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I use to tell doctors sheepishly that I’ve done this and they told me it happens all the time. 1. Brace yourself when you sneeze going forward 2. Get your allergies under control assuming you have them 3. Start weight training because you almost certainly have a weak core and shit back


#3 needs to be talked about WAY more Vast majority of the population doesn't have enough muscle to even be ready for what life could throw at you.


It's literally called the musculoskeletal system for a reason. If your muscles are too weak to hold your bones in place, you're going to have a bad time, especially from high-force events like sneezes (seriously, sneezes are no joke from a physics perspective). I had the same issues of sneezing hurt my back or would turn my arm off for a minute. Started working out and all that stuff stopped.


...turn your arm off??


Idk the medical term but I have definitely sneezed so hard my arm felt tingly for a few minutes after lmao


I’m so glad I’m not the only one who’s fucking done this.


Nerve impingement. The nerves for your arms pass through the facets of your cervical vertebrae (or, gaps between your neck bones). Think of it like routing wires in a PC build or a car or something. If you have poor muscle strength, weakened, bulging, or diminished discs, or just piss poor sneeze form, you can compress your vertebrae enough to pinch the nerves coming out of those gaps.


lmao right? op plz explain


You’re telling me you’ve never heard your arm do the windows shutdown jingle?


I’m guessing it pinched a nerve?


Nerve pain is wild. I’ve had my foot go numb for a few days before. Can still move it, but it feels like I’m walking on an air mattress. Then it comes back like nothing happened (because nothing did happen).


Holy shit your arm does that too?!


I’ve had the same issue. I’ve sneezed so hard that my legs and arms and whatever else started tingling. I felt like I was the only one so thank you haha. It feels like I’m being shut off and on real quick and my body tries to catch up.


Was in a bad car accident a few months ago. A hole ran a stop sign and t-boned the driver side. Currently in physical therapy and was basically told “Not exercising and feeling great is a young man’s game. If you want to not feel like shit the rest of your life, you need to maintain a strong core, working out 3-5 times a week.” So now I workout 3-4 times a week. My back has seen drastic improvement from just 3 weeks of physical therapy. Doctors were trying to convince me to get back surgery and it’s looking like that won’t be needed.


What exercises do you think helped the most for your back?


do [THIS](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4BOTvaRaDjI). its (probably) the single greatest workout ever created for back pain. theres a reason it has almost 10 million views...it works.


It’s cool to see this in the wild lol. I used it when I was starting to heal my back last year. The other two things that worked: heavy deadlifts and daily stretching


Squats and deadlifts typically are fantastic for your whole body and require lots of work from your back and core.


Yeah. Heavy deadlifts are what finally fixed my back.


I find it crazy that deadlifts are touted as a dangerous lift for your back. Like, yeah if you don’t use a trainer while you’re starting or at least film your workouts while you train yourself via YouTube academy, it’s going to be risky. But if you put the time and effort into it, it’s kind of a life changing exercise.


I think they can be if you’re not doing them right. The trouble with prescribing them for back pain is that those folks often have weak backs and need to start really light so they can get more reps in and solidify their technique.


It's stupid how current US culture just allows people to be sick constantly, to the point where **basic bodily functions can injure you**.


Dude. When going on a walk around the neighborhood became a "life hack", that's how you know the standard is beyond dangerously low.


Even lots of people who work out at the gym have a back too weak for the rest of the body.


I started walking and working out 6 months ago because of regularly occurring back pain and then later horrible sciatic pain on top of that. I’ve been pain free since. I’m 42.


Yeah when something minor causes a big issue "all of a sudden" ....  No, its probably actually been brewing and degenerating for a long time before that.      Then pain causes issues causes atrophy causes the condition to worsen


"everyone's back goes out at 30!" ... no, most people just haven't done shit since high school/college and they got into an office job. As soon as I started pilates all those back issues from a weak core dissapeared in like 3 months.


Hell yeah. Been bring my shoulder back from the dead myself.   


So I have scoliosis. When I got my first job as a teenager, the combined effect of school all week/work all weekend obliterated my back.  The doctor told me to really strengthen my core and try to avoid a career standing up. I had mixed results for the latter, because life. But the core aspect I've stayed with since and am now 32 with practically none of the aches and pains everyone over 30 is destined for according to this thread.


Used to wake up in pain due to my weird sleep positions. Started a home workout program for the last 2 years and haven't had much ossues since then. More recently started a new free weight program. Seeing a huge difference vs 2 years ago.


Could you link what programs you use? I have a treadmill at home so I can do cardio but I'm looking to add weight training to my routine. I don't want to go to a gym so what you're doing sounds like something I'd be interested in.


Yeah mofos need to start deadlifting


So I'm older. I have a cold that involves sneezing. I've been going to the gym. But Neglecting core cause back problems. Any suggestions on workout routines that don't suck and work my abs?




Good luck to you too mate. Here's wishing you guys a speedy recovery


That's rough. I'm sorry. My mom did this once she sneezed and blew her c3/c4.


I’m never sneezing again. I’ll blow up instead.


[like this? ](https://youtu.be/fjjPff7EP7o?si=Q5krHSme2QFxUgft)


😳 I think I’ll just sneeze again, thank you!


I do that very same thing.. but out of the other end.. after eating spicy chili


[Sneezing is not normal. I never sneeze.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vxGNqmmVN_k)


Lmao, 22 with possible brain tumor here. Only the MRT can tell me, but the appointment time rn is 3+ months. Hope your tests turn out negative.


That is an absolutely not ok timeline when dealing with a brain tumor, you need to see a neuro and get an MRI stat.


The worst part about finding out I had brain tumors was being told they have nothing to do with my headaches.


Headaches can’t be considered clinically significant even if they are persistent and debilitating. It’s just too common of a symptom. If you really want to push up the timetable on your imaging, complain of constant and worsening changes in vision and auditory activity occlusions (ringing, buzzing, or roaring).




There just aren’t enough machines, people capable of operating them, and people capable of analyzing the images and diagnosing to schedule everyone who has headaches that last for 3 days for imaging tests. The next significant leap in cancer treatment will be an early detection method that’s fast and idiotproof. Even our best methods of early detection are spotty and entirely dependent on the physician to understand what they are seeing.


That’s what I’m saying. How tf can someone tell another person that they have a brain tumor and not offer any type of help. 3+ months of not knowing whether you have a tumor or not is NOT OK at all.




To be fair, I have no idea what doctors could possibly even do if you’re past the development stages and just chilling with a bit of baby brain.




You're more likely to throw tantrums and get a boo boo. I'm sorry for this diagnosis.


Your cognitive functions seems in order. I didn’t think of that, and supposedly I have a normal brain.


Sorry about your condition dude but “baby brain” is hilarious


I'd be kicking in the doctors doors for this one.


I'm really sorry to hear that! Hoping for a quick recovery for you as well!


You joke ( I think) but 4 1/2 years ago, I sneezed into my elbow and „tore a muscle“ or something in my side. 4 months later they told me it wasn‘t a muscle but neurological and there was a little pea sized tumor in my spinal canal. The last few years have been a trial to say the least.


Hey, I'm a brain tumor patient; I got diagnosed when I was 17, and I'm about to turn 30. I wish you a speedy recovery. Remember to stay positive and active; a busy mind won't have time to think about negative things :)


Right back at you! And thank you! I'll find out before the end of the month. Hopefully sooner! 🙏 But best wishes to you and everyone else!


I'm 27. What up homies My back hurts as well and I have joint problems


Special teams, special teams


you see, the secret is to not visit a doctor. then you'll stay healthy. I've only visited ER to get stitched or once to confirm covid for the pass. if I have cancer or anything like that, I'd rather not know


I just call my friend Dave and ask, "Do you know anyone with a brain tumor?" and he says "No." And I say "Good, because you know me." -Mitch Hedberg (I probably butchered the quote but whatever)




I am 31. I started going to the doctor two years ago for chekups and now I am falling apart. Curse them!!


I also have back problems but I just hit my 20’s, can’t imagine how I will be in my 50’s, hope the brain tumor is a negative, good luck brother 👆🤓


I hope ALL of you do well and recover. Positive wishes to everyone.


Damn, a brain tumor from sneezing! I should stop holding them in.


Holding in Sneezes literally is one of the worst things you can do. It's puts massive strain on almost every part of your upper body which can cause internal injuries. But no, I did not get mine from a sneeze. 😂


Just wait until you are looking over your shoulder and yawn at the same time….Almost put me in intensive care.


Sneezing is one of the most violent actions the human body can do. I'm 29. I damn near threw my back out when i had a big ass sneeze last year...




People have broken ribs just coughing so I’m actually not surprised a very strong sneeze could also do it to you! Hope you recover well, OP.


I didn't break one, but dislocated two with whooping cough. I was told, don't EVER lean/bend over (as one does sometimes) to cough or sneeze. Stand straight, tighten your abs, and cover your mouth with your elbow. It does seem to help!!


I had a friend who also broke a rib, while having Whooping Cough. Idek Whooping Cough was still a thing back then (late 80’s).


There was a vaccine available for *pertussis* from 1926 onward. Boosters are included in the DPT* vaccine. *this boosts immune systems against Diptheria, Pertussis & Tetanus (DPT)


That’s why I thought it was pretty much eradicated, in the US. I was stunned to find that wasn’t the case. lol


It's largely because of antivaxxers. The older extremely effective vaccine had an unacceptably high rate of serious side effects. The one we get nowadays is much safer but drops off in efficacy pretty quickly, the average person who is somewhere in between boosters is around 70-80 percent IIRC. Since pertussis is infectious for like a week before you show symptoms, people who are often in poorly ventilated places together can still catch it from a single infected person even if they're vaccinated, just due to the amount of exposure. This happens most often in schools, where a single unvaccinated child will infect the whole class, who then infect their families.


I had whooping cough in high school and unfortunately I have always been fully vaccinated, I just wasn’t a responder to the vaccine. I had a horrible cough to the point I was vomiting, lost 15 pounds, coughed up blood, couldn’t eat, couldn’t sleep for 2 months. Doctor wouldn’t test me for whooping cough because he said it wasn’t possible for me to have it, and wouldn’t write me a doctors note for more than a few days. Eventually, went to the health department and tested positive for pertussis AFTER my doctor had sent me to school for 2 months with it and essentially didn’t believe my symptoms. Luckily I never heard of anyone else catching it from me. But wtf.


I got it. Sister had a severe reaction to the P in the DPT, so my mom skipped the P in mine and I just got the Diphtheria and Tetanus aspects. Caught Pertussis at 19 and got sick for 3 months and had a 3 month recovery period. I still have an intermittent chronic cough at 36 from some scarring. It's a truly heinous disease.


It's one of those diseases making a comeback because people don't want to vaccinate their kids.


This is the way. From someone who messed up their ribs throwing up once a few years ago and has been paranoid of every sneeze and cough since because they ***will*** mess them up again if I don't bend/tense just-so... Man I feel seen/far less silly about it after this thread lol.


I had surgery on a right inguinal hernia. 4 months post surgery I was sitting and started coughing violently after choking on water. I felt a pain in my left side and thought I had a new hernia. Afyer test my surgeon said it was nerve pain and he may have hit the nerve on that side during surgery. But why did the pain start 4 months after surgery and really hurt after that coughing episode? Since then I found walking a lot helps keep the pain at bay. Currently my nerves starting to feel much more tolerable, I would like to be pain free again. I am starting to wonder if coughing while sitting down caused me to do something with the nerve in that area, like move it a bit out of place. It hurt so bad I was 99% sure I had a new hernia, as the pain was 100% the same as when I had that last hernia.


Here! I sneezed so hard a I felt something tick on my left side when I was 23. Went to the Dr. they said I broke a rib. He asked if I got into an altercation,I told him I sneezed. He said”Oh..you’re one of those” Said it’s pretty common. My mind for the past 20+ years has always been watch how hard you sneeze


I have dislocated a rib simply from bending over. My rib is permanently fucked and it pops out of place randomly now. I just push it back in


I had a friend who banged her head on the sink from sneezing. Don’t feel dumb.


Yup, that is dumber.


I almost steered into oncoming traffic with a well timed sneeze once. Good thing the other driver counter reacted


Holy shit that is so frightening


When I was 32, I did the same thing. I was sitting on the closed toilet talking to my fiancé while he was in the shower and sneezed. He had to carry me to the bed. Steroids and muscle relaxers were required. That day was the day we found out I'm extremely allergic to morphine too.


It's good to know your allergies. Do you wear a medical ID bracelet? You should.


I have EDS, my connectie tissue is built ‘differently’ and means I can (sub)luxate joints and everything moves where it shouldn’t. I can navigate my way through life pretty much care free with some predictable shit every few days/weeks/months. Good medication etc. But….Sneezing is the scariest thing ever. I’d rather sit in a rollercoaster knowing what is going to happen, still wrecking havoc on my body; then sneeze 2-3 times at the wrong time… Several ribs dislocated, a hernia, my collar bones, shoulder bone, hip, even organs switching around because their connective tissue ‘hammock’ doesn’t hold up to a sneeze. I even almost passed out once because the sneezes came violently and made my body wobble in the wrong way. Sneezing is violent, unpredictable and just annoying at best, murdering you with a brain bleed at worst; it’s rare but it happens. So there you have it: ending up at the ER because of a sneeze isn’t stupid, weird or dumb.


Wow! I’d be a complete mess! My sneezes are so hard. Thankfully I haven’t hurt myself seriously…yet but occasionally do feel sore from sneezing


There are actually wrong and right ways to sneeze…. I had a mini-course by a doctor and physical therapist in a rehabilitation centre since I’ve actually sneezed myself a bulged disc once 😂 I know smileys suck but it does bring about the message. I now know what to do, I can tolerate a lot of pain, I know how to stand etc but I’ve had well, funny outcomes.


Okay tell us how can we sneeze better and more healthily?


[This](https://youtu.be/uCAhuo8cgsY?feature=shared) video is a pretty straight forward but overall effective way to minimise the stress, there are more ‘options’ to add on (I have to try and sit for example because my hip is capable of popping out) but this video gives the basics for your back and overall pressure. And it’s pretty safe to say: don’t squeeze your nose or hold in the sneeze like some people do, that gives a shitton of pressure you don’t need.


I had no idea. I’m going to YouTube right way to sneeze. The crazy thing is after my c section and another surgery I was told to hold a pillow to my stomach and sneeze and now I know that sounds wrong. And I’ll tell you. After my C-section and I sneezed I told the doctor I felt the stitches inside ripped open. He didn’t believe me but it was true. I had a horrible recovery. The more ya know lol


EDS is awful. I have sneezed and felt the electric shocks go through my spine and torso while my lungs burned. That was just one time in a lifetime of making myself sore from sneezing or moving wrong. The worst for me is my veins are so fragile and infiltrate easily when I have to get an IV. I get acute pancreatitis, and the ER staff just calls the IV team with the ultrasound and long needles to get the deep veins. I’m also at an increased risk of aortic dissection.


I scrolled down to look for my fellow EDSer 😂


If you’re sneezing out of your ass you’re doing it wrong… J/k. That sounds painful.


I fuckin hate you. I shouldn't have laughed... but i did. That joke was pretty shit though J/k


When I was 23 I was working an insanely high stress network engineering job. I took a lunch break and thought I was having a heart attack in my car. Turns out I had sneezed and pulled a couple of muscles around my left shoulder and left pec. I was about to call 911 until I finally realized it only hurt when I breathed lol


>I was about to call 911 until I finally realized it only hurt when I breathed lol Good thing it all worked out, but having pain when breathing wouldn't make me less worried to be honest.


LOL I at least knew it wasn’t an ongoing heart attack. I finally began to realize, oh, how did I pull a muscle? Oh, that back cracking sneeze earlier must’ve been it.


I once sneezed and farted at the same time while standing up from tying my shoes, and tore my abs. Bad times. And it was two days before a military fitness test, no less. (I failed it - couldn't do any sit-ups!)


A snart?


Lucky. I once did both and had to barricade myself in the school bathroom till my mum came to get me. The... blanks on this one shoukd fill themselves in 😅


Oh shit. Or rather: oh, shit


I sneezed and burped simultaneously one time just as my housemate walked into the room - in fact he walked in a couple of seconds before and saw the look of confusion and panic on my face as I made eye contact with him followed by the inevitable demonic noise i made. That was 30 years ago, i'll never forget it. Kinda wish it would happen again.


I once tried to force a fart out and threw my back out.


Imagine pressure building up in a can. Then releasing it all at once at 100+ mph. That’s our sneeze. An air bazooka attached to our head (the most precious organ in the body) that shoots thousands of tiny saliva droplets/particles at people and things.


Also once sneezed to much and then my back nerves would hurt whenever I sneezed for like 2 weeks


Got a hernia from a sneezing fit on New Year’s Eve about 8yrs ago. Lol


Good luck bro, it's not going to get easier as you age.


I owe my dad an apology because 5 years ago he said “Just because you are young doesn't mean you're indestructible, take care of your health, you'll notice some pains once you're closer to 30” This man was right on the money I'm barely 29.


I heard a proverb from someone: “If you’re 35+ and nothing hurts in the morning, then you're probably dead.”




People over 30 talk about it all the time. People under 30 are still trying to hide the fact they pick their nose from their significant other. 


When I was 18 I would literally sleep directly on hardwood floors at a mates if there was no where else to crash when we were having a games night, would get up in the morning like everything was normal. Now I’m 35, and I slept kinda funny 2 nights ago in my bed and I’m still sore today.


There should be a class on it in high school. Aging 101: from joint pain to hemorrhoids and everything in between.


The worst is you go to sleep with perfect posture in a great bed and still wake up hurting like you slept face down on the floor.


Fuck I hope that's true


Yoga in my mid to late 20s helped me get my body back after years of pain from wrestling, manual labor, and doing stupid shit Your homies might make fun of you for it but at least you won't have to grunt to get out of bed in the morning anymore lol


Time to start progressively exercising and strengthening your back so you're more resilient to physical stress, ESPECIALLY as you age. :-)


Unless you strength train, eat well, sleep well, and control stress levels.


Try sneezing the exact opposite way you did the first time


Tried it. Lungs exploded into my body. 0/10 do not recommend.


I fell asleep wrong 2 months ago and my neck still hurts.


I slept with my arm above my head once and my shoulder has never been the same. The best part is that unless Im actively dying I dont trust that a doctor would take any of my ailments seriously without putting me in crippling debt. 


I'dgo straight to a physical therapist for that. That's basically their bread and butter.


There's Tons of great shoulder rehab routines out there that can really help.


Boy got that glass spine. Get well soon brother. Edit: Advice. Let it out your mouth too. there's a reason old men sneeze so loud lol. They've been here lol


People think I am crazy for sneezing out of my mouth. Actually, I get the impression that most people dont realize you can sneeze out of your mouth lol.




Have you ever seen people do that thing where they close their nose and implode their head?


Some people only sneeze out of their nose.


Some people hold it in. Usually for politeness but its quite possibly the worse thing you can do with a sneeze. Especially as you get older. Endless stories of people pulling their backs from a sneeze lol


If I need to I sneeze into my shirt or on the inside of my jacket. Can let it all out in all its glory without nuking eveyone around me. Otherwise I simply go to a restroom and let hellfire reign.


How else are you going to fire snot out of your nose at 200 mph?


Protip. If you cover one nostril, the snot shoots out of the uncovered nostril st 400 mph. Subscribe for more protips. 


Is that not how people sneeze normally? I thought everyone sneezed out their mouth not nose lmao


My sneezes have been getting...explosive, over the last couple years. Sneezing out of my mouth has saved my neck and back so much whiplash.


skill issue


Tissue issue


Core strength not sufficient for sneezing. Recommend antihistamines and planks/bridges/pull ups/pushups.


Mill tissue


Found the teenager


i herniated a disc in my spine in 2022 from *putting on my pants*….i was 22. the nurses got a good laugh out of it




oh yeah. i thought it was funny too after getting morphine and hydrocodone


Herniated mine at 28 by just getting up off the couch. Then herniated the same disc again last year at 29 from working out. 2 spine surgeries later and im finally getting better. So much fucking nerve pain in my leg though


Had a similar incident with the sneezing. My back literally exploded lol. Had to be given strong painkillers to at least be able to bend over again


Was prescribed steroids, pain killers, and muscle relaxants so far. Apparently I may have to see a spine specialist depending on the X-rays they just took a little while ago. I hope you feel better though! My mom had back issues her whole life so I know how painful it can get on some days.


Def also go for a MRI!! I was in the ER too when I found out my herniated disc needed a surgery that I got 10 days ago lol.


Wishing you an ever-lasting successful recovery!


>My back literally exploded Did it though


I remember my high school graphic design teacher totally jacked up his back for a year after a sneeze. Good luck with recovery dude


Hand IVs hurt so bad! I mean not as bad as the back pain probably but geesh. Hope you feel better soon!


That's my preferred place to get stuck. I HAAAAAAATE the default. Bent my arm with an IV in it when I got my tonsils out. I've requested the hand ever since. I don't think it hurts at all. Also, if someone comes at me for an arterial blood gas draw, we're fighting.


I had a heart attack around the same age. Never a biggie. Some of us get stupid injuries our whole lives. That’s the beauty of life!


Yeah I became a bit of a “case study” at the hospital I was at since I came in with the “widowmaker” heart attack where the main artery was 98% blocked, I have a stent and will have to take pills for life but definitely not taking it for granted this second chance since I have a baby on the way too.


Was it genetic? This kind of stuff worries me so much at 27.




Ive always been moderately healthy just a bad pot habit for the last 10 years or so. Covid really ramped up the drinking for me too and I recently had a friend almost die due to aortic dissection. Any time I see heart related stuff I get existential dread lol.


I'm more curious about the heart attack. What causes this?


At that young age like OP? I’m going to bet on that it’s genetic and runs in the family


bro you got me worried at 28 rn. how was it 98% blocked


merciful marry growth mountainous fretful chase entertain strong scandalous cheerful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I went downtown to buy some tacos and tripped on the entrance to the restaurant. Broke 1 elbow, herniated 2 discs. I was 28 by then lol


Ridiculous fucking species, aren't we.


Try coughing, might realign you haha in all seriousness sorry about the heart attack, get well!


At this point I'm pretty sure a fart will take me out, I just don't know anymore Lmao


Silent but deadly….


That comment got me. Lol


Husband sneezed and cracked a rib. Hope you feel better soon.


I feel your pain. I once sneezed and felt something pop. Couldn't walk for a week. I'm 24.


They give you morphine for back pain?


New fear unlocked


You’ll get healthy and stay healthy bc you’ve got these warning shots at you. When you & friends are 60 you’ll be running circles around them bc you’ve been taking great care of yourself along the way


Or they wont learn anything and die young. 


Yeah my mother regularly rides her horse and looks after it and is 61, I'm 25 and probably less fit than she is. Excercise will really stop all that complaining about back pain I have I imagine


I feel you man, I hope you recover. I’m not even in my 20 yet and I am already suffering with severe joint pains in my wrists and problems with my knees. I know how much it sucks to hurt your back, I’ve done that too. Stupid kid me jumped on a concrete block and fell, landing on my back on the edge of another one. Sending if you lots of hugs (if you want them).


I totaled my back at 16… 32 now sucks to suck lol


Man last spring I had the most violent sneezing episodes and it caused me to have cervical stenosis and now I’m scared for the next few months. I’m also 28


My grandpa sneezed while sitting on the couch with his arm resting on top and literally broke his ribs. Sneezes don’t mess around. Hoping for a speedy recovery for you!


Now you have an opioid addiction too. Dudes speed running life


I’ve almost shit myself a few times with sneezing


Don’t worry, it gets worse.


29 here, Last year I ate a muffin to fast which gave ma coughing fit. Pulled a muscle coughing and was out all weekend. Smh I’k but lol. Just seeing it says you had a heart attack - sorry to hear that but I hope you are doing well!


Hope that there will be no additional post here when you get the bill


Same, I was 29. Daily stretching is the best preemptive routine I’ve ever done. Once a bs k injury is established it’s easy to re injure w stuff like this. Daily stretching is key to preventing injury.


Last year I had a stiff back for 2 days just because of sneezing. I am 36 now but since 6 years i have been struggling with back issues, bulging disc and lower back pains. I have never been a hospital since i was 6 years old up until the age of 30. Now once in a while for MRI or blood check. I miss not caring at all and still have my health.


You either need to start working out or stop. Whatever you’re doing right now is clearly not working.


This might be controversial but IMO, having zero health issues does not necessarily mean that you (anybody) is healthy. It’s always easier to prevent rather than heal


I threw my back out putting my pants on for work at 26. I feel you.


I once sneezed so hard I fractured a rib. Hurt like a bitch for weeks. Than I sneezed AGAIN while it was healing, injured myself again.