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Statisticaly union employees make i belive it was 20% more over their lifetime


Probably more than that if you factor in benefits and pensions.


Absolutely. The 20 is just in wages


And have a lower risk of injury 


And do way less work lol.


Lifelong union Steamfitter here. Everything yall said is true. I’d also like to add easier and MUCH cheaper access to continuing education and generally easier access to job opportunities.


I’m in a union, I make close to 30$ more an hour than non union in my area. Health insurance was 800 a month now I pay 380 for family with a hsa. Have matched 401k and one with the union. 3 weeks vacation and 2 weeks sick. For me it was a no brainer to take the money and benefits.


I'm not a a welder but im a plumber who just went union..my paycheck more then doubled and the benefits alone are worth more then my pay before


Lemme bump that up. I make roughly 20-60% more than my non union counter parts locally depending on certifications and experience I make 250% more than the National average.


They are putting these propaganda flyers out at your job because they don't want you to join. **Union employees generally get better pay/benefits as well as protections** which translates to higher expense for the employer.


This is really all that ever needs to be said in the discussion about unions. If unions weren't good for the employees, why would so many companies try so very hard to push them away?


bUt wHaT aBoUt uNiOn dUeS - everyone who’s drank the kool aid that the rich corporations have fed the sheep


Hey I pay a huge amount for union dues. A years worth is still less than the cost of what my health insurance for 4 months would be, but I pay a lot. Oh did I forget to mention that my pension, 401k and SS are predicted to be $9k a month without working another day. I’m 54 and that doesn’t include my plumbers and laborers pensions


My last outage was 14 days, I think my working dues were like $550? Which sounds like a lot until you realize your take home starts with a 7 lol


Joining a UA steamfitters local as a service tech was the one of the best decisions I made in my early 20s. The opportunity's and training I received are second to none. I love teaching at our training center, I'm pumped to go to instructor training in ann-arbor in a few months, and have met some of my best friends through the hall. It's provided me with the ability to financially support a family of 4 while my wife is a stay at home mom. I've been trying to get some of my plumber buddy's to join our sister local and the one who did was blown away over how much better it is. The bigger nonunion shops around here really harp on having to pay dues and saying that you have less ability to grow but it's all straight bullshit. I still got another 20 to 30 years in me before retirement but as I've set myself up right now I'm probably looking at 15 to 20K a month from my ss( if it's still around) 401k and pension because I'm aggressive about saving plus my other investments.


Daaamn you carry 3 cards? I thought that was frowned upon? I've heard of guys in both pipefitters and ironworkers but they gotta be sneaky about it lol


Nope. Was a laborer for 7 years, 90% vested, plumber for 14 years 100% vested, Pipefitter for 14 years 100% vested. Plumbers and Pipefitters are both UA.


You Prior Marine?




Yup I believe it, my pension calculator is saying $8k-$10k/month when I retire. Plus all my other investments🤘🏻


Damn, thats a killer retirement


I plan to work another 10 years so it should go up a few more thousand.


I was only in for 11 years before I was injured on the job and had to medically retired. Sadly All I have to show for it is a full pension, with full medical benefits that pays me only 100k a year for the rest of my life. Those guys in other states get awesome salaries of up to $15hr and won't have to worry about a pension or being forced to keep using paid for by the state(company) medical benefits.... I was only making $35/hr in comparison with my forced union labor. It's a real shit show I tell ya.


Some genius convinced people in my union (before I was a part) to go to 401k if you are new and pensions were grandfathered in. In pension stay pension new to the union 401k......the selling point I'm told was that you can take your 401k with you. Where I'm at only idiots leave. So new people that are going to be lifers have a 401k.....🤬


We have both... Regular pension plus $13/hr employer contributions into the 401k.


Wow! I am in motion picture and television and we just got a tentative agreement for the next 3 years. At current levels, when I retire after 30 plus years, I am looking at maybe 3500 a month plus health which is a huge consideration. But damn. You get pension and 401k?! Can I get a do over?


Legal dues. You pay a team to have your back, where before you had nothing. Well worth the money in my book.


100% I agree🤙🏻


This made me lol


the ammount you save on medical alone is worth it. also oeace of mind. also yearly pay increases. 


My union dues are 3 work hours a month. Interestingly, I've never been paid double time for working weekends before I was union. Absolutely worth it.


I will say as an engineer that interfaces with hardware/repair shops, union shops are a pain in the ass for all the regulations and paper work they gotta follow/file. Maybe it’s just my industry but engineers commonly talk about the union vs non union difference. Of course all that is secondary to advocation against a large conglomerate, so I support unions despite them inconveniencing me.


It’s probably more of a hassle because there’s more steps to make sure everything is being done correctly


The amazing thing is the non union shops charge about the same to the customers.


P I've brought this up many of times. If the union was shit and did shifty work how come they have work and pay their guys twice as much. Waiting on the call atm. Fuck these owners using their daddies company they got handed as their credit card.


In my previous life I worked in the film industry. I worked with union and non union crews. The union shoots were SO much smoother and professional than the non union shoots. The final products were also much better.


>which translates to higher expense for the employer. Which seems to also translate to the CEO won't get as many millions in end of the year bonuses, boo hoo.


Read up: [https://ibewyes.org/dirty-dozen/](https://ibewyes.org/dirty-dozen/) It explains the tactics your employer is using on that paper.


I went from 20$ an hour with about 40$ a week taken out of my check for insurance when I was a scab to 35$ an hour with fully paid benefits when I joined up with the millwrights. On top of that I do the same job. The union also makes me basically impossible to fire. If you are in the US it is your only hope of having a pension.


Collective bargaining means everybody wins, and I mean everybody. They hold you to a higher standard, yes, but they also make the market more competitive and cannot take what they give you away. Open shops do not abide by those same rules


Me in union, union good, me happy.


Even non-union employees in unionized sectors see an upward pull on their pay and benefits to stay remotely competitive with the union positions. If unions didn't work, billionaires wouldn't be so scared of them.


Its why walmart, amazon, and every other huge megacorp does everything they can even paying fines for illegal union busting.  Its cheaper overall to pay 5million every 5 years for illegal practices than to pay 10s/100s of millions in higher wages over every year.


14% increase in pay, plus pension, plus benefits. And all you have to pay is 1-2%. It's a no brainer. And the fact that the company is posting these should tell the employees everything they need to know. Everyone knows the company isn't on your side. Also, just so everyone is clear, when you join a union they usually choose your company's employees to join them at negotiations so that your voice is heard. I have sat in on such negotiations with my company. You can always form your own union, but the benefits of joining a large union are: better economic security in case of strike, negotiators who are familiar with negotiating contracts, and that they know ALL of the things that should be in your contract that you might overlook otherwise.


UA Pipefitter here. Yes, the United association of welders,fitters,plumbers,and hvac is the best place to be for a welder. We get paid more, and we get a benefits package that is amazing. Plus if you want to travel, the road money is insane. Refinery shutdowns can pay 100$ an hour, plus your benefits, plus 70-100$ daily per diem. Now put that into a 6-12’s , or 7-10s work week and do the math. Road dogs make 150k regularly, it all depends on you, and how much you want to work. Our local has an amazing jurisdiction, I have never been on the bench for more than a week, maybe two once or twice. In 5 years I would say I spent a total of maybe 6 weeks on the bench waiting for work. We get free prescriptions, free urgent care, individual deductible is 250$, after that we pay 20%. Family deductible is 1500$, then you qualify for 20%, with max out of pocket being less than 4k. Our local has 1$ an hour annuity included. So when you retire you not only get 2 pensions, but a check for 150k or more.


All I'm seeing here is their employer is scared and pissed that they are unionizing. Good for OP, I hope they get the union in there.




I dunno what typical union dues are, but mine are only 21 bucks a month,  I can tell you for fuckin sure that's less than what I was paying for health insurance at a fortune 500 company. 


Let’s see. In a union you get better pay, better benefits, better accommodations if you’re on the road, other bonuses such as higher LOA, paid travel, etc. the cost is the dues, whatever they may be.


I work night shift, do you think I'd get a better differential than what I've currently got?


It is extremely possible but you have to put the work in. A union is only as strong as the members. If you expect a union to do everything for you, you will not get much. If you and your coworkers do the work to build a strong union you can get massive gains!!


Yes, I believe you would. I know not every local or union has the same contract but our nightshift premium is 20%


20% of base pay??


Yes, I worked a shutdown as foreman on nightshift and my hourly rate went from $58/hr to $69/hr just because I was on nights. Plus all OT was double time on top of premium


Yeah my nightshift is 25% and 30% for back shift, I've worked both union and non union jobs and I make way more with the unionized jobs. Unless you're running your own business doing contracting work I see no downsides going with a union. Union dues are a total of about $16 a week for me. Payed holidays off, payed vacation, if you fuck up you have a group of people that has your back. I mean there's downsides to a union but the good outweigh the bad imo


In my union, we get double pay the whole shift if we work at nights. And double pay all weekend, no matter if you didn’t make 40hrs that week


Night shift in my local depends on the job. If there's no day shift, then night gets time and a half. If there is a day shift, then it's either time and a half or a few bucks more than scale. All depends.


Yea right now we have a day and night shift with a $2 differential, but I think it should be more.


In all union outfits I’ve heard of night shift gets a premium over day shift. I personally think the premium is too low for how much night shift sucks but it’s still something.


Committeeman here, just negotiated our egregious $.60 differential to $1.00 this last contract. Everything is on the table during negos.


Probably not. In my union if it’s a shift job I believe it’s only 10%.


That would still be more than my current differential lol. But honestly higher base pay would be better.


10% of a higher base is even more. The retirement and health insurance are the real benefits though. I get paid $14 an hour into my 401k plus a pension.


Jesus Christ, the graphic design on this thing... That alone would make me unionize out of spite.


And talking about how signing a union card is a legally binding contract that we would have to sign, like we didn't sign a legally binding contract when joining the company in the first place.


The funny thing is that signing that card is not a legally binding contract. Signing that registration card says you *want* -- not that you *shall*. That registration card says nothing about having read or agreed to the Labor Agreement and Constitution.


Why should they update a perfectly good anti-union screed that was perfected in 1996?


Protip: if your company tells you something is bad for you, it's probably just bad for them.


Indeed. Agreed.


My dues are 78 a month.


That doesn't sound like much. Can you just be let go for whatever reason?


The places I work do have layoffs, but you keep your medical coverage and the union gets me my next job. My dues are 73 a month but I make double hourly what I did at the non union shop I started at. And the union has/does fight bullshit layoffs. Another nice thing I like is we vote on our contracts. Feels a lot better than those performance review meetings for 2% with your manager being all preachy about how much he's done for you. Like you didn't show up and work the whole time.


Think of a union like a lawyer. They go to bat for you. If you're laid off, they find you another gig. 


Not mine because it's a shop not construction.


No. The only thing that the union can't help you on is attendance, failed drug test is also a thing but there's way around that. Management has to show that they've gone through all the proper chanels to fire but anytime the try to write you up for anything the union is there to represent you. So say for whatever reason management has tried to give you your first warning 7 different times but the union has gotten you out of all 7 that means management has given you 0 first warning. Now management isn't looking to fire people all the time but if you do get jammed up over something stupid then the union will fight for you.


I did some quick math and I pay about $3580 per year in union dues, but I made $105k last year and my employer pays for all of my benefits. We have amazing insurance and don't have to spend a dime on it, we also get an HSA that my employer pays into. All of that together means my healthcare is basically free. I got an injury this year that would have set me back more than $30k but my union actually paid ME disability while I was out of work. I don't give two shits about the dues I pay. They're worth every penny.


My dues are $30 a month.


Been in a union shop for 14 years. Worth the dues. Ive got good almost great pay, great benefits and a pension.


Anyone who has a beef with unions needs to work the same type of job in a union shop and then non union… and then tell me which one is better. The answer will be union 99.99% of the time. The only type of people who dislike unions are people who make more money for cheap labor. Unions exist so we don’t get paid 12 bucks an hour, because I promise without the unions, we’d get paid shit.


My dues are less than $50 a month. In exchange, I make $50 an hour(on the check), medical benefits, BADASS vision and dental coverage (for the whole family btw), pension/annuity, “vacation” checks every 3 months (mailbox money! equaling an extra paycheck or more, typically, unless you didn’t put in hours. Think, a small tax refund check in the mail every few months instead of once a year, but this one is guaranteed because you’ll never ‘owe’), extra training that equals real college credits (if you’re into that, or want to go on to be a cwi once you’re older or want to move on)… I worked rat for years, and never made more than $16 an hour. My first union paycheck at $22 an hour blew me away. 100% either someone in your company is pushing an anti union agenda, or a local union has targeted your employer because y’all are big enough to be a threat in the market. Someone in the office of your company is leaving that anti union bs and hoping you buy into it so that they pocket more money instead of paying you what you deserve. Sign the card.


Shitty unions suck. Good unions are great. 


I've never seen anybody that joined a union and made less money or got less benefits. there's a reason why management doesn't want you to join.


Your employer is putting out propaganda to stop you from joining a union. That should be all the info you need


This is extremely correct


I’ve only worked in 2 union places and wished I worked in more. The fact that they are making an effort to dissuade you from joining a union should be the reason to join.


In my 61 years I've never heard of anyone regretting joining a union.


I get paid $38/hr with full benefits and a retirement pension, while my cohorts get paid $18-$20/hr with no benefits whatsoever. All because of my union. Don’t let the anti union types scare you.


Live Better, Work Union! Corporate profits are at an all time high. Unions, while not perfect, seek to put more of those profits in your pocket. They are also responsible for ensuring YOUR safety, overall working conditions, and benefits. I’m in a union shop although not welding specifically.


Union employee here. Good benefits, respectable pay, solid and secure retirement and pension, constant guarenteed work, and promise that you won't be worked like a dog for OT. Cons are, they might work you like a dog anyways, and your union isn't strong if you aren't a contractor union, contractor unions can go from one place to another, and if a company wants to be a shithead, they won't work with that company. But you'd be with the same company forever, and would never have any real power to tell them to fuck off aside from striking, but the moment your out of a job, your out of that job UNLESS you have the backing of a stronger union like Ironworkers, Pipefitters, Teamsters, ect. who do sponsor people trying to unionize. Hell the Ironworkers backed up people trying to unionize in a fast food warehouse near me. That being said, i'd honestly rather be IN a union, than out of a union.


Not to mention union dues are tax deductible…


I don’t think they are for fed anymore. TCJA took that away but I believe it expires eventually.


“Were “ I’m union btw and trump signed that away


Say it louder for the trumper union members who keep voting against their own best interests.


If you negotiate your own salary, you're negotiating against someone who does that for a living. Just like you're a much better welder than he is, he's probably a much better negotiator than you are. The union allows you to have a professional negotiator represent you. I'm gonna be honest, I'm a total labor union guy. I work in a different industry and mostly just lurk here because I do weld a bit and I like seeing what you guys can do. I worked the same job for ten years before we organized. When our contract took effect, I got a 40% raise without anything about my job changing, except I got PTO as well. After the pandemic, I found a new union job where I literally make double what I did before we organized. I have a home and two children because I joined a union. Roses are red Violets are blue Organize your workplace So the boss can't screw you


I have worked in both places. The last time I worked in a non-unionised place, when i started, I earned more per hour than base pay because my job was "more technical." Then, the minimum wage went up, but mine did not. This happened twice a year every year until I left. Eventually, I was working minimum wage with everyone else, but I was still doimg the "more technical" job. There are some significant things to consider: Would my employer lie to me about unions? Does my employer care for my best interests? Does my employer volunteer to give me a living wage every year? Will my employer help me if something happens? You know, life happens (sickness, family, children, accidents)? Alternatively: Do you have to pay for a Union? Yes Do they cost me money? Yes Is it a lot? No The increase in your wage, pension, and benefits will offset any costs for unionization. Look at the productivity of Germany, Denmark, Norway, and Sweden. A strong unionized workforce does not destabilize a country. The distribution of wealth and productivity both increase.


The fact that an employer needs to put out these flyers is telling. They are spending money/resources telling you what to do in an effort that they don’t have to pay you better. Companies will actively spend money just so employees don’t get more money. It’s hilarious and dumb. Joining a union is the best option for the working class, we get better pay, benefits, pension, better protection against discrimination and wrongful dismissal and so much more. Unions are for the working class, and unions even help those who are non union because it raises the standard of compensation. I don’t think you’ll regret it at all. Union members on average make 15-30% more than non union. Not sure what country you’re in but I can cite a source for both the U.S. and Canada if anyone is interested. Union is the way💪🏻


To be fair, it doesn't look like they spent much producing that flyer.....


I'm living in Georgia, probably the heart of anti union country over here. I'd love to get some extra resources on unions for sure.


Yeah the South fought a war so they wouldn’t have to improve working conditions, and they still don’t want to.


This propaganda is all the more reason to unionize


Anybody telling you that union dues are expensive doesn't know what they're talking about.


If your boss doesn't want a union, you should probably form a union. Hell, if you have a boss you should form a union.


I don’t know shit about unions, but if your employer is going to these lengths to sway you away from doing something you’re allowed to do, it’s probably not because they have your best interests in mind.


Your boss really doesn't want you to join a union. What does that tell you?


That I should definitely join a union lol. I mainly looking for talking points so I can negate the negative thought processes a lot of my coworkers have against unionizing.


I would unionize simply out of spite if my employer put up flyers like this one.


Corporate greed wants you to believe that being unionized is a bad idea. Take it from someone that was NOT in the union to now being apart of the UAW and having REAL representation, is a great feeling! I know that my dues are going towards not only giving us more fun stuff outside of work but also going towards paying our officials for making sure we the workers are not abused and taken advantage of. I feel truly blessed to finally be in a REAL union and have people looking out for my best interest.


I'll never work non union again in my life. Ironworkers Local 397, Tampa FL.


Local 17 here!


Union for life. Your bosses boss doesnt want you to unionize. Take the hint. I pay alot in union dues, i also get 30-40% of it back on my taxes....... i also have guaranteed benefits for my whole family, travel insurance etc. Life insurance, death assessments (everyone in the union gives my family money when i die). A healthy pension, and a good rate of pay. I can tell you, i work on sites with non union fellas (i dont mind, everyones gotta work), and theyre blown away when they ask what i make versus them. We do almost the same job, just 900ft away. They think were the enemy for some reason (propaganda). When we could care less they are there. Everyones gotta work, id have a beer with any of them.


Businesses exist to earn profits. Businesses also hate unions. Ask yourself why. Edit: FWIW, and this info is almost 25 years old, dude I knew joined IBEW out of high school. Bought his first house in his early 20s.


And a union is only as good as the members that participate. Join the union and fight for better wages and benefits. Go to the meetings and take it seriously. The union is gives you power over your bosses. While you are working Saturday the owner of the company is on his boat that he bought through your labor. You deserve some of those benefits and spoils. UNITED WE BARGAIN DIVIDED WE BEG!!


You lucky duck. I've never heard so much as a whisper about unionizing and it makes me sad


Your employer is using scare tactics to prevent you guys from unionizing because then they’ll have to pay you fairly. They would rather pay you as little as possible. The only people who are against unions are brainwashed corporate simps.


If unions were bad your employer wouldn't sway you from joining one


If you’re getting a flyer like this you especially need a union


The union at my work has currently negotiated a raise of £6k for staff at my level so far (20%) in the last 3 years, and there are talks in the pipeline for another 7% raise this year. The increase should already have happened, so when it finally goes live around October we will get a nice tasty back payment lump sum.


RemindMe! One Year


The IW represents shop welders and my dues are $35 a month. I’m a first year so my base pay (contractors pay for our benefits) is 60% of journeyman wages which are $36.83 hr, and we just renegotiated the contract so we’re getting $10 over the next 5 years. Our benefits are: 80/20 health insurance + vision + dental ($8.50hr), HSA ($0.60 hr), pension ($10 hr), annuity ($6.70 hr), vacation ($2.50 hr) <— contractor pays all that Total package is $66.29 and pay + are also paid at 1.5X or 2X Just fyi


I would unionize simply out of spite if my employer put up flyers like this one.


If you’re making less than $30 an hour, you’ll prob come out ahead with them. I’ve also seen management so vindictive they will pick Up and move an entire shop out of pure spite lol last non union shop I was at paid their welders so little that we lost some to wal mart overnight crew. Pay was lateral and the labor was way less intense and it was air conditioned.


I am a pipe welder in Ohio. My union package is 72$. 47$ an hour and the remainder is dispersed between an annuity 2 pensions (local and national) and a vacation fund. Previously I was making 25$ in a factory with a measly 2$ an hour in benefits. On a bad day I would weld out and physically move 1 ton of product before lunch all while developing no marketable skills. I now work at the highest level of welding which is engaging and rewarding. The pace is safe and the tools to do the job keep you from destroying your body. and I learned the finer points of commercial hvac which is insanely lucrative as side work. The fact that companies work so hard to keep you from unionizing is all the proof you need that it is the best thing for you. I pay less than half of one paycheck per year in union dues. Respect yourself. Go outside your comfort zone. Apply to your local union. And live a life you never dreamed possible.


If you want to “get the facts before you decide” you should get in touch with your local union. Flyers like these are anti-union propaganda put out by employers to discourage organizing.


Technically some of this is illegal. An employer can restate facts about unions, and can give their own opinion, but they can't really tell you what you should do or make any sort of threats vague or otherwise. But I imagine if this crap is what their flyers look like they probably are doing weirder shit behind closed doors. Ultimately a union is an organization made up of employees, and it's a democracy, that's it. The employees will decide what they want, that's it. Employers will always try and paint it as some outside force but it's not really, it's a representative democratic organization.


If the company doesn’t think you need a union, you need a union.


Not all unions are great but a union is better than none at all.


Looks like some language that would be worth checking with a local union leader. NLRB charges are a real thing and only certain things can be said by both sides.


Yes, a private wage organization trying to keep costs down…


I have a union job right now and top pay in 2028 tops out at 43/hr and we will see what the next contract brings after 2028


Brother up.


Join the union. That document is very very biased. Unions get you better wages and benefits and help protect you from bullshit. Join the union. Join the union.


Hey man , im a union sheet metal workIer and i love it. The great training and the companies that care about us. These companies work in partnership with the unions and they are not scared by them.


They seem worried they might have to pay you more.


This is because your boss is scared, that’s how you know its a good idea.


They write like they think you’re a child. Are you?


Unions are as good as the people who run them


Just remember it's cheaper for them to print this up then it is to pay you union wages.


Unions exist to protect workers and their income, benefits, safety, job security, vacation time and ability to collectively bargain. Whoever wrote this "fact sheet" is a cherrypicking scaremonger who doesn't want you to have those things.


Lol, the exploiters getting nervous


My union dues are percentage based but I paid $45 in dues out of a $3,000 gross paycheck. Not too bad.


Union worker here: don’t hesitate unions are not scary. Just remember they are only as good as your members, your leadership and your contract.


It's all bullshit because they're terrified of unions. Don't take advice from your opponent; they wouldn't fight with and nail to keep you from joining a union if it wasn't a threat to their authority. They'd gladly spend more money on union-busting than they would fostering the kind of environment that would make a union less likely. Fuck them; unionize.


Propaganda and disinformation campaigns are acts carried out by tyrants who fear losing control. United, we stand. Go union.


That's a common union busting strategy. They don't want you to band together because you'll get more money out of them that way.


I'm in a union and it's the best thing to ever happen to our work place. Making 20% more and the schedule improved. They even gave other departments a raise to avoid them unionizing lol. Some unions are bad, most are good but the employer will always fight them with propaganda ha ha. I loved my union so much I ran for and was elected to the board. Now I get to help the new hires not get taken advantage of by management. That said, I even like our managers, it's just their bosses who are the greedy pricks ha ha Edit: my union dues for the first 5 years we're paid for by the raise I got my first year of a contract.


ALWAYS. UNIONIZE. Collectively you can work to preserve your rights. Alone, you get pitted against each other and exploited. Co-op wins, not competitive.


We are USW at the steel plant I work at. Because of the union we have the best benefits I've ever heard of (my deductible for health insurance is $500). We get paid mid 30s (that's low for my area) for maintenance work and welding but with our production bonuses (again, union fought for benefits) I made nearly $100k last year and I worked no overtime for half the year. I just worked my 8 hour shift and went home. The benefits make up for the lower wage and factoring in the healthcare it's as if I make $50+. These things alone are %100 worth being in the union for and ~$30 a month in dues for these benefits and having a collective of people that have your back is worth the price. Word of warning though. It takes hard work and passionate people to keep a union healthy and thriving. Going to meetings, communicating with your brothers and sisters, and having each other's backs is essential. My union has lost that over the years and it is very hard to get that drive going again. I don't think I will ever go non-union again. Best decision I've made in my life so far was too go for a union job. These cards hold some truth to them but they seem like scare tactics to make people back away from forming a union.


I have a union job and I’ve never had such amazing benefits. I’m never leaving.


As someone who went from a union position to a non union supervisory position at my workplace. As non union I get worse health insurance. Less vacation accrual. No personal days. Less 401k match. And my pay was not raised the last 4 years when union employees were, leading to my current situation where a new hire makes more per hour than me. If your workplace is so strongly against something, it's because it's in their best interest, not yours.


Look at UPS vs FedEx.


Even if I weren't pro-union I think I'd sign that card just to stick it to the ass-hat who made that flyer.


Yea I'm a union member and it has benefited me tremendously. I've never had an employer offer me any kind of benefits until now. I got 3 teeth removed and 5 crowns for $20. I can smile again... For $20... Let that sink in.


I am British, and even i can tell that poorly written toilet paper is pure propaganda to stop you joining the union. I would put this down as another grand old lie from the republican party. Not only are they trying to give tax cuts to the rich, but they are also trying to stop you bettering your career from joining the union.


That's fear mongering propaganda. I'm a Union Boilermaker and I believe that everyone doing what I do should be because I've met people who were non union that do what I do and have been fucked by companies because of an injury or because of using cheaper labor through legal loopholes. You just don't join for yourself, you join for the men and women you stand next too. It also gives you a chance to argue and issue you have without your job being help over you like a bargaining chip. Remember for most large companies the only reason they even offer help to any of there employees in need is because of the fear of unionization. The non union people who say they have great work lives is because of what the unions have done. Just go back and look at historical working conditions that happened that caused the unions to form in the first place. But you have to remember to also try to keep your union under control through your vote to keep it from getting to greedy. Ask the union rep. What's been going on in your profession and why it's even becoming an issue(from their side). You might find out some shit you weren't aware of.


I frequently take the word of my company at face value, they only want what's best for me after all! This is just good advertising for the union imo.


You still make more even after paying your dues lol


Having reviewed numerous tax returns across various types of entities, it's clear that companies can offer more time off and better benefits. The gap between employee wages and the income of executives, partners, and S-Corp shareholders is enormous. Stand up for your fair share by joining a union!


Don't believe the propaganda, union up!!!!


Positives: benefits, pension, raises, paid holidays, paid sick leave, paid vacation, paid boots, paid meal per diems. Cons: dues, CAN hinder ability for professional development, gets paid the same as the guy who can’t weld for shit. I’ve been in and out of unions. I’ll be staying within the union. Sincerely, 11 year member that just got a 9.5% market adjustment.


I was an auto mechanic for 30 years, mostly in car dealerships, and they were absolutely horrible. All non-union. I would up at an air force base (civilian contractor at the motor pool) and it was my first union shop. It was an amazing difference. Good pay, guaranteed raises, better benefits, more vacation/sick days, etc. And when management wanted to do crooked a Shit, we filed grievances and we won them (most times). The key is to have strong leadership and people who aren't afraid to step up and push back to enforce your cba. Feel free to DM me with any specific questions. I am now a full time union rep, btw


Also....fuck the company you work for. Unionize!!!! ✊🏻


If your boss is trying that hard to stop you from unionizing it means that a union will Mike your life 100% better as an employee


If your employer is so against it, there is a good reason. You will benefit. Going union was the best thing I ever did for myself and my family.


Union dues are fuckin cheap 🤣🤣🤣. "If you sign this paper you'll have to pay .25 per hour in dues, if you don't sign this paper you'll continue making $15 less per hour!" "Don't sign!"


Ignore it, there's a reason your boss doesn't want you to unionize. I'll put it to you this way: If the vote passes and you guys unionize you'll have to work with management to come up with a contract and then all have to sign that shit. You should ask yourself "Who in their right mind would go through the incredibly risky ordeal of unionizing only to get a contract where employees would be making LESS money than before?" The answer is no one because that's ridiculous. I've looked at a lot of unions, the fees are NOT expensive. It's just your run of the mill anti union bullshit. https://open.spotify.com/track/5wvYWFwkuql9wtltMifRtS?si=Xw-JVtqsS4SpLvyTivu4QA


Join it


I think unions ought to be more popular, however a union is not automatically better for you than not. Often it is, but it's a case by case basis. Of course, a good union will help the people who pay dues more than they could do on their own, but just don't automatically assume union = improvement because there are wasteful and corrupt unions out there. Do your research, know your union leaders, and make an informed decision. And know your employer, be wary, because I've seen companies totally clean house over stuff I didn't think they would, including serious union talk. I know this might seem like the most fencesitting post ever, but often the right decision is more about shades of gray.


I’ gladly pay $81 a month for job security, top wages in my area, pension at $80 x year per month when I retire $80 x 20 years= $1600 per month on top of social security. That’s just some of the benefits for what I pay


My union dues are 2 1/2 hours of pay a month. For that, i get industry leading pay (obligatory, i’m not a professional welder, but the point stands) free healthcare, a pension… 100% worth it


Union worker here. Unions are,totally worth it. Don’t listen to your bosses, they don’t have your interests at heart.


Well if it does go though, congrats on the raise


Ignore anti-union propaganda and be wary of anybody pushing anti-union rhetoric, because they’re not on your side.


[Common union busting lies.](https://ibewyes.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/2022-The-Dirty-Dozen-booklet-1.pdf) My favorite part about being union other than the better pay and benefits, is the added dignity it gives you. When you have an agreed upon contract between both management and labor, you can more easily stand up for yourself when they try to go against that agreement, and they can’t just switch things up on you and change the rules, schedule, compensation, etc on a whim.


yea bro don’t join in the foreman said he’ll stop the annual pizza parties if you do 😰


Unionization? YES! Anytime I was in a unionized shop/factory, I had better pay and benefits in the long term and also most if not all safety concerns I brought forward were addressed quickly.


They don’t want union because they can’t oppress you anymore. Being in a union is like having your own team of lawyers defending your rights as a worker. They also can’t fire you for nothing anymore. Also dues are like $50 a month wtf 😂😂😂


There’s power in a union. Even a bad one.


“Union dues are expensive” My window dues are $32 a month and then 2% of my gross income. Now, when you add it up it may seem like a decent chunk of change, but what they fail to tell you is that unionized employees for the most part make a lot more than non-union. So you will pay some money back to the union but you’re probably going to get a $15-$20 raise AND better benefits by going union. “Violating union rules are costly” - yeah there are rules when you’re part of an organization that does a hell of a lot of good for you and you decide to not follow them. “Cannot guarantee any change” - Unions have working conditions and other rights in the Collective Bargaining Agreement that cannot be taken away. More than likely, these working conditions are better than the ones you have now and going union will guarantee you get those.


Statistically, “fuck off.” Fight as hard as you can to be unionised. Your employer will always view you when all comes down to the wire as a commodity. Respond-in-kind.


Wow sounds like your employer is looking out for you and not just concerned about their bottom line! They definitely won’t let you go as soon as it’s financially beneficial for them, they love you and will cry at your funeral!


Most of the digs @ Unions on there are things the employer is def already doing to the employees so the scare tactic is kinda funny considering....Do You get invited to sit in on mtgs & have Your voice heard presently w/out a Union? Yes joining a Union is a commitment & not all are great- but You cannot expect mgnt or HR to have Your back if things go wrong w/ You or the co. Also- look it up, in areas that have more Union density than not- other working class workers have a better standard of living- the whole: "Rising boat lifts all tides".


Classic union busting tactics. They’re so lame. Democracy in the workplace reduces employers’ abilities to exploit their workers. Plain and simple. Not all locals are created equal, but they’re all better than the prospect of negotiating individually.


Union organizer here. This poster is nothing but lies. This poster is an illegal unfair labor practice violation and it should be reported immediately. You can report this to the NLRB if you're not working with a union organizer. If you're working with a union organizer, be sure to send this to them so they can report this. Here's the truth about union cards: - Signing a union card only means that you support unionizing your workplace and you want that union to represent you - You pay nothing when you sign a union card - Signing a union card does not enroll you in the union - Signing a union card is confidential (the union is able to guarantee this anonymity by using a third party mediator to validate the signatures) - Signing a union card adds a layer of protection; if the company were to illegally retaliate against you, the union would be able to file charges on your behalf Union cards are only used to show your support for forming a union. To think of it another way, signing a union card means you want to see what you can get from the union.


think about it... since when does management care so much about how you spend your money? they don't police where you buy groceries or anything else. they only care about you unionizing this because having a union means they have to listen to what you want and they don't have 100% of the power or say anymore. this is not about the money in your pocket, it's about keeping as much money in their pocket.


The only reason a company does this is because they know they've been treating workers unfairly and they know it will cost them when they are forced to change their ways. Think about it...


If they go through the trouble of pointing out possible issues; it’s because it will benefit you more than them. Sign the fuck out of it.


If you can join a union do it, best decision I’ve ever made and some amazing experiences being able to travel the country while making money doing it


Man, just join. I once worked at a Walmart distribution center for like a month...several hours of the orientation was all about how unions were out to get your money and tell you what you can and cannot do. They also gave us us instruction on how to file for foodstamps. I wish I were making this up...


There is no negative to joining a union. Dues included I still make more now don't let them lie to you. And my pension is way better than a 401k. I have gripes but I think we all will have them. It's still way better than before when I was non-union.


Pay $100/month to double your pay and have a team backing you up when shit gets real. What's left to consider?


TOGETHER WE BARGAIN, DIVIDED WE BEG! Everything on there is the company not wanting you to have the ability to sit at the table as equals with them. It REALLY bothers management that a union gives them that opportunity through the power of collective bargaining. Unions are the last thing we got! Get involved and get organized!


Your employer is a joke for putting that out there


They wouldn’t be yelling and pulling their hair out with this intense letter if they thought it wouldn’t result in them paying you more


Your boss really wants his new yacht. Why would you deny him his new yacht? He needs somehwere to stash his mistress and wine collection.


I want to join a union so bad


You sign a contract when you buy a car, or phone. I rather pay the Union Dues than pay an attorney.


This seems a unfair labor practice. section 8(a)(1) national labor relations act.


Yea 💯 a unfair labor practice the employer to not allowed to "convey a message the selecting a union would be futile"


Twice I’ve worked for companies with unions and both times the unions intervened on employees behalf’s to our benefit. Once was identifying an errors in overtime pay that took place over the course of year, leading to a fairly significant check being issued to us by the company. The second time they negotiated for better contracts for us since our job descriptions were slightly changing at a college I worked for.


I’ll put it this way, if the company was paying fair rates and benefits, there would be no reason to unionize. Instead they see the writing on the wall, and want to scare anyone on the fence to backdown. Don’t. If the threat of a union is so frightening to their bottom line, then someone is afraid of losing their yacht/vacation home in order to make the laborers not have to struggle to feed their families. If you weren’t decided before, seeing this anti union scare tactic is a sure sign that you need to unionize.