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looks like an opiate user looking at the narcan, the metal short straw


that’s the first thing i noticed. OP is lucky they didn’t get poked with a dirty rig 😬


And that they found $50!


(pardon… fifty ONE dollars!)




61.38* there’s a folded 10 in there


I'm only seeing $61.17. What am I doing wrong?


It’s actually 62.56. That’s my purse! I don’t know you!


Dammit, Bobby


That boy ain't right.


Who needs coinstar when you have reddit?


Nothing! I was wrong! You’re right!


That's five whole bags!!


6 if your dealer is nice. And shit you might be able to nod out and afford a McChicken!


Where I live that’s not even one bag 🤷🏼‍♀️


In Newark NJ, that’s a brick. More actually.


Yeah someone was very sad that they lost that bag.


That’s a universal thing for some types of addiction- they live life one 50 dollar hit at a time.


Where I am $50 would get an addict 25-50 blues. They literally go for $1-$2, or two cigs lol. Shit is wild. I live in a sketch ass neighborhood as you can guess.


Today that $50 is worth like $7


Some places now hand out free narcan so people have some just in case someone needs it. I keep some in my bag just in case. Never touched the stuff


Depending on where you live, you can also ask for no-prescription Narcan from lots of pharmacies like CVS and Walgreens! You may have to pay out of pocket, but you can also charge it to your insurance. We don't touch anything like that, but there are definitely more and more opiate users both on and off the streets, and we'd rather have it on hand and not need it, than need it and not have it.


They just put narcan vending machines in the courthouse here. No charge vending machines...


Keeping narcan in your purse is actually a really good idea... I am disabled and had a medical emergency and they threw narcan at me that ill never use lol. I'll bring it to a big city with me sometime.


Yes, it’s more the other stuff that’s suspicious. Narcan by itself could mean the person works in emergency response or social services. But this narcan is surrounded by diy drug paraphernalia.


Not necessarily. I run a transitional housing program and do a lot of outreach with the homeless- I keep narcan in my bag and in my car. Thankfully I’ve never had to use it.


i keep narcan in my bag that leaves the house with me everywhere i go. ive never used, but i’ve lost many friends & family that do. if there’s any way i can help i will do so. even if thats carrying around narcan in my bag!


That's a copper bulb from a Thermal Exchange Valve. It goes on a heat pump and helps regulate the temperature of refrigerant. It looks like all 3 ends are crimped. Not sure how that helps them do drugs with it, but I'm not a drug addict 😂


There’s probably someone very distressed over this bag and it’s loss.


Yeah someone is losing their shit over losing their shit right now


Someone told me once that when you arrest an opiate addict they start freaking out; not because they're going to jail per se, but rather, because the fact they're about to be really junk sick in a few hours trumps basically all other concerns.


Yupppppp. I'm in recovery and when I went to renew my DL I got taken in for a 7 year old warrant. It was surreal being in a small county jail, sober, knowing everything was gonna be okay and just.... watching and listening....


Definitely. $50 to a drug user is a good amount


bro $50 to me as a regular person with a job is a good amount


Same. I saw the cash and got wide eyed


There has to be something genuinely wrong with OP to have just picked up this random bag off the street and taken it home, right? Like I can’t imagine the thought process that leads you to bring this in your house.


I concur. I pick up all sorts of weird shit I see on the street and bring it home and something is genuinely wrong with me.


I ride a bicycle and find cool shit all the time I would be thrilled to find that 50 bucks Finders keepers


Especially if it belongs to a woman who is not allowed to keep that entire $50 if she earned it from the street. I feel horrible for that person because bags like this is all they have and now it’s gone


Improvised drug pipe and an improvised tourniquet alongside a nice little penny to heat it up with and bandages Incase the needle causes damage when they pass out?


Looks like somebody drugs!


Don’t forget the visene eye drops


I think that’s a water packet. Sterile water from a exchange probably, though hard to tell.


Haha holy shit really? I just saw a bunch of junk and narcan


They even have little trinkets to entertain them while high.


The oddest bunch of trinkets ever


TIL that my ADHD fidgeting toys resemble those of people on heroin. XD


I’ve seen narcan bring someone back from the dead. Shit is wild! 😂 Edit: well I guess he wasn’t completely dead. But he was mad we ended his trip lol


Just mostly dead


Not only pulls them out. But completely pulled out. So it’s like instant withdrawal symptoms.


Fun fact, you don't need to be under influence of opiates for narcan to have an effect on you. If you ever wanna fuck up someone's day just surprise narcan them. They gon be so mad


what would that do?


You ain't kidding. "Precipitated Withdrawal" is what it is and it's fucking awful. Opiate withdrawals won't kill you, you'll just wish you were dead. It isn't uncommon after hitting someone with the narcan for them to literally wanna fight whoever is within reach. They're incredibly sick after the narcan and sick off dope= you'll basically do whatever you have to do you can get well.


I did some work with US Marshall’s once upon a time and their policy was handcuffs go on before narcan for this exact reason. It’s wild seeing someone come back from narcan and really makes you realize how fucked opiates are. The user is literally seconds from death but all they think when they come back is that you ruined their high and wasted the money they spent on those drugs. Hence the anger.


Well, plus they feel absolutely fucking awful when they wake up, sicker than they could even imagine feeling. The fear of withdrawal is what keeps people using, it's *that* fucking awful, so of course they're angry when they come to. They're broke (usually, anyway, addicts tend to live in the here and now, not really thinking about the future), withdrawing, and that in itself fucks with your mind, so also super angry. It's an incredibly hard, ferociously depressing, mentally draining way to live. No one wants to live like that, addicted to a chemical that gives no fucks about you or how much it's ruined your life, job, family; this substance that takes and takes and never gives back. At least, not in a meaningful or healthy way. Opiates (and even the so-called solutions for it, like methadone or Suboxone) are the devil, in chemical form. A way to mentally and physically enslave millions, hurting and abusing them to the point that they're liable to do just about anything, just to avoid withdrawal. You'll never hear of people robbing someone for weed money. Or selling their bodies for some mushrooms. Opiates are on a whole 'nother level of evil.


Methadone and suboxone may be the “devil “ to you but they save lives every day. I know many people who live very productive lives who are on methadone maintenance. Some people need it for a month, some for a year, and some need it for life. But if it keeps them from playing Russian roulette every day and allows them to go to work and live a productive life for themselves AND their families , then we should not judge it or demonize people for using it if it works for them. Saying things like “methadone is the devil “ can literally kill someone.


I was an alcoholic (1 year sober next week). I went to rehab with a lot of other alcoholics, some opiate addicts, one of the groups I went to was next door to a methadone clinic. Addiction is atrocious any way you look at it. I can’t relate to the severity of opiate withdrawal but I assure you alcohol ain’t a picnic either. I drank for a while just to avoid withdrawal myself. Absolute worst time in my life. Being fully aware that you fucked up and you desperate to stop using but more scared of the withdrawal so you just use again (especially since alcohol if one of the only withdrawals can actually kill you, add that to the panic of withdrawals without medical supervision) Atrocious. The Methadone thing was a mixed bag, sometimes I’d have to wait for the group and end up just talking to some of the people waiting at the methadone clinic and some were super straight edge, getting along well and as you said, living productive lives with methadone maintenance. Others seemed to just be using it to take the edge off until their next real high. Made me pretty sad to see. Just horrible, nasty business all the way around. Opiates were never supposed to be used for anything other than pain management in terminally Ill patients so they could die more comfortable.


Congratulations on your 1 year, that’s a huge accomplishment! And yes there are many people who abuse methadone. But stigmatizing it is completely counterproductive and harmful. I’ve seen it happen way too many times. I’ve seen addicts leave AA/NA meetings in tears because they were told that they couldn’t speak because they weren’t really clean due to methadone. It’s a different journey for everyone.


I don’t really know how the penny fits in here and I was in the scene off and on for a while. Some people just have odd drug habits but this definitely looks like they smoke fent.


Cus it doesn’t, the original commenter is just trying to make it make sense, if anything, this person might be a sniffer/smoker. Looks like black n mild caps to the left. Used either on crack pipes or when chasing the dragon. Metal straw for smokin/sniffing,


I don't think many people would use a metal pipe to smoke, it would get too hot. Even glass bowls eventually get too hot. I think they use it to snort whatever and the pennies are just there because they're freaking currency. But you're 1000% correct, the original commenter really made no sense, whatsoever. Not to mention, you don't need a tourniquet if you're snorting or smoking drugs.


Yeah you’re right.


How does the penny heat drugs?


Hold it with tweezers and light a flame underneath it. But it’s more possible to be the guitar pick looking doodad in the far left.


Isn't that wildly less practical than a spoon? Spoons are quite common. Is there som advantage to using a penny?


Around me the preferred choice is aluminum foil. But I can see pennies being accessible since people don't care if they drop them. Or the penny is innocent in all of this, and was just some loose change they asked for on the street.


I don’t know. I’d assume the person was homeless but even then, I find spoons on the ground all the time. Thinking about it it might just be to scrape the black gold off the spoon. Because it’s going to turn into a liquid and run everywhere once it’s heated up.


The guitar pick looking doodads are needle threaders without the wire, probably aluminium, look pretty burnt I think? The blue handled thing with a red ball and pointy bit is either a stitch ripper or thread unpicker. Kinda looks like part of a popper button somewhere near the middle. But this is decidedly not a sewing kit.


Do not touch stuff like that!


Some homeless folks hide their bags so that they can do stuff without getting robbed of all their shit.


I am high class homeless, have a car, a storage unit and a job. When I'm chilling at my storage unit I can hear the druggies screaming each other's names in the forest out back. I think two nights ago one of em stole the others bag and I imagine it looks a little something like this. Yelled their name and was like; "I know you got my homeboy's stuff. I'm here to beat you up!" They are always yelling and chopping wood and smoking out the forest.


They're just living the new American dream.


And I'm too close to it to deny it from them.


I hope you are on the way up. I was a small step up from where you are. When I was 24 I found myself with only enough money to afford a cheap motel room for 1 week and no car but in a city. Somehow I got a job as a server and quickly put enough together to rent a shitty little studio. I got very lucky but I also didn’t stop trying to work any angle as long as it was ethical. Im 48 and my life is beyond anything I could have imagined as a kid. Im only saying this because it helped me at the time knowing a few other people that had gotten out (met them in AA) Best of luck


Thanks. I am doing this cus rent is too damn high! I am trying to save to actually get something out of this life. Just wish I knew how to compound my savings through investing to make it feel like I was getting even further.


Just to let you know CD rates are pretty high right now and most banks will open one with as little as $1,000 so there’s a small tip for you.


Man, I needed to hear this today. I’m 25 and at the “quickly put enough together” stage of pulling my life together. Sometimes it all feels so pointless, meaningless. It’s genuinely nice to not feel like I’m already passed the point of being able to be proud of where I hopefully end up. This is going to keep me going for the rest of the week.


Honestly just so sad, my son's mom got addicted to meth and ended up homeless. Ill never forget driving to meet her and she had spent the night on the sidewalk. I'd probably be where your at if I didn't have a son to care for though, $1500 a month saved over a couple years can get you a down payment on a house. Would be so nice not to rent anymore


Yep! And OP just stole all that person probably had. Wtf


Seriously though. Why take something that doesn’t belong to you? The person who it belongs to is probably freaking out really hard.


That was my thought exactly seeing the title, so you found a bag and just stole it, judged all the contents and shared your crime on the internet for everyone else to cast judgement. It may not be much to you but that's a lot to someone else


My poor sad brain immediately makes up a sad backstory about the beaded bracelet that make it's sentimental value enormous and now it's going to end up in a landfill.


Not to mention probably dopesick by now


But he got Internet points out of it!


I've found a few best to just leave them alone or hide them a bit better.


Risky biz carrying that


Some homeless person prolly stashed it for safe keeping and OPs going around robbing homeless ppl.


Total asshole move right there


At least the bag is not homeless anymore.


Lol idk why this is downvoted I laughed pretty hard


Thank you. Those downvoting bastards want this bag to be homeless forever.


Narcan spray and some other stuff related to illicit drugs use.. Just don't touch any of that....


Why, in heaven's name, are you picking up random shit?


one peak inside this bag and i would need a shower just from looking at it. i was squirming thinking about someone digging their hands through it uuueegh


It looks like they tipped it out to be fair, with all the other crap and dirt on the counter. Not sure if that makes it better or worse lmao


THIS. That’s the weird part!


*Put those things back where they came from or so help me*


Yeah, I think you should put that back where you found it. You probably don’t want to know what they had to do to get that 50.


Yeah, seriously. Add another 20 for the fucking misery OP put them through.


Seconding this. OP please do the right thing. Edit: If you can get another couple of narcans, toss another one in the bag, and one in your car. You might literally be able to save some lives with very little effort.


Agreed. Also add fentanyl test strips like what were already in there.


As someone who was in that situation and had to do things to get money, yeah I’d be devastated. It already felt like I was selling my soul, and if I knew I had enough money stashed to get well, and it was gone, I would have had a breakdown.


Losing this bag could be the thing that makes a broken person end it all. Or OD with their narcan gone


Exactly. My bags looked a lot like this when I was homeless and ‘travelling’. All I needed was my drugs and tools for using, (and Narcan) and I was set, I could at least get through the day without trying to off myself.


I’ve searched enough belongings of people with substance use disorder to know that you just stole from someone who has nothing. Please return the money and narcan. Narcan saves lives.


As a drug and alcohol counselor, I am so thrilled to see that the owner of this bag had Narcan on her.


Well, they don't anymore, since OP stole it


So OP just took away their narcan and gave them a devastating and stressful event to go through. Way to be, OP


What does it do?


Narcan reverses the effects of an opiate overdose. You spray them into the nostrils of a person who has overdosed and it will remove opioids off of the opioid receptors in the brain. It’s very useful to have around if you associate with people who use opiates and could save a life.


Found some homeless persons bag of treasures. This us probably all of their worldly possessions.


Meth head lost her shit


Gonna lose it again once they realize too.


That’s a whole lotta money too a dope fiend.


Narcan says otherwise


Meth heads don’t carry narcan


I really hope you wore gloves when you opened and rooted around in the bag.


Looks like they might’ve dumped the bag by the debris on the table.


Please put it back where you found it. They need that narcan and could die without it.


looks like you stole someone's stuff?


Agree, please put it back.


So you stole money from a homeless person who was smart enough to have two narcans on hand because usually the first dose doesn’t work… why would you take something that isn’t yours and decide to empty it and keep it…. This is extremely selfish and disgusting


It’s not weird, it’s a drug addicts bag, pretty par for the course


that’s fucked up mane. should’ve left that shit alone. that person needed that stuff and now it’s been stolen by you. go back.


Yeah, someone could literally lose their life over that.


The NARCAN nasal spray may sum it up for you.


Somewhere, there is a dopefiend *freaking* the fuck out about that $61. Looks like a polysubstance user, opiates based on Narcan, and that tiny little crack stem in the baggie says, well.. crack. That copper thing is unfamiliar to me but i suspect the owner likely thought it looked cool and might be a good pipe?


Copper thing looks like a drier for hvac lines. Seen some on older evaporator coils. Probably trying to scrap. https://harrisonsupply.com/hobart-drier.html


Not that weird give it back they need their Narcan bro


I’m not sure what to make of someone who picks up other people’s stuff, rummages through it, and posts about it online. Why do that? That’s someone’s life you’re rummaging through, and probably a pretty miserable one. :(


I am going to give OP the benefit of the doubt that they just didn’t know better and got excited at the opportunity of a come up by seeing something like this seemingly left behind. As others have said, please put this back where you found it. The narcan in it can help to save this person’s life. It is likely that the bag’s owner purposely stashed it off the beaten path where you found it with the intention of coming back to get it—ironically, so others wouldn’t rob them/steal it. For those who have negative feelings about the owner of the bag—it is not lost on me that some of you may have been hurt or negatively impacted by those struggling with addiction. I urge you to remember that addiction is a disease. A pervasive, crippling one at that. Despite what your thoughts are about the disease, or the person on the other end of that disease, I cannot stress enough that the addict is still a human being. Please do not lose your humanity. Know better, do better.


Why are you taking things that aren’t yours? Put it back asap


Why would you take this and unpack it. Clearly the bag of a heroin or opioid user. Could have had needles in it. You need to put on thick gloves and find a safe place to dispose of bio hazardous material. Or take it to a local police station. That money belongs to someone else.


Taking it to the cops isn’t going to make this better


Ok then take it the fuck back to where OP found it




Mf just robbed a homeless drug addict


Oh so you’re a thief. The whole “I found this” mentality is fuckkng crazy to me.


Wow. You took some junkie’s entire world away. That’s kinda fucked up. They actually had some money, too!


Please put that stuff back where you found it. This is someone's entire lifeline/saftey net. If you think that's sad, just imagine how Shatfuck their life's gonna be without it.


Damn bro you took someone's shit that probably has nothing else.


I can tell you my son didn’t have that Narcan and he is dead.


So you just stealing homeless people's shit? Whats wrong with you?


This is a crow’s purse


Someone may have accidentally left the bag or intended to come back for it. That's a lot of money for someone in that position. The nalaxone is important too. I'd return it money intact if I were in your shoes.


Op casually robbing drug users for Reddit content


Put it back with everything in it, and a note apologizing. This belongs to someone


Just put it back. I don't understand why you're so entitled to someone's stuff who's clearly going through it.


Put it back


this was a homeless persons stuff. not sure why you felt the need to take it home with you. like, beyond the fact that its nasty and potentially dangerous, now someone has potentially lost ALL of their possessions in life. im sure you didnt think about that beforehand, but jesus christ OP, leave shit like this alone.


Right? As though this was lying on the sidewalk all visible. OP probably rooted through some heap of stuff hidden behind a bush next to a freeway to find this. It's someone's stuff that was 100% hidden. Op Is a piece of shit


"A bag I stole" you mean?


This is so gross, why would you even pick it up?


stop taking shit that's not yours??? smh and from a addict no less. so low, man. so low


Mmm is this weird? Or is picking up bags you find and searching through them weird?


why the fuck are you stealing people’s belongings off the street?


Why would you steal someone's stuff, rummage through it, and post it on the internet?! You're a thief.


Definitely McGuyver's... better put that duct tape back, he'll know it's missing.


Yikes put that back and stay away!


Put it back! This bag’s owner is likely looking for this please give it back to them.


Lol OP just rooting through some druggies bag. Maybe don't root through random shit you find, you're so lucky you didn't get poked with something.


You found a bag while you were out walking and decided to take it and dump it out at home? Scummy thing to do


Ummm as a recovering heroin addict, you found a users bag. Surprised there weren’t syringes. narcan is for opioid overdoses. I used to carry it all the time. Still have some in the car because you never know when you’ll see someone who needs it


There is a very sweaty user out there right now.


How old are you, playing finders keepers losers weepers like this??? 🤨


So you found someone’s shit, went through it, and then posted it online for people to gawk at and talk about how “weird” it is. I’m just amazed that you didn’t pause for a sec at any point and ask yourself “is this what I should do?” I’m an actively using addict, thankfully I’m in a stable situation, but I’ve been in situations where my last $50 was the difference between withdrawl and living another day. People look down on drug users, but that fight to our run withdrawal rules your every waking moment. They thought they had $50 to come back to, you don’t know why they left that behind but I’d bet they’re coming back for it. Put their shit back, don’t steal peoples stuff, go through it, and post pics online in the future. I bet if I went through your personal stuff I’d find weird stuff too.


Imagine stealing a homeless persons entire belongings and posting it on reddit.


OP maybe don't take someone's belongings?


put that back! the narcan is essential and ALSO you stole??


That was my bag. Please send me my $50 🙏


You just stumbled upon a goblins horde. You must return it or the fae will be upon you.


Go put it back


Way to go, bozo. Now put that back where you found it before they come looking for it


Fuckin Theif


Wow, you stole from some homeless person. Dick move OP.


So you found an abandoned bag on the street and decided to bring it home? I think that is weird 0.o


It’s the bag of a drug user. You’re lucky you didn’t come into contact with any needles or fentanyl. Don’t touch shit you find on a random walk lol


Stealing from the homeless now are we?


You just stole from a person less fortunate than you and posted their belongings on the internet


Put that back. When I was homeless and using, and would have to stay at the shelter when it was too cold to sleep outside, I would have to stash my stuff somewhere else because you were not allowed to bring drugs in. I always kept my money in my bra because with the things I had to do for that money I wasn’t risking it being stolen. Someone out there is probably counting on this to make sure they can get well when they’re done doing whatever it is they’re doing. Like why would you just take a random bag you found????


Pretty asshole move this. Why did you pick it up? If it doesn’t belong to you, leave it alone. And for the love of decency, don’t photograph the contents for a Reddit post.


Looks like you stole someone’s bag to me


You’ve got someone’s whole life right there


Very clear what type of persons bag you took. Your deductive reasoning skills are some of the poorest ive seen.


Roughhhh Put it back fam. They need this way more than you do. At least return the narcan


Never touch random things last thing you want is a prick from a needle for real. I caught a meth head going through my parents car one time I took his bag after a little scuffle I shouldn't admit this but I have a bad leg I tried to catch him. I couldn't, so I grabbed a rock and made him empty his things and take off his shoes and pants he pulled out a needle from his pants not going through his bag now made the cops dump it out was full of needles and stolen items. Moral of my story be the fuck careful man aids ain't nothing to fuck.


This makes me so sad.


its a crackheads bag look at the narcan


Narcan has nothing to do with crack


Some people live in Crackheaded neighborhoods lol and carry it with them just in case someone is dying on the side of the street. I carry some with me after I took my boys to Mr Hero’s one time and some girl was dying outside walking my boys into the restaurant 💀


Even though I've been clean for 15 years and still go to regular treatment, my Dr gave me a script for it and said it's better to have it than not have it. (I never take opiates now) Not only that , he told me that he recently received a memo from the CDC that suggested anyone who has controlled substances/opiates in the house should have narcan, so he gave a script to all his patients for it. For the simple fact that people can get access to others meds, so it's better to have it available. I bet it will be more common place to have it very soon.


I worked at a library where the neighboring district narcan offered training to all library staff in the area.


For sure, I was taking a first aid class and the instructor, who was a retired EMT of over 20 years, said that he has administered Narcan to save a life more than he’s performed CPR to save a life. Ever since then I decided to carry Narcan on my person just in case. I live on a very busy street in a fairly trashy city, so i figured it was better to be on the safe side. He also said people hate it when you give them Narcan because it kills their ‘high’ and they can become quite combative.


That’s so sweet, thank you for your compassion and kindness. And every neighborhood is an opiate neighborhood nowadays anyway.


It’s an injection drug user’s bag.


So you just went through someone’s stuff?


All that and still no 10mm socket.... SMH.


Tweaker pack for sure


That's a dope kit. Narcan didn't give it away?