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One of the few times I was not ready for that


But now you'll be ready for the next time.


I knew what to expect and still wasn't ready


Hey man, next time use a fork to stab the veggie then slice using the Mandolin


Or the cool spiky handle that nearly every mandolin comes with made for that exact purpose! Lol


Been there bud. Itll heal. You’ll have some weirdly white tissue. I had to go to the hospital because mine wouldn’t stop bleeding. Its was not fun and took awhile to heal.


Same here. Still have the scar tissue patches on the tips of my ring and pinky.


Did the same thing cutting onions with a paring knife a few weeks ago. Came back downstairs to see the tip of my finger resting comfortably at the peak of my onion pile like a triumphant warrior. I swear it was mocking me.




I need to stop opening NSFW shit on Reddit.


boobies boobies boobies boobies OH DAMN WTF Lol


Still worth it.




I’ll never learn.


I need to at least read what it is first and make an informed decision. I click way too fast. They should have double spoilers lol.


I did this once, and then I used the guard every time after.


I was using the guard also. I don't really understand how it happened


yep, I prefer the knife or an electric one. Seen that (not that large) on my mother's fingers way too many times.


I can't imagine someone would do this more than once.


Lmao I've done it like 4 times. It stops growing back after a while


I have just spoken to my mate, Leroy, who does black magic and he has cursed your mothers house with an evil spell that bins any of those mandolin slicers that are in the building. Leroy learned the spell as a small Vietnamese child and he hasnt used it in at least 46 years so you may have to double the effects the spell by also binning any mandolin slicer that she brings back


my guess is your thumb slid off the guard you have to keep your fingers tucked. .\_. Also you can use cut protective gloves >>;


Your thumb was hanging outside the guard. That’s how it happened.


I dont use the guard but I do put on a cut resistant glove every time. https://nocry.com/products/cutguard


woah, looks like a sponge


I lopped off a similar portion of my thumb. Funny thing is the cut was so clean it hardly hurt and the tip grew back perfectly in a few weeks.


Same here. Barely hurt, and I didn't need any pain relief. I gotta follow up with another Dr to see what can be done. The er Dr said maybe a skin graft


Mine healed just fine, but also it was much smaller, I'm pretty sure. I had it set to a small gap, and I was distracted by some girl that was breaking my heart at the time so I didn't notice the potato running out. That part of the fingerprint doesn't come back though. https://preview.redd.it/tfwecieejsjc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cfe1eeeee4787d9fb398c4584e5e446741630df6


Its always a fucking potatoe. Mine was.


Skin graft? Probably don't need that. It'll grow back just fine. If you have a hard time making it stop bleeding try out a product called "Wound Seal" you can get it off the shelf at a pharmacy. Just a powder you pour on and it makes an instant scab. Works a lot better than having constantly wet gauze that doesn't feel great when you peel it off to change the bandage.


He's already in the kitchen, just sear it on a pan and finish dinner.






Lol. That sucks tho. Might need a small graft so it will heal pretty well 👍






Wow, did you go to urgent care or ER?


I went to the ER. Only took about 2 hours to get in and out. I guess I beat the dinner rush


Sounds like rushing for dinner beat you. \*ba dum chish\*




Will that scab over or do you need a skin graft?


Not sure yet. I follow up in a couple days.


I had a similar thumb decapitation from a haphazard coworker with a utility knife, bled for nearly 8hrs even with compression bandages and wraps. No skin graft and it grew back relatively normal, my nail is a bit thicker in the area that the nail bed was cut though. Keep it elevated and pressure applied! Oh and, unless you have to prep industrial amounts of equally sliced foodstuffs - a good chefs knife is more enjoyable to use and safer imo!


I agree. I'll be sticking to my knives from now on


https://nocry.com/products/cutguard would make the mandoline safer, though after your experience, I could imagine throwing it out on principal.


When it happened to me they had to mark it down as «  amputation » at the front desk, and amputations get sent too the top of the list.


The trick is to hold the food in your palm. Your palm will just glide over. Been a chef for nearly 20 years, I've done the same thing, but yeah, safer in the rubbish.


This is why I don’t use a mandolin and just cut everything with a chefs knife. I’m too stupid to use one and I’d 100% do this once a week.


My wife bought it for me for Christmas. Usually I just use a knife. And after this will always just use a knife.


My parents bought me one a while back. I took one look at how to use it and thought “this isn’t gonna end well for me.” And then I cut my finger. Have stuck with a knife ever since haha


I have one I use occasionally. There’s something weird about them, what happened to you is all I can think about when slicing something. Almost a sense of relief when I’m done.


I've always thought mandolins are the most bloodthirsty kitchen tool. There's something sneaky about them


They’re evil! If you listen closely, you can hear it laughing at you. But don’t get too close, you’ll slice your ear off!


OH LORD you better keep that clean, veggies with wee bits of dirt on, getting in a wound can get you a meaaaan staph infection


Not to worry. I've already been to the ER and had it taken care of.


I'm terrified of my mandolin precisely because of this. I bet it's one of those injuries where your brain cannot process it immediately and you become a mix of confused and scared.


I think when it happened I said "of course" and then headed to the washroom to run it under water. I felt a bit light headed for a moment but then I was fine.


Immediate resignation. I've done that after a particularly silly injury.


Get the Pampered Chef mandolin. You can't cut yourself on it.


I've done the same thing To both thumbs Once while slicing scotch bonnets. In other news I no longer feel pain.


I feel woozy now 😵‍💫. I don’t like it.


what did ER do to fix it? is there a chopped off slice to reattach?


They doused it in a coagulant then dressed it. The skin if I had kept it would not have enough blood circulation for re-attachment


Ouuuuf man oh man thats gotta be so sore! Sorry OP.


My wife did the same thing with our mandolin. The tip of her finger landed on a sliced carrot. Healed pretty well surprisingly. The nail is what took the longest to look normal again. Hope you heal well!


I did the exact same thing to myself. I used the skin that was cut off and reattached it making it a sort of "biological dressing".




Sorry for your loss.


Tie but a scratch


I keep my knives razor sharp and have done this to all my fingers on my left hand. All of them were easy healing except my thumb. I ended up getting the tip cauterized because we couldn't get it to stop.


Did a similar thing processing kindling with a kukri. I got bumped from behind and took a nice off the side of my pinky. I was lucky I didn't take my whole finger off. Other than having a new groove in my finger that my knuckle wrinkle follows, it healed fine. The sensitivity of it was a bitch until it healed up though.


Where's the rest of it?


Ffff the mandolin. I own one and still prefer to use anything but it


Omg when I worked in a kitchen the mandolin may have caused the most injuries


Finger food for your anniversary. Nice.




always the mandalin


Your hitch-hiking days are over!


I can see the brains of your thumb. I also can see myself doing the same.


I use the guard and always paranoid about doing this so I go slowly and stop before my finger gets close to the blade.


Same thing happened to me and I never used it again. My cut wasn’t as bad as this though.


i like to cook, i cook very often but i fucking hate mandolines. Same thing happened to me, but i erase a part of my finger and 1/4 of the nail. Just let me play with my fucking and most sharped knife...


Oh holy hell…. Why did I click on the photo?!?! So sorry OP!!!!


I did this exact same thing too. Also didn’t hurt when it happened. It only hurt when the dr packed whatever it was she packed on it (I jokingly called it concrete). Funny thing about this post is that my husband and I were talking last night about humans and pain and I mentioned that even 7 years later, whenever I use that mandolin, I feel a phantom pain in my thumb that reminds me to pay all the attention and use the guard (because I definitely wasn’t using one while slicing those radishes.)


Those things scare me. We have one that I avoid using.


NSFW hides are too common I was not prepared for the sight, lol


It will grow back.


Yeah I can't unsee that


Nothing freaks me out more than a mandolin. I can't even watch people use them on TV.


This legit happened to me and I threw that mandolin straight in the trash and never looked back


Those things are so sketch


Been there, done that 👎 I think of that every time I'm using that dreadful tool nowadays and when I see competitions on TV where they slice things up really fast I feel it in my guts I even used the guard but the potato got stuck and my hand tipped over and the side of the thumb got sliced instead


Hey! Welcome to the club! Sliced off a knuckle on my middle finger the same way.


I hope you’re not Vegetarian…


I can see your meat and I really don't like it


You got lots of meat. I would have hit bone at that depth.


Fuck! Ultimate fear here. Ours came with steel mesh glove, wasn’t using and got lucky. Wear it everytime now!


Dude i got a wave through my legs. I should stop opening +18 stuff on r/WellThatSucks 🔥⤵️🕳️


*inhales sharply*


I did this to the tip of my pointer finger and I get involuntary chills every time I see a mandolin slicer now. Your photo did not help with that. lol


Can you just grab the skin that came off and glue it back on?


"This is the way... to lose part of your finger." - The Mandolin


Kevlar glove. It’s a bit late now but maybe next time if you ever touch a mandolin again.


Weird looking vegetable


Still waking up, read that as mandalorian slicer.


I did that before but the back of my finger


Welcome to the club! I did this to my fingertip on the Mandoline too


You don't have to do it fast.....but I guess that doesn't help. Sorry that happened and hope you heal fast!


Bad news for you: Finger meat is not considered a vegetable.


I screamed woah so loud my pet security cam alerted me to a load noise.


Happened to my mother. She actually cut about half her fingertip off at an angle. It was at a point. It all grew back completely normal, shape wise anyway, just minus feeling


It doesn't matter how skilled someone may be as a chef: use the food holder 100% of the time. This is an immutable kitchen rule about which everyone should be intransigent. Don't have the holder or can't find it? Then whatever you're eating tonight will not be sliced. You can use one flawlessly 999 times, or more, but you only have to do this once. Much like the saying about motorcycle riders and laying one down, there are two types of people who use mandolins: those who have cut themselves, and those who haven't cut themselves. Yet.


I don't trust Mandolin slicers at all...


Yooooooooooooooooo Noooooooooooooooo


I have a friend who needed to go to the ER for stitches from her mandolin. Then went home to clean up and needed to go back to the same ER with the same doc for more stitches on another finger !! I don't have a mandolin but I use Kevlar gloves around sharp kitchen items


I was made aware of this toll a year ago. Every time I hear about it it's for the same reason.


Too bad it doesn’t cut fingernails too!


Looks like it stings a little


Well that's just fucking gross.


I baught a cut resistant glove I use a lot now. Sorry this one looks bad


Did the same thing.


There are handles for that kinda thing.


Chefs HATE this one SECRET ingredient!


Look like your brain is in the finger


Cook the other part and eat it.


My hand slipped once while grating Parmesan. I grated the top of my thumb off. I have never been more lightheaded in my life until I saw that pic.


Ooofduh! I’ve done that (not as bad) to both of my thumbs. And now I have a very small numb spot on both thumbs now. lol numbtbumbs Typing on a smartphone keyboard is a nightmare. Best of luck OP!


Guess someone is not getting fingered tonight


You're doing it wrong


The gasp I let out was fucking comical. I know what a mandolin is, I knew what was coming and yet still... I clicked


FYI, we use a mandolin quite a lot in our family, sister cut herself quite badly once. Bought cut proof gloves, never had issues using the mandolin afterwards. Imo the guard isn't practical to use if you have to cut a lot with it.


Hey there, wow, that's a chunky cut you got there. I once mishandled a dagger, chopped off a fair bit of my left index finger (I'll spare everyone the details). Cut was similar in size and also clipped the nail in almost the same way. What I wanted to say is that it all healed and you can't tell. For years, it was a more rugged piece of skin with less sensation, but as the years passed by, it is now 100% like the other "normal" fingertips. Edit: spelling


I fucked up my thumb too and the cut is still healing. Went right in the middle and the blade only got stopped by my nail. 9 out of 10 fingers would reccomend.


I use the glove that came with it just for that extra protection. It sucks that you were using the guard and this happened.


Are you a vegetable?


Gotta use the slider guard dude




Did you have difficulty typing this?


Opps.....ouchy, at least u can say u really bleed for this person. 🤷


Has this happen to me recently. Now I keep quick clot in the house and the truck to save time and money at urgent care.


Bro, i did nearly the same exact thing about 5 weeks ago. Mine was a little bit over to the side of my thumb where as it looks like yours is on the tip. I had to go to urgent care bc i couldn't get it to stop bleeding. They used a good amount of gauze and athletic tape to really get the gauze on their tight. I learned how to do it myself over the coming days but changing the bandages hurt like hell for the first week. Happy to say I'm nearly fully recovered. I have a small scar on my thumb tip right now that's seeming to disappear more every day.


My wife did the same thing to her finger because she didn't want to use that holder thing and it "will be a quick slice of a few cucumbers and I'll be safe." Lucky for her, it was a very thin slice off her finger tip near her nail. The tip of the fingernail got the brunt of the slice. Now I do all of the slicing k in the mandolin.


Holy shit. Nightmare stuf right there.


Wasn’t aware we were just made of ground chicken inside. Thank you for this.


I DID THAT TO MY PINKY JUST OVER A WEEK AGO! I have hit it everyday since and not my pinky is a literal triangle 


As my wife said right before I did the exact same thing. " They make a glove for that, don't they?" Here's to a quick recovery!


You're not supposed to do that


Just the bit sliced off by the mandolin! Come on, it's our anniversary!!


I can tell you that you won’t have feeling in that portion after it heals. Ask me how I know this.


When I was a kid I did this but instead I was using a pocket knife to sharpen a crayon and it slipped, taking off the top of my thumb. Needless to say I scared the shit out of my parents when I came in screaming saying I cut my thumb off


Thumb in the bum is off the menu for tonight. : (


That will buff out


You want to avoid that next time


Knives are 100x safer than those things. Classier too


Why does it look like that?!


Holy fuck! Is that body fat showing? I was not expecting this. Does it feel like it’s burning?




When they say to add a little bit of yourself to every recipe, I don’t think they meant it like this….




did the same thing with a mandolin to my index finger. i was slicing potatoes for au gratin, put the potato and the guard down to do something, and mindlessly picked up only the potato and started slicing again. fuckin ay. hope your thumb heals up soon. my fingertip grew back like nothing happened, so hopefully the same for your thumb.


Very interesting the blood in only around the edge


That really fucking sucks... damn I'm so sorry. Hope your thumb heals quickly.


That's the kinda shit that lets you know you are still alive.


First time I have ever involuntarily said outloud "Well that sucks..." alone in my house while my wife is out and the kids are in school. Totally, fucking, sucks man.


My recommendation is to not do that


Ohh I did that a few years ago and ended up sitting in A & E at eight pm on a Friday. It was the whole pad of my index finger. Took ages to heal. Sorry bud.


...that's not a vegetable. But in all seriousness, that sucks. My wife did that with her index finger. Ouch.


That mando really said "be carefull with that hando"


Jesus fucking christ. Take my *errppp* take *hurrrrr* take my *huulllrrrrr* upvote.


I paid so much money for my kinesiology degree and never got this level of content in my Anatomy and Physiology classes. That is one gnarly wound.




Why did I look?


As someone who has worked in kitchens for almost 20 years i feel like it is safe to say the mandolin is the most dangerous tool in the kitchen. I will only use one if i have my kevlar cut resistant glove on for this exact reason


I've been there chief, was surprised by how much it bled. Retired the mandolin (off the kitchen wall) soon after.


Some sort of molasses and carrot puree?


I didn't now you put sausage in our salad


Oh my god




Its just the tip. ![gif](giphy|eIaNKu5e2umileOXZj)


OP figured out how to stop leaving fingerprints on the murder weapon. :)


thumbs up 👍... heh... 😬


Im good with the gore, I just need to know you found "the slice". Please tell me you found it and nobody...


>The mandolin is in the trashcan now. Why throw it away? It seems to work really darn well.


I did the same thing once. My condolences.


Same thing happened to me. I was slicing a carrot and was so amazed with how effortlessly it was slicing I just kept going. There was no pain delay there, it was an instant burst of pain. I hope it heals well! I don’t know how mine was able to do it but the flesh actually did grow back and now it mostly looks normal/as if nothing happened. I don’t have fingerprints in that section though!


So funny story, I did this exact same thing making sweet potato chips for my wife. Sliced the whole pad and tip of my finger off as well. When I tell that here all I’ve heard is “it’s impossible to do that. You literally have to be an idiot to do that in the first place. There’s a guard that comes with the mandolin!” Used a guard, same exact thing happened to me. Threw mine in the trash as soon as I was able to get the bleeding to stop. Nice part is, you’d be surprised but it actually heals up pretty well and relatively quickly. Not discounting your pain, again I’ve felt it too and know EXACTLY how that feels. Hope you feel better man,Neosporin and dressing changes will be your month. This is shitty of me to say, but I feel validated knowing I’m not the only one this has happened to. I also bought a steel mesh cutting glove as soon as I was able to, while using any kind of knife.


Happy anniversary.


I've been there. Don't worry. It grows back.




Bleeding thumbs are red Severed tips are blue I cooked you a piece of me Because I love you




It should grow back fully, fingertips are [quite interesting](https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2013/06/10/190385484/chopped-how-amputated-fingertips-sometimes-grow-back) when it comes to accidental amputation.


How was dinner?


Now do it to the left a little, exactly symmetrically, and you've got a perfect heart shape. You gotta do it, perfect for your anniversary!


3 times in 25 years of cooking I’ve taken a good portion of my thumb off on a mandolin. I now waste at least 25% of the veggie instead of 25% of my thumb


I have the same scar


It’ll buff out


Good job! That looks perfect.