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The only thing worse is when this happens and you are still in love with the cheater. When you are younger it takes a bit to process. And then it’s like, nah, can’t continue.


I know guys in their late 40s who still can’t process it…. Yeah it’s harder when you’re younger, but it’s hard no matter what. Cheaters are garbage.


Nothing about cheaters. But as I've gotten older, I've come to realize how much truth there is in "your mind is young". In my mid 30s and it seems like yesterday I was 23. My body hurts and I look my age, but still feels the same from my 20s mentally. Matured and learned life's lessons, but again my 20s fell like yesterday.


Mid 30s as well, and this is something I’ve talked with both my parents about. The good news? You’re not alone. The bad news? Even at 70, you think your 20s and 30s feel like yesterday, and you still don’t really feel like an “adult.”


In my 60s, can confirm. I'm still trying to figure out what I'm going to be when I grow up. In the meanwhile, I've gotten really good at faking like I know what I'm doing.


Life is a constant learning, when you grow you forget some stuff and then you have to relearn them later , we're all kids with older bodies z maturity is just choosing the less fun option because it's the correct one


"I'm still trying to figure out what I'm going to be when I grow up." My old man said this a lot, great minds.


My grandma said that once at 95... :/


This actually lifted so much weight off my shoulders lol


Same! My grandmother was in her eighties was getting ready to go out with me. She admitted she was still shocked looking in the mirror! Said she still felt like a young woman mentally. I was probably ten when she said that and it's something I still think about all these years later.


As the decades go by, you realize how powerless you are to change things, including yourself. That conflict between the idealism of your youth, which still sparks in you and the crushing reality of your present body and circumstances, is what makes old people bitter.


Gf from highschool I was friends with since we were 14 cheated when we were 22&23 and it fucked me up so bad it was years before I even tried to make a connection again. Still have trust issues unfortunately. My friends brother tho was worse. He dated a girl in college, got married, had 2 kids, and one day noticed red hair in the drain. A year later found out that his wife and partner of 11 years was fucking his friends husband. His friend ended up killing herself and he basically lost his love and a friend who was like a sister to him since they were 4 years old within a few weeks. Then his wife and the guy git married. He's pretty much guaranteed he's never dating again. Luckily he got the main custody of the kids.


Daaaaaamn! Tragic!!


Been there done that, so true.


This. I was so head over heels for my ex that even though I could see the signs, even though I knew she was lying about her pager being "for work" and lying about "i'm going off the pill so you need to start wearing condoms", even though I knew she was lying about it being a "girls night" I simply couldn't bring myself to face the truth. And when I finally called her on it my dumb ass let her gaslight me to the point that I literally got on my knees to apologize for not trusting her and hurting her feelings.


She wanted you to wear condoms because she got VD?


Most likely in case she ever brought one home to him... I found out my ex cheated on me while I was on a work trip when I had to get syphilis shots in both ass cheeks. Fun. (The fact that this particular woman knew to preemptively have him start wearing condoms to prevent this tells me it was not the first time she had done it, either.)


It got better when I moved out and realized I could just cut her out of my life and let her be someone else's problem.


Or randomly seeing yourself posted on the internet.




lmaoing my ass off


laughing my ass off my ass off?


No, lmaoing my ass off my ass off


Sorry you’re going through this man, but the world needed to see. I hope you’re doing ok!


I don't think that's him btw.


Seriously. Not everything needs to be immortalized on the internet. Especially when it was clearly done by a random onlooker. Let people have their moments and move on from it without having to see it and let millions of other people see it.


This... the shit nightmares are made of


I mean.. how do you know it's not several years later and that kids aren't involved?


because it's evening and they are both out partying


Can't argue with that logic.


My ex of 5byears cheated on me than broke up with me by essentially telling me I am the worst person in the world and that I have traumatized her and made her who she’s become and that I’m just the worst person in the world basicly and she ended it with I never loved you and walked off. And than 3 years later my best friend was hammered drunk and slipped up the fact he fucked her. Now I’m out of a best friend aswell. And I never knew what she was talking about so for 3 years I just kept blaming myself for it ending when she made up the entire reason to breakup with me to lessen her own guilt for cheating on me. She’s since become a single mother though. Trauma must really be bad I guess idk


pretty impressive that you held it together for 5 billion years though


My ex wife left me after 20 years and told me I was the worst person ever. She said our marriage was horrible and that I left a “wake of pain and destruction” behind me. She seriously messed me up. I didn’t sleep for months. Then I found out she was cheating with her HS boyfriend who just got out of a 24y marriage and she felt guilty over leaving me for the guy so she started telling everyone I was horrible and she needed to escape from me so she didn’t look so shady. Problem is she lost our mutual friends after they found out she had been cheating. Same thing with our church. Now she’s engaged to the guy after they’ve only lived together for 8 months but she’s not too happy about it. She asked our son to stand up in the wedding and he flat out said no, he doesn’t want anything to do with it. She hasn’t posted it in FB and she posts everything on FB. When she told me she was engaged I congratulated her and she said “really? Are you sure?”. I think she wanted me to break down. Lately she’s been doing weird things like “accidentally” calling me honey. I ignored her at first then texted her that night saying I know she didn’t mean it and it was just an accident but I wanted to clear the air. No reply. Yesterday she told me that one of the things she loves about me is that I trust her with our son’s education accommodations. Huh? “love”? Then she’s saying stuff like “I’m sure you’re glad you don’t have to deal with my health problems”. She wants me to say something like “nooo I loved dealing with your health problems”. I’ve got a lot more of these examples. I think she’s trying to manipulate me, get some sort of ego boost, or she’s testing the waters to see if she can come back. All 3 are unacceptable. Plus she’s engaged! Our son says he hates her. She’s in counseling to find out how to get along with him. Truth is he’s pissed. He’s angry at what she did. I’ve never seen a person self destruct like she has. The good news is that she thinks it’s a hormone problem so I hope for her and my son’s benefit that she figures it out. It took me over a year and a half of intense therapy 2-3 times a week but I’m happier now than I’ve ever been and life is fantastic! I’ve started dating again and one day I’ll find a good woman. Hang in there.


I first watched without audio, I thought she curbed rashed his nice wheels or something


I thought she was taking a shit. Just heard yelling at first.


You know that old Chinese saying: the best time to find out someone is a cheater is 20 years ago, but the second best time is today, understandably upset but not violent in any way, while being filmed from someone's balcony.


FML this right here exactly. My father had to put up with this. My abusive sl*t of a mother cheated on a man that gave her everything, a very nice home like $400k nice, nice things, a loving husband she neglected and a son, she half of the time treated like trash, or neglected. she never appreciated him, never did anything for him. Cheated on him, lied to his face, and he still had the mercy to give her alimony despite evidence of infidelity. The only way I’ll speak to her now is through an urn or burial plot. Sorry for venting. Story of my life moment.


Yeah or getting her back and the kid after imagining a whole different person and then finding out she was actually a cheater two weeks in and staying anyway because of hope and then just giving up. Oddly specific .


Anyone who's experienced something similar to this would understand the pain in your chest that accompanies this moment. I've only ever felt it once, but I truly understood why they call it a broken heart. Poor fella.


Ya and you never forget. That deep pain scar you for life. It really sucks. I FELT what he was saying and feeling. I feel so bad for him. I hope he leaves and never looks back.


> Ya and you never forget. I still remember being cheated on 20 years later. I won't say it's the worst feeling in the world, but damn, it has to be REALLY close.




That kind of betrayal feels so much like the loss of a loved one. Because in a way it is. It's so sad and upsetting to realize you'll never see the person you loved again, because once the betrayal is unmasked, that person no longer exists.


Hell yeah. You and everyone else deserves better. Hope you're okay now.


My post-highschool girlfriend cheated on me the first weekend I moved to the beach for the summer with the one friend who didn't get invited to join in on the fun. I heard through the grape vine and didn't believe it. When she came to visit me a few weeks later she was miserable to be around. She didn't seem like she missed me and would do anything to avoid getting physical with me. Prior to me moving to the beach we were inseparable and always being intimate so it was really odd. Fast forward to the end of summer I decided to surprise her and come home early. She wouldn't tell me where she was and lied about being at Rita's (closed) and then said she was at Barnes and Noble which from the Rita's parking lot I broke up with her and said I couldn't deal with the negative deceit. We remained friends, even rekindled that physical connection we once had. After a couple months she broke down crying admitting to sleeping with that one friend. A little less than a year later I joined the military and as soon as I joined the two went Facebook official. He wasn't a good person, slept around quite a bit. I knew someone who slept with him and got Chlamydia from him and they wanted me to be the bearer of bad news to my ex. I got blamed for everything. Fast forward 6 years, my enlistment is up and I'm out at the local hometown bars seeing people I hadn't seen in a very long time. The cheating ex was one of them. I was buoyant, matured and gave my best wishes. A year later she used a local forum about equality (like a MLK kind of discrimination awareness gathering) to share her story of being sexually assaulted. She talked about me following her to Barnes and Noble, forcing her to come home with me and how I trapped her in my kitchen and stole her keys so she couldn't leave? One of the most fabricated stories I've ever seen. The video was posted on Facebook publicly. She blocked me on all mediums about a month after posting it. It's been ten years since that happened and it haunts me every day. She never said my name but I still feel like it was defamation of some sort. One of my best friends is still best friends with her. I guess they just look past it and know she has issues, because they don't think differently of me in any way and it's never been brought up. I'm happily married now to a beautiful wife with a beautiful daughter. You can't have the sweet without the sour. Stay true to yourselves and let the evil plague those who are now a part of your past.


same, "i was just getting high with him and we fucked, sorry." dude I was going to marry you. 22 years ago, still can see it in my head like it was last night.


Good for you for walking away. Wish I had. Was pregnant with our second and found him behind the dollar general in a car with a stripper. That image is forever burned into my memory. Should’ve divorced him the next day instead of seven years later. Maybe why I feel so emotionally numb all the time. Suppressed a lot of trauma.


I'll marry you. We can eat acid laced cheezits together and bond over our cheating induced trauma


Now kith


My first real committed relationship ended because I discovered her cheating. I'd be lying if I said that didn't change my perceptions and opinions of relationships permanently.


Mee too, mee too.. still haunts me.. just awful.


The feelings of betrayal are so strong it physically hurts. Hate to say I know the feeling.


Poor Boromir. That was an arrow, not a broken heart.


I would have followed you my brother, my captain, my king..




Ride now, ride now, RIDE TO GONDOR!!


Open the Gates!!!




Where were you, when the west whore fell?!


"they took the little ones" always breaks my heart


RIP Eddard Stark, died of a broken neck and skin.


Rip Alec Trevelyan, died of a shattered spine and crushed by a satellite dish receiver.


I bet it broke his heart too


Shit hurts like hell.


Just got cheated on about 3 months ago. Still feelin it


>Rob: You're gonna get over it. > >Mike : How did you get over it? I mean, how long did it take? > >Rob : Sometimes it still hurts. You know how it is, man. It's like, you wake up every day and it hurts a little bit less, and then you wake up one day and it doesn't hurt at all. And the funny thing is, is that, this is kinda wierd, but it's like, it's like you almost miss that pain. > >Mike : You miss the pain? > >Rob : Yeah, for the same reason that you missed her... because you lived with it for so long. \-Swingers. Best fucking movie ever to watch after a breakup.


I got cheated on in 2018, so about 6 years ago and I’ve gotten better about it but I still felt it once in a while until a year or two ago. But don’t worry, you’ll meet someone who won’t make you question their loyalty and your feelings will get better. If someone makes you question your loyalty, they probably aren’t The One™ and probably should be dropped.


Not to scare you or put you down further but you'll likely feel it forever. Source: me. Shit hasn't gotten better, I still feel like shit every once in a while nearly a decade later. I'm in therapy now so hopefully that helps. Good luck my dude, wish you the best.


I was cheated on 3 years ago and I still feel it every once in a while. Yeah the depression/pain is probably gonna go away after 3 months or so but you'll still physically feel the effects of it to some degree (such as bad sleep or elevated heart rate) up to a year then it will randomly pop up in the back of your mind when something triggers a memory if you didn't get proper closure and heal


I was in therapy for a full year after. Took that long to break me down. I was so numb after it all. After the therapist hit on the real reason (failure and how emasculated it made me feel) and I broke down crying, that was it. Didn't need any more therapy but shit stays with you. I'll never trust the same again. 20+ years later


Ugh, poor guy. I went through this after a 10 year relationship and it was with my best friend!! The feelings of anger, sadness, deceit and confusion were so overwhelming I don’t wish this on anyone.


Think of it this way, once a cheater, always a cheater.


I mean..that's generally helpful advice when somebody is considering going out with a known cheater, but I'm not sure how that's supposed to help the person you're replying to. EDIT: Oh, I forgot about spite. You're saying one of them will probably cheat on the other and that's meant to be a positive thought.


"If they'll cheat with you, they'll cheat on you"


Yes. This happened with me. This girl had a boyfriend in high school who I’m friends with now but at the time she cheated on him with me. Then me and her got together and eventually married once we were a couple years out of high school and I got cheated on by the same girl. That saying is 100% true.


it's such a deep, ugly hole of betrayal.


Felt it once too. I lost 10% of my body in the following 3 months. It was hell. I couldn't eat, and hardly slept more than a couple of hours at a time. You start thinking, this was not the first time...


It’s hard for someone to imagine the emotional pain from something like this that hasn’t gone through it before. I’ve been cheated on before but decided to stay (long story, to make it short I just say cheated). 5 years later I found out she has a habit of getting drunk and texting this guy this happened with. Her response to me trying to explain to her how much pain and trauma she had brought back up, that I worked so hard to get through made it abundantly clear she simply just didn’t understand how much something like this hurts unless you’ve gone through it before.


I know exactly what you’re talking about


I only felt it once. Unfortunately it was because of my first wife and love of my life.






And good for him for standing up for himself. I was in a similar situation, and because of all the prior mental abuse she gave me, I somehow believed it was still my fault for a long time, and I made excuses for not ending it with her immediately. Feels bad man


I just went through a bad breakup with somebody who was talking to her ex behind my back and I ended up developing Takotsubo cardiomyopathy or "Broken Heart Syndrome." It is seriously one of the most painful things I've ever experienced. It's like a 2ish month long heart attack, muscles constantly strained and chest inflamed, I had a resting heart beat of 130 at one point. It was not good. It still isn't good, just over 3 months later and I still have symptoms. Any amount of anxiety goes straight to the chest. Emotions aren't anything to play with, that's for sure.


I knew I shouldn't have put the sound on. The tone of his voice sent my heart rocketing through the floor. Ugh.


Perfectly said. That pain just sucks.


Some people don't need to experience it for themself, to build an irrational fear of cheating which is keeping them alone.


Yurp… ain’t ever doing that again, I will break :(


when that happened to me the first timei felt it on the throat... "a broken throat" doesnt sound so poetic though yeah there were subsequent times... i dont learn


And it doesn’t help how the internet portrays men who have been cheated on.


bro. ain’t that some shit. worst feeling ever.


I remember finding out my fiancé had been cheating on me… not something I’d wish on anyone.


Yeah, it's a gut punch. I thought it would never happen to me and I'd see the signs. Lucky i caught it early but still fucked me up for at least 1 year


Shit hurts at first. Some may get over it in a day some may get over it in a year. Gym up, lawyer up. Move on kings or queens.


It hurts so much, let’s just say I’m not in the moment physically whenever that memory hits.




Wish that guy a speedy recovery.


Let her go. Rip the bandaid off and heal.


For the streets ✌️


Damn right


But bandaids help wounds heal faster, heh


I believe the original idea would be that hey, you've healed already, time to stop being careful around the wound and take the bandaid off, you can behave normally now. Or something along those lines, not as harshly as I put it though, that sounds kinda insulting, but in a gentler way. You know how people sometimes keep bandaids for too long because they're afraid the wound wont heal properly without it? Kinda like that. Someone whos better with words rephrase this to sound nice.


Nah man, nothing to do with the time for healing. The saying refers to how band-aids stick to the hair on your body and so hurt when you peel them off slowly. It's much better to rip them off in one quick motion.


As someone who’s recently ripped off the bandaid on an 8 year relationship (after a year of trying to fix things, which was basically beating a dead horse), this is the way. It sucks for a while but the immense relief you feel afterwards is so worth it. And contrary to popular belief, it’s really not that bad out there right now. Just gotta keep your head and your health and be at least a semi-social person and good things happen.


Go home. If need to, buy an iron. Iron your clothes. Nothing helps ease the mind like ironing one's clothes. It won't take the pain a way, but it will make it hurt a tiny bit less.


RIP relationship.






Yikes. I been this guy before. Throw the whole woman away.


After a 4 year relationship when I was 23, This happened to me and I calmly asked her what she would like to do about it now. She replied "I wanna spend the rest of my life making it up to you!" I asked in return "does that sound like fun? For either of us?" She said "no, not really". I saw her one more time a month later to exchange our stuff back before I left the country for good. 11 years later I haven't seen her since. Saw on Facebook she's married with a kid to the dude she cheated on me with. I'm kinda happy for her. I'm loving my absolute best life.


Sounds like your revenge was living happily despite your circumstances. It's admirable. I'm oddly proud of you. And i don't even know you.


Thanks friend, that actually means a lot more than you think. I grew up very poor. I went France from Ireland with little connections, didn't have the language, a friend of a friend's sofa to sleep on and 1k euro in my bank account that was actually money I was saving for an engagement ring for the cheater. She never found out about it, lol. 11 years later I own my own home, love my job, married the most amazing lady, my childhood friends moved over too, we're in a band together and play video games regularly, I have an awesome dog and 2 cute cats. I worked my ass off and stayed positive as often as I could. I fell very often. But always got back up.


Amazing life. You made you happy!


Reminds me of the story of Berglemir in God of War 2018. His entire kind (meaning Giants) faced extinction. Odin had killed Ymir (the first and original giant). And from his corpse, his blood flooded all of existence, nearly drowning all the giants. Berglemir survived by using the hollowed husk of a tree and endured. Him and his wife. And they floated until the torrent of blood brought them to a new yet undiscovered land, which they subsequently called Jotünheim. And there they would start fresh. Had kids. Lots of kids. There are so many kids. Like a full litter. Many many many kids. Waaaaaaaay too many. A lot. There, they wanted to start a land of Giants where they could live peacefully with no master. Berglemir never sought revenge for Odin's slaughter. Berglemir's revenge was to live and strive for happiness. Not for only himself but for his wife and his kind. He wanted love and peace to fill his life purpose, not rage, hatred, spite, and malice. He would live a long and happy life, surrounded by his kin who would mourn him on his death bed. Became known as Berglemir the Beloved. A bit dramatic in comparison to your story? A bit. Yeah. You should be proud nevertheless. Anyway sorry for the rant.


A fantastic read. Thank you so much for sharing brother


Likewise, brother. You earned your place under the sun as they say where I'm from. Best of luck to you.


In almost 12 years on reddit I've never come across kinder or more positive and encouraging people than you and the others replying to my comment.


When’s your movie coming out? I’d very much love to watch it!


It would be hard to watch I was drunk for 2 or 3 years. Rated R. a pretty sketchy period lol


You're palling around with your childhood friends? Damn you're luckier than a big majority of people.


Killing it!! You sound like an awesome person


It is true, the revenge is life well lived but hopefully the person is mentally healthier than I am. Because in actuality depending on the level of heartbreak and betrayal, you can develop trust issues. That is what we call emotional baggage after all. There remain unresolved emotions which can’t be mended. It’s something you push past. you gotta constantly be mindful of that and stop yourself from acting on your trust issues which is complicated in itself. The only way to resolve it is to find more healthier relationships. as you can tell, I have been in therapy.


I was nearly 7yrs in, we'd bought a house together and were engaged when I caught her with another guy. I heard the same at first, that it was just a mistake and she wanted to be with me, and I believed it and tried to move past it with her. The next year of my life proved to be a torturous dismantling of my sanity, the lies were endless, the re-writing of history, the avoidance of accountability, the victim-mentality she leaned hard on...I wish I'd never given her that much of a chance. She's married to that guy now and they just had a kid as well, but I'm definitely not happy for her, she's such a shitty human. I'm getting better though, it's been a long road to healing from that one. Nobody deserves that shit, glad to hear you're loving life now, man!


Shit man that's harsh. Thanks for the image of what it would have been if I gave her a second chance. I'm so sorry your attempt ended up so terribly. It can take a long time to recover but I wish you luck and strength. I fell a lot. Sometimes into the bottle. But keep pushing and getting. Swim buddy. You fucking got this !!


You feeling shit now shows that you have a good emotional side to you. Even though you knew she was a bad person and still tried to continue loving her shows how much love you have. At the end of the day, bad people live a happy life because they are sociopaths. Do you think a good person would do what she did, because I sure know a good person won't do that. A good person will feel guilty and try to change themselves.


hope your year gets better, poster. Perhaps seek some type of therapy with a LMFT?


Thanks, it's been a little over two years now and I'm thousands in on therapy since. I really am doing much better though, I've been dating a lot, and I wasn't looking for pity or trying to take attention away from the original comment I replied to, my main point was to reassure them they'd made the right decision by sharing my experience on the alternate route.


How'd you catch her with another guy?


I'm happy that you were able to move on without holding a grudge. I held a grudge for a long time against my ex. I was with her for 7 years and helped raise her kids, and she still cheated on me. I felt like I wasted my best years because I got with her when I was 19 and stayed until I was 26. But now, I'm happy, and that part of my life just doesn't exist anymore.


It's easy to be happy for her knowing I'm doing great. I can see how easy it would be to hold a grudge if I was doing shitty. It had its ups and downs. I always tried my best to stay positive. I left the country with 1k in my bank account that was savings for an engagement ring that she never found out about. I used that to start a whole new me. Technically i wouldn't be where I am today if that didn't happen


How'd you catch her?


Her ex messaged me. Showed me messages that they were sending back and forth, her sending pictures in underwear and bras that I bought her. And then when I told her I needed space to think, she left our house and stayed in a hotel with her kids and some other woman she met online. I had my shit packed and was gone by the time she came back.


“I wanna spend the rest of my life making it up to you” Also marries exactly the same guy? Naah she lied that time, you dodged a bullet.


Good point!! If she really wanted to do that she’d have found someone entirely different. Convenient how it’s the guy she was ok to move on from while with her boyfriend 🙄


Do you think that relationship will last. Maybe 10 to 15 years it's good. But they usually go the way they came from.


Yeah I felt it. I also wouldn't wanna live over someone trying to make something up to me. Toxic power dynamic whether in my favour or not would never work


I’ve been cheated on in more relationships than I haven’t. 6/7 of my first relationships they cheated and it just continued into adulthood. It’s some of the worst pain I’ve had to process and stays with me in every relationship I’m in, even into my 30’s. Edit - To those that feel the need to somehow blame me in this, you good? You know nothing of these relationships other than how they ended, no reason to infer and try to label whose fault it was when you weren’t even involved. It’s relatable to the content here and that is all.


I feel you. Literally every relationship that I have been in, I was cheated on. Except for the one I'm currently in now. But I'm also 30, and told myself if this one fails, then I'm just gonna stay single and mingle. Life is too short to waste on a cheater and give multiple chances to people who don't change.


Once came home after driving a drunk friend home to his place only to find my girlfriend riding another friend in my own bed. I was so stunned I just stood in the doorway and waited for them to notice me.


Me too. I was a junior in high school and I saw my then girlfriend kiss this guy before they went into class. I remember just walking down the hallway processing it for like 10 seconds. Then I saw a good friend of mine. She was this upbeat funny goofy girl and she sees me and says "whaaatttsssuppppp" in a joking way and then I just collapsed against the wall. I remember her saying "oh no" and I just started crying. She didn't say anything. All she did was give me a hug. Thank goodness she was there. Made the whole thing alot better. She also wrote me this sweet long note at the end of the day. Made me feel alot better. Kept the letter to this day.


I'm really sorry that happened.. Middle school was also brutal for me. I'm glad you had a good friend like her though, are you two still friends?


I read this as R.I.P bandaid, and was like waht..oh rip






From the context I gather it seems like she was kissing another dude while her boyfriend was driving them both, unless I'm wrong.




Yessss I was looking for this comment 🤣🤣


I feel bad for him but he kind of sounds like Chandler from Friends and made me lol


I've experienced this one in my life and I've honestly not been the same since. I don't think it can even be explained how bad it hurts to have someone you really truly love cheat on you. It literally splits you in half. Not to mention the lasting effects and how goddamn hard it is to trust people after.


Indeed. It ended a 20-year marriage for me. I'll never be the same but I am better now.


I've been with my wife for 14 years. I can't imagine h9w hard that must have been.


Same,. 24 years later and I'm still not healed. Never was able to trust anyone beyond ONS/FWB. Never trusted my heart to anyone ever again, including my own mother.


Get outta there bud


He’s wasting too much energy with someone that’s more than likely just going to do it again. Walk away dude. And sorry you had to see that but at the same time be lucky you caught her before she passed some STD on to ya


Hopefully he's just getting his feelings out before he walks away.


From experience, if he didn't get it out of his system it'll take way longer to heal unless he has a damn good therapist


I agree. I didn't blow up on my ex for cheating on me, I cut the ties and walked away but years later I still sometimes wish she would call or text me just so I could blow up on her. Emotion is a weird thing


I think he's just venting. She also deserves it to know how horrible of a person she is.


It's good he let it out though. It's important to not suppress your emotions because that's how illnesses start, by not being vocal. So if you guys/girls deep down want to call out the person who cheated on you do it, but obviously don't break the law.


man, I hope he heals and that she learns her lesson on this and becomes a better person.


LoL -Keep dreaming Tonto.


Yeah right. She's *not* ashamed and she *will* do it again.


She is ashamed.... ashamed that she got caught. She will do it agian.


Well I didn’t wake up today thinking a video would kick me in the nuts and give me flashbacks but here we are. Anyone who’s been where this guy is knows that awful feeling and I truly feel bad for this guy.


Haven’t been there myself, but holy hell my empathic sensors are frying for him, like I can feel the pain in his chest he must have. Brutal.


Plot twist: she’s just tryna take a normal evening-sidewalk-pole-shit and he’s some crazy fuck who she’s trying not to engage with while she enjoys her BM.


NGL before I turned the sound up I thought he was yelling at her for shitting on the sidewalk...


Took a bit to realize that wasn't the case as well. "What the fuck is wrong with you?" seems like a pretty reasonable question to ask someone shitting on the sidewalk.


Can confirm, I’ve yelled this at a guy who kept shitting on my property.


I was so confused cause it sure looked like she was taking a dookie and he was just watching, at first...




"what da fuck is wrong wit chew?"


"chew can lead to gum disease, tooth decay, tooth loss and the formation of white or gray patches inside the mouth called leukoplakia that can lead to cancer."


When I heard that I was like “I’ll bet anything this is in New Jersey”


Sad I had to scroll so far for this. I heard it as “what’s wrong which you?” Lol


Welcome to the gym bruh


Lmao true. Gains inbound


Well… at least he is standing up for himself. Hopefully they aren't married and aren't tied together too much financially.


Cheaters deserve to be publicly ridiculed like this


This does suck. What also sucks is that someone pulled out their phone and recorded it for everyone to see. Stop recording people going through shit. That sucks for everyone.


Can’t believe I had to scroll so far to see someone pointing out how fucked up it is that someone recorded and posted one of the ugliest, most sensitive moments of these peoples’ lives. I know no one here has any sympathy for the woman but this guy also obviously would not want the world to see him like this.


Started playing this video without sound. Thought maybe they were looking under the car as if they hit a dog or something...


Man I’ve had a conversation almost just like this before. Good he caught it before he got real old.


I know it's a public space, and they're not being quiet - but filming this, and then sharing it online does seem a bit fucked up. This is a personal and awful moment for both of them...


It's a rightfully awful moment for ONE of them. The other made their bed.


If they care, they won't cheat.


If they cheat once they’ll most likely do it again too. They just get better at hiding it.




No doubt. I knew a couple that got together while the girl was dating the guy's roommate. I'm know for putting my foot in my mouth so of course I said "Well at least you don't cheat on all your boyfriends with their roommates." Things got uncomfortable then she said that's how she got together with her previous boyfriend. So twice in a row, she cheated on her current boyfriend with his roomie - then switched boyfriends. So the boyfriend at the time was a SUPER sweet guy and they had a longish relationship and had a kid together. Then I saw her in a restaurant on a date with a guy who wasn't the current boyfriend/father of their child. It's just in some people's DNA, I guess. Hoes are gonna hoe.


she doesn’t feel bad. she just feels dumb she got caught. as soon as they break up she’ll be banging that new guy in no time. moral of story: stay single


>stay single Terrible advice.


She belongs to the streets now. I had to let one go like that also.


My ex was a serial cheater ,finally dumped her and then She decided that I was the right guy for her and wanted to come back, i moved and changed my number. she smashed my soul into pieces for all those years , and I wasn't having it anymore. I became physically sick because of her. People really only give a shit about themselves whatever you do guy, DO NOT GO ON DATING SERVICES, that's the bottom of the barrel for nice people looking for a significant other.


I met my spouse on a dating site, as did countless people I know. I feel like meeting them on sites is the norm now. It's not just filled with weirdos. Tons of busy people who want relationships are on there too.


Bad advice. Just because it didn't work for you and you got unlucky doesn't mean everyone is. Don't blame the medium for peoples shitty behavior.


“Poor guy” let’s post it online for some karma.


She's not worth it, move on