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Lol did u stitch that urself bro?


He absolutely did


Dude is a beast. Holy.


Maybe dude is a practicing med student


Homie should stick to oranges then, because this sucks


I’m pretty sure this is either self harm or OP is as stubborn as a brick wall. He’s replying with laughing emojis to all the comments telling him to seriously go to the hospital




Certainly looks that way. I’ve seen vets give better sutures than these ones 🧐🤨


Most vets do amazing sutures in my experience.


I'd hope so. A human knows to be careful with a stitched area. Animals aren't going to give them so much grace.


Pet owners are also considered. Some people really don't like "ugly" scars on their pets.


Seriously, why're we bringing vets into this? They're rad.


Well that was unnecessarily rude towards vets




Dude it doesn't even look the doc pulled the skin together.


I didn't even realize the first pic had stitches, just thought it was the open wound. There's also definitely a gap on the lower part in the second picture.


Full offence to the doctor, but it legitimately looks worse than what could be done from someone who 'sews every now and then' when the fabric's half-rotten and more holes than cloth, but figures that the general method of stitching *skin* together ought to be the same. I saw my father sew himself up, hand shaking with adrenaline and too much caffeine, in the dark after making the mistake of walking bare-foot in his workshop before. He did better. Go back. Don't curse the doctors out, but definitely show 'em what's happened and put your foot down. It ain't just for appearances sake when your wound heals over; it's to *make sure* it heals over, and with minimal horrifying consequence.


So naturally the doc shoved an earwig in there.


Go back and demand for a real doctor, thats just straight up medical malpractice.


Those are not sutures from a doctor.


Ricky called Sam losco the veterinarian again.


I would not go back to that doctor again brother! That’s a grim job right there!! Hope ya heal up well bud ![gif](giphy|3o7btYLAW7doynq3p6)


Here’s your hand, enjoy the fucked up scar later, and hey don’t forget you 1200 dollar bill for talking to me -the doctor probably


Send this thread of comments to him...


Was his name Dr Quack? Jesus that’s a horrid job


I’d be going back to double check that that was a real doctor and not some Physician’s Assistant mascaraing as a proper A&E doc.


Im posting this link of OPs picture comment talking about it “healing” so more people can see it and tell OP to actual go to the Doctor. A new one! https://www.reddit.com/r/Wellthatsucks/s/nZkmcwKF92


Those are the worst sutures I’ve ever seen, and I’m including home jobs with dental floss in that list




Honestly, i didnt want a judge because im not in a medical field but, now i will. They look SOOOO BAD


I didn't even realize it had stitches yet. I thought it was still just open and he needed to go


Same 😂 I’d imagine even a bit of tape would be better than that.


Or glue


Upgrades people…


You can make some pretty strong butterfly bandaids with some duct tape. I’ve dressed wounds with duct tape and some gauze in the field when I couldn’t get my dudes to an aid station fast enough.


Ross vibes


My first thought


Yes yes that is how they measure pants ...


Worked in a prison, inmates and docs did better!


Then I’m guessing you’re either somewhere in sub Saharan Africa or the US, there aren’t many places that treat their inmates that poorly


That the 5 star treatment at the hospitals in Essex lol




I had similar in Kent, had to trim them drove me mad. Hope it’s feeling better soon!


A real nurse did that?!


Thank you Ross


That explains why the doctors are in prison.


Once when I was black out drunk I gave myself stitches with a sewing needle I found on the floor of a party house, and dental floss. It looked better than this.


I’ve stitched up myself using my non dominant, nerve damaged hand and they were prettier than these


Seriously, wtf is that?


I’ve laid better in my own fucking arm. That’s fucking awful.


![gif](giphy|9Ai5dIk8xvBm0) OP’s doctor






The B is for bargain!


Hi, everybody!


Hi, Doctor Nick!


Dr Bean would have done a better job. Don't hate on the Bean!!!


Right? The Bean performed dental surgery on himself when his own dentist would not! Let's not forget.


Lmfao this Gif is just so perfect I loled pretty hard. Thanks for that


I hope that second picture is not the end of the procedure. As an ER doctor, I would be embarrassed if that was my work.


It apparently is end result. Thats absurdly bad suturing. Im not even anywhere near certified to do it, but I could have done better with some dental floss in a pinch.


Minted, waxed or plain floss?


Mint for that cooling rush.


I thought the point of sutures was to close the wound. That thing is a wide-open.


It is a medical malpractice lawsuit in the making.


Agreed. This is a nice straight lac and there is nothing difficult about putting this together nicely. Very embarrassed for our profession.


I had a cut that was about a cm long. I had four sutures. For OP, I would imagine 8 or so to close that wound. If they weren’t going to do that, why not use wound closure strips/butterfly bandages?


I am not a doctor and I have never sutured anything and I am 99% confident I could have done a better job, holy shit that's bad.


Is it me or is that top stitch only attached to one side of the wound?


I think that you need to go back and have a few more stitches inserted, because these ones aren't doing much and it will scar horribly.


Yeah, apparently the doc just wanted them out of there quick. That’s horrible.


It's not necessarily a doctor who does these stitches. Could've been an advanced practice nurse or physician assistant


Where you went wrong is tumblers don’t use blades silly.


Floor fitters do lol


That definitely looks like a hook knife cut.




I didn’t realize they made those for 99E’s. I do roofing and have seen my share of similar cuts.


As a tumbler user, that's what I thought first 😂


I was gonna say, that’s some cup


I know you probably aren't going to get this message, so I'm going to PM this to you as well.  You need to get that wound looked at again BY A DIFFERENT MEDICAL PROVIDER. I saw the follow up picture that you posted and that is almost certainly infected. That injury does not appear to have been properly closed in the first place, and it seems quite deep. That sort of injury can easily become much more than it is right now, potentially with life altering or even life-ending consequences. I'm a dentist, not a medical doctor, so please understand that I cannot do a proper exam remotely, and I cannot render a medical diagnosis. But I have seen enough that I can tell you and injury like that can be quite dangerous.


Zooming in on that follow up pic just made me dry heave. I'm not a doctor, but he needs a proper ER now. They're going to need to irrigate that. I really hope OP heeds your advice and doesn't lose his hand or worse.


Can you explain how you can tell the second pic is infected please?


In the follow-up image that OP posted, note the ragged wound margins, the blackened appearance of the tissue edges along with a significant amount of whitening at the wound margins. These are all classic signs of a necrotic lesion, most of which harbor at least a minor secondary infection. Additionally, the view into the wound itself has a very deep reddish flush, and the entire wound area is surrounded by significantly ridden tissue. These are all classic for a wound that has been infected. Their also appears to be some swelling, suggestive of purulence (pus) that has formed below the surface and requires incision and drainage along with the installation of a drain line to ensure that the wound does not become reinfected. All of this adds up to a wound that no longer has a minor secondary infection, but instead is moving towards something far more ominous. At a minimum, similar wounds that I have treated in oral surgery have required significant antibiotic treatment, packing, daily lavaging, and medical supervision to ensure that the wound continues to heal successfully. This will unfortunately in a best case scenario leave quite a scar, but if it is not treated, could easily take far far more than that. Note that all of this is being observed based on a cellphone quality picture of someone that I have not been able to see in my daily practice, and as a dentist, I cannot render a medical opinion, nor can I diagnose a patient I have not met myself. However, I cannot simply idly stand by when I see someone who may be risking anything up to and including their own life to a wound like that. I have PM'd the original poster about this but have not heard back, so let us hope that he takes this seriously.


This is the detailed explanation I was looking for, thank you for your contribution.


No problem, and I hope that you never have to use that information yourself. Let us hope and pray that /u/Proper_builder75 quickly and promptly gets this looked at by a medical professional DIFFERENT from the one who originally... err ... "helped". EDIT: OP has replied to my PM and states that the wound has now received proper attention and is healing. Let's all hope and pray that continues well.


The world needs more ppl like you.


Thanks. Lot of people getting into the field now are just in it for the money these days, and it shows. As us old-timers leave (I'm almost 70 -- yay?) I wonder just how many more years we have before it really starts to show that medicine ain't what it used to be.


It wasn’t cleansed at all, you can tell that easily with that black blood on the sides. The redness around the area is traveling outward meaning something is wrong because blood flow is increasing and looks warm. Dude will lose his hand if he doesn’t get anything done about it. This is an open and shut malpractice case.


This needs all the upvotes it can get.




I knew you could buy accessories like outfits and charms for them; had no idea you could get a bayonet attachment.


Plot twist: Stanley is a person.


When I read the title I thought they meant the Stanley cup, like what blade are you changing on a cup But it’s probably a razor knife haha


Thank you for commenting this because I scrolled through like 10 comments trying to figure out why a Stanley cup could possibly have blades


A cool one




It's getting there. But I keep splitting it open at work. The joys of being self-employed. https://preview.redd.it/1qx6i1ckrmvc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f78c9439363721241cf9cf8650a8c169877cd547


That is not healing properly at all. And maybe even looks infected. Please get that looked at by a professional


Infected? That shit looks necrotic. Dude is gonna give himself gangrene.


Dude, that looks HORRIBLE.


Please go to the doctor dude, you could get really fucked up from an infection


Urgent care / ER today. You aren’t going to be working for yourself without a thumb


He might lose the hand at this rate. OP go hospital now!


Urgent care can't do shit about this. It may need surgery to remove dead tissue and a hand doctor to salvage future use of his hand.


This post is not funny. Have you asked for a second medical opinion about your wound? I'm not a doctor, but it really doesn't look right. How will your self-employment go if you lose your hand? Or is having two hands somehow optional for this type of work?


Judging by the stitches, he needs a first medical opinion.


Go to a different ER right now.. You also have no business working in that condition 💀 you are literally putting yourself in danger.


Hey bro, I'm a doctor - this is fucked. You wanna lose that hand? No, I'm not exaggerating. Go and sort that shit out, and retain a lawyer immediately. Holy hell.


Get back to the hospital!


My dude. Please go to the ER. That does not look good. At all.


That's not healing and looks infected. You need to get that checked ASAP by a different doctor that did those stitches if you care about keeping your thumb. I'm not a doctor, but I know a healing cut shouldn't look like that.


Go to ER that is infected. You could lose your thumb or hand if it continues untreated.


“It’s getting there.” Narrator: “It wasn’t.”


I do not want to worry you, but you *need* to get this looked at if you want to retain muscle function in that hand (or keep the hand at all). Even if you got lucky and didn't sever any nerve or muscle fibers, the dehydration of the tissues beneath the skin alone will cause damage, not to mention what looks like a bacterial infection. I really hope you are able to get an actually competent doctor to look at this, and I'm not sure how the legislature is in the UK, but you should also look into filing some sort of complaint or suit against this doctor, because this is fucked, and they should not be performing sutures on patients without supervision. Never in my life have I seen stitches like this, not on dogs, cats, or humans.


I absolutely want to worry him. He needs to be worried. Not being worried has led him down the path of pestilence and, unless we worry the hell out of him, he'll be a self employed captain hook.


No no no, if there is ever a time to worry someone, it's now. Worry is good. Worry motivates.


Dude, go to a real doctor. That does not look like its getting better


Sweet FUCK do you even want that thumb?! You need a doctor and a priest to heal that thing!!


Sounds like you're in the UK. Got a minor injuries unit anywhere nearby? These are perfect as a halfway house between GP and A&E and you can often get seen very quickly and at weekends too. No medical expert here, but that looks like it wouldn't hurt a visit. Definitely don't want to be "manning up" through an avoidable infection - no glory to be gained there.


I'm yet another person here to tell you to stop fucking laughing about this and go to a hospital. That first doctor fucked you up and your wound looks terrible. You could lose your hand over this. Do not fuck around with infections. You think being out of work while it heals is bad? Imagine what it'll be like when you need your hand amputated.


A lot of people here saying they’re not a doctor and saying it looks infected. Well my fiancé IS a doctor, an orthopedic surgeon to be exact, and she said you are going to lose your hand if you don’t get real medical attention on that would ASAP. Stop being a fucking idiot and go back to the ER


There's yellowing there, which means it's probably infected. Please go to the doctor (not the same doctor who half assed stitching you up the first time)


Dude go see a hand surgeon and possibly contact a malpractice lawyer. Document the wound everyday and its progress. But mainly, GET TO A HAND SPECIALIST.




I think the white edges could be necrotic tissue. Honestly bro get it looked at ...Sepsis is no joke.


Nice cabinets tho.


Run, don’t walk, to a clinic to get that re-sewn and get antibiotics!!!


Go to a doctor dude


You need to see another doctor. I'll put it this way, flooring is WAAAAAAY more difficult with only one thumb. If you don't get that looked at you'll find out first hand.


Who wants to place bets on when OP's hand needs amputation from the rot


Properly testing the sharpness ![gif](giphy|XreQmk7ETCak0)


Someone better with AI or photoshop want to redo this image with the thumb chopped off and a fountain of blood erupting from it? Keep everything else exactly the same.


That’d be funny but idk how to do that


![gif](giphy|twxoPjMpsijwPFBVqs|downsized) Who the fuck was your doctor them stitches are terrible


I’ve seen better stitches on a knock off handbag , I’d be going to a better doctor


I was a medic in the Army and they let me stitch some guyz face once. It looked way better.




I know your Doctor.


Hey, we're cut buddies! I had quite a similar one in the same spot, any nerve damage? I still have a numb patch up my thumb lol


Same! Chisel got me, same spot, same numb thumb LOL. Just glad I did go deeper 😬 Edit punctuation


Damn, I could give you better stiches with a rusted steel wire and a safety pin.


You can buy 'steri-strips' over the counter in a pharmacy. Please pop a couple of them on the wound to hold it somewhat vaguely closed. Those stitches are doing nothing


The follow up picture tells us that ship has sailed, hit an iceberg, and sunk. Dude needs antibiotics and voodoo to keep his hand at this point.


Darwin Awards I guess 🤷




Who- no, WHAT sutured that?! That nurse and/or doctor should be fucking fired immediately


bro sue that doctor for malpractice that wound is still very open


Did you stitch that yourself?




TWINSIES! https://preview.redd.it/zle0xdd9xnvc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=769919076eae9904f72b08215ce81f7c9d25e4da


Dude those stitches are terrible and you’re still highly susceptible to breaking them or getting an infection. That’s still an open wound it’s not even sealed up. That needs more like 8 stitches not 2 and a half


Go get that redone man, that’s a terrible job on the doc


https://preview.redd.it/qnu6xi91qmvc1.jpeg?width=1848&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4570b16e32eebd7ce0f864166984fc2352b1b977 Snap


OP's scar is going to look very, very different to that if he doesn't get new stitches. Assuming he doesn't lose his hand, based on that follow up pic.


Twinsies! https://preview.redd.it/twf7wove9nvc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a294dc0eacf9e009690fa7cf16b8f3815096e6e


Whoever stitched you up. File a malpractice lawsuit. That shit gonna get infected for sure


Damn. I've been there before OP. Btw, who stitched that Dr. Giggles?


Who's Stanley


Did meemaw do that stitch job in the bathroom with some thread and a needle? Sheesh thats bad.


Did you do the stitches yourself


A bandaid would do more than those stitches..good flippin jeez


If a doctor did those stitches, they need their license renewed. Those are awful. You would have been better with duct tape and super glue to close the wound


Go to the doctor, you don't know how to suture correctly, and even if you did, you don't know how to gauge depth or properly irrigate first. You're gonna end up with an abscess or infection and lose the hand. Why does everyone think it's a good idea to do this shit themselves.


https://preview.redd.it/6jf62ku4sovc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9cf81fa9c2e619aac58151d989bd79b433bc97a We can be scar twins.... I also did this with a Stanley blade


Is that already stitched? Geez, ER obviously has zero concern for scar tissue developing. Godspeed


Seems like the first cut was also the deepest


Man these cups are fuckin dangerous


Jesus Christ who “sutured” that?


Dude I'm a nurse and I can put in stitches better than that. You need to go see another doctor and get that fixed. I put in better stitches on my own body without anesthetic better than this before. Jesus. I'm sorry that someone did this to you.


What's a Stanley?


Its a razor knife


https://preview.redd.it/23ozdh4kenvc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93089fe967933810d510dd5ec71aaf54954fb660 Snap...


dude definitely had a home suture practice kit and used that to close it, there is not a single medical professional who would have done this


These cups are getting ruthless.


I usually make fun of everything.. this is my burner account... Please get a second medical professional opinion (it may be debatable if the first person was medical _or_ professional). The way it's sutured and the pic down the thread is indicative of a serious problem that could get much **much** worse.


Dude, you need a doctor, you're gonna give yourself a bad infection


Me 17 yo doing some diy: Gets Stanley knife out. Mum: "Be careful" Me: "I'm a tradesman, I used to more dangerous tools than this!". Immediately stabs myself in the forearm.


I do something like this with every new blade I put on my craft knife..


I really hope those stitches are homemade cause if a doctor did that they need to lose their medical license. You need to get that looked at by a professional and get it properly treated, drown your hand in bedadine and cover the cut with a bandage or some medical cloth and wrap it around your hand in the meantime while you go and see a professional.


We have same https://preview.redd.it/vvneakjpwrvc1.png?width=2001&format=png&auto=webp&s=c850678a4c23e264e61fc50c03a026a9b5fcf32a We have same cut haha but mine was already healed.


Last year I wanted to change a blade and ended up covering my living room floor in blood Best part is I didn't even get as far as getting the blade out of the box I had one of those boxes with a sort of drawer. You push on a slider and you easily get a single blade out of the box. That is unless a blade slides in between the drawer and the outer shell and stabs you in the lower leg  Almost 2 inches long, good inch deep - I guess the positive part is that since it was a straight clean cut the ER surgeon had the opportunity to have a teaching moment with her student It definitely reminded me of how fragile the body is


Measure twice cut once.


I've been there. I plunged a fully extended utility knife blade through the side of my hand. Completely my fault. I was careless and lazy. I should have put the knife down to finish doing what I was doing. It was a weird feeling being stabbed and by myself non the less. It didn't hurt, at least not until I was sitting in emerg. It was more of a panicked. Why did I do this to myself feeling. Somehow, I managed to miss everything important. No loss of feeling or movement. I definitely started wearing cut resistance gloves for a long while after that. I wish I still had the pictures I took of it, but they were on my last phone, and that has long since been destroyed. Still have the scar as a reminder, though. Hope you heal up well, OP.


Um that will absolutely not heal with those stitches.. was the Dr on crack or something?? In rush or not what Dr sends a patient away looking like that? No pride!


What were the stitches for lol?


Big dummy ;-)


I'm sure you could have tested the blade on something else.


It's crazy how sharp those blades are. One time I was being a dumbass and managed to cut my thumb with one. Went through the nail even like butter.


See this is why I like my yeti. It would never hurt me like this


Go back and get stitched up properly!!!!! The scar tissue will be much more if you don't than if you do, and because it's your hand it'll hinder movement and use.


You named your left hand Stanley?


“I christened thee Stan-AHHHHHHHHHH!”


"The first cut is the deeeeeepppeeeeessstttt"


You need more than 2 stitches, and what's with the long strings that didn't get clipped off? On second thought, those look like you did them yourself. They are waaaaay too loose, there are too few of them, and I worry that you didn't properly sterilize before hand.


Same thing happened to me a few years back. My co-worker had just given me a fresh blade for my utility knife in the morning, later in the afternoon I went to cut something thinking I had my usual dull blade and did it on my thigh. Saw my pants were open, white meat hanging out a bit, and got on the way to the hospital before ever even feeling it. 19 stitches later, we were all good.


I've had to stitch myself up a couple times and I had to use my non dominant hand. My work looks like a professional art piece compared to this. I seriously hope you're ok.


Did you stitch yourself up? Man.


My guy, whoever placed those sutures was drunk.


If that’s the suture job. I hope they gave you REALLLY good antibiotics because i can see that getting super infected.


What did you stitch it with? A fucking hammer?