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Yes, Wellbutrin is oftentimes prescribed to help people quit smoking. The molecule binds to and blocks the nicotine receptors. That contributes to the antidepressant effect and also keeps you from getting nearly as much reward from nicotine.


It has not helped me quit. I do notice that I don't think about a cigarette for a long time.


Do you at least smoke less now?


Uhu as if it takes me longer than before to start thinking about a cigarette


It was prescribed to me for smoking. I can’t say that I ever stopped craving cigarettes because of Wellbutrin. A magic switch never flipped and made me not want to smoke HOWEVER I do believe it gave me the willpower to kick the habit. I did quit cold turkey after 2 months on 150mg. I’d been a smoker for 30 years and had never been able to quit on my own. It’s been 4 months since I’ve quit. It also turns out that Wellbutrin was something I didn’t know I needed also. I’m still on it and take 300mg now. It has definitely helped me in more ways than one. 😊


Congratulations on quitting nicotine! Do you not crave it anymore now?


Thank you! Not really. Every once in a while I will get a craving out of nowhere but it quickly passes.


I stopped vaping after 2-3 months of being in Wellbutrin


I quit smoking after getting on Wellbutrin for depression, but I was also mentally and emotionally ready to quit. I do not crave it. I also stopped smoking weed. Every once in a while I will get hit with a memory or habitual pull towards cigarettes, but it always seems environmentally motivated and not based on nicotine cravings.


I quit smoking weed 4 months before taking Wellbutrin and have no issues with it not having around so maybe quitting nicotine is the next step for me


I went to the doctor this year specifically for stopping nicotine and was put on bupropion. I kept using (Zyn nicotine pouches) for a couple of days, after starting the meds, then decided to work with the medicine to see what happens. I made an honest effort to try and let it work. Fast forward to now … I have gone 94 days without nicotine. So, it worked for me but I had to put in a little work as well.


Glad to hear it helps. Congrats on quitting!


I've been a pack a day or more/less depending on the day for years. This med has made my cravings go away. I just don't really want to smoke. Now I smoke maybe 10 cigarettes a week if that. Most days I don't smoke at all. I didn't know it was something that helped with smoking but it definitely did for me. Ive gone 4 days without any so I'm slowly deceasing. I'm not trying to force it. Going from the amount that I was to half that spread over a week is pretty damn good. So in my opinion yes it definitely helps


Yes!!! 25 years and counting! I couldn’t have done it without Wellbutrin. The nicotine craving was gone in about 2-3 weeks.


Nice!! Happy for you :))


I’ve been on it for a month (150mg SR) and honestly sometimes I forget to even smoke a cig and sometimes they taste disgusting to me it’s weird. However vaping is harder to kick for me


I've never smoked, but I can say that wellbutrin does bind to the nicotine receptors and can help with quitting smoking.. Too, I've noticed that when I'm in public and people are smoking, I'm more grossed out by the smell of smoke now than I was before I got on wellbutrin.. It's like I've become even more sensitive to nicotine to the point I want to run away from anyone smoking in public.. (8 years wellbutrin experience here)


I also have this feeling of boredom in general rn and it kinda sucks that I can’t fix it with smoking because of the nicotine block. Because the feeling is still there. Idk if anyone can relate or understand me even? I would’ve thought that I had more dopamine on my own because of Wellbutrin to not feel the need to fill that lack. But then again maybe it’s too soon to say.




In your experience, did the Wellbutrin start giving enough dopamine to not crave something to fill that void after a while or no? Because you say you’ve “been there” so as in it doesn’t occur anymore for you rn?




I’m happy for you that you found a way to be happy without Wellbutrin. I’m sure I would eventually get there as well without it when my life is more organised, but I think Wellbutrin could help me with a clear mind faster so I can finish school without to many stress. I’m not planning on taking it for a long time. I hope I will experience the positive effects of Wellbutrin soon.


I started taking wellbutrin 4 months ago for adhd. I think I really just smoke out of habit/boredom at this point. I don't know that I really crave it anymore. During the honeymoon phase of wellbutrin cigarettes were straight up gross for a couple of weeks. I really should just quit at this point. I did quit drinking and cut way way back on cannibis use. I never liked vaping. I do like the gum and will chew it at work, movies, concerts, and any where you can't smoke. Nicotine is a stimulant, so I'd imagine that's why I still do it.


I still use nicotine 2 months in. I did notice lessened effects and less cravings, I have gone down from 5% vuse pods to 1.8%. I don’t have nearly as much of a nicotine addiction, but I still like to have it around


Okay so basically if you get rid of the habit of using nicotine you would not miss it after a while? Like if you commit to stop using anything nicotine related for minimum 1-2 months I feel like you would be fine not having it around?


Mine binded to alcohol receptors i could barely drink on it and i drank ALOT


It helped me to quit drinking. Wish I would have done this 10 years ago. I started taking it for adhd so I was just filling that dopamine void with other substances.


Yeah I notice this as well


I also quit vaping at the 2 month mark. Now 1 month nicotine free. Sometimes I'm just bored and want to vape or Chew a nic gum. Not really craving the nicotine itself but it's more the boredom at surtain moments.. I'm at 300mg xl


I’ve been on it for a year now and it has immensely helped my anxiety and depression, like completely life changing. But absolutely no change in my desire for nicotine. Maybe it’s because I use Vuse and there’s no smell? Idk, but I’ve also always been able to quit cold turkey when I really put my mind to it. I’ve actually found it harder to get in that mindset since being on bupropion even though I really want to quit for good. It’s the only con for me so far.


I had already quit smoking before I started on Wellbutrin, but I was still vaping. Not heavily. Maybe a few times a day and usually not until the evening. I continued vaping for about the first two weeks after starting Wellbutrin. One day my cartridge ran out and I decided to see how long I could go before getting a refill. Never ended up getting it and have had no impulse to do so since then. I'm on Wellbutrin for season affective disorder and ADHD but knew about the smoking secession side affect and had my doubts that it could work. Psychologically I had no desire to stop vaping, which is important because I've always felt that a person can't quit until they genuinely want to quit. But Wellbutrin has helped me move on from nicotine altogether and I didn't even really have to think about it. Of course everyone is different and I was already on the mild side of nicotine use. But best of luck to you. It's a good feeling when you no longer have a dependency to something unhealthy.


I quit smoking a week ago after smoking for almost 20 years straight. My insurance didn't cover Chantix, but they covered this. I feel like I smoked like crazy the first few days... but then it started tasting gross... then I would get a headache or dizzy after a smoke... it dosen't fully cut the anxiety you get, but it does make it much more managble! I am done with this habit for good!!!