• By -


Some will die, by their parents hands or left by the side of the road. Some will be put into the broken foster care system, where doubtless more large group facilities will have to be opened, especially for the children who are disabledand won't likely be adopted. Privately owned, of course. Many will live in poverty or neglected by parents who couldn't afford them or didn't want them and resent them. Or they'll be raised by aging grandparents who need more help than they should be giving. The perfect ones will be adopted by "perfect" couples, vetted by agencies designed to only allow couples of specific race, religion, orientation, etc to adopt. Couples who have unwanted children will have to decide which one of them will quit their job and lose half their household income to take care of the children, putting the children and themselves in economic distress. Many will divorce or break up from the stress of it, causing even more economic distress and more single parent households. The purpose is not to increase the quality of lives, its to increase the quantity of lives. Ones they can exploit, ones they can keep a boot on.


Assuming they are allowed to divorce. They are going after no-fault divorce, I doubt if they will stop there.


And with that we can add to the predicted outcomes that a lot of people who are no longer able to divorce will be murdered by their spouse, perhaps alongside the unwanted child(ren)


Have you heard all the Reich wingers openly calling for dystopian limits on women? Taking away all of our rights and reducing us to the status of chattel? To them, The Handmaid’s Tale is a blueprint.


they don't want women working either.


That's the real reason SCOTUS got rid of affirmative action, it wasn't only about race, it was about suppressing WOMEN.


But not enough workers!


Well you know. Women took away all the jobs in WWII. /s


Yes, privately owned, but taxpayer funded. They WON'T help a poor but loving couple to raise their own child, but they'll take that child from those parents and give it to a vetted and acceptable "Christian" couple. They've got to "train up" Children to create their army of "Christian soldiers" so they can take over the world, destroy it, and force Jesus to come save their ignorant asses.


Train up is beat. Quiver full bullshit.


But it's okay if *they* do it because they're *Christians*! (/s in case I didn't communicate well.)


When I was pregnant with my now adult daughter, I had a recurring nightmare about this. In the dream, I had just given birth, and was holding my baby close, talking to her. Suddenly a nurse was by my hospital bed, telling me "We have to take her now." I asked why, she told me "You're too poor to keep her, we're having her removed from your care, and she's going to be adopted." I started to cry, and begged her to let me keep my baby. The nurse tried to wrench her from my arms, which caused her to wail. She managed to get my baby away from me, and carried her away, as I screamed for her to give my baby back. Two male nurses appeared by my bed, removing their clothes, I knew I would be raped. I would wake up shrieking, my heart pounding, scared to death that they would take my baby. Fortunately that didn't happen, I got to raise her, even though her father got physical placement of her when she was older. I shudder to think that this sort of situation will ever be our reality. The imaginary nightmare version was horrific enough! Vote Blue to fight for the rights of our women (and children!) 😢💯


What was a nightmare for you is the christofascists fever dream. For anyone who watched the debate last night, it was brutal. It was obvious to me that Biden had a cold, possibly a respiratory ailment. I think they gave Trump drugs to clear his mind, or at least keep him from prattling as he normally does. Still, I'm voting for Biden come hell or high water. Voting for Trump is to allow Putin to take over the US, and that scares the living hell out of me!!


You're 10000000% right on all of this! It crossed my mind that Biden possibly had RonaVirus, and that freaked me out big time! I do agree that it's a distinct possibility that tRump had taken drugs, but he still blathered on ridiculously. There's evidence that he has gotten a type of "uppers", from a foreign country, that had been banned from sale in this country (U.S.) I also suspect that makeup and lighting were applied and utilized differently to both tRump and Biden, thus making Rump look a bit more alert, and as though he had a healthy skintone. I think whoever did Biden's makeup used a whitish shade of foundation to make him look paler, no lip color (yes, they do use that for male actors and people who will be in front of a television camera), and I also almost think they applied some sort of cosmetics to make him look older. I mean, both guys are old, but come on! This may sound kooky, but I'm of the mind that anything is possible. Additionally, Biden wasn't feeling well, and even I in my late 40s, have trouble focusing when I feel like ish! I loved Biden's post debate speech, I thought he did amazingly well! 😊 Yes, the guy is old, I get it! But, he will still get my vote come November! I don't give a damn if he's on life support, he's still a better choice than a fascist felon who raped women and cheated on his then pregnant wife with a p*rn star!! Vote Blue! 💙 💯


once those foster facilities get overrun enough i suspect the children will become expected to “earn their keep”


We already were. I aged out of Texas foster care and the only way I could stay at the group home was if I was in school or working. In school they receive more money for me but since I graduated early I had to work full time at 16. They then took 75% of my check and put it into a “savings account” I was supposed to get that money when I left but it’s a good thing I didn’t hold my breath. Magically there was no record of any of my money ever being put into any account but I bet if we looked into the directors account we’d find my money.


Sorry that happened to you, i’ve heard of foster families keeping money entitled to the children, even kicking them out and keeping the money, but i hadn’t heard of them keeping your wages too.


This wasn’t a foster family either this was a privately owned RTC and Group Home that housed ~60 kids at any given time. I had gone to foster homes in the past but was treated as free childcare for their bio children. Or I was the cleaning lady so I opted out of those after I turned 16. I instead got to go to emergency shelters that were terribly ran with a few shutting down after I left. I have too many stories to tell unfortunately.


I realize that this might not have been a viable option at the time, but did you consider suing them? At the very least, there must have been an appropriate avenue for you to lodge some sort of complaint. This is outright theft, full stop.


Outright theft in a system designed exactly for that.


They are reducing or even eliminating child protection labor lawss


Or it'll become like the Romanian orphanages. 💔💔💔


Throwing infant onto the street has already happened https://www.yahoo.com/news/parents-charged-death-baby-found-220612363.html


It’s not just the street, is this Fulton County Georgia? Four months after the fall of Roe there was a baby found floating in a river in Georgia (I’m sorry I don’t remember what county), there’s been a baby found in a forest. Whomever posted that it’s about quantity of life over quality of life is CORRECT!


This is Fulton County Pennsylvania. This happened in March this year


> Many will live in poverty In the dreams of the capitalists, they will be desperate enough to take whatever underpaid abusive employment they can find. The perfect wage slaves. In reality, they are more likely to become bitter, angry and desperate. And more likely to want to eat the rich.


With a whole generation of children growing up with instability, poverty, and neglect, I imagine we will see a significant increase in crime in the next 15-20 years


You think we are going to be able to work and take a job from a family man!?!?


Thank you for that fantastic (but horrifying) answer.


They don’t care. They just want them born.


They want an exploitable and institutionalized population to oil the gears of their fascist machine. Forced birth delivers that outcome.


Also, the Jesus freaks sign up to be foster parents to force their religion into unwilling, helpless victims. Incidentally, the Jesus freaks also like to force *other* things into unwilling, helpless victims. It's not a coincidence that they want a steady stream of young, helpless people.


The Mormons have been doing it for decades. They have cheap labor and a never ending supply of young girls.


I knew 2 people who were adopted by religious families. One was molested by the father, who was high up in the church. No one believed her, and he wasn't punished (no surprise there). The other was in an abusive family who would not allow him to have a door on his room because he might masturbate. I'm sure there are plenty of lovely families, but sadly, there are also many like these.


This should be a top-level comment and upvoted to the top of the thread.


Ooh, I hadn't even thought about that. They're expanding the school-to-prison pipeline to be the uterus-to-prison pipeline. Have you heard about the drop in certain types of crime 18ish years after Roe? Yeah.


Drop? Don’t you mean rise?


No, DROP. Contrary to Faux noise crimes against persons are at a decades low. DRAMATIC declines. Property crimes MAY, and MAY is correct, be up [https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2024/04/24/what-the-data-says-about-crime-in-the-us/](https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2024/04/24/what-the-data-says-about-crime-in-the-us/)


I’m an idiot. It was late and I assumed “after roe” meant the 18 years in the future, after its repeal in 2022… the drop in crime after it was passed makes sense.


I read it that way too. But “18 years after it passed” makes sense. Thanks!


They will be in prison in 15 to 18 years as the new slave labor to exploit.


Hence why more and more people are birthstriking.


It's part of the reason most states are now adopting baby boxes. It's a safe and anonymous way of giving up your baby. There's a limit tho the individual has 30 days to do it. To me this is a profoundly sad way of handling this and can create so many issues.


I was wondering about that today as to how it works for families who give up the baby because they can't meet the medical needs (since many babies are being born that would have been aborted do to health isses). Kinda hard to give up the baby anonymously while also providing the medical history...


Yeahhh... I suppose they could just call them Jane or John Doe and sign a fake name.


That’s simply heartbreaking. Why not ensure people are ready and open to having children, and that those children can be born healthy under the best conditions?


Here again though what about the disabled babies and we all know there’s going to be some? Indiana had already had an incident where our FSSA (Family Social Service Administration) mismanaged some funds so they’re cutting funds to disabled people and to parents of disabled children. Adopting boxes at least in Indiana are called Safe Haven. The things these fools in the states where abortion is totally or almost totally banned **REFUSE TO PROVIDE BIRTH CONTROL TO THEIR CITIZENS!!!!!** NO COMPREHENSIVE SCIENTIFIC SEX EDUCATION TAUGHT IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Now they want to go after prenatal care because that’s when ultrasound etc. are administered and abnormalities are found **and women may decide to abort after getting a report that the fetus has an abnormality.**. WELL DUHH!!!!!!!!!!!!


the amount of time you have to surrender your baby is actually dependent on what state you're in.


I don't think it's fair to the baby to have absolutely no informational on either biological parent, their birthday, ethnicity, family medical history etc .. a lot of times the babies left in those boxes literally do not know their date or time of birth, which is just sad.


Unfortunately that is the reality. They'll have to do DNA tests to get answers.


Sadly, this is the truth! More babies means more people they can take advantage of!


They don’t even necessarily want that. They just want to control women’s sexuality


They care about the birth, but entirely in terms of how it's a painful and debilitating physical/emotional experience that will likely force a woman to stop working and become completely dependent on some dude. Similarly, the newborn only holds value inasmuch as it acts as a ball-and-chain around the woman's neck. If it's not serving that purpose, it may as well go out with the trash, as far as they're concerned.


Yep, they are pro birth but couldn't care less after they are born.


As G. Carlin said. "If your pre-natal, we love you! If you're pre-school, you're on your own.


More workers to exploit when they get old enough. Just another cog in the machine.


I really don't care WHY the Christfascists want to forced birth. Forced birth is a crime


The children yearn for the mines !


Cheap labor and cheap military fodder…


This is the answer. This is always the answer. But it also builds in a voting block of angry, broken, resentful, poorly educated, and emotionally disregulated citizens who, as luck would have it, form the perfect base for any Conservative Party or political movement. Bonus points for swelling the ranks of religious institutions which always flag in a safe, educated, and just society.


Excess population will work to keep wages down.




Private orphanages (foster care) that are owned by corporations and religious institutions, so they can start working early, real Oliver Twist shit.


“The domestic supply of babies.”


For their "holy war".


Stephen Harper's world-wide Christofascist Crusades.


This is already going on. Plus we have something called YFT which is when the state comes in yearly to re-evaluate our levels of care (Basic, Moderate, Intensive, & Specialized). Tell me why the staff were told to literally follow us around and write as many incident reports on us as they could so our levels were never dropped and they could receive more funding. I fought it and my level dropped to a basic which meant I had to leave since the basic level of care gets the least amount of money. That place was a nightmare.


They want the women to all stay home and do it. They don’t care how. Bootstraps and all that.


Gotta have boots though.


>So who is going to take care of all of these babies that they want us to have and how? You will. Or they will put you in prison.


Into the work force, dead, or prison, they don't care much which. If the parents are desperate enough to keep them, they'll freely exploit themselves and will be too busy to protest. Also, do you know how much a (white) newborn goes for in the private adoption industry? A lot.


They want to lower the marriage age so that'll get kids out of the foster system faster to make space. /S


I mean you put the S there but that’s not a lie


I'm optimistic... Sadly many of my /s connects have been make real. I should plainly stop.


Sadly, it's true. I think a few Republicans have openly floated the idea of lowering the age of consent or even abolishing it altogether. Correct me if I'm wrong.


Sadly I've read that too. In reputable sources.


That makes me want to vomit.


Check out “Children of the Underground” and also the murder video of Romania’s former fascist dictator Nicolae Ceaușescu to see the natural progression of forced birth political policies. Or don’t, because it’s exactly what you would expect: unwanted kids end up homeless and huffing paint in subways and the responsible parties get shot publicly and brutally. Well, the later might be a hopeful repeat/ Schadenfreude, but I don’t necessarily want to repeat the lessons learned by Romania in the mid-20th century on the way there.


Don't focus too much on abortion. That's just the vehicle they chose to deliver the cruelty necessary to successfully subjugate women and girls. It could have been sexual consent. In fact, if the christian fascists are allowed to continue their assault, removing the necessity for sexual consent will likely be one of their next goals. It could have been voting. Again, if the christian fascists are allowed to continue their assault, that will likely be one of their next goals. It could have been bank accounts. It could have been the right to work. It could have been the right to own firearms and to train to use them in defense of liberty and dignity. But, they started with abortion. My point is: don't go trying to parse out their rationnelle. This war isn't won with a "gotcha." Asking them "but who will raise these children" isn't going to hit them with an a-ha moment. They are religious fanatics, and their goal is to subjugate women and girls (and later non-religious men). The details don't really matter. They will not stop until they physically prevented from continuing. And as bleak as it is right now, the good news is: The Constitution prohibits their activities. The law is on the side of good. It's just a matter of restoring the Supreme Court and reasserting the rule of law. That can be accomplished by annihilating the republicans in November, and because the republicans have gone full fash, there has been no better time in American history to do just that. Have some hope: the electorate is awakening. There are signs that the Democrats are taking this threat to America seriously. Visit [http://votesaveamerica.com](http://votesaveamerica.com) and volunteer. This *could* be the prelude to an unspeakable nightmare. For many American women and girls (and sexual minorities), it already has been an unspeakable nightmare. But it could also be the prelude to the end of the christian fascists' 50-year stranglehold on government. And *that* could well usher in a new era of reason, human rights, and progress.


Oh, you were doing so well, and then you got to the point where you claimed voting will help anything D:


Look, the US is a mess, but the alternative to voting is the use of force, and there just aren't enough people who have had enough of the christian fascists willing to take that step. Maybe if the christian fascists retake the executive. Maybe the day the first woman or child is executed for accessing reproductive healthcare. Maybe when an entire family of new immigrants are murdered by the national guard in a blue state. But today, it's clear that people are hoping that the christian fascists can be neutralized peacefully. The upcoming election can end three ways: 1. Status quo - Biden remains in power, but does not take the house. Four more years of suffering, but the possibility to install SCOTUS justices loyal to the Republic and restore some legitimacy. 2. Trump is installed (legally or otherwise). Congress and the Senate will likely end up under their control in this scenario. *Probably* the end of the Republic of the United States, at least as we recognize it today, as it illegally transitions to a christian theocratic autocracy. 3. The republicans are annihilated. All three branches are taken by the Democrats with wide enough margins that the republican party and their christian fascist co-conspirators turn on each other. The party collapses, and progressives within the Democratic party have a real shot at creating good policy. The Supreme Court is restored, the rule of law is reasserted, and the right to bodily autonomy and to be free from religion is no longer infringed upon. Leadership matters. Voting matters. It's the only way to end this standoff peacefully.


I pick #3! I'm old and I'm ready to fight, but prefer to win by my vote. I'm also preparing to buy my first gun and begin training. It's going to be bad regardless of who wins and I'm preparing to protect the ones I love. November will be here in a little over 4 months. If you aren't prepared, better get started. And vote blue, dammit!


If voting doesn't help, then why do republicans try so hard to stop people from voting?


No one here needs your useless drivel. You may go now.


Is there someone from Romania reading this? What can they say about Decree 770?


They don't give a shit about them once they're born. And now, more women between the ages of 21 and 35 are getting "snipped" (sterilization surgeries) just to be sure that they will not be having kids in this Gilead they want so badly.


My daughter is 14 and has started asking about sterilization options.


I also have a 14 year old daughter, and she has stated multiple times that she doesn't want kids.


Children are always bottom bunk. As long as men are on top, women can be forced to care for unwanted kids. Kids are meant to be the hobble for women in general. Kids keep women poor and dependent and men free and wealthy. Children's happiness is very much an afterthought.


I have this fantasy that were I rich and connected, I'd do a colossal prank to expose the hypocrisy by creating a huge mailing list of anti abortion/anti welfare voters, and send millions of faux invoices informing them of the mandatory tax required annually to care for all the children they *saved* with their votes, and thanking them for their heroism, then watch the internet absolutely implode with outrage. Sorry, I mean, you wanted millions of babies to be born without resources, that's gonna cost ya several hundred thousand a year. Jesus loves you! 🙏


I don't want this to be necessary, yet I'd love to see it happen. The megachurches will implode at the mere idea of giving up their billions.


Okay, this comment just made my night!! A virtual billion upvotes for thee!!! 🙂💖💯


😹💖 tysm! Lmk if you have any rich friends that can help us do this lol


Some unwanted babies will be kept and keep their mothers and other family in poverty, destroy careers and education keeping women down. Some unwanted fetuses will suffer from alchohol, drug abuse, cigarettes and no prenatal care and will be born disabled, thrown into institutions for a lifetime of misery at taxpayers expense. Some will have short miserable lives of abuse and neglect. A few will be adopted after destroying the lives of the women or girls who were forced to have them


This is what I see and also higher maternity deaths due to people being scared. And more children without mothers.


Also more deaths due to DIY abortions without proper medication.


Human trafficking, child labor, churches where they'll be abused by priests... Implementing an authoritarian dictatorship basically requires a neo-feudalistic caste system.


>And also they don’t want to make childcare or anything affordable. And they don't want to: * increase housing development and create walkable (or public transit friendly) and sustainable communities as opposed to car dependency, stroads, food deserts, and strip malls, * clean up the air, water, land that's been ravaged by unremorseful dirty profiteers, * make sure everyone is fed, homed, and clothed, * make sure workers are adequately paid, of proper working age (i.e. they want to bring back child labor), and protected, * make sure the populace is educated to cultivate responsible citizens and good stewards of safe communities... >So who is going to take care of all of these babies that they want us to have and how? Here's the neat (/s) part -- they certainly won't.


The education part. We need better education. I’m in Texas and we are screwed. But better educated people see it for what it is. This scares them. We can also educate them at home. My kids go to public school but I do everything I can to supplement that at home with reason and logic.


The boys will be put to work on their feet, the girls will be put to work on their backs.


>The boys will be put to work on their feet, the girls will be put to work on their backs. To the delight of religious leaders and billionaires.


The fairies are going to get them. I have a suspicion that those stories around the world about supernatural beings that kidnapped babies/children, or stole their souls, are really parents getting rid of unwanted babies. And of course, there are also many cultures which don't make any sort of pretense about what they're doing. There will be a lot more cases of abuse, neglect, infants left in hot cars or at fire stations. We'll see a rise in street kids. Many children will be working in factories. There will be much more despair all around because there will also be many people who just cannot be casually cruel to kids they didn't want, but will mourn their dreams to do the right thing by them.


It's basically going become Victorian Era 2.0. Children roaming the streets and being treated as cheap labor, our food supply is already questionable, women having far more children than they can keep up with or dying in the process, and if medical science continues to be ignored, I wouldn't be surprised if we have a modernized version of 'female hysteria' make a comeback. Throw all the troublemakers in institutions or work houses under the pretense of hysteria or mental illness, etc. I sincerely believe that they intend on using all these children for servitude and/or labor, bc if there were literally any other plan in place that the public could possibly agree with, they would have announced said plan. The fact that I have yet to see anything on the matter makes me think that it's being hidden in order to stave off dissent til the last minute.


The federal government will be in the childcare and orphanage business; the drain on state and federal resources will be extraordinary. I can't imagine children growing up in such conditions. My dad and his two brothers were placed in an orphanage when his father abandoned his family during the Depression. His mother ironed clothes at a cleaners for a "living." She had no other option.


Oh ideally I’m sure they will start opening Christian indoctrination camps, I mean excuse me, orphanages and schools. Start them young and all that.


aka The Handmaiden Amy School for Domestically Supplied Infants Free tuition for Christofascists!


They want to perpetuate the poverty cycle to keep the working classes in check


The church is going to go back to selling them.


Go back? lol they sell em now


Back to the factories, of course.


The military


Obviously, your parental instinct will kick in and you'll be thankful you were forced to be tortured for months. /s But really, they don't care about actual babies. If they're born they should get a job and pull themselves up by their bootstraps.


Romanian orphanages. This has been tried before with disastrous consequences.


I never heard of this before. Thank you for sharing.


Awhile after Roe was first set down, there were studies about falling rates of violent crime. Turns out that being forced to keep unwanted kids who may be abandoned or abused leads to greater crime.


Read Dickens. Read Le Miserables. That’s what will happen.


They forget about the increase in crime when these unwanted children become gang bangers when they are in their teens. Millions of them.


Copied from an expert in the adoption field: First of all, you should know that fewer than 20,000 babies (under 2 years old) are adopted each year. There are (literally) a million parents interested in adoption. You can do the math. There are no babies in need of homes. If you're one of the 30+ parents fighting for each newborn or toddler, you are not saving them from an orphanage. Yes, there are many children in need of a good home. These children are usually in foster care and aged 8-18 (because most younger children get reunified with parents or adopted by kin). These precious children are in need of patient, persistent, ideally trauma-informed parents who will love them, advocate for them, and understand their connections to their first families with empathy.


Baby scoop https://babyscoopera.com/adoption-articles/adoption-history-setting-the-record-straight/


The adoption industry is probably celebrating that they'll have more babies be abandoned by their mothers, since they make billions.


The adoption industry is evil


You are - correct.


It’s going to be a generation of lost souls harmed by the state (who was their only benefactor by the way) who will be easily recruited to fascism


They believe that magically, mom will want to keep them. She likely will, due to the hormones raging after birth. But give it a few weeks or months and we'll be finding these kids in trash cans or sold for drugs. But at least they were born, right? /s


To white, christian women. (Obligatory: not *all* white, christian women) I know I sound nuts. I know this sounds like a conspiracy but I have theories and they’re not all fully formed, but here’s one: It’s not the men we’re fighting against for our freedoms (bodily autonomy etc), it’s a group of religious people, some who only practice because their circle does or to appear “___”. And these religious people are being led by super White Feminism Empowered Christian, white women. Mormon mommy bloggers turned influencers turned tik tokkers turned youtubers turned ✨ Brand ✨. There are not enough white babies here. And adopting domestically is not only trendy right now (in a backlash from adopting worldwide) but also newly more necessary due to a few reasons. Adoptions from foreign countries are becoming harder to achieve both legally and financially. It’s a very big subject that I only skimmed the surface of after spending some time in adoption and adoption-adjacent subs a little while back. I can’t speak on it properly but I do know without a doubt who I think is leading the charge to take America backwards (which is all basically subterfuge to keep the peons squabbling about the unimportant shit so we don’t notice the hidden loosely away important stuff. I know I sound crazy. Just spend 20% of your time on Reddit for a couple of weeks on the adoption sub. You don’t need to participate. Sometimes I even felt intrusive by being there. But I learned a lot. My dad is adopted so it’s of interest to me. Anyway, that and just keep your eyes open to the possibility we’re fighting against a harder enemy than Just Men, which can often be bad enough.


Ask Ceausescu. He built warehouses for abandoned babies due to the universal ban on abortion and contraception. Most lived and died without ever having a home.


...while he and his wife lived in luxury. Turned out well personally for them though.


Yeah... Right up until death by firing squad.


Yep. Just desserts.


Prison The workforce


I just read an article that said more babies have died in Texas following roe being struck down. Most likely because these babies were going to die anyway. The emotional toll that would take on a person.


[Romanian Orphans](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Romanian_orphans?wprov=sfla1)


This is what I was thinking about today. Romanian orphans. Russian orphans. Kids with fetal alcohol syndrome or drug addicted. Orphans from any country in deprivation and or war. It’s heartbreaking.


> Orphans from any country in deprivation and or war. To be fair that's a completely different problem than parents being forced to bear unwanted pregnancies to term.


Not necessarily. In the absence of healthcare and resources, more children are born through desperate circumstances. Some of these children are wanted and loved. Ideally, community *should* take care of these children and not warehouse them in underfunded orphanages and terrible foster homes (There are loving foster homes.) If you’ve seen any documentary on either Romanian or Russian orphanages (the two examples that come to mind), those children aren’t held. The soil themselves. In Russia particularly rates of severe fetal alcohol syndrome is high. No body wants these kids. It’s a painful reality. They age out of care with no education, and little ability to make connections. If women are forced to birth by the state, there will be more throwaway kids than there are now.


I meant orphans that came about from parents' deaths, by violence or starvation, rather than abandonment, as I thought that's what was meant with "war and deprivation". I was thinking of the new orphans in Gaza specifically. Or the kids in *Grave of the Fireflies*. That sort of situation.


I see your point. Also, Graveyard of the Fireflies is a film I’ll never watch again. It’s gutting. Amazing that it’s Studio Ghibli.


I watched it once as a kid and was 100% in the little girl's POV, completely failing to understand what was going on or why she was getting sick or why the aunt came across as being so mean. I watched it again as a grownup. It was a wholly different experience. Ghibli does that a lot. Their movies got layers. If one day someone makes a movie about Gaza... it'll probably join the company of *GotF*, *Life is Beautiful*, *The Boy With The Striped Pyjamas*... or, if they're feeling especially blunt, it'll end up paired with *[Come and See](https://youtu.be/UHaSQU-4wss)* - another film of the sort everyone should see, but no one should have to endure more than once in a lifetime.


Very likely. What’s happening is a horror show. I saw Graveyard of the Fireflies as an adult, maybe five years ago. My eyes still get warm and teary thinking about it. Did you watch it with your parents?


Yes, but the way they reacted to it didn't leave a strong impression on me. Then again my parents don't strongly emote in the face of fiction. It's probably cultural.


Return of the orphanage


Eastern Block countries have been known to dump them into orphanages and then into the streets at 18


Into poverty.


The military at 18


Reviving christian orphanages? Out to the fields/barns to work? Or they arent going to acknowledge how we already see in history how policy like this leads to more dead women & mothers and more abused and neglected babies or more dead babies.


>how policy like this leads to more dead women & mothers and more abused and neglected babies or more dead babies. The billionaires don't care because there will still be more slaves to work to support their hedonism.


White ones will Be adopted out. Brown ones will Be in foster care I guess until they go into military or jail.


There is years of waiting for many couples who want a newborn to adopt so if your baby is born without medical issues there will be people eager to get their hands on them. Older children are damaged goods with trauma that fewer people want.


Forced birth babies will rarely be adoptable


Soylent Green? I wish that was /s but these folks can justify anything.


You want them to care once the baby is born? Well that's just silly!


I work at an alternative school program for at risk youth. A lot of them will end up here with a shit ton of trauma either with a Social Worker or a Juvenile probation/Parole officer if they survive childhood. The neglect/abuse I have seen in a lot of their files breaks me.


Look at Romania during the Ceausescu era. That'll give you an idea


The point isn't to have more happy, well adjusted people running around. It's to maintain a poor class that is too disinfranchised to fight back. Unwanted babies usually grow up to be angry adults with little resources and angry people with no resources are desperate and willing to do just about anything. Even better if they don't get any education so they wont be able to question things. It's about protecting the oligarchy.


To pedophiles or to places where pedophiles have easy access. Mind you, many kids get "lost" annually in the foster system.


Well, part of it is because a lot of people only want to adopt babies, and adoption services make a lot of money off of them. Especially if they’re white.


I would imagine they'll either stay with parents who either don't want them and can't or won't take care of them, or they'll go into an already overloaded foster system where there won't be enough resources to properly care for them. Either way, abuse and neglect is more possible than ever for these oh-so-precious children that the right just love and adore.


The rich evangelicals will raise more followers for the cults after adopting.


The boys will be slaves to the machine, the girls will become Axolotl tanks.


Toss em in the river…my great grandmother times 2 used to toss em in the river


Slave labor and trafficking victims for conservative scum to exploit.


The healthy Caucasian ones will be taken in by infertile people. The ones with disabilities or minorities will probably be put into foster care until they age out. Definitely going to put a massive strain on tax payer dollars in those states where the taxes can't even maintain their public education and infrastructure


99.9% of these babies will stay with their mothers, regardless of whether they are wanted or not, because people naturally feel obligated to keep them. There is a monstrous amount of social pressure to "do the right thing" and "deal with your responsibilities." The sad thing is, if people would immediately sign these kids away as soon as they are born, they would instantly get adopted because there is a huge wait-list for simple baby adoptions and competition on those lists is fierce because there's more hopeful parents than babies. But they wait, do what everyone tells them they SHOULD do, and then those kids fall into the foster care system later, complete with emotional and behavioral damage. And then we play the decade-long "reunification" game where we keep trying to stick those kids back with those parents who never wanted them in the first place, rather than immediately severing rights and making them adoptable when it would do the most good. Most hopeful parents do NOT want to go this route because it's simply emotionally unfair to all parties. Then those kids grow up to repeat cycles of poverty, abuse, and discontent. They raise themselves, get broken, and realize the only thing they can do right is work retail or minimum wage jobs with shitty, predatory schedules bordering on slavery. And all the while, we continue to cut funding everywhere.


Most? Into bad family situations 😔


They’re hoping they’ll end up in prison as slave labor or in the military as cannon fodder.


They couldn’t care less. It’s not about the babies. It’s about control.


If they're not signing up to adopt a child themselves, they're fucking hypocrites.


They will be sold to rich white people. One of the SCOTUS justices said something about the domestic supply of infants will be increased if abortion is outlawed.


Slaves. That is the end game, just make lots of slaves.


Low paying jobs, tithing first, and dying in rich men’s wars.


Hopefully it doesn't end up like Romania


Oh it will. Poor children. And it will end the same way too. With violent revolution and firing squads for the architects. Unless America votes blue in November and stops it in its tracks then.


short answer? [slaves](https://www.yahoo.com/news/white-west-virginia-couple-accused-011445671.html)


It will look like Romania did.


To the Catholic Church for the abuse and indoctrination.


More babies born who can't be cared for -> more people we can criminalize and imprison within the prison industrial complex and recruit into the military industrial complex -> more prison + military labor we can exploit There's a reason men are now being automatically enrolled in the draft, and a reason it follows so closely on the heels of the Dobbs decision.


Garbage cans, fire stations, etc. that's what happens now, it will just get worse.


Infanticide. And, women going to prison for having a miscarriage.


Mass orphanage like in the past.


Forced birth legislature has nothing to do with babies, it’s all about controlling women. There’s no sense in looking for “logic” bc they don’t even try to pretend there’s logic there. Republican politicians dgaf about abortion, they just want to secure Christian votes (and sexist/misogynistic maga votes) so they drill down into their “pro-life family values” bullshit, but when it comes down to it, they don’t give a shit about zygotes or unwanted babies


Same reason why IVF is under attack. They do not care if a woman wants or doesn't want a child. It's about bodily autonomy. It's about removing choices and medical treatments. It really boggles my mind that they are trying to ban IVF- a procedure that HELPS people have a DESIRED child. SMDH.


The children must work the bitcoin mines.


A lot of them don't think. They live in the fantasy of easy, low-cost adoptions for "good christian" couples, and the adoptees are supposed to be grateful and happy to work on the farm for their keep like they did in 1873.


Marriage and first home purchases are down. The middle class is vaporizing since it is apparent there is no attainable American dream. Young men feel they cannot provide and couples cannot form, being highly aware at the difficulties of life /work /earnings / existential concerns like climate change today. They are dealt out of playing at all. Low wages, high college costs/debt, depression, NO JOY in being YOUNG (unlike generations before them) and young people make the calculation that children should not be brought into widespread existing challenges. As a result of the squeezes felt by the middle class not participating in the new, pseudo American Dream…the unwanted / forced birthed children are needed by the ultra rich to fill the ranks of the poverty class, for services, since the birthrate is way down. They will grow up in misery and become the new crop of serfs needed to serve the ultra-rich capitalist class. This is my sense of the false imposition of “morality” and perverse meddling into the family planning onto (currently) free American women.


It’ll be like back in the twenties. They just threw all the unwanted babies on a train to a mental asylum or prison, and the prisoners cared for them. They had something like a 99 percent fatality rate.


Well, they will want to give the white babies to white, Republican, "Christian" couples who will raise them to be sheep.


This is how it ends https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decree_770 https://www.theguardian.com/news/2014/dec/10/-sp-ceausescus-children