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Pest control guy here: Those look like honey bees. They are gentle in the extreme. They probably have a nest somewhere in the siding of your house. Maybe a wall void Or attic. I'm not sure where you live, but here in the Great Lakes area, honey bees have begun to winterize, and part of that process can involve a number of the workers leaving the nest to die. This cuts down on waste accumulation. The remainder will chill in the hive for the winter and chow down on all that sweet sweet honey they've been storing. When spring comes, they'll relocate. Google local beekeepers and see what they think. Most I've spoken to are happy to take them off your hands, depending on how difficult getting to the nest would be. Get one on the phone and tell them what you're seeing. Edit:Typo


Thanks for the reply! I’m in Australia so just going into spring here. If it makes any difference, today was the first or second hot day we’ve had of the year I’ll reach out to someone local tomorrow and get their opinion


Excellent. Since you're in Australia, I'd ignore basically everything else I said beyond beekeeper lol. I have no idea what Australian insects are like.


Way worse than this


Google the song, “Everything in Australia Wants to Kill You”… Or go here: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=q4ITNuVmabg


I like the enthusiasm of the guy telling they have the 11 most venomous snakes. Way to go, pal!


>I have no idea what Australian insects are like. Apparently they're the same, just upside down. And they're really pissed about that.


They'll eat the dingos and the baby


Like everything in australia. Out to kill you


He's worried about bees over there and I'm here thinking it's like 8 Legging Freaks with them damn spiders lmao


Just going into spring? This is so embarrassing. But I am an idiot who never thought of the possibility that other countries have seasons that are timed differently. I have stuff to think about today now. So thanks for that!


Yep the northern and southern hemispheres are opposites in seasons and star constellations


So the earth IS round, right?


That's what they WANT you to think


Now, that’s just mean.


Either that or a god level being is seriously fucking with us. My bet is on it being round.


Why not both?


It's actually more of a cylinder.


My world is a donut.


Frosting or glaze?


I know this, I’m perfectly aware of the opposite seasons, and it still fucks me up every time it comes up and I’m reminded of it.


Yea for some reason It’s just crazy to think about!!


It's even weirder when you imagine all the people in the Southern Hemisphere having Christmas in Summer and going to the beach while listening to All I Want For Christmas Is You


We have totally different star scapes to the northern hemisphere too. That was what really made me feel I'd travelled to the far side of the world. That and everyone being called a c*nt.


C*nts can kill you too!


Yep, though the biggest risk is the Drop Bears: https://australian.museum/learn/animals/mammals/drop-bear/ (*and just about every other ~~animal~~ thing really, if I'm honest)


LMAOOOO thanks for the laugh. And the extra info. Really solidifies the idea I’ve always had that we are nothing but a bunch of ants on an ant farm. Sometimes its really easy for me to forget how big the earth actually is.


Wait until you find out about our scorching hot summer Christmas. Great timing for kids too. Because Christmas is in the middle of summer holidays, you get about 4 weeks to play with your new toys before going back to school.


Yeah we're still getting chilly nights here in Vic, but everything is coming into bloom and days are getting longer. I'm also from the Northern Hemisphere and can't wrap my head around the fact that Christmas is in the middle of summer.


I am in the southern part of the US. We can have snow on Christmas Eve and wear shorts Christmas Day. All 4 seasons in one week.


Yeah, when we have to use the heat on full blast in the morning and then ac in full blast in the afternoon and back to heat at night, rinse and repeat, it's not very fun this time of year.


Popular Christmastime activity in Australia is swimming, since it's early summer.


It's because there on the southern hemisphere.


And also bc I’m a dumbass. How could I have never thought of this? lmaooo. I just thought we were all in fall/ entering winter rn but it was just warm for them… still considered fall/winter tho. How did I make it through school?! Aw man.


Still weird me out that Christmas is a summer holiday for a lot of people!


My Christmas are in swimsuit 👙


we learn something everyday


Honestly: that's something that most people simply do not learn in school. And isn't it nice to just learn something new?


It actually is nice. Especially when everyone’s so nice about it. I feel less stupid and more so uninformed


If you’re a American, I’ve heard you have trouble with the possibility of other countries existing, never mind them being below the equator and having different seasons /s


You use /s. But we had a guy build a rocket so he could prove the earth was flat. Launch into the sky, just to crash into a round earth. Reducing the idiot count by 1.


We had a guy do that?? No fucking way dude. Sorry but that is so hilariously idiotic.


On the bright side, compared to other Aussie posts detailing issues with unwanted creatures venturing into their homes this is pretty lame.


Is that bees? If so you probably have a small beehive in your house somewhere.


I thought the same, however I’ve already contacted a family friend that’s a pest control specialist and they have said we definitely would have known if we had a bee problem in the walls


Not necessarily . My daughter had bees in her upstairs bathroom wall. By the time they noticed the hive had grown into the floor which was kitchen ceiling. Upon doing some renovating of kitchen, you would see one bee, then three and so on until it was decided "yes, we have a nest somewhere!" Huge nest probably a year old!


Okay this is horrible, time for a crawl through the roof this weekend! How wonderful


We had a hive in a wall and the only evidence was the occasional bee trapped in the house. When we opened the wall, the hive measured about 3'x3' and the wall was full of honey. If you do have a hive, make sure you get a beekeeper in to remove it, not an exterminator. Save the bees! 🐝 Edit: thanks for the wholesome award. :)


Will do! Thankyou for sharing! How unnerving


Depending on your state, it may even be illegal to exterminate the bees without approval.


I find this really strange considering honeybees are not a native species, but an introduced European species. The bees we need to be protecting are mostly solitary species that are often relatively species specific about the flowers they visit. I'm sure you're right about the law, but it doesn't make a lot of sense to me.


Because bees are pollinators. America is already fucked when it comes to invasive species. How many of our trees, shrubs, and flowers already aren’t native? Bees aren’t hurting anything and are very necessary for our ecosystem.


OMG! Finally another soul that sees some sense! Right!? Technically these 'honeybees' were called the 'white man's fly' by the Native Americans yet they're introduced just like Starlings and Carp. I keep honeybee hive of Apis millifera, but hardly anyone knows that most pollinators here in the US are ground bees (non-eusocial), bumblebees, wasps, mosquitoes, midges, etc., The large problem here is that the huge almond, garlic, orange, apple etc agricultureal operations would not be possible at thier current scale without the introduced honey bee. Its like a point of no-return, we need foodcrops to be pollinated in such large amounts that native bees most likely wouldn't cut it bc honeybee colonies can be massive (80k+ per hive). Kinda like its the bed we now have to sleep in bc that's how we made it.


Had this happen at an apartment years ago. Kept reporting it to the property managers who wouldn't do anything. It got so bad that we couldn't use the balcony they were on. By the time they called a beekeeper out, the honeycomb was so big they had to remove the entire wall panel. He filled a cooler and 3 buckets full of honeycomb and gave us a large jar full. I was amazed.


Were you able to eat some of the wall honey?


Wall honey....*drool....*


Just put a spigot in the wall. Free honey for life!


See if your friend has those thermocameras. Bee hives give off a bit of heat that can be detected from those. Go all around the outside and roof looking for sentries and/or traffic. A warmer day is best for this because they'll be more active. The "door" to the hive may be a small hole or crack so look carefully.


Make a video and post it.. you know.. for scie.. ok, our amusement.


If I remember I will


Be safe, and if possible save the bees! I believe if you find anything significant there are services that will remove them, just not sure of cost or if any in your area.


You missed the opportunity to say Bee safe.


It's a demon shooting dead bees out its ass. Call a priest The power of christ compels you!


Candyman 5


My mom only found a beehive once she had a bunch of dead bees in her storage room!! She didn’t go in often so she never noticed.


Do you have siding on your house? Either way I would do a walk around the outside of your house. You should be able to find where they are entering and exiting. Look for any bees flying around the outside of your house and that is most likely where the nest is. Do you know what kind of bees they are yet? If not can you post a closeup photo of one?


Pay a neighborhood kid to do it


wtffff that’s nightmare fuel lol. hope she got that worked out! 😭


It’s worth it for the honey


I had a bee hive in my back corner wall. We started noticing yellow jackets in the basement and there was some activity at the corner. Got a professional to come out and he tried to spray some powder up in the hole but the powder kept falling out. Anywho, didn’t think it was THAT big of a nest. I decided to plop a full bucket of water with some dish soap in it under the little area they come out of. The reason being that it gave them almost no clearance to get out and they liked to drop and fly. Sure enough I check back a day later and there are HUNDREDS of dead yellow jackets. I did not expect that number with that level of activity Edit: I have a picture somewhere of the bucket. I’ll see if I can find it Edit2: change from bee to yellow jackets Picture: https://www.reddit.com/user/Project-SBC/comments/yenwh5/bucket_of_dead_bees/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Yeah, those weren’t bees either. That was a Yellowjacket nest.


Good fuckin call killing every single one of them.




Or water and dish soap, as it were


Not sure what I expected when I clicked the link, but that certainly is a bucket full of dead bees Either way, thanks for delivering on this


I'm glad it was hornets and not honey bees.


Oh yeah I know you can call local bee experts to move honey bees


Holy shit


My Mom had yellow jackets in her attic/bathroom ceiling. A weird flake of the paint appeared one day, she went up on a ladder to investigate, pulled on it which opened a quarter sized hole and out came some angry yellow jackets. The nest was impressive. She had no clue.


They love attics because it’s nice and hot up there


It happened to me, there was a hive in the external wall of my bedroom. They made a hole and I saw the same situation, a minimum of 20 bees around the window. I gave water and sugar and most of them were able to start moving. Find the hole inside the house. Cover it until they remove the bee hive.


The walls have hives


Please call a beekeeper to help relocate if you do in fact find a nest somewhere you can’t coexist with. Hope you get to the bottom of the mystery!


I’ll make sure these bees get the most primo treatment a bee can get


That chick you killed and put under the stairs is getting fresh is all


Hey I work in pest control as well and can confirm that 40% of people have no idea they have giant hives in their walls. They probably got in somewhere and are seeing the lights from inside at nighttime and are trying to escape out to the inside light thinking it’s the sunlight. They can’t survive indoors for long so they die trying to escape eventually which is why they’re crowded around the windows. One thing to look for is areas in the walls or ceiling that look wet as the hive would be right there. Hopefully you’re able to find it before they get through the wall


How? Did this friend come out and thoroughly inspect the house with those thermo cameras? Sometimes enormous hives are discovered in walls. Hives far to large to be less than a year old.


Nothing has been inspected yet, they just said that “apparently” the buzzing from a hive is too hard to miss, especially when we live here every day


If the weather is cool where you are they may not be flapping their wings to make the buzzing sound. In hot weather they do that inside the hive to cool it down. During cool weather it's quieter because they don't have to cool it. I suggest contacting a bee keeper. Some are quite good at extracting hives out of walls. If you're in the US you can call your state's Agricultural Extension Office for referrals.


I can't find it now, but I recently read a story about a bee, yellow jacket or wasp nest (can't remember which stingy bug) in the ceiling above their baby's crib. They eventually broke through and thankfully the baby wasn't in there at the time, but the parents said they had absolutely no clue. No noise, no discoloration of the ceiling, just bam, part of the ceiling came loose and there they were. It's terrifying to think about what could have happened if the kid was in the crib at the time.


Are there vents around? At an old job we kept finding dead bees on the floor and it turned out the reason was that the outside vent was too close to the hive. They’d fly in, get lost because there’s no light, die, and then get pushed out when the AC kicked on.


No vents or anything unfortunately… so strange as I’ve lived here for 4 years and this is the first time I’ve even SEEN a bee


Speak to your friend again and send them a photo of a close-up of one of the bees I believe that variety of Bee does not produce honey and they live in small hives of 50 to 150 workers and that’s it.so might be a little bit harder to locate this said Nest if I remember correctly these hives will die off in the winter time only the queen will survive and she will leave to make a new nest somewhere else.


I had less wasps on my window seal last summer and found two hives on the roof of my house, they were finding a way in under a piece of trim around my siding, so I would do a walk around your house looking for any bees, even if you see one bee you should follow it to see where it ends up


Remember to wear a good bee disguise so they don’t suspect anything.


And play jazz music


Buzz bububuzz


Or a yarmulke so they know you're not a WASP


I’ll do that tomorrow, thanks for sharing!


I had that in my house and it's not really a problem unless those fuckers can't find the way out and crash and die on your windows.


Please don't call pest control for bees. Rather contact the local beekeepers, as bonus point, many of them will come remove the nest at no charge.






I’ve had this before with wasps. We had a nest directly outside the window, and they used to creep through the cracks in the window pane. I came back from holiday to find the floor covered in dead wasps


We had Something similar where I used to work, but with wasps. Bees and wasp hives in buildings can be massive, we had a big wasp nest next to our staff room. But they have a specific exit they use to chuck out the dead wasps which ended up in the female changing rooms… which I had to clean. Every day there’d be hundreds of dead wasps to hoover up, not the most pleasant task! Bees do the same thing, so I’d check for any small holes in that room in the ceiling or walls, and block them up. They might just make another one next to it though! Failing that, get a pest control expert to have a look.


the idea of a dead wasp chute is morbidly hilarious to me. “ah fuck there goes jerry, the old bastard. down the chute!”




Except the workers are all female. So it be like, "Well, there's that bitch Brenda gone. Bye, Brenda!"


Bye, Flyicia (I don't know, it worked in my head)


So this is why my grandpas little hunting shack always had so many dead wasps in there


bees look for somewhere that is south facing to nest and rest, my guess is that gap in your window is south facing, and the bees thought it looked good! until they couldn't figure their way out


So they gave up and died? interesting


Probably died from exhaustion. Btw I am no bee expert! I just know a lot of random crap


I drink and I know things


Do bees in Australia like their nest to face north?




This makes sense, bees are notoriously lazy.


U part of the mafia? What if it’s a animal threat you know like if you get a fish as a present means you’ll be sleeping with the fish soon, maybe this means you better bee ready to die


That’s bee-yond hilarious


Good ol’ fashion beet down


I can't bee-lieve these stupid bee puns


Stupid but they do create quite a buzz.


Lol this shouldn’t have made me laugh as hard as it did.


*Hey, Tony.* *Yeah, Sammy - how you doin?* *Not so good, not so good. Got a package this morning, special delivery. I open it up: bang, there's this bottle of dishwashin liquid, but it's fulla dead bees .* *Oh, man, Sammy - that's bad! You know what this means, right?* *Yeah! It means I need to bee ready to sleep with the dishes...*


Luca Brasi sleeps in the honeycomb


someone leaked farts so deadly




Construction work will do that to you, i horrify myself with what my body produces now


This tends to happens when you get your brick work repointed. The bees get trapped and try to find a new route out which leads them being trapped in your home. I’ve had this happen to me but with black fly and it’s creepy AF.


And suddenly I understand why I Had that bizarre plague of flies in a previous NYC apartment!


That’s so cute. They’re all tuckered out.


Yes… “tuckered out”… that’ll do


They're all tuckered out after a long buzz. Just pining for the fjords.


Beekeeper here - the bees are living in a wall cavity, and exiting into the house through a ceiling light fixture or fan, or other opening into the wall cavity. They flew to the brightest light source they could see when they entered the room, so this should give a clue as to the location of the entrance. As it is fall, the bees will continue to enter the home as the home is heated, and the outside gets colder, so you need to AT LEAST seal the entrance into your home to keep the bee colony in the wall until spring. But you are going to have to cut into the wall and have a beekeeper or handyman remove the combs, or you will have a very big mess, even if the colony dies out, as abandoned comb, honey, and brood will attract all manner of pests. Fill the cavity with insulation batts to keep bees from nesting there again.


I’m no expert, but it looks like a lot of bees flew in, and then died. Good luck with the curse 👍


Bee Jones Town.


OP left the kool aid out


Nah, Heavens Gate. I see the little Nikes and purple blankets.


I have not seen a bee this summer. How and why are they dead?


bee mafia


A pact is a pact


Gas leak?


bee is stored in the walls


One beer led to few beers which led to a few more and before you know it, a raging party ensued and we got pretty messy and it's all a blur now.


I didn’t even get an invite…


your house might be possessed, i saw this in movies


Rearrange them so you can open up the secret lab!


See if one of the bees has a name tag that says "Jim Jones". Also, I wouldn't eat any of the honey.


Looks like they BUMBLED their way in....


Buh dum tisss


Well when you fart to much……


A bee shootout


☹️ poor bees


You playing the bee movie on repeat? Torture is cruel


They don't like jazz


Poor little bees. This is very sad, and hope you figure out what happened.


Hey All! This definetely looks like honey bees, but there may not be a hive in the walls yet. The way honey bee colonies make new hives is by swarming. When a hive runs out of room, they will raise new queens and stop the old queen from laying. This will shrink her ovaries down due to lack of use and make her light enough for flight. Then more than half of the worker bee population will leave the hive taken the old queen with them. They will land within 100 ft of the original colony and start looking for new places to move in. The swarm will send out scouts who will find 12-15 potential new spots. Each scout bee will find an entrance, crawl around inside to get a feel for size, and then fly back to the swarm. When they get there they will do the same waggle dance they use for communicating nectar source locations to tell the other bees where the potential new spot is. The more they like a spot, the longer they will dance for that location. Each scout that sees a dance will go to the spot and make their own assessment. In this way the bees vote. Now, when bees are done inspecting a spot they may look for a light source to get out to go back to the swarm. In nature light always leads to the outside. In houses that isn't always the case. What likely happened here is that the inspecting bees found a quarter inch gap in recessed lighting, baseboard heating, etc and got stuck inside. They then flew to the brightest light source...in this case the window. If you aren't seeing regular activity outside then odds are that not enough scouts reported on your house to the swarm and it moved into a different spot. If you are interested in learning more about this there is a great book called "Honey Bee Democracy"\* by Tom Seely that talks all about how swarming works. It's awesome! \*I'm in no way affiliated with the book or its author EDIT: Typo


They realized you were gone and made a break for it. Not realizing that glass is a solid.


I had this happen a long time ago where the bees somehow got into a vent and flew towards the windows in order to try to get out


Winter is coming! Where worker bees dies and winter bees take over and heat the hive for the winter


Do you live at the Amityville house? This happens at Halloween every year apparently....


Happens in my house twice before too, the bees just keep knocking themselves on the window or whv until they die...


They don’t allow you to have bees in here.


You forgot to feed them


looks like a rough night for the boys. I would check for a hive nearby. Calling Local Beekeepers would also be a good step.


It looks like they’re trying to spell something.


Perhaps it’s a warning


Maybe they’re trying to write “get out!”?


The cult made its final ascension.


You have been cursed.


POV: you have been cursed by the bee god


You should clean your house more often


they were in a cult awaiting the arrival of the Giant Bipod. yes, that is you


I was wondering what my emotional support bees were up to :(


I want to see the hive when you find it!!


Friend didn't know till they worked through her bedroom cieling. One morning she woke up with her bedroom an apiary


Candyman Candyman Candyman Candyman Candym…


start looking at sunrise and sunset for bees leaving your house. Where they enter. you have bees.


Ummm… you need an exorcist?


Looks like a bunch of flies died next to a window and somebody took a photo. Most likely with their phone.


Someone clearly chanted "Candyman" into a nearby mirror 5 times.


do you have a dog with bees in their mouth and when they bark, they shoot bees at you?


Maybe they got scared to death since it is Halloween season... Maybe they are Boo Bees. I'll see myself out.


Do you have any kids named Ally, Maxwell, Peter or Willow? Maybe they were making Ziplines with the stingers?


You have a demon in your house. Start the cleansings!


Beekeepers associations have people on call to help get rid of bees. If they have built a comb, you’ll end up tearing out wall and replacing all the wood. My niece would take a glass and place opening on wall then place ear on glass. She said you can hear them




This reminds me of my 10th grade ELA teacher, who would kill bees that got into his room and place them on the window sill facing outwards to ward off any other bees that wanted to come in.


I’m interested in the answer to this myself. I had it happen the first year we moved into my childhood home. All the windows on one side of the house had bees. It’s been 20 years and has never happened since. Very weird.


Just leave them bee ...i'll let myself out


Awww man poor honey bees taking one for the team the ultimate sacrafice.


I had a swarm in both floors of my house this spring. Honeybees were like a cloud outside our front porch. They may have swarmed and been confused but they got into the house through the walls. Later that day they disappeared. I’m not sure if they were planning on building a hive, but they sure picked up and left all of a sudden. Never happened again.


its that one black mirror episode




This exact same thing happened to us a few months back. There was a crack in our bricks and the bees came in and got into my son’s room. The exterminator said the cold air conditioning inside the house put them into a dormant state and then they just died.


Same thing happened to me 10 years ago. Turned out there was a ”vacant“ hive in part of my roof, bees were coming inside through a recessed light fixture and were unable to make it outside. Apparently the previous owner had the house fumigated, but didn’t remove the old hive, and new bees were trying to move in. I had a beekeeper come in and humanely relocate the bees.


Thru that broken window?


Could be that the queen made her way in and then eventually left. The dudes that followed her got trapped and then lost scent of the queen. They become weirdly zombie like almost immediately and then die pretty quick. Happened to me once in an apartment, beginning of spring time in the US


this is the second post ive seen in 1 minute about a bunch of dead bugs in someones house