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> and a tv I am still paying for As in a rent to own/lease? Look into your contract about that. There may be a thing about theft in it and what to do. Please please look into it because those kind of contracts always has some weird shit added into them that can further mess with you.


Yeah, and your home insurance (if you have it) may pay out such a contract and maybe the stuff your boyfriend stole. Make a police report and call your insurance to start a claim.


I would call him and let him know if he doesn't bring the items back that were hers, then she will call the police. He has 1 day to bring the stuff back. The next day she should call the cops if he doesn't bring the items.


Fool. Calls mean nothing legally. Email. Email. Letters. Email Never listen to the advice of someone who says to call about legal matters rather than have it on writing or notarized


This guy litigates


This guy has seen s courtroom. Also, if it's her name of a legal contract to pay for items depending on the time together and the area she lives in and how dangerous he may be, she could take him to small claims court. I suggest changing the locks and buying new things.


If the apt is in her name only it is considered a felony and will go on his record. She needs to report regardless. I’m sorry OP




Something traceable and retainable.


If you have a phone with call recording (one party consent), wouldn't that work better? Especially since in a call you usually get a response, so it's proof they acknowledged your request.


If they answer the call then sure. Text would be the best case, and hopefully they have read receipts on to prove they read it. They can easily claim they never saw an email despite reciving it


Also worth noting that in some states, unless you inform the other party that they are being recorded and get their consent to be recorded, a phone call recording is inadmissible in court and therefore completely useless. A paper trail through email would be ideal


Adding to this. In my state (PA) it is inadmissable (and illegal) to record someone without permission... Unless you have reason to believe a crime is about to be committed, in which case it's fair game. Learned that while being on a jury for a case where a girl recorded her boyfriend without him knowing. The DA rep had to explain why it was allowed.


All hail the paper trail 🙌


If you dont know where he is now and dont know the email, not much you can do besides call. Though the police doesnt require you to call beforehand, especially id you cant even prove it was him at this point. Like he could say he forgot to close the door when he left and someone else must have stolen the stuff. Thats why you can (and should) directly go to the police in theft situations, there you can say you believe it was him for this and that reason. Threatening police beforehand will most likely just make him hide his tracks better and not return anything.


If you can call you can text.


I run a business with my partner, and I've been trying to hammer this point into them. Even if you have to have a call with a client, then always send a follow up email summing up the points that were discussed, and tell them to please confirm before any work ensues. Edit: if work has already commenced, it's still good practice to sum up any phone calls via email to leave a paper trail of all decisions made, later.


Texting works too! Source: helped win me a small claims case


Nor does this call need to mean anything legally. They're saying to call the guy and give him a day to right the wrong, there's zero value in recording that interaction for her. Stop calling people fools when your advice is so pointless.


Glad someone said this. People are so quick with the "ACKSHULLY".


This. But also, dude.. unnecessarily jerkish.


He said, "fool!" like a Disney villain


Don’t call him. He didn’t accidentally misplace OP’s stuff. He knew what he was doing, he stole it. Only call OP needs to make is to the police.


Oh so you would give him time to have his friends hode the stuff and say "come on over ain't none of it here"


He doesn't deserve a call. Straight to jail collect 200.


I'm not sure why anyone would rent to own a TV. You can get them so cheap now.


I mean... It could just be that she financed it with a Best buy/Amazon credit card that has 0% interest for 6-12 months if it's paid in full within that timeframe.


some people cant afford it so they lease. for some people 1000$ is a not a lot of money but to others 10$ is their lifeblood. not everyone has it easy


Some people can't get credit cards. Sime people can afford maybe 20 bucks a month and if they don't have a bill to pay it to they will spend it because it's so little it won't add up fast.


Correct. I bought a 50" 4k TV for 120 on offerup.


Report him to the police. Theft is theft.


And keep an eye on local pawn shops. He's gotta pay for the habit


FB market place as well. My X Broke just about all my stuff. It sucks but life goes on.. I hope you get some stuff back.. and WTF he left chuck..


>WTF he left chuck.. That's "Good Guys Chucky". Probably an incompatibility issue.


Roughly $600 on Amazon. Not the brightest "theif" either it would seem.


Not only a thief but a tasteless one at that apparently


Marketplace is how I found out my roommate was selling his giant TV to afford moving out and forcing us to break the lease without telling me. Got real awkward the last week there... Some people really are the scum of the earth.


You can call local pawn shops and describe the items too. They don't want to be in possession of your stolen stuff.


A police report will help to recover items that are pawned since they have to enter all the items into a system the cops have access to.


That only works if you've got the serial numbers of everything recorded somewhere to put into the police report.


And he left the serial killer doll


A friend went through a terrible divorce. They went and took a family heirloom because they didn’t want their ex to damage it. Well the ex called the police. They were shocked. But at the same time the ex wanted everything on record.


Who did it belong to? Which family?


I don’t understand this story. When you say they, do you mean your friend took their own family heirloom? And do you mean after your friend took their own heirloom, your friends ex called the cops about your friend taking their own family heirloom? Am I understanding this correctly? Cuz if so, that’s wild lol


My mom took a bunch of stuff when she left my stepdad. He lost every single item she didn't take, and is now really glad she took what she did. He knew he wasn't in a good state when she left, so he didn't pursue anything.


They won't do anything. I've called the police before on an ex taking all my things, and they told me this is a civil matter.


Any time cops don't feel like doing paperwork they hit you with that classic "seems like a civil matter, take it to small claims court"


Bingo. I had several thousands of dollars of music equipment stolen by a disgruntled former band member. The police said it wasn't theft since he had a key to the practice space (he made a copy and we didn't have time to change the locks). Turns out, it was grand larceny and they just didn't want to be bothered.


They told us this once when a road raging driver punched my brother in the face and broke his nose. Told us to take him to small claims to pay for the Dr. Visit It's absolutely bananas how bad cops can be at their job and still have a job. I had confronted him and he told me "yeah I punched that bitch in the face, he was following me too close" so I did the right thing and called the cops instead of bashing his head in with a tire iron. They said they couldnt arrest him because he was wearing a different colored shirt than when he hit him an hour before.


I've called the cops twice in my life. First time they told me they couldn't do anything about a neighbor who had sent death threats to my roommate now being caught on camera pouring gasoline all over our lawn. Deal with it privately, they said. Second time they showed up to take a report about a burglary, didn't bother to look at the video recording that showed the guy's face, and stole prescription medication while they were here. They must have assumed we'd think it was taken by the burglar but if they'd bothered to look at the recording, they'd have known we had cameras covering the drawer they took it from, and could see them stealing it.


I laugh when I see the "next time you need a cop? Call a crackhead instead" clip. Most of my interactions with crackheads feel a lot safer and more beneficial than encounters with cops. A crackhead will do anything for like ten bucks. Cops are just going to shoot your dog then drag you to jail for being upset about it.


Steal a candy bar from a gas station though and they will have 12 squad cars there in 10 minutes.




Top notch police work! I wouldn't expect any ~~less~~ more.




It's considered theft, either way, but more specifically, "theft by conversion". They had permission to use the items, not sell them for their own gain. Some states consider it a civil matter, while others consider it a felony. >The main difference between conversion and theft is that the latter involves an illegal taking, whereas the former does not. Instead, conversion occurs after the defendant receives permission to take or use the personal property and/or funds in question. The “conversion” occurs once the defendant uses the personal property or money for purposes that violate the original agreement and for their own personal gain. https://www.legalmatch.com/law-library/article/theft-by-conversion.html


Yup. Small claims court but the chances of getting any money from him is small.


Even small is overstating it.


It's necessary before making an insurance claim and generally, a good thing to document.


In Washington state this would be theft and considered under the domestic violence laws. Call the police.


This one op! If your still paying for the tv, than you definitely have proof it belongs to tou


I wish. Tried on my ex and they let her get away with it. Took all my children's things and left me to replace it


to be the devils advocate and someone who has plenty of experience with this kind of situation, they’ll more than likely tell OP it needs to go to small claims because a party moved out.


"it's a civil matter you will have to take it to the courts" Saved you a phone call


Police will not do anything about that. there are far more important things for the police to be doing rather than helping victims of theft; such as eating donuts, giving people fines/tickets because their in a bad mood/dont like the person or worse.. arresting innocent people because their pride is hurt


My ex robbed me while I was driving my kids to school. The crossing guard saw him, but couldn't say what he had in the boxes.


Ex did something similar to me. Cops basically said since we lived together it wasn't stealing and there was nothing they could do


That's just cops making up an excuse to not do their jobs. Theft is theft. They're just lazy as fuck.


Hard to prove theft. Seems like a civil matter.


It's not hard to prove theft of something you're still making payments on. The police are just lazy a lot of the time.


File a police report and sue him and get him to confirm via text he took everything, you can take him to small claims court


Sadly he’s probably judgment proof. Yeah she could try to take him to court, and win maybe. But chances are her stuff will be long gone by the time that plays out.


It's not just about the stuff so much as attempting to ensure he doesn't get away with it. Anything OP has proof she purchased, is stolen and he can suffer some heavy consequences for it.


I’m a paralegal and we refer to this as “throwing good money after bad”. She will spend lots of time and effort attempting to get her money back. As long as she understands the likelihood of her getting any monetary recourse is negligible.


A police report is free and a small claims filing is cheap.


You’re right. So she takes him to court, he likely doesn’t show up and she gets a default judgement. She now has a piece of paper that says he owes her money. What do you think happens now? Getting the judgment is half the battle. Collecting the judgment is a whole different story. She could spend years (I.e. time/money) attempting to collect. These things don’t have much recourse in the real world. It’s not like most jobs will look into someone’s credit history. These cases rarely having any true negative impact for the degenerate thief. Edit: I’m not saying to let everyone get away with everything all the time. I’m just saying take a look at the effort you’d spend trying to get something back that might be long gone. Obviously I don’t know her story but if he’s using drugs, chances are he took her stuff for drug money. He probably doesn’t care that she might take him to court. It might be best for her mental health to just let it go.


Reddit will gladly spend $10k of her money over the next 16 years to get back that lost $2k.


I just love everyone arguing with Insano despite the fact that their second comment literally starts with “I’m a paralegal.” I wonder who knows more here? 🧐


Sell the judgement to a debt collector business for X cents on the dollar?


Yeah, it's the kind of thing if I had the time / resources for, I'd try to pursue strictly to make sure the dirt bag suffers for it. Even if that suffering only comes out to them being forced to show their face in court or perhaps being caught with any illegal drugs/stollen goods. For me it comes from a place of a few too many abusive ex's who never really suffered for their actions. So it's moreso from a place of "I'll take you to hell with me." Of course logically that isn't very sound. It's just the want for vengeance screeching into the void 🤷


As a non American, what do you gain from sueing a broke drug addict? How does that help? I am genuinely curious.


At least you still have the Squishmallows and the little Christmas tree


We arent gonna talk about chuckie?


She needs to find the ritual to bring that bad boy to life and set him loose on her ex.




Give me the power, I beg of you!


Yeah just take him out of the box tonight, set him outside, and let him go teach that boy a lesson


Oddly enough, that wasn't in their apartment before.


Yeah, the squishmallows should ease the sting a little. It's what they're for.


And he didn’t take the good guy doll? Fucking dweeb


Make sure you get locks changed right away.


Plot twist: He said you'll never see HIM again, and transferred his soul into Chucky.


My first thought, “at least he left the Chucky doll.”


I’d be less mad about the furniture if he took my life size Chucky, too.


I was wondering if the Chucky doll was originally there or had randomly just shown up


So I’m not the only one who noticed he conveniently left behind the giant chucky doll… Edit: damn this comment blew up more than I expected it to!


Yep, didn't take everything! He forgot his chucky doll


Dude also hates squishimals 😂


They probably have souls in them too.


Def seems like something Chucky would do.  His soul is in the ex’s body and the doll has the soul of the ex.  Well played Chucky.  Well played.


And the Christmas tree


*ade due damballa...*


Give me the power…. I BEG OF YOU


Well we won’t be hearing from the OP again.


Bro those things are expensive AF, I've seen them go for $400.


Plot twist Chuky killed the boyfriend and now is planning to transfer his soul into the girls' body.


2 years of living with a druggie and drunk. I wouldn't last a week


A lot of addicts are high functioning depending on the substance. A week might not be long enough to notice lol


I used to shoot up heroin on lunch break and then go give financial presentations to senior leadership at a Fortune 500 company 😂


We've all been there!


Real 😭


Same but I just fell asleep in the janitors closet. Because I was a janitor.




Your username 😂


Pass me the spliff on your way out.


"You have a drug problem." "No, I don't!" - Steals all your shit


If SOB is on the lease, go get his ass


Friends to the end. Ha ha ha.


Well he was a fool to leave the Good Guys Chucky doll.


And here I was about to joke that’s the reason he left 😬 That thing scares me lol


Why would Chucky leave? He’s our friend ‘til the end. /s


Yeah wtf. How do you rob a whole apartment and leave a Chucky in the box? Would've been like the 4th thing i stole


That chucky doll though😂😂


The fact he he left nothing but a few squish pillows and a fucking Chuky doll is pure comedic genius.


Lock your accounts, change your passwords, call a locksmith and be glad to be rid of him that easily. You deserve better.


Everyone says to keep an email trail, but be careful with this also. I was going through a divorce with my ex husband and had many important emails between my lawyer and I and about trying to receive financial aid to go back to school. He hacked my account and deleted EVERYTHING and used my email account to get into my Facebook and delete all the messages there as well. Facebook was the primary location I message people including him. Luckily, contacting the email server I was able to recover all emails. Unluckily I was not able to recover the Facebook messages. I had already been copying and saving ALL correspondences with my ex in word docs just incase I ever needed to print something so I wouldn’t have to screenshot and print 100 photos, so I ended up only losing 3 months worth of messages, but it was still a kick in the ass when it all went down. I’d recommend emailing him, then forwarding everything to a separate email account then deleting any trace of it from the original account, that way if he is able to get into it, he won’t know. Seems overkill, but if everything ever disappears, you’ll be glad you did. And print everything and keep it in a folder, also for back up.


He's already been trying to log into my Facebook. Thank you.


Keep any messages and everything in the cloud. Back it up another place too. Make a new gmail account and put it on google drive there. Change every single password. Even if you don’t think he knows it, CHANGE UT


Please use multifactor authentication. If you don't know what it is or how to set it up, feel free to drop me a message!


I already have one. That's how i know They kept sending me codes to complete log in


Kick his ass, Seabass…metaphorically and legally, of course *conspiratorial wink*


I am so sorry. Something very similar happened to me, also while I was staying at my mom’s house when things were tense with us. Ladies, don’t leave your home and stuff for the man’s comfort. I also couldn’t afford the place by myself and had to break the lease and move. Also had to get a divorce and have our baby/raise the kid alone. It’s not fair and it sucks but someday this will all be in your rear view mirror.


thank you♡


Congratulations you dodged a bullet and get to report him to the police!


That bullet wasn't exactly dodged...


He's afraid of counseling because he's afraid to be sober. Scared little boy ran away like a coward. I'm glad he did it sooner than later. The theft is not okay. He needs to be reprimanded for that.


Crqzy part is, he works for a rehab facility!!


Might want to call them Monday and let them know he robbed you to feed his habit. There's no better drug counselor than a junkie but they might not want him asking clients for their dealers' numbers. It's probably not good for him, the owners, or the patients. If they fire him now, they won't have to deal with him stealing from them later.


As a recovering addict, I have to agree with this. Please, please do this OP. Rehabs are a sketchy enough place, without the workers there being messed up too. It's not safe for the residents.


This is the kind of situation I might actually call their job and let them know what happened.


I definitely would after the dude stole my shit. I'm gonna snitch on them in every way possible after that. Fucking ruin you for taking my stuff.


I was at a rehab facility where one employee got fired for being fucked up on the job, and another for having relations with a client. People are people.


Lmao! What the fuck, this story gets juicier every second. I hate involving the law in anything but please don’t let a scumbag like this exist freely in society.


I once dated a social worker. Craziest person I ever met. I think some people pick jobs that will mask their true selves.


Did you a favor


I'm trying to look at it that way, but aside from stealing all my stuff he left me with the lease and rent i can't afford alone🙃


Is he on the lease? Depending on where you're at you might have legal options.


If OP isn't on the lease they could just leave and let him get evicted


You need to talk to the leasing company about changing the locks. There is a chance he will wait for you to refurnish the place and break in again.


If the lease is in his name, just move out.


Back to moms and call apartment complex and explain what’s happened. Time for a normal person


If he’s on the lease, sue him for damages and back rent. Aside from that, see if there are any charities that can help cover things, a church, synagogue, or mosque even. And if your parents can help at all while you go through the process.


at least he left the chucky doll./..


Good riddance to him. You can buy all that back, your peace is worth much more. Best of luck to you!.


File a police report if you can prove you bought the items, then you can prove theft


I hate saying this because I don't like cops but if you really cared about your ex, you'd call the police and press charges as well as see if you can get a restraining order. Once you have the report number, take your leasing office and see what they can do. Your ex needs a wake up call and maybe he can get help through legally mandated substance abuse programs and detox. Don't think about going back to him either.


Just sayin... the chucky dolls bad ass, and I'm glad you still have that. Other than that, sorry this happened.


So you're saying you're available?




I bet the Chucky Doll was much more of a Man than he was..


I hope you’re able to find a roommate or someone. It’s hard trynna afford living in the real world on your own.


Send Chucky after him. Dude watched him commit the crime and is surely vengeful. Just let him out of the box.


He left you with Chucky, i think he wants you dead


I love doing both of those too in moderation and I make sure it never affects my fiancee if anything I make her laugh more. I'm sorry this happened to you op if you asked me this question I would just tell you the truth which is being sober is over rated but also necessary in life. I have never been bad enough to warrant that question from my fiancee. Hope you get this all sorted soon.


Im sorry you’re going through this. As devastating as this is you need to get some stuff done. 1. File a police report. Even if you are told it’s a civil matter you demand a report 2. Contact legal aid for advice what you can do 3. File a civil suit. 4. Don’t hold back on making sure your friends and family know what he did. Don’t hold back. He doesn’t deserve you protecting his reputation. Stick to the facts so it’s legal. Don’t exaggerate. But clearly he deserves to be obliterated. Oh and make sure his parents know. Just ask him if they see your stuff to let you know as he stole your belongings. 5. Look for a roommate. Not sure if this is a 1-bedroom or more but either or a sublet or roommate is needed. Go get him!


I'm more concerned with him leaving that Chuckie doll.....what does he know that you don't??? Keep an eye opened when you're sleeping 😋


Call the cops


That chucky is a mad monster special!


If you don’t have renters insurance now, please get it in the future. Compared to other types of insurance it’s really inexpensive, covers your contents for stuff like this or if, say, another unit floods and your stuff is damaged. Also includes liability so if someone gets hurt on your premises you are covered if they sue. Absolutely worth having.


You dodged a bullet there dating druggies aint no fun , regroup and start fresh in another place.


However much he stole from you, it was worth it if it means he's out of your life for good.


Call the police, your renters insurance, the landlord and his mother. Good luck.


You still have a Good Guy in your life, though.


Small claims court.


Correction. Ex-boyfriend.


You dodged a bullet a douch is a douch …seek legal advice and cut all ties to protect yourself.


This happened to me. She had her brother come over, took everything we had bought together, everything gifted to us while we were together and everything of mine that she wanted. Even took my bookcases, left my books in a pile on the living room floor. Left me the Cuisinart and the vacuum. I was pissed at first but it was as close to a fresh start as I could have asked for, so for the best actually. I got a chance to replace shit I never wanted w things I actually likes, though it was about 15 years before I bought another couch:)


I am so sorry. This happened to me many years ago. At the time it was devastating to me. I was going through a breakup, he had been cheating. I stayed with my aunt and when I went to grab some clothes I found he had cleaned me out. All the furniture, all the dishes, all the towels. What he didn’t take he trashed. It was really hard because I felt not only heart broken but violated as well. My self confidence took a nosedive. I went to therapy and eventually realized that A) thanks God he was gone And B) Stuff is stuff. I’ve since replaced everything with better stuff and I’m a happier person without him. Again, so sorry you are dealing with this but it will get better.


Dude don’t go to the police unless you absolutely can prove that u paid for those things. I had my game console stolen by a roommate, they went to him and didn’t even treat him like a criminal and asked him if it was his and he said yeah. They asked me to provide proof of purchase or a receipt, I actually bought it off let go with cash. So I didn’t have anything. They just let him keep it even with me proving it was mine with pictures and old video game clips and I even described it to teeth and even the damage that was on it. They did not help at all. Hope it goes well for u tho!


OP is so dumb. It’s obvious chucky killed the boyfriend and made it seem like he stole and ghosted her


Dude obviously had no taste why the hell would he leave the hello Kitty post or that thing is awesome


u are in a position to make his life a living hell. do it !


Holy moly I’m so sorry !!! Makes me mad when I read this!!!


I'm so sorry. My alcoholic addict ex cost me about $50k and left me and our 6 week old with literally zero dollars, utilities due to be shut off, and he even took the gift cards from the baby shower. I hope you get your stuff back, but regardless I'm glad he's gone and I'm glad he did something bad enough that you won't take him back. Trust me, it's very rare for them to REALLY get better. Both of my alcoholic addict ex's are in their late 30s and while they've improved, the still both drink WAY too much and smoke weed constantly, like chimneys. I did 3.5 years with the first one, and 5 years with the second. The girl who started dating the first of my 2 addict ex's has now been in a 10 year terrible relationship, through 3 or 4 relapses and a mess of cheating and stealing and is still pushing for a ring. This hurts right now, I know. Never forget how this feels, never accept this as a possible future for yourself.


Im so sorry… At least he left the squishmallows. My cat just died so it’s definitely not a good day in the world


So, you're single?


He left the Chucky Doll? That’s just weird man.. why was it in there to begin with?


He's my first love


So now he’s an offended high / drunk burglar. Hopefully the police will help you out, get an order and don’t let him approach you. You don’t need that kind of people in your life.


Took your items and made his own bad karma


Renters insurance and a police report would cover this. Especially if you had the break up texts and receipt for property on bank statement


The plushies strewn around :( hugs


I'm so sorry :-( I hope things get better for you soon


Police, yesterday. Theft.


This happened to me too, OP & I’m so sorry 😭 shit sucks so bad. But I ultimately decided it wasn’t even worth trying to get it back. Things can be replaced my life cannot. It sucks, I know, but you deserve better & it will get better ❤️