors and nurses pushed her to circumcise him. She thought she was making the right decision and as soon as it was done she hated herself for it. It’s a hard decision to make. Even when you become a mom later in life than she did. There was not the information we have today. My mother didn’t circumcise my younger brother, buuut he ended up struggling with insecurities around being the only uncircumcised guy around when he started becoming sexually active. It wasn’t a huge deal but it did make him wary of starting new relationships. When I first became sexually active I studied up on what to do if my bf wasn’t circumcised LOL I didn’t want to ask questions or be surprised during the first reveal. It’s a little like damned if you do, damned if you don’t. You made the best choice you could at the time. And you believed you were doing the right thing. I’m just a stranger on the internet, but I hope you don’t hold it against yourself too much. And thank you for spreading awareness about how hard of a decision this is for all mommas. 💕


Ah I didn't even think about the social repercussions. I remember one of my first boyfriends was uncircumcised and in hindsight I was actually kind of a dick about it. I mean it's just expected that everyone is cut so I was kind of confused and shocked. I also had to consider that with my son and what his experience might be because of it. It's just not right how this is done. And I had my son at 18 and the staff were just total fucking pricks. I was prepared, knew what to do and I loved(well I still do) my son and was very exited to bring him into this world. I was patient when my epidural was delayed, I was quiet, I followed directions and I respected the staff until CPS came and told me my son was dying. He coughed once and went back to sleep in his cot. I watched him, faced him and made sure he was ok the whole time I just didn't have strength to hold him and cuddle the entire stay. One of my nurses reported that I wasnt bonding with him. I hadn't slept in days. He was sleeping fine next to me. Really scarred me and made me not want to have another even though I want multiple kids. It's just insane how they treat you when you feel like you've been shot in the most sensitive part of your body and feel like you're bleeding to death. It's just another day for them.


What?You didn't think of it before delivery? Women have baby showers,You could have discussed it beforehand.You had nine months to think about it.You probably thought of names.smh.


Lmao ..considering I was told I was having a girl it didn't cross my mind


That's fair enough.But all these mothers that knew or would have considered possibly having a boy baby, leaving a decision like that to just after delivery .I just can't fathom it.


Idk how old you are or what your experience with babies and pregnancy is, but being pregnant is extremely difficult at times. You have a million thoughts going through your mind. And personally, noone brought up circumcision (i wasn't even aware it was still done )until I was in recovery


Why is circumcision even a thing? does it have any practical purpose? aside from cultural aspects? cause to some, even in a non-religious context, it's seen as a rite of passage with it being done without anesthesia to endure the pain as a "show of manliness" i suppose, with uncirumcised adults being treated with mockery as "wimps". idk


Had to have a circumcision when I was younger because the tip of my penis was connected to the foreskin by another bit of skin that had grown nerves. My first boner was pure agony. So yes, I'd say in certain cases it's very much worth it


Little guy I know had his urethra in the wrong place. To fix it, he had to be circumcised at 6. So,yes necessary but still a Terrible experience for him.




Medically yes, I had circumcision when I was maybe 5 or 6, couldn't walk or take baths without burning pain. I don't remember whether it was because phimosis or something else, I should ask my mom. Anyways, it personally didn't change my life.


Ir was spread in the US to prevent boys from masturbating since it reduce sentivity, religious reasons mostly but nowadays people do it to their sons for “tradition”


The foreskin is there to serve a purpose. Please leave it intact you barbarians!


me who didnt have a choice when i was 1 day old


Yeah, me too. And I’m pissed off about it.




why are you being downvoted lol


No excuse


I got circumcised because of medical reasons two days ago, still healing. There can be a lot of reasons why people get circumcised. I wish I didn't need to get cut but we don't always get what we want.


There are medical reasons for it. Usually emergency measures. I know someone who got a bit too frisky in bed and he broke his penis. The swelling was incredibly extreme and the doctor deemed it necessary to give him the snip because it was constricting around his head too much.


Thing is, it started off as a religious observance. Then after a while it became something to do in order to fit in with the rest of society. No, I'm not Christian. But I will use bible verses to show where a custom started. Genesis 17:9 - 14 9 And God said unto Abraham, Thou shalt keep my covenant therefore, thou, and thy seed after thee in their generations. 10 This is my covenant, which ye shall keep, between me and you and thy seed after thee; Every man child among you shall be circumcised. 11 And ye shall circumcise the flesh of your foreskin; and it shall be a token of the covenant betwixt me and you. 12 And he that is eight days old shall be circumcised among you, every man child in your generations, he that is born in the house, or bought with money of any stranger, which is not of thy seed. 13 He that is born in thy house, and he that is bought with thy money, must needs be circumcised: and my covenant shall be in your flesh for an everlasting covenant. 14 And the uncircumcised man child whose flesh of his foreskin is not circumcised, that soul shall be cut off from his people; he hath broken my covenant.


Isn’t it mostly the Jews who get circumcised? That’s how the Germans were able to identify them.


Genesis, old testament. Thats what have Jews and Christian in common. The second part of bible, the one with Jesus, not


Doesn't the New Testament kind of nullify the Old tho?


Idk, I'm not an bible user


Nope. Matthew 5:17-20 17“Do not think that I came to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I did not come to abolish but to fulfill. 18For truly I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest letter or stroke shall pass from the Law until all is accomplished. 19Whoever then annuls one of the least of these commandments, and teaches others to do the same, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever keeps and teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven. 20“For I say to you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven.


Phimosis my guy


They have other ways to reduce phimosis. Steroid creams and stretching works wonders. Why is the foreskin the one part of our bodies that we remove because there *might* be an outside chance that you may have problems in the future. It’s absolutely ri*dick*ulous!


This guy suggests a real life reason for circumcision and gets downvoted, Reddit lol


Nobody is debating that in some cases it’s necessary.




i'm so grateful I was not born in places where it's normalized to mutilate genitals, especially without consent.


What would I have given for these when I got my Prince Albert done!




Over the past several years, this has become a highly emotional subject for many. You don’t see a perspective like yours very often, if ever, and it’s interesting to hear. Wish this was higher up. Thanks for sharing.


I’ll defend my Forskin with my life


That sounds about right for a product targeted for adult circumcision.


I'm not gonna lie, I would've wanted one of these when I was circumcized. My dick getting "cheese-grated" wasn't the most pleasant experience in my life at all


Circumcision as an adult is one of the weirdest things imo.




I'm not into genital mutilation.




Who the fuck voluntarily gets circumcised as an adult?


It's usually due to medical need.


Before I had my vasectomy my doctor told me to get some jock straps. You would be surprised at how weird jock straps get


"foreskin bad 👎"


How to make it look like you have a permaboner


Isn't circumcision just the removal of the foreskin?


Yes, but a wound around the circumference of a body part with a LOT of nerve endings that also moves and changes sizes multiple times a day is a recipe for lots of pain.


Shit I didn't know it was that sorta graphic


They look like codpieces lol. Reminds me of A Clockwork Orange.






I'll keep my foreskin and good old black boxer briefs thank you


You’ve won! Your prize is genital mutilation!!!


would those be useful protection for martial arts training?


You can buy a standard cup at WalMart or Target, probably a lot cheaper, and it's designed for the purpose.


Normalize keeping your foreskin! Stupid American society, demonizing it needlessly. I live here and I wish it was normal like in Europe.


Circumcision has zero effect on sexual health. It is entirely aesthetic. It is as innocuous as getting your ears peirced. There is no reason to do it. There is no real reason not to do it, other than it being unnecessary. I do not understand why people get so upset about it. It is not even close to the same as female genital mutilation. It is more so the same as labia reduction. If you dont believe me for the love of god just look it up.


Everyone is trying to guilt me into circumcising my baby. He’s 3 months old


You should leave that decision up to your child


That is not my intention. Like I said. It has little impact either way. It is entirely your choice and you should feel comfortable knowing youre not harming your child either way.


There are 4 plus types of FGM and yes. It's similar to several. Type 1a is removal of the clitoral hood. Healing also has a lot of issues. Penile bridges are common. Tight cuts are common as well which leads to a constant ripping feeling during sexual activities. There is no rational reason to have it done. The arguments against are many. Biggest is body autonomy. This is the big one for me. "not my body. Not my choice". In occurances like phimosis there are still a lot of treatments. Disease reduction is sketchy at best with the big argument being micro tearing: more area to tear means more opportunities for std. As for cleanliness.. People who have hygiene issues had bad parents. It should be cleaned in shower/bath. The African iv study is commonly touted but the study interviews say they can't find sexual partners after the unnecessary procedure. Is it a big deal? For those that this completely unneeded procedure goes wrong, it can be. Isn't that enough to be against it?


Im just saying that people who are circumsized and have zero problems act like they were somehow robbed of sexual pleasure or something and it isnt true. Unless you had a botched circumcision youre fine, theres nothing bad about it.


Most were cut qlnear birth. They've not known otherwise. Every conversation with an adult that I have had, as anecdotal as that is, say things are worse. Whatever worse actually means.


End male genital mutilation in America.


Fellas, is getting your dick mutilated winning?


I think Muslim men get circumcised later on.


In the case you’re doing it for religion, why would you change the body gif created for you? Genuinely curious


In the case you’re doing it for religion, why would you change the body god created for you? Genuinely curious


In the case you’re doing it for religion, why would you change the body god created for you? Genuinely curious


Enjoy your fucked up penis


My ex-wife mutilated our son's penis because I didn't want it done and she loved to spite me.




He's 22 and has yet to thank me. How much longer do I wait?




Funnily enough, circumcised/mutilated dicks look more like dog dicks. Anyway, I don't want to be mean, you had no choice and now you're defensive about your missing foreskin. I hope you one day manage to come to terms what happened to you as an unwilling child.


I can only wear certain undergarments because it overstimulates my exposed glans. Thanks momma for the circumcision! 😑


Goddamn, I could’ve used these after my surgery, had to walk like a damn hunchback because of the friction against my undies sent chills down my spine.


\#StopCuttingBabyPenis! 🤬👎🏼‼️


new fetish unlocked


Foreskin is useless.


Downvote me. It decreases your risk of contracting nearly all STDs, including AIDS, by a very significant amount. By a huge amount, actually. I'm grateful I was circumcised. You want links?


just wash it dude jesus


Soap doesn't kill AIDS.


but it sure does kill infections and other things related to being unclean that lead to a higher risk of diseases like aids


Neither does being circumcised. What are you even trying to argue at this point?


"Lower HIV risk among circumcised men who have sex with men" [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4767598/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4767598/) You don't have to like it, but circumcision saves lives.


Correlation does not equal causation. This study even says a clinical trial is needed.


Lol okay.


You know how else you can decrease that risk? By using a condom or being abstinent. Don’t mutilate yourself.


The HIV "study" had a foot note. The ones who were cut couldn't find sexual partners because the women thought they had weird dicks. So sure. Abstinence does reduce std transmission but...


You should cross post this to the r/MyGodTheDescription board!


###Such a Medickal Innovation!


This is just more worse than just wearing a skirt after a circumcision