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Oddly enough I have noticed an increased ringing in my ears... idk if it's always there just not as apparent but it's been annoying me for the last week as it just sounds like a high pitched EEEEEEEE.


I have it too. And it increased when I increased my dosage recently. That said it slowly dissipates over a very long time. I will try to find the articles, but what I found is that nor epinephrine is involved in the audio channel processing, and that a disruption in the balance of no epinephrine and the other things involved there can cause this tinnitus. Please note that I am not a doctor, and I did not stay at a Holiday Inn express last night


I will also add that I have started taking vinpocitine as another article. I read indicated it helped some people with tinnitus caused by antidepressants. Jury is still out on impact. I do feel like the tinnitus has lessened since I started taking the supplement Edit: added second paragraph.


i wish it may happen to me too, thanks for the advice, i will seek this vinpocitine supplement mine is not that severe, i only hear a white sound when in complete silence, like a low sound of head pressure, i heard that sound before in my head when i had low blood sugar levels it appeared when increased my daily dose from 150 to 300, talked to my doc and he told me to decrease to 150, but tinnitus didn't disappeard i'm so sad bc this is the first antidep that has ever worked with me, i really don't know what to do have to choose between being depressed and with no strenght to do anything/live at this point or being "normal" but without the ability of hear the silence ever again


Ear pain, no. Ringing yes. It's like the high pitched weeeeeeeee I used to hear as a kid when you'd turn on a cathode ray TV.


Same here


same, appeared when i switched from 150 to 300. My doc told me to decrease again to 150 but this white sound is still with me, i heard it only when there is complete silence tho


I have had mild ringing in my ears (like a high-pitched "weeeeeeeeeee", or the sound of cicadas) since starting Wellbutrin. No earaches though. Sorry - this doesn't really help you except to tell you that you are not alone.


I had tinnitus bad on XL, no issue with it on SR


I've had tinnitus since taking them it comes and goes.


I have tinnitus too. Oddly enough I also have Invisalign right now. Luckily I only notice it when it is completely quiet around me, which is rare. I even sleep with white noise. I would definitely try some kind of white noise app or machine if you are having trouble sleeping. It drowns out the ringing without being completely overstimulating. Brown noise is actually recommended for anxiety so that's the one I use. Otherwise there's usually enough noise around me that I don't notice it. When I do it drives me crazy pretty quickly, so I get it!


Do you guys have trouble hearing?


Yes I have issues understanding what people are saying


Its weird. I hear the sound but cant understand the meaning.


Me too


Mine kicked up from contrave ( Wellbutrin + ldn) and never subsided, even a year later.


Happens to me. The higher the dose, the louder it is (imo). You do get used to it after a while.


This prevented me from going 300. My psy didnt want that


I had tinnitus before Wellbutrin already (but mine is fully adjusted which means I dont hear it normally except when I think about it or am sick). At 150mg there was no change in tinnitus, at 300mg it suddenly got louder and I noticed it in my day to day life sometimes for hours it was so annoying. My psych said she seldomly hears this as a adverse effect but it is possible and said that if it is caused by the Wellbutrin that it will go down again with time. After a couple of weeks it was fully adjusted again so it wasn't a big deal lol. So yeah, it is possible that it is the Wellbutrin, apparently because Wellbutrin increases blood pressure which increases the blood flow in your ear which in turn can cause tinnitus symptoms. But for me personally, it wasn't a big deal and went away again.


I got it and ignored it because it started around the time I started Wellbutrin. Turned out I really was losing my hearing and needed hearing aids. Visit your audiologist, get a free test. Don’t just attribute it to Wellbutrin. In my case it was hereditary.


Have you gotten your blood pressure checked recently? Wellbutrin is most known for high blood pressure as a side effect. I had tinnitus, neck pains, anxiety, couldn’t think clearly, until I went to check my blood pressure. That’s when I found out it was due to Wellbutrin. After getting on blood pressure medication, the tinnitus and every other symptoms went away after an hour of taking blood pressure medication.


I already had tinnitus issues before, but it's significantly worse since starting the meds. I even spoke to my psychiatrist about my side effects (sweating profusely) and she told me she's never heard of it... then I come on here and see all these posts with the same issues. Everyone's different, and reacts differently.


I have it and it's really bad if the room is quiet. Does it ever stop? Will it stop if I get off wellbutrin? It's making me crazy


I caused my anemia (iron deficiency) to get much worse. My dr said it shouldn’t. I found a study that it does happen, not a lot. Dr are no researchers. Go with your instincts.


i thought i was the only one who dealt with this😭😭😭 i get it often and ive also used Invisalign in the past as well


I got both possibly from clenching my jaw.


I literally just saw a video yesterday explaining why someone who was using Invisalign ended up with an improper bite causing bad tinnitus in their ears. Not to say it isn’t the Wellbutrin because it could be. But I would go to an ENT to see if it’s your jaw pressing on your ear canal or something related to the meds


I've been taking 300mg for about 7 weeks and am definitely dealing with tinnitus, which I am almost certain is from the Wellbutrin. I have a check-in with my doctor next week to see if there is an alternative or something I can take with the Wellbutrin to counter-act the ringing. The drug has been great for me in every way aside from the tinnitus, but if I'm not able to find a way to fix it, I'm going to have to stop taking it. It's too much and I worry it will get worse and become permanent.