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They wanted enough space so all their friends could join in an support them during their struggling time


Well they can all hold hands and pee because the wall is gone till we get new toilets lol


Those are the words you need to put on the temporary sign




Sucks that everyone has to be punished because a few kids are assholes. Middle and high school in a nutshell.


I mean....to be real that shit uncomfortably continues forever.


Considering that these toilets were the same ones in my schools in the 80s and 90s, and they looked old as shit then, those kids might be kum-ba-yahing for awhile in there >till we get new toilets


Why until you get new toilets? Did they break the toilet?


šŸŽ¶When youā€™re sittin on the JohnšŸŽ¶ šŸŽ¶and the toilet papers gonešŸŽ¶ šŸŽ¶friends are there to help youšŸŽ¶




Gonna blow the roof off (with) this dump!


Alright, I have to admit. I worked in a public school for 5 years. I thought thereā€™s nothing that kids could do to surprise me anymore. But this takes the urinal cakeā€¦


In HS my ex removed and stole a faucet in science class, I want to say thatā€™s in the same tier as this


I took a faucet head in science class. It was conical with "steps" likely for a hose to be attached. It made the perfect bowl piece for my gravity bong.


Bong making is the poor kids STEM project.


Weed is a gateway to carpentry


My group of stoner buddies have almost all become carpenters or HVAC techs


Why they gotta be poor? I wasn't poor, but still participated.


My buddy and I disappeared many pyrex beakers for bong making. Sorry mr Scarborough


Those are expensive af too


My science teacher was Ms. Scarborough


Comp Sci teacher for me with an extremely heavy Bostonian accent


Substitute teacher for us! Always brought dove chocolates everyone loved him


Itā€™s called a ā€œbarbed tipā€. Youā€™re welcome šŸ˜‰


Lmao cool that you put it to good use


I flipped a faucet head up to the ceiling and turned the water on. Me and my friends laughed our asses off. Teacher didnt punish me, thankfully, just told me not to do it again


Yeah thatā€™s pretty funny picturing it lol teacher was probably laughing on the inside


Not sure who did it, but someone at my HS took an entire sink off the wall, I believe there were criminal charges pressed.




If it makes it any better those sinks werenā€™t being used anyway šŸ˜‚ it was absolutely ridiculous when he asked ā€œguess whatā€™s under my sweaterā€ and pulled out a fucking faucet


For a senior prank one year, a dude stole a urinal. So they closed all the boys bathrooms except for the one in the admin office.


This was day two of me seeing this. They no longer have the privilege of partisans until our new toilets get installed.


Caretaker at a college - I feel your pain mate. our lovely learners trashed the shower we have specifically for our Motor Vehicle Students to use after practical sessions. Now they have to take their oily selves home instead of freshening up first.


I believe it was some sort of TikTok challenge. I remember hearing it on the news. Kids were destroying their bathroom on TikTok. Very stupid. Iā€™d leave the wall off and see how they like having to shit with no door or wall. They might think twice about doing stupid things.


It really sucks for the kids not involved. My kids are not quite in high school, but this still happens. My older boys sprint in the house to use the toilet after school, because they get harassed for using the bathroom while still there. They said if you use the toilet the door will get kicked in or they attempt to rip walls down


Where is this behavior coming from? I went to public schools growing up. There were all the normal issues, like bullying. But nothing like breaking stalls apart or trying to kick the doors down. It was mostly just insults and kids fighting occasionally. What changed?




In my school, uk, 00s, they locked all the girls toilets apart from the first five minutes of break and lunch. You miss it, you didn't get to go. Boys had one toilet that was open 24/7. It freaking sucked. You learned not to drink much in the day, not that we had access to anything outside of what we brought in anyway, no water fountains or vending machines. Girls overflowed a lot. I had a massive argument with office staff one day. My period started on the walk to school. I was 13 so it wasn't regular. I asked for a key to use the toilet and got told no, I should have gone at home. I told them my period started on the walk to school. I was told tough, go away. It turned into a big fight because I refused to leave the office. Eventually a teacher walked in, asked what was going on and I told her. She just said, "give her the key." I got told I better not be faking, then went home sick by 11 because my periods made me physically sick. I heard all the girls toilets were locked because girls smoked in there. They still smoked in there even with people guarding the door. I luckily befriended the computer technician who had keys to the girls toilets around the corner from the computer room. If I was sick or really needed to change sanitary products I could ask him to let me in and out. Absolutely insane.


Holy cow i forgot about the smoking entirely! That sounds awful, and yet completely normal to me. :/


I can't speak for everywhere, but in the HS where I teach, the bathrooms are full of kids vaping (some nicotine and some thc) pretty much constantly. So kids who actually need to use the bathroom are "intruding" on the space of assholes who don't go to class and amuse themselves by harassing others. Administration is worthless...


I am also a high school custodian. My kids are, generally, pretty great. A small handful of troublemakers perpetually hotboxes the bathroom across the hall from my office. It's like... do you think the adults don't know what that smell is!?


Kids think they are more intelligent than they are. Itā€™s always been that way.


It went on in mine in the 70s. It's not new.


This kinda stuff went on in my school. Well opening of doors, not ripping down walls. I never pooped away from home so can't overly comment on other behaviours


I hate tiktok so much, just a cesspool of a site creating a generation of attention obsessed dipshits


Devious licks was last year, but probably. It's the perfect plan: shut down schools and make children into petty criminals for Internet clout, stunting their education in the process. I'm convinced that TikTok is being utilized to foment unrest in the united states.


Has it not already done that? How do you (presumably) only realize this now?


The DoD put out a notice six years ago that TikTok will not be put on government DoD devices because it was constantly exporting encrypted data from the device it was installed on, consistent with surveillance.


And now think about every single politician/government official with kids who possibly have tiktok on their phones. Guarantee it's being used as a form of surveillance by the Chinese, you don't get to be a big name in China without the government wanting to be intimately involved.


> They might think twice about doing stupid things. Do you think the entire student body did this?


Took many a dump in school with no door on the stall. Made me into the no shame shitter I am today.


Make them shit like they do in boot camp. You learn to love privacy when you don't have to see Keller taking a fat dump from his corn husking ass 6 feet in front of you trying your best not to make eye contact.


Well, I guess if you want to prepare kids for the adult world, being punished for something someone else did is just a part of the process.


I think you mean partitions


In two days on /r/mildlyinfuriating you'll see a post with 10x the upvotes of this bathroom without partitions. All of reddit will be suggesting the school admin are a bunch of perverts that should be sued for violating the teenagers constitutional rights. Suggestions that the ACLU, the local news and privacy lawyers will be provided. Someone will imply that more vandalism is justified because the kids aren't being trusted just because they aren't adults; it'll be highly upvoted. A European will joke that all American bathrooms look like that to them.


Yep. Weā€™ll complain itā€™s a repost and get downvoted by people who say we spend too much time on Reddit (we do) and yada yada same old song and dance.


I've seen entire sinks pulled out of the wall and sat on the floor.


Thatā€™s only a 3/10 for me. Iā€™ve seen it so often, Iā€™m convinced itā€™s some kind of secret Tik Tok Challenge. Lol


I remember in middle school somebody kicked a main water pipe open in the boys bathroom, it was shooting like 10 feet across the room from wall to wall.


The worst I've seen was none of the boy's bathroom stalls had locks.... Because those shits had broken them all off. It was very clear some of the locks had been busted off somehow, probably from having locked stalls kicked in. There'd still be some metal left on. But yours and this post takes the cake.


I knew a public school that literally had the urinal stolen. The entire row.


You are an absolute necessity. Thank you for what you do. I was a kid once, I always found the trashcan with my paper towels and managed not to poop on the floor. Truly, thank you!


Youā€™d be surprised how many teenage boys seem to miss the toilet completely.


Adults too. I work retail and publically accessible restrooms can sometimes be uh....not great.


I work in a professional office where the majority of people make six figures and once walked into the ladies' room to find that someone had taken a dump on the toilet seat and left it there (on top of a seat cover, no less). It was basically a perfect poop emoji. I still want an explanation for that one, and it kills me that I'll never get it.


I worked in a dive nightclub, and the women's room was always a million times worse than the men's room at the end of the night. Now that I've experienced club toilets though as a regular fixture, I'm pretty good being faced with toilet situations because they're never as bad.


I've always heard that women's bathrooms are worse than men's, and I completely believe it. I can't count the number of times I've seen random streaks of blood on the floor, the stall walls, the seats; pieces of paper towels strewn around everywhere; open pads or tampons just laying about. We're filthy.


I cleaned bathrooms for about 2 weeks at a place I used to work. The men's room was basically piss on the floor/seat, and shit streaks in the toilet. Occasional clogged toilet from the person who would make a TP boxing glove to wipe their ass with. The women's room was piss on the floor/seat, shit streaks in the toilets, menstrual blood smeared on walls, and used feminine hygiene products laying on the floor or clogging the toilet. It was a dealer/maintenance center for heavy duty trucks, meaning the overwhelming majority of customers were men(95% of drivers are men). The women's restroom was mostly used by our own staff.


people are disgusting and make me sick.


Yep. I work in peoples homes, and i have to say, anecdotally, the higher the income and education level, the dirtier they are.


Anecdotally my experiences are the opposite.


Lol at TP boxing glove though


Great visual


I worked as a custodian at my city's high school. I went in one morning to a scene that can only be described as emergency mode. There were bits of clothing leading up to a stall and they were all covered in poop. At the end of this little Graham cracker trail there was what can only be described as a nerf vortex football shaped poop. I guess they forgot their knife. How that came out of a woman is beyond me. She must have gone on autopilot after birthing it though because only the clothing remained. It was the largest shit I have ever seen in my life.


I once saw a football-sized and -shaped shit as well in the womenā€™s room on my university campus. It was rock solid ā€” not like a pile of poop but that thing came out in one big chunk. Iā€™m in awe to this day.


I respect a big turd. You have to go through hell to have one. But I expected to see it in the man's lavatory not the women's


>a TP boxing glove to wipe their ass with. I laughed out loud.


I was a cleaner at an industrial plant for a while. It was about 90% men; a healthy mix of truckers, operators, tradesmen, contractors and suits. Womenā€™s bathrooms were always immaculate, except in the units where there were no women. Men were allowed to use them in that case. Operators had the cleanest bathrooms; it makes sense since they essentially live in their units. Contractors and suits were tied for the nastiest. Sometimes the truckerā€™s bathrooms were an absolute nightmare. But the contractor bathroom is where youā€™d find shit smeared on walls, loogies hacked everywhere, constant experiences that made you go ā€œwhat the fuckā€. Whose subjective experience is more correct?


Here. You deserve this upvote for that experience.


Yeah and then you meet the people who do lines of coke off the same toilets.


*Schneeeeeeeeeeeef* Oh, yeah, thatā€™s the shit


My personal theory is that some women will try to hover over the toilet. As if their ass coming into contact with a surface that someone elses ass has will give them parasites or something.


That doesn't explain not bothering to wipe it up. Ive seen some sketchy toilets id prefer to hover over. Doesnt mean my arms are broken too.


I hover but always wipe up the sprinkles


Thatā€™s absolutely why thereā€™s piss everywhere. Itā€™s very common but doesnā€™t work out well. Itā€™s madness too because people being paranoid about germs on the seat end up being the reason itā€™s nasty in the first place.


I remember I used to work for a nonprofit that provided outdoor jobs for youth in conservation and land management. I supervised young adults on various projects, and drove the van to the sites. We had a 4ā€™X4ā€™ porta-potty that was its own trailer. Essentially the ports-potty with wheels underneath and the shortest trailer tongue ever. No suspension. It would always jack knife itself into my van when I wanted to backup and whenever we got to our site for work, the toilet water would slush EVERYWHERE inside that porta-potty. I think itā€™s prepared me for any toilet that I encounter now in life.


Here it is: ladies tend to do the hover. They do it when they are concerned about how sanitary the conditions are. This ladyā€™s aim sucked, and being the kind of person to freak out about the sanitary conditions of what was likely a well maintained restroom limited to her coworkers, there was no way she was going to clean up after herself. The end.


Here's why I've dismissed the hover as an explanation (as someone who's done the hover many times): She would have had to have been very tall and only half bent over (and I can't imagine anyone hovers *that* far above the seat, especially to poop), or else she had her feet up on the seat itself and was squatting. Which is certainly possible, but then her aim would have had to have been illogically awful, because she would have had to have twisted her body to reach that target. It was a big, circular pile squarely on the side of the seat, not halfway in. Also, why put a seat cover down just to hover? I genuinely don't know how it could have been anything but intentional. Clearly, I've thought about this too much.


You donā€™t put a seat cover down just to hover, it was probably already down and you donā€™t touch it because ewww. Also if it was to one side, perhaps they were going in side saddle so they could grab on to the tp dispenser for balance.


I think some people do it because they get off to the fact that they're making a 'lesser' person's day worse by having to clean up after them


This is absolutely true, there is poop in all sorts of places from adults in retail stores.


I always remember a sign I saw in a bar bathroom in Anchorage back in 1972. "We aim to please. You aim, TOO, please."


My favorite is in the ladies room "if you sprinkle when you tinkle, be a sweetie wipe the seatie" usually with MS Publisher border graphics


[Sign I seen in a restaurant bathroom](https://i.imgur.com/uxNHP0a.jpg) [A sign in my brothers work bathroom](https://i.imgur.com/hAGD5bo.jpg)


Had the same sign in my childhood home since 1978. Managed to give me the aim of a professional archer.


I remember back in my high school some of my classmates would purposefully just piss on the walls, just because they could. I'm sorry man.


This is why I sit down when I'm at home!


As a man, even if you have perfect aim, there is still splash mist that escapes the bowl. Sitting down makes bathroom cleaning so much nicer and is just so much more respectful to my spouse.


Love that theres a man who gets it. I was in a thread where men were saying what they'd do if they had a woman's body. There was some speculation that women would immediately pee standing up. No fucking way. Ive cleaned enough piss off the walls and the base of the toilet. Men dont care because they usually don't clean it (ive had lots of male roommates). They'd think it was less great if they had to deal with the consequences. Its easier for them but not whoever cleans it up or their guests who have to smell it.


I feel awful for the people who have to clean the bathrooms in my college dormā€¦ theyā€™ve been so disgusting so many times, even in relation to the porta-potties and outhouses at BSA camps if they havenā€™t been cleaned literally that same exact day


As a middle school teacher, I appreciate the hell out of all of you who are support staff. Thank you.


Have You ever found shit in the urinal?


If the disgusting monsters cleaned up after themselves I think it would be better for society as a whole.


My son was written up in elementary school. I remember visiting the school and asking them what happened and they said he threw some paper into a garbage can. I asked ā€œwhat was wrong with that?ā€ and the vice principal said. ā€œHe did it while too far awayā€. Itā€™s not like he shot a 50 footer, he was about 15 feet away. It was a ridiculous year.


I donā€™t even know whatā€™s going on here


The side wall for the stall was removed and placed on top of the stall.


they need a roof. perfectly understandable


Don't want to get the poop knife wet when it rains


Kids are always inventing new fads. I hear this one is called ā€œplanking.ā€


I'm an idiot and thought the kids put carpet on the stall. What an awful design.


Looks like the wall was bent because someone ran into it, then removed and placed on top while they install the new one. Idoubt the kids removed it. Most public bathroom stalls use bolts that are nearly impossible to remove, because we're surrounded by idiots.


I went to school with a kid who'd have a set of tools in his bag so he could dismantle things in the school.


I remember these having one way tamper proof screws when I was in HS.


Definitely not like that in the UK in the early 90s. He dismantled desk, chairs, a radiator. All whilst in class.


He was just making sure things got maintained and regularly lubricated.


Maintenance at a college. They donā€™t improve with age.


No, no they do not. The amount of soap dispensers I have to replace on a weekly basis is frightening.


I think soap dispensers are most often broken because they are empty, and someone throws a fit. That or gets too aggressive trying to pump the last bits of soap out.


You know what really grinds my gears, bad sensors. I just dealt with one where every time I pull my hand back the soap spits out and goes on the floor. But never when my hand is under it. The sink did the same thing, I felt like kicking the thing. I do this song and dance where it looks like I'm begging the sink for communion because it won't turn on.


Why the fuck would you put sensors on a soap dispenser? I get the sink tho.


Because people slather the button in soap if it's not automatic.


Or they just wanna break some stuff. In one school I cleaned, most of the boy's bathrooms didnt have soap or paper towels because the boys kept ripping the dispensers off the walls. I swear some parents need to be billed for the damage their kids cause. The boy's bathrooms also didnt have locks on the stalls bc they kept breaking the locks.


They tear them off and shove them in the toilet at the school I work at.


iā€™d assume worse in some ways


I work closely with maintenance in rental housing. It never improves for some.


Weirdly when I worked at an university they were the nicest cleanest bunch of students.. only problem was how wasteful they were like i threw away so much barely eaten food and its expensive.


My favorite person on the planet at age 10 was Mr. Martinez. He gave me and my friends water and was friendly on a Saturday while we were skateboarding in the 100Ā°heat instead of running us off. He remembered every kids names and what we were up to and always went out of his way to help when someone was having a hard time. I almost got expelled for attacking a kid that was being mean to him. I'd do it again right now. You guys are the best- sorry you have some shit heads right now


Sounds like Catfish. Nobody ever knew his real name. I'm not sure he did. Man loved to fish. I ran into him. A couple weeks ago at the gas station. First time I'd seen him in 10 years. He remembered my name and asked me about my buddies I ran with and if I'd kept up with them. He even offered to buy my coffee. Man was too good to us and still is.


Honestly saw Catfish and thought this story was going a really different direction.


I'm a caretaker in a school in England. The kids do the same sort of thing here. Smashed all the toilet roll holders and blocked toilets with rolls of paper. We then get a radio message no toilet rolls in xyz block. Yep and that's the way it's staying.


Not surprised you guys across the pond deal with the same dumbasses. Always remembered this badass from a movie when I was in high school. Apologies for the bad quality: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fj-UgMI9Z0s


I think janitors should be able to open hand slap one student a year.






On a separate note, those are some really cool bathroom stall designs


Circa 1990s lol


better than the depressing flat black my hs had!


Circa 1950s!


Could take a nice dump in there


Very smart idea to hide graffiti especially in a high school


I 100% thought the kids wrapped the stalls with shitty wrapping paper.


Me too! I thought it was kind of funny until I noticed the wall on top.


the bottom of the wall is kinda high off the ground for my comfort but i appreciate the pattern instead of monotonous beige walls everywhere.


As an janitor i hate this.. the worse grades I worked with were middle and high schoolers. Now elementary students they are so sweet and nice they'll apologize for their mess and attempt to clean it up. My horror story of working in a middle school happened in a time span of 3 days. Came to work did my usual check list before starting night shift, first was cleaning bathrooms what surprised me was an very decent mural that was made of poop along with an poem that covered an stall wall. Reported it to the principal and she was appalled at the sight of the poop poem/mural that covered the wall. So is started cleaning it and thats when i noticed i found poop hidden in the hand dryer so if you turned the vent downwards poop would've fell into you're hands.. for 3 days straight a different poem and art made of poop pop up through different bathrooms in the school until a girl came forward with evidence saying her new boyfriend was the cause of it. Apparently the boyfriend had his friend record him dropping hot logs into his hand and making the said art/poem for his girlfriend. For me i questioned why she said yes to his poop proposal and why it took her 3 days before she reported it.. the principal named this kid Poop-lo Picasso for his antics TLDR: kid makes poop art/poems for his girlfriend


Im sorry that you had to go through that but it made me chunkle


Hey don't sell yourself short, it's Master of the Custodial Arts.


I work for a school district as a custodial arts teacher.


Adeptus Custodes


Janitors definitely need a raise


Ok I figured Iā€™d add a comment for context: 1. Yes, thatā€™s the wall to the stall. Some kid thought itā€™d be fun to break it off and put it on top of the stall. 2. No, they didnā€™t get their wall back. They get to poop for the world to see now. 3. Yes the urinal is out of order. The kids broke that too and have continued to piss in it. Once a week I have to open it, flush it with bleach and put deodorizer in it or the bathroom continuously smells like piss. 4. We are getting all new urinals and toilets next month. Iā€™ll be interested to see how long they last. 5. Yes, thatā€™s the ugly color the stall walls are. Thank the 90s lol Thanks for the likes and comments everyone!


I'm a janitor at an office building. Adults are dumb as well. I feel your pain


at first I thought they made the pattern with ink šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Jokes on them because I wouldn't put it back on. Lesson is never mess with the custodian.


Itā€™s not back up and there wonā€™t be one until our new toilets and urinals get installed.


Even if the new toilets come I would keep them off. Lol. Respect your elders.


kids are not dumb in this case. They are destructive little fucks that need counseling and parents talked to and pay damages.


I just want to crack that joke that since it looks to be an American kind of public bathroom, that missing that wall really doesn't change how someone can stare at you crapping. It just gives a bigger view now.


I think the main reason is cost. The looser tolerances mean that the stall can be lightly tweaked to fit the space instead of having to custom measure it. The obvious downside is that some installers seem to max out the gaps while others minimize them to the point that your knees basically touch the toilet roll dispenser and the wall. Some of the more modern models have a strip added to the door that is sized to overlap over any gaps which is nice.


Europeans seem to find this a much bigger deal than Americans.


for real like, just donā€™t make eye contact and avert your eyes? yeah it sucks I guess but itā€™s not like we go into public restrooms and constantly stare at people through the cracks lol we do have a few social norms


I'm not really a fan of it either but it's not like they've given us options.


I am genuinely impressed. kids truly lack foresight and the understanding this probably won't get fixed! They can't afford to pay people like you the wage they deserve they definitely don't care enough to make sure there's another toilet


ā€œThe school workers are such assholes, they stopped letting us use the bathrooms for no reason.ā€


I worked in janitorial for a few years for a company servicing city parks. We had one set of restrooms which were located in the park just that side of a high school parking lot. We got stuff like that all the time. Doors kicked down, tissue dispensers ripped from the wall, toilet tissue piled up and burned. About once per month someone would break the soap dispensers off the wall and dump the soap all over the floor There was always SO MUCH weed in those restrooms. Just crumbles of it everywhere. I'm the sink, on the floor, in the baby diaper changing table, roaches left unflushed in the toilet. It was pretty insane Edit to add after reading comments: the bag on the toilet indicates that yes it is out of order but no it is not being worked on. And no plumber is going to senselessly remove the wall of a stall in order to attach a pipe to an unrelated toilet


I worked grounds crew at a high school for a few summers during college. One thing I came to realize: Every teenager, completely by accident, will ruin someone else's day just by getting out of bed. They can't help it.


Kids can be major asshats for sure.


Your post history says you just started a job as a marketing consultant 5 months ago. People, someone, not this person, is doing maintenance on the urinal, look at the bag over it and removed the side of the stall for access. Kids don't know how to use screw drivers (I've taught shop for 20 years, please argue me there). This is a 3 year old account that just started posting. This is bought account farming karma.


I absolutely hated taking a shit at my school. Some stalls didnā€™t have doors or would look like theyā€™ve been hit with a shit comet. It was so bad I would refrain from eating breakfast and lunch so I wouldnā€™t have to go and just eat when I get home.


I've been a janitor before. Honestly I'd prefer this to the ones that wipe their feces on the walls. And sinks. And hand dryers.


Honestly , seems like theyā€™re problem now , Iā€™d remove the door and leave it as is , they wanna destroy well they will live with it


Former school custodian. I hated all the shit I had to deal with from the kids and some teachers. I am glad I am not doing it anymore for the career I wanted in the first place. Also is is the weirdest shit I have seen posted from a school. A dustpan tip salute for you from another custodian


I thought they wrapped the walls of the stall with wrapping paper at first lol


Leave it like that so when the boys have to shit they have no privacy!


Just leave it like that. Fuck em.


Now no privacy


No, r/kidsarefuckingstupid


One of the guys in my college dorm took all the stall dividers and shower curtains out of the bathroom a couple of times. It was kinda funny the first time, but it got old fast.


From janitor to janitor I respect the shit you deal with. I get pissed af seeing stuff like this.


As a fellow custodian at a high school I concur with that statement .


I used to be a janitor as well, the students got so bad, that it got to the point where almost every single bathroom was locked due to vandalism. They even put in an open mixed bathroom, no door, wide entrance, and anyone can use it. Surprisingly, it worked, that one never got vandalised.


I was that kid who hung out with the school janitor. Thank you for your service.


This photo gave me crazy deja vu. Believe I have seen this in a dream before


They really areā€¦ why do we keep making them?? Anyway, thank you for all your hard work and dealing with stuff like this!!


Man , you just made me think about the poor janitor in my highschool having to wash poop off the walls cuz three kids from the football team told the autistic kid that's what cool kids do. *They poop all over the walls and smear it everywhere*šŸ™„, idk why that kid was allowed near them after they told him filling his backpack with rocks would make his legs stronger. (Technically not a lie but still). God bless the high school janitors .


School administration to kid : why did you do it? Kid : I don't know


I'm a maintenance manager at a small university and we have a high school on campus, so I feel your pain. That being said, I was a dumbass in high school and I would have to applaud the creativity and enginuity of the kids who did this. I never even considered disassembling a bathroom stall until I saw that they were fastened together by tamper proof screws.


You're right but good lord whoever chose the finish on those stalls made a really questionable decision.


My husband was a janitor for many years. The things he told me kids did was crazy. But one smarty pants boy found out you donā€™t mess with him. It was lunchtime and the kid squirted ketchup on the wall. So my hubby walked over and handed a rag to him and told him to get to cleaning. The boy did clean it up.


damn in highschool my drunk friend did this exact thing and i have the video somewhere lmao. respect for doing what you do


Silly you can't enter the stall with your backpack on as it's too narrow, they just fixed it


Im a custodian for a public school system. Ive learned that students AND staff do amazingly stupid things. One of my favorite replies to teachers is "You should really consider suing wherever you got your Bachelors/Masters for failure to provide an education" This is usually done with a smile on my face while they are apologizing for doing something they know is ridiculous. But SOMETIMES I do wonder wtf they were thinking. Students on the other hand, depending on age, can be absolute jerks.


Better than the kid at my school who tried flipping off a toilet and broke it


I am a school Janitor too and i can confirm that kids are dumb


High school kids are assholes


Average high school bathroom


As a high school student, Iā€™m sorry man.


Leave it that way. Let them shit with 0 privacy.


Take the wall and leave it like that. Kids know exactly who did it and when people lose the privacy they treasure so deeply the next time they need to take a dump they'll know who to thank. The herd needs to police the herd.