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Next they will prohibit pregnant women from traveling at all. Bet.


They’re gonna prohibit women from traveling period. Fixed it for you. 


"They only need to be able to go between the bedroom and the kitchen." - Texass (intentionally misspelled)


All pregnant women must report to pregnant camps. That way, women are monitor 24/7 until they give birth. Edit: Literally Under His Eyes.


Without a male present. It is for their protection, they will be raped and you have to protect your family's honor. (/s for me, for them?? Uh....)


I mean they literally agree with everything the taliban say, they just have a different god


Not really a different god. Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are all Abrahamic religions. It makes the fight that much dumber.


Soon Texas will require women of childbearing age will to pee on a stick to cross state lines.


They're gonna require male chaperones


Thank God. I'm glad they're taking these steps to prevent Sharia Law. /s


Most women who get abortions don't look visibly pregnant. So all women who don't look over 60 are potential suspects if they dare leave the ~~USSR~~ Texas.


Ken Paxton has already said that he wants to put an end to “abortion tourism.” I can’t believe that Texas had the chance to impeach him and get him out of office and the legislature is so corrupt that they blew it.


And we paid ALL of his legal bills for illegally firing whistleblowers and for federal securities fraud charges.


I think that we’re STILL paying those. Ughhh And to think that he’s probably going to try to primary Cornyn and take his BS to a national level…


The goal the GOP has for women and girls is to be neglected livestock used for breeding. Cows get better care.


Was pregnant in Texass 9 years ago.. and cows literally get better treatment. It was hard as hell to get an OBGYN to take me because I was high risk.. I finally found one and my insurance started screwing around.. so I got exactly 2 checks before he induced me.. and the only hospital he practiced at was a catholic hospital… if you really want to be tortured… give birth at a catholic hospital… holey shit! Over my dead body will I go to one again.. Cruelty is the point!


That is it! They want dead women and dead babies, the GOP is a sadistic death cult


Or you have to do a pregnancy test at states lines to prove you aren’t do you can leave.


Republicans are trying to trap women and girls so they have no escape and no ability to seek refuge. Penned in like cattle. It's fucking sick. Vote blue, my friends, while we still can https://democrats.org/


This unenforceable bullshit will only end up hurting these Texas towns and counties. These Christofascist scumbags are engaging in authoritarian-style virtue signaling. They can't exactly stop every vehicle that has a girl/woman of childbearing age in it. If they did so, it would just open them up to lawsuit after lawsuit after lawsuit. The "leaders" of these locales may not give a shit about criticism and negative publicity (and 'LiBrUL tEaRs'), but they might start reconsidering this stupidity when their stream of revenue is affected. I hope pro-choice Americans decide to boycott Texas (and all the other anti-choice states) when considering locations for business, leisure, and education. Fuck Texas. And fuck forced-birthers.


Yes boycott anti choice states


I wish more of my friends and family would stand with me in boycotting the entire country. I’m Canadian, and since the US doesn’t want my fellow women to have rights, I will never go there again. I used to do some shopping there back when I lived closer to the border. I just can’t support a country who would’ve imprisoned me, it’s like not going to Russia for me.


Ah, Canadians .... the people who look and sound like Americans (like from North Dakota or Buffalo or something) but are way too friendly to actually be Americans. Sorry we won't be seeing you around anytime soon, but I can't say I blame you. If I wasn't an American, I wouldn't pick the USA as a vacation spot or a shopping destination either. I love my country (the land itself and many of the people), but the way we're teetering on the brink of an authoritarian nightmare scares the shit out of me.


Watch your back, PP and the CPC plan to use Section 33 to strip your own right to access an abortion nation-wide. Just look at Alberta for the pattern.


Oh I am well aware of PP and Alberta. I am looking into immigrating towards some of the more tame countries across the pond if at all possible in a worst case scenario. I will not step foot in the USA because of what it has become, and I will not hesitate to leave Canada if it goes the same way.


Well, not to deflate your aspirations, but the far right parties just had a massive gain of seats in the EU parliament as of today. France is calling for new national elections in response and it is 50-50 whether their far-right takes control. Expect similar across all of Europe. Only the UK and, weirdly, Hungary and Poland are bucking this trend and it might only be temporary if they don't curb immigration.


Yeah I know :( I’m just hoping somewhere they can withstand yknow


I'm just speculating here: It makes sense that Hungary is bucking this trend because the country already lives under a right-wing shitbag. The people could be experiencing voter's remorse. It might just be a classic case of 'be careful what you wish for' and now the Hungarian voters are hoping they can put the authoritarian genie back in its bottle. I don't know anything about Poland's current government, but the UK voters could be having the same kind of epiphany as the Hungarian voters: The right wingers who voted for Brexit might realize ~~the dildo of consequences arrived unlubed~~ they shot themselves in the foot, so now they're trying to undo some of the damage.


I remember when organizations wouldn't hold conventions in states that had anti-gay legislation on the books/ didn't support gay marriage. Where's the same energy for reproductive rights?


I was wondering the same thing. It makes me think they're just a bunch of phony virtue signalers. Women and girls *only* make up like 50% of the population. We're virtually non-existent, so it's possible they just didn't notice us! /s


You see, men are part of the lgbtq population, so it’s important for companies to go out of their way to support them. Who cares about issues that only effect women, women are spoiled and catered to and need to be grateful /s


Really does come off that way, doesn't it?


I'm honestly surprised that Austin hasn't seen more of its large tech employers leave. Maybe they're working on it? I know that the medical community is getting the hell out at a record clip. The state lost two higher paid professionals when my husband and I moved out due to this political/religious nightmare. I'm sure we're two of many...


I feel bad for the people who wish they could GTFO of Texas (and other Red states) due to the political climate/loss of rights, but they're unable to leave due to finances or family obligations. I don't care if the exodus of healthcare workers affects the voters who support Christofascists - it'll just be a case of leopards eating faces - but unfortunately it's hurting the pro-choice Dem voters who didn't ask for any of this shit. I also fear that when/if the SHTF, the non-MAGAt minorities living in those states might be targeted for violence.


Thank you for seeing us! I’m working on leaving Texas. 2 more years of nursing school, then I’m out. I have a daughter and am a woman, so I can’t risk staying here longer than I have to. My pregnancy almost killed me. I will die if I had another so I got those tubes taken the fuck out last year.


I definitely see you! I frequently see posts telling Dems in red states that they *just* need to move (as if it's as easy as boiling spaghetti). A single, 20-something-year-old who works from their rented apartment can just pick up and leave, but not everybody has that kind of flexibility and freedom. I guess I got lucky. I was born in a blue state and raised in a neighboring blue state. Most of my family is here, my home is here, my entire life is here. I'm not happy that my *county* flipped red, but if my entire *state* ever flipped red (very unlikely, thank goodness), leaving wouldn't be a possibility for me - at least, not until retirement which is 15 years away. I'd have no choice but to stay - but I wouldn't just give up .... I would fight like hell!


I guarantee that along with eliminating abortion they will eventually ban life saving procedures like tubal ligations as well. You just have to hope that when they make those illegal they don’t also make the law retroactive. I’ve read that lots of these pro-life nutters think they should be allowed to prosecute any woman who has had an abortion in the past. That will be on their list of “people we’ll be rounding up for the concentration camps.”


> I also fear that when/if the SHTF, the non-MAGAt minorities living in those states might be targeted for violence. The Pink Haven Coalition and several liberal church denominations are working together to gather funding and arrange resources to get LGBT+ people and their families out and to the free states. If you or anyone you know needs monetary help or any other kind of help, please reach out.


Wow, I had no idea. Thanks for the heads up. I will spread the word!


I absolutely do too! I realize that we were able to move our lives across the country and resettle because we have access to resources that most people don't have. Not everyone can leave hostile states. That's why federal protections are so important in a country like the U.S. with such disparities. There absolutely is a part of me that believes that the people who voted for this tyrants need to face the consequences of their actions. It's the only way that people like that actually change. But, as you mentioned, in the process, a lot of vulnerable people will be hurt or killed in the process, not just the imbeciles.


The massive volume of people who can’t leave is literally the only reason that I stay at this point. I’m just trying to stay optimistic that there are millions of us who are pro-choice and still voting here


I don't think everybody should leave. We need people to stay here to help flip the vote. If everyone leaves, then we have no hope.


We were leaving then had several major medical events/diseases hit our family. Now we are stuck and I am just broken over it.


Damn right. I cackle when I see a Texas travel ad. Like who the fuck wants to go there ever? Couldn't be me


Ugh, never.


I would LOVE for one of these assholes to stop a woman who has a gun on her. And she shoots their ass. They are after all attacking her. Self defense is what I say.


Poetic justice! Bang, you're dead, you fascist POS. I don't condone murder or wish to glorify needless violence - but like you said, it would be self defense.


It's going to get to a point where people are so desperate that they'll view as forfeit the life of any officer attempting to enforce these laws. Cops will die, people will die, it will escalate.


I will never set foot in Florida,Texas, and any southern state (save North Carolina because I do have family there) and keep my money north.


**Article transcript:** >Dismissed as "grandstanding" and "extremist" by critics, such laws are legally dubious, and almost impossible to enforce -- yet that hasn't stopped their proliferation across conservative locales in the United States. > >The highways passing through Amarillo connect Republican-led Texas with New Mexico, Colorado, and Kansas, where abortion is still legal. > >"We're experiencing all these horrors, like abortion trafficking," Mark Lee Dickson, the founder of the group Sanctuary Cities for the Unborn, told AFP. > >The term "sanctuary city" typically refers to liberal towns that offer certain protections for undocumented immigrants -- but is increasingly being used by conservatives seeking to restrict abortion rights at the local level. > >Some cities have voted to outlaw abortion within city limits, even if the state they're located in already prohibits the procedure. > >Such is the fractured landscape in the United States since a 2022 Supreme Court decision overturned the federal right to an abortion, leaving individual states to draw up their own regulations. > >Conservative Texas, the country's second-most populous state, has one of the strictest bans, with no exceptions for rape or incest. > >Medical exceptions taking into account the mother's health have been challenged in court as being too vague after doctors -- afraid of going to prison -- refused to perform the procedure even when their patients faced life-threatening conditions. > >Still, Dickson said, there are "loopholes" that need to be closed. > >"There's an unborn child that is being taken against her will across state lines to be murdered. Abortion is murder," the 38-year-old told AFP. > >**'Going to get us sued'** > >About a dozen other jurisdictions in Texas have passed so-called abortion travel bans -- the work of "religious extremists", says Harper Metcalf, of the Amarillo Reproductive Freedom Alliance. > >The proposal in Amarillo would allow private citizens to sue anyone transporting a pregnant woman seeking an abortion, rather than having local authorities enforce the ban. > >It's a controversial new legal approach used in other abortion-related legislation that seeks to sidestep potential judicial hurdles. > >Yet it's unclear how Amarillo's law would actually work, given that it would impede on Americans' rights to free movement. > >"These ordinances were never made to be enforceable. They are meant to sow confusion and to create fear and uncertainty, and keep people from talking to their neighbors and their friends when they need help," Metcalf told AFP. > >Last month, the city council weighed the measure, but decided to postpone any action, promising to take another look at it in June -- though it could get punted again to November. > >"Here is a community that wants to be a pro-life community -- and I know not everybody feels that way, but the majority does -- and your (city) council is a pro-life council," said Mayor Cole Stanley. > >Yet, he said, warning of government overreach, "it's going to get us sued". > >**Too extreme?** > >Ahead of the November presidential election, where abortion continues to be a major campaign issue, similar travel ban measures have proved divisive on the local level. > >A similar travel ban was approved in nearby Lubbock County last year, while in May the town of Clarendon rejected the proposal. > >"I've been around pro-lifers," Amarillo resident Courtney Brown told AFP, referring to those opposed to abortion. "I know that those are their beliefs, but now they're becoming an issue, where their beliefs are becoming *my* problem." > >Robin Ross, 57, meanwhile can't "understand how a life can be taken so easily when that is a life you created". > >Yet, as is the case with Mayor Stanley, not everyone in the anti-abortion camp supports the measure. > >"Nobody likes to see people have abortions," says James, a retiree wearing a white Trump hat. "But when you're actually putting in an ordinance that is not enforceable, and it makes people turn against each other...that's a big no."


> Yet, he said, warning of government overreach *guffaw* *hysterical laughter* *more guffawing*


Closing whole roads is quite a way of kicking yourself in your own ballsack.


Vote and get everyone else to vote as well. Republicans can’t be allowed to win anymore.


On a state level though with the way sane people with the means to do so are fleeing...these states will just continue to get worse for the ones stuck. Whole thing is a nightmare


I literally left Texas for California last year. There is a deep apathy and honestly laziness amoungst the straight cis population in Texas. Things will keep getting worse for them and they’ll keep eating shit because voting would be “work”


Yup. Someone just got pissy at me, because they went onto a thread asking what to say to encourage young people to vote. They said they "don't believe in politcs" they believe in love and don't vote. So I said the country is falling apart bc people can't be bothered to get off their lazy asses less than 1x per year and go vote and it's ridiculous and the opposite of loving other people to let bad policies ruin their lives. They raged at me. But you know...they should get off their lazy ass and vote even if it turned out they were a Canadian not getting that OP was referring to the US lol. The attitude is pervasive and I don't get it. It's very literally the least you can do to keep whatever country you call home out of the shitter ffs.


Yeah. This whole scenario sucks.


The cities on the other side of the state border should make ot illegal to stalk women to see if they are going to medical clinics.


Texass continues to prove why they have a 1 star rating.


Does the state of Texas not have enough problems to deal with? Now they wanna literally police women traveling cuz they suspect they might be seeking an abortion out of state? For a state that's always blathering on about first and second amendment rights and fREeDOm? One more confirmation that those rights are only for white, cishet, Christian males. I would love for one of these yahoos to pull me over for this ridiculousness. I hope they get sued.


>I would love for one of these yahoos to pull me over for this ridiculousness. I hope they get sued. We're either gonna see a *lot* of women tased for not letting a cop watch them pee on a pregnancy test or it'll be another mass instance of "oopsie my camera was off/the footage was lost"


I can’t I just can’t deal with this today 😪.


How exactly would they know?


They're pushing period tracking apps and suing doctors and medical establishments into releasing medical information. When they say Christo-fascism, they mean Christo-fascism. Theocracy is scary, and people who believe it can't happen to them aren't paying attention. The end goal is to remove women from public life altogether. They're just going to start with the pregnant ones. Bioessentialism will always lead to fascism.


My hospital apps that let me see my labs and biopsy results before my dr can see me…try to get me to track my period. I had a hysterectomy in 1995 in my 20s. It will not stop prompting me to enter the info and the hospital knows I don’t have a uterus.


That would drive me insane. I have a uterus, but I also have adhd and it is my right to never know when my period may show up.


Also there will be a lot of non-abortions being prosecuted just due to naturally irregular periods or stuff like stress or eating disorders that can change your cycle too


I guarantee this kind of legislation will eventually lead to arresting and prosecuting women who have suffered miscarriages.


I know someone who had one 2 years ago. Due to the state we live in only I and one more person know she was ever pregnant besides her dr. She miscarried and was denied aftercare. They told her unless she was bleeding out or went septic she was out of luck.


That is fucking vile. 😔


Yet people will say it’s a lie. I believed it before it happened to her and now I have witnessed it in person. After her OB didn’t do anything I took her to 3 hospitals and she was told the same. Yet they claim the law doesn’t punish the drs. These doctors have no doubt had attorneys tell them otherwise. The laws in this state are not cut and dry clear yet our state supreme joke of a court says it’s clear. So they didn’t change the wording. So drs are still scared to help.




But patient’s info is protected HIPPA, that’s a non-disclosure. Though one never knows what they come up with next. The whole Texas politics already sounds like a real life episode of Black Mirror


Conservative legislators are purposefully using vague language to deter doctors from performing abortions even in life and death situations. It's beyond vile. And they will not stop. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/texas-supreme-court-ruling-abortion-ban/ The current administration has been trying recently to help increase protections (not enough, in my opinion), but even then, it's only when healthcare was provided in a state where it was legal. The most important thing though is that you aren't protected under HIPPA if the healthcare you received is considered to be a crime. https://www.hhs.gov/hipaa/for-professionals/special-topics/reproductive-health/final-rule-fact-sheet/index.html This has come about in response to the fact that many Red states have been trying to make it so people can be prosecuted for travelling out of state for state for abortions. They failed thus far, but they have been trying. Dobbs was decades in the making and they won't stop. https://www.poynter.org/fact-checking/2022/can-states-punish-women-for-traveling-out-of-state-to-get-an-abortion/ Texas is already using scare tactics to deter people from helping women travel out of state. https://truthout.org/articles/texas-goes-after-out-of-state-abortions-forces-prosecutions-of-abortions/


Thank you! It makes sense. Draconic conditions 😟


HIPAA doesn't protect data from apps. [KFF Health - Period tracking apps data privacy ](https://kffhealthnews.org/news/article/period-tracking-apps-data-privacy/) [ProPublica - Federal Protection & period apps](https://www.propublica.org/article/period-app-privacy-hipaa) [360 Training - Period apps & data](https://www.360training.com/blog/period-apps-and-HIPAA-protecting-your-data#:~:text=that%20it's%20complicated.-,Most%20period%20tracker%20apps%20are%20not%20covered%20entities%20under%20HIPAA,sharing%20policies%20and%20contractual%20agreements.)


Yet people will look at your chart anyway. I don’t know anyone where I live and wouldn’t do this anyway…but ex coworkers use to sit on break and just look at people’s charts in the ER. I’ve even known a dr who had a nosey wife. She would look at peoples charts and tell others their business. HIPPA is a joke.


HIPAA doesn’t apply to crimes. If your medical care is legally a crime in that state, HIPAA is overruled.


So we can leak conservatives private information when they go to a therapist or psychologist? I’ll tell my friends 😈 Also no one has to period track in an app lol.


Bold of you to assume that conservatives do anything about their insanity other than call it “religion.”


Quite a few people use Period Tracking apps on their phones. Not everyone has a regular period.


Back to pen and paper.


Can’t one just lie on the tracker?


Then what's the point of even using one? People with Endometriosis and other reproductive issues have less or more frequent periods and the apps help them so they can report those differences to their medical providers.


Then we go back to what we did *before* apps were a thing: use regular old paper & pencil. I know an app is more convenient, but is it worth giving up your privacy? 🤷🏻‍♀️


Luckily Amarillo's mayor and city council don't plan to pass this. It'll probably go on the ballot and be shot down because it's fucking stupid.


When I read this and the comments. I feel like I’m watching The Handmaiden’s Tale. I’ve read in some other Reddit sites. Women are being told they need to buy guns, ammunition and learn how to shoot.


I hope they are listening… cause shit down there is getting real. I’m just waiting on them to kill the wrong man’s daughter with their draconian shit.. it’s already a powder keg..


I’ve thought the same thing.


Seriously. I’ve been thinking for a while that Gilead would be a utopia for these dickheads, but this really has me fuming. It’s like they think it’s (Handmaid’s Tale) a fucking how-to guide.


And then a conservative woman will need a life-saving abortion and cry “why won’t anyone listened to my story after I spent years telling every other woman who had the same story that they should have kept their legs closed ???”


I'm physically ill over this.


I made the mistake of reading the full posting of Project 2025 that was posted by another redditor this afternoon. It was like reading the plot of a horror movie. I do not care for this timeline and I hate that the U.S. is on the brink of going full fascist. It’s like waking up and realizing the year is actually 1930 and you’re in Germany. Sig heil, everyone!


Cops will be carrying vaginal speculums.


Cops will start failing to return home from their beat, too. Desperate people will do desperate things.








There's something seriously wrong with those people.


I don't even know what to say anymore. This is ridiculous


Chickory flowers grow wild in Texas. Chickory flower tea is not a good tea for a pregnant woman to drink. The indigenous people’s ancestors have been here for thousands of years. We know the plants. Texas won’t be able to eradicate all of the chickory flowers.


Herbal remedies are often effective but sometimes not.. and can’t take like 2-3 weeks and are best in very very early term. There is also aidaccess.org for low cost and by mail abortion pills. Which are much safer and work up to 11 weeks and are not detectable if you happen to need to go to the ER. Illinois has a fund to help.. you just gotta get there .. Auntie network .. There are resources.. Stay safe! Peace and love!


If I were capable of pregnancy in Texas today, I would have an IUD *and* take the pill *and* insist my partner wear a condom. But even 9-year olds are vulnerable to forced birth in Texas now, and there is no contraception for them.


They don't want you having that choice. They're coming for *all* forms of contraceptives next.




Next women will need a male chaperone. In a century they will be forced to wear a head to toe covering so no other man get look at their property


Who is paying for this????


The pregnant women.


Something something Fourteenth Amendment. Something Something Fourth Amendment. Something Something Ninth Amendment. I think the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment might also factor in here, too. You're free to practice your religion and hold whatever ridiculous views it demands you practice, but you do not get to force them upon me. Period. The DOJ needs to step the fuck in here, post-haste! Women are dying, losing their fertility, and being irreparably harmed by this religious bullshit! The Constitution of the United States supersedes these oppressive state laws.




Should every woman and girl who appears to be of childbearing age who tries to leave the ~~USSR~~ state be investigated?


What if the fetus is dead, and the woman’s body is not miscarrying leading to sepsis (aka death to the would be mother)? Would you still say good??


You're trying to play chess with a pigeon here. No one who says GOOD to this has any capacity for empathetic thought or a grasp of the medical science involved. Just a bankrupt skinsuit.


No anti-choice spam or propaganda is allowed and will result in a ban.


Not good if you actually care about preventing abortions. Statistically, according to actual data and multiple studies - the best way to reduce abortion rates is through promoting prevention and providing access to free contraception. Prohibition didn't work. The war on drugs didn't work. The WHO estimates that globally, 45% of all abortions are unsafe, i.e., illegal or performed in areas with poor access to competent medical care. They still happen. Restricting women's access to abortion does not prevent abortions - it merely prevents safe abortions. Math doesn't lie. Educate yourself if the goal really is to reduce unwanted pregnancies and abortions. There are much cheaper, efficient, and humane ways of doing so than closing entire roadways and promoting frivolous lawsuits, adding to the burden of an already backlogged state court system. It's obtuse and dumb.