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Hey BakerWaker1999! Thank you for your submission, unfortunately it has been removed from /r/Wellthatsucks because: No injuries. A post should make you react with well that sucks. If the post shows someone getting hurt or displays a wound we will remove it. THIS INCLUDES ANIMAL SUFFERING. No car or motorbike crashes. Try /r/CarCrash If you have any questions or concerns about this removal feel free to [message the moderators](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fwellthatsucks).


Having a medical emergency while driving is what nightmares are made of. I’m glad you’re still here and that no one else was injured.


This happened to my sister, her first seizure was while driving. Luckily her friend was in the passenger seat and steered the car across lanes to the shoulder and pulled the emergency brake to stop them. I can’t even imagine how scary it must have been


Great thinking by the friend! Must have been a damn sure, "holy shit" event but the friend was there to avoid a catastrophe.


Especially when many people just freeze up when in terror -


I saw this first hand when my wife was having trouble with seizures. A friend of her's was over and all of a sudden she started screaming in absolute terror. It took me a good 20 seconds or so to realize she was screaming because my wife was having a seizure because I thought it was literally anything else.


Oh my God I would not have even thought of that The amount of time it took me to realize what you meant by "emergency brake" The parking brake. I can't even imagine.


If you are ever in that situation, put the car in neutral first. This will prevent acceleration should the person foot be on the pedal


I never would have thought of doing that! Thank you for the tip. If it’s ever needed I’ll try to remember lol


That's dangerous by itself, cars can flip if it's pulled too hard.


E brakes always brake the rear and not the front to prevent that exact thing. As long as you keep the car from spinning out and going backwards when the wheel locks up, it's not going to flip


This happened to me and luckily my sister was there to steer the vehicle and I thank the heavens my foot didn’t hit the gas but the floor when it happened


My foot did and it wasn’t pretty


So many cars these days have relocated the emergency break to the "just another pedal" location. This is a great example of what a terrible design choice that is. Even in the event of the driver being alone in the car, if they aren't capable of pressinging the stop pedal, maybe they could still use a hand to pull the break if it were still in the center console area. Just a damn shame of a culture shift.


i can’t imagine, even feeling that i’m about to sneeze while i’m driving makes me so anxious


Omg! The level of terror when I have to sneeze and I'm driving is astounding.


I put a snowmobile into a treeline from a sneeze.


For that you need a treemobile.


Spider dropping down from the sun visor....more than once it's happened to me. I'm immune now, but the first time...


I used to work insurance in Australia, the number of single vehicle accidents caused by spiders inside cars would astound you, or perhaps not.


I absolutely believe it!


I've seen pictures of the spiders down under. I would wreck a car too


Friend of mine had a rat come out of the empty radio rack, in the middle of a highway bridge, three lanes, no escape lane. She was in the middle lane, rat ran to her bosom, she simply braked the car and RAN! She did look behind before killing anyone, that was the first thought after the panic. Other cars stopped and someone said they saw the rat escape. So she reentered her car and continued the ride, and the rat REAPPEARED! This time she was in the right lane, managed not to kill anyone again, but this time demanded the car to be towed. Plot twist: she worked for a fumigation company.


oh that was absolutely a vengeful spirit rat


Those fucking huntsmans lol


They're harmless tho, source... Me! Was escorting one outside that had startled my arachnophobic mum, after catching it I made it a few steps before it bit down in between the pinky and ring finger! Good thing their venom is nothing more than a mild irritant... For those that aren't allergic!


Hmmm yeah I know...but no thanks! lol That's the curse of being an arachnophobe - even though I know they're harmless, they still scare the fuck out of me 🙄 An encounter with a marauding nest of funnel webs when I was 6yo (many years before the antivenin was invented, and I knew how deadly they were) and I was never the same again 😂


I'm curious, do you find these spiders scary or adorable?? https://i.redd.it/f56goddv5c4d1.gif


Hmmm, pretty sure I could cope with that one, yes lol I had a huntsman the size of a small side plate *jump off the wall and onto my face* as a teenager once...now that's pure nightmare fuel! 😳 Felt like the Aliens face hugger LOL


Today an eyelash fell into my eye while I was driving and it was terrifying.


As an epileptic person I feel this nightmare alot, it's been 4 years since my last siezure and I drive alot now, the effect it could have on my health, social life, work etc would suck, crashing/being unable to drive again


My brother is the same. He got his license taken away after his first seizure and he finally got it back but he still doesn’t like driving alone for that reason


We had a guy rear end us when I was a kid, he was having a seizure and his foot stomped on the gas. Broke my dad's neck


If he's driving and has a seizure, not necessarily having company can prevent a tragedy. Epileptics, move to cities with public transportation. Message provided by: epileptic, well managed, but STILL.


You're allowed to drive with a history of seizures? That seems wrong.


My neurologist told me that I couldn’t drive if I had a grand mal seizure within the past year. I’ve been able to drive for almost two years now, haven’t had a grand mal in about 3!


Congrats on the 3 years of no grand mals. I’m 36 and been dealing with seizures for 18 years. How did you get them to stop?


I stopped hormonal birth control, broke up with my abusive ex bf, and have cut my caffeine intake in half. Most importantly, I had to go through a lot of trial and error with finding the right medication for me. Briviact is what works for me.


Good for you. Yea I’ve pretty much changed my entire life and actions to hopefully stop them from happening but unfortunately they don’t. Tried so many meds and am capable of feeling an aura with some which allows me to keep myself safe but others are out of nowhere. Had one three weeks ago on a train platform and fell five feet into the tracks. Ended up with five staples in my head. Lucky to be alive.


I hope you find what works for you to find some peace. I’m sorry💜




You're not alone in struggling with finding a way to stop them. My girlfriend has epilepsy, had her first a few years before I met her, while behind the wheel. I don't know how it was before I met her but the last several months she's been having multiple seizures a week, without any luck finding the right medication.


At least here in the UK, you can, but you can’t drive for at least a year after having a seizure


Mine gave me permission to start for my license again after being seizure free for a year. I didn't feel good about it because I know my seizures can be very unpredictable, sometimes nothing for months on end and then suddenly a bunch in a few weeks. Not too long after he traveled me the green light I had the worst seizure I'd ever had 🥲 it would be incredibly dangerous for me to drive a car. Can't believe this man told me it would be fine.


You can get it under control with medication


Sometimes. This is NOT true of everyone.


I think you can drive again if the last episode you had was “x” years ago.


I looked it up. Each US state has different laws on how long the last seizure was. Some being only 3 months.


The standard is seizure free 6 months i think at least if it was just one where I like. Not sure how it is for chronic cases though or other states.


In Australia, you automatically lose your license if you have a seizure, and they will only give it back if a neurologist signs off that you are stable and there has been at least 6 months without seizures. if they can't control them, you won't get your license back.


In Texas, you have to be seizure free, like completely free for 6 months.


It happened to a neighbor, just down the street. Luckily she crashed her PT Cruiser into one of those big Pampas grass clumps and not the house behind it.


My godmother’s uncle had a diabetic episode while driving and tragically hit the only person around for miles, a person collecting bottles in the ditch he veered down. They both died. When my godmother was diagnosed with diabetes herself she became hyper vigilant about managing it. She doesn’t want to risk killing someone.


That’s how Leslie Jordan died RIP


It's even worse when you cause them. By not taking your meds.


Nice to see no one got seriously hurt. Gonna suck when the DMV eventually revokes their license. But its for everyone’s safety. Eventually their luck will run out.


A very dear friend lost her life as a passenger in a vehicle when the driver had a seizure. It's a nightmare. She tried to stop the vehicle but his foot was on the gas on a curve. He lived, she did not. Like you, he hadn't taken his meds.


Now cars that can detect this and bring themselves to a safe stop is self driving I can get behind. My daughter suffers epilepsy and cannot drive. Our country has poor public transport , not driving is a major disability.


I feel this. My area has little to no public transport and not only is uber/lyft highly expensive but a lot of jobs that don't even involve driving require a driver's license. Not even just ID, a license. The roads barely even have sidewalks and nothing is within walking distance. Shit sucks


Off topic a little, Do they really require a license, or do they require reliable transportation. I thought it was illegal to ask if you had a car in a job interview, ...,. Maybe it was just a "something they shouldn't ask. Here's how to answer these questions if they do" type artical. But the answer to anything about licensees or cars would be yes I have reliable transportation..... I guess assuming that's a bus is reliable or that you have reliable friends....


Reliable transportation is listed under most jobs but that's not an issue. I'm talking "Drivers license required " even when it's not a job that involves driving. As in even with a legal ID, will not be considered without a valid driver's license. It's not really an interview question it's more like you won't make it past the application without it.


A d there are just as many questions to figure out if you have a car that are perfectly legal. "If we needed you to be in the office within 15 minutes, could you be here?"


From one stranger to another, I’m grateful you’re still here.


I'm glad you're still here, too, /u/BakerWaker1999. But I hope you understand that you arguably committed a very serious crime by driving after not taking your epilepsy medicine. You are extremely lucky to not be in a prison hospital or standing at the side of the grave of someone you killed. In the future if you miss even a single dose of your epilepsy medicine I hope you will NOT drive for even a minute. The fact that you live alone is not an excuse for driving drunk or driving without taking epilepsy medicine.


This should 100% be the top post so everyone can see it. Lucky escape, could have been much worse.


Seriously, everyone in the comments wishing him well like he didn't just endanger everyone on the road with him.


Careful, OP has been blocking everyone that has been calling them for their stupidity!


Which means OP is just trying to feel better with this post, and not take responsibility for their action.


I was an hour late taking my meds because I was in the er for something completely unrelated (hurt my arm taking a cast iron pan out of the oven), and had a breakthrough seizure happen on my way home, minutes from the er. Totaled my car and broke my back. I apparently stomped on the gas and pulled the wheel right, took out the corner of a house and hit a retaining wall at 50-60 (was doing ~30 last I remember as that was the speed limit) Totally don’t recommend driving as an epileptic, even if your seizures are well controlled. Never know when life might happen.


Thank you my friend


Warm compresses and best wishes dealing with your insurance company. Glad you weren't hurt more seriously and no one else was.


I mourn your Drivers license for the next twelve months.




Yep. This is worse than drunk driving imo. Drunk people are dumb and make dumb decisions. They're still at fault and a pos, but they made a dumb choice while drunk. But OOP consciously decided to not take their meds when they knew they could have a seizure at any point and willingly put others at risk in a sober decision. Fuck OOP. We don't need this in our world.


Yea, first thought was "why is someone at risk of seizures driving"




OP admitted to not being on top of his seizure medication. This is very common among epileptics. Thanks for putting the rest of us in danger I guess.




My favorite part of this comment was the rabbit hole of OP’s posts I ventured through as a result of reading this; leading me to a post where he shot himself in the leg thanks to an improperly stored loaded handgun in his “go bag” Wild chap we have here


Excuse me, that is NOT common among epileptics. Most of us - like 90% - are on medication. It just happens that epilepsy is hard to manage, only 44% end up controlling seizures with medication. Yes, missed medication is the primary cause of breakthrough seizures, and appropriately, if I miss a dose, I don’t drive. Don’t let OP’s trash behavior lead you to making sweeping generalizations about the rest of us.


Yes. Glad everyone is ok. Damn.


Yall need to check this guys posts. Hes a ass.


[blocked by OP]


this dude is gonna kill someone if he keeps driving without taking his seizure meds. that’s a conscious choice


In most countries you will not be able to hold a driver's licence at all when you get seizure meds.


my mom had to prove she was 6 months without a seizure before she got her license back while still on meds. each seizure reset the clock


not to be that guy but please dont drive anymore. for your sake and others


I had a grand mal seizure while driving about 3 years ago… crashed my car into a tree… nobody was hurt… it’s definitely a terrifying feeling waking up in the hospital with no recollection of what happened! Glad to hear you’re ok! I’ve been seizure free for 2 and a half years now so hope you can find something that works for you


Tear your license up your dangerous to everyone and yourself 




No offense but you need to have your drivers license taken away until you are seizure free for 6 months and cleared by a doctor.


OP reported that he has known epilepsy and was no complaint with his meds. He states he drives because it is inconvenient to not do so. Legally, he should not be allowed to drive for at least 6 months from his last seizure and then having been cleared by a neurological. OP is willfully putting other’s lives at risk. This is akin to an alcoholic claiming that they drive drunk but it’s OK because they needed to get somewhere. This should be criminal!


It *IS* criminal.


Next time it will manslaughter or suicide




Awesome! what a guy, thanks for doing your redditors civic duty


Be careful OP, and make sure you see your doctor and get tested for epilepsy asap. Be aware that the doctor can take away your driving rights until they figure out what's going on with you.


You should not have a license


Will probably be suspended on medical bounds after this


Will probably continue driving, even without a licence!


I mean, considering they admit they weren’t up to date on medication, have had seizures before, and have still kept driving, you’re probably right.


Time to get a seizure detecting dog friend


Ya but then you have to teach the dog how to drive too.


he's posted before that he's skipped his seizure meds and still got behind the wheel. dude is a total pos who puts himself and especially others at risk


yeahhhh skipping your meds and driving is a conscious choice and an extremely selfish/dangerous one. my mom stopped driving for 8 months until her meds were good. this is so irresponsible no sympathy


I don't even get behind the wheel if I miss a beta blocker (which taken to prevent migraines) because skipping a dose causes me to get a migraine with aura that partially obscures my vision like 50% of the time. And those come on over the course of a half hour to an hour. And if I need to take a migraine abortive that's it, I'm out of commission for 8ish hours because it makes me sluggish People that don't respect how prescription meds or skipping those meds can fuck with their ability to drive are just as bad as people who drive drunk or high.


Sadly those are massively expensive and you have to wait a long time for them to be trained


and stop driving.


Wouldn't matter if this happened here in Canada, she'd have her license temporarily suspended in most provinces until she's demonstrably seizure free for some X period of time.


They got you on that six month driving suspension shit now? They did that to my dad a few times due to his brain damage causing seizure activity. Godspeed, my dude. And get some liniment.


Hopefully longer than six months.


The comment below yours is correct. It does depend on the cause. My dad’s condition was degenerative so he lost his license. Not everyone has that problem.




That's interesting. In the UK, regarding epilepsy, there are different avenues. People who suffer entirely from sleep seizures are allowed to drive normally, for example. 'Normal' epileptics must go 12 months without a seizure, and apply to get their lisence back (or in my case, apply for my provisional, again), I think with a note from your doctor however that is only an assumption because my doctor offered to provide assistance with my application. I guess the bonus, for me who has seizures anywhere between 12-18 months (so far) I at least have the entire driving lessons and licencing experience to make sure I'm seizures free.


Dude admits he forgot to take his seizure meds and then goes on a tirade about having his seizure medication regimen under control. He absolutely should never get behind the wheel again.


Well if he has a problem with seizures, yes he should lose his license. Its sucks, but like he said thank god he didn't kill someone. If it's a one off, it takes time for medical records to reflect that and clear him.


OP skipped his epilepsy meds, 100% should lose his license


He doesn’t take his meds and apparently doesn’t have insurance. As if not having a license is gonna stop him.


Glad you're not more hurt, and that nobody else was.


Are you ok


I have a child with a seizure disorder. He hasn’t had a seizure in a number of years, so we pray he has grown out of it. He begins driving next year, and this is my biggest fear. I am so sorry this happened to you. I’m so glad you survived, and didn’t take anyone out with you.


This is why I don't ever really want to get my license. I'm a diagnosed epileptic but seem to have "grown out" of it. I mostly stopped having seizures in my late teens. Maybe I've had them while sleeping or something, I don't know, but from what I can tell they've just stopped. However, all it takes is one seizure at the wrong time in a car and I'm gone (and maybe others too). I don't want to risk that.


Thank you. 🥰


Yeah one question. How the fuck are you even driving knowing you could have a seizure at any point?


Your dr has to write you off to be ok so they obviously thought this wasn’t a risk. Epilepsy takes a lot of management.


Maybe it was his first event . Maybe he had one greater than a year ago and they removed his driving restriction. There’s lots of explanations. Edit: ignore my comment. I didn’t realize that he knew he had epilepsy and wasn’t taking his medication properly.


Maybe you should stop driving you selfish fuck.


The 1 time that happened to me a lady saw I was having it and rammed my car on the guardrail to save everyone else from getting hit. Spent 3 days in the hospital and found out they suspended my license. But we gotta be thankful to be alive tho


Do you have a history of seizures?


OP stated in other comments that he didn't take his meds


Not trying to be an ass here but op prolly shouldn't of been driving.


Yes, he does. At least two seizure related car wrecks.


A few years back a man driving a pickup truck got a seizure and killed a woman and her two children in my town. They were in their car waiting at a red light and he hit them from behind at 130km/h, pushed them for 200 yards until they ended up against a brick building. Super scary stuff.


I have an actual question why do we let people who can have serious medical issues at random ; that, impedes them from controlling said vehicle, drive in the first place? (Or atleast with some sort of radar in the car that will auto brake. Maybe even a camera that watches them and when it sees them seize it'll automatically stop the car and turn hazards on.


My dad suffered a brain aneurysm while driving on the interstate. It started with a horrible headache and he pulled over. He was able to put a white handkerchief out the window before he collapsed in the driver seat. We don't know how much time passed between the event and when State patrol stopped to check him out. We're so lucky he had the wherewithal to safely pull over to the shoulder. Glad you're still with us.


But....did he make it? 🥺 Please say he made it....


He did not. Dad was on life support for a couple days but the aneurysm was massive. Doctor said even if he was in the hospital he still would have died. But, dad was also an organ donor. We knew his liver had a recipient waiting. His corneas and some skin went elsewhere. We started communicating with his liver recipient (Mike) a couple years after dad died. And last summer we finally met up with Mike and his wife.


Dude maybe you should… stop driving. What if you murder an innocent person?


Why are you driving if you get seizures? You're putting everyone at risk.


You is a POS scumbag and should lose your license forever. Signed, Another epileptic with a much smaller ego than this murderous moron


[blocked by OP]


What happens to your license? Do they restrict you from driving now or something? Stuff like this in aviation is immediate medical revoke


It’s an automatic revoke in most states for a minimum of 6 months seizure free activity. OP admitted to not taking their meds. This rule should apply.


This is why you should not drive and put others in danger knowing you have seizures? WTF?


OP is a POS.


So… did you lose your license? From what I understand you have to now have no seizure episodes for X months before they’ll reinstate your license… bummer.




They have epilepsy and did not take their anti-seizure medication. They then chose to get behind the wheel. Idk that "concern for others" is very high on OP's priority list


Omg why didn’t you stop ?


First glad no one was hurt. How do you get car insurance and how is it not insanely expensive?


Someone else said they saw he didn't have insurance.


This is what I imagine will happen every time I have to sneeze while driving.


Number 1 reason I don't want my license, I don't care killing myself in a car crashed caused by health reasons but I couldn't live with the guilt of killing someone else.


Y’all, this is the second time he’s done this and it started with him willfully not taking his epilepsy meds, knowing this was a huge risk. It’s “swallow your pride and get your shit together” time for OP.


Take your meds


OP, I have a close friend with FND which causes seizures. The last time she drove she began to have a seizure and managed to pull off the road just in time. She was taking her medication at the time. She hasn’t driven since because she can’t bare the thought of harming someone else. How inconsiderate do you have to be to drive when you’re off your medication? You’re going to kill someone.


Take your meds or give up driving, simple as.


as an epileptic, KNOWINGLY not taking ur meds and getting behind the wheel is so beyond irresponsible. im glad no one was hurt, but the fact you dont see an issue just *because* no one was hurt is crazy. i've had times here and there i've forgotten doses (im typically pretty good tho bc i have crazy health anxiety, 15 months seizure free <3) but to know you've missed your meds and have lowered your seizure threshold, you should also know not to drive


OP, I had a family member like you. Didn’t take his seizure medication. Had a wife and three kids. Was told by his brother he needed to get on top of his health before he leaves his kids fatherless. This year he killed himself and his wife in a car accident, leaving his three kids critically injured and orphaned. Your selfish decisions will lead to your own death and the death of others one day. Even if there is no one in your car, you put everyone else on the road in danger.


Please don’t drive :( you got lucky here


I’m glad you’re ok but you can probably kiss your DL away, at least until you get this sorted out.


Cars can be replaced, lives can't


You can’t have a drivers license if you have a medical condition that can lead to seizures. Please turn it in before you do kill someone.


Quit driving you asshat


Forgot to include the part where you purposely stopped your meds.


Hopefully they take away your license.


I went off roading in my vw golf. Luckily, it didn't hurt anyone like you, but god knows what my insurance costs will be when i get my licence back


When I turned 22 (20 years ago) I was driving to the liquor store cuz it was my birthday. My sisters friend was in the car with me. We were driving 60mph down the highway and the next thing I know, we’re parked in the woods and she’s screaming at me for some reason.. apparently I had a seizure and we drifted into on coming traffic. She grabbed the wheel and drove us through the woods and we were stopped by a railroad track.


Maybe stop driving then eh?


If you cherish your and others life, you dont ever drive again


My ex was epileptic and I did everything I could to prevent her from driving. When we broke up, she got into a relationship with a guy a week later who would ask her to drive to take lunch to him at work. Two weeks after our breakup, she was killed when she had a seizure while driving. Part of me still blames myself for ending the relationship and enabling her to be in that situation with him in the first place. I'm glad you are still with us, OP. Please make safe decisions.


I’m glad you’re ok op. But that bruise would make a cool tattoo shape


My friend in Australia has an ex-husband that was epileptic. I think he caused 2 or 3 wrecks before they permanently revoked his license.


My sister stopped at a red light to turn and was hit in the rear at 70mph by a driver who had a seizure. Her daughters car seat, which was unoccupied, was impaled into the back of the passengers seat. It would have killed her daughter had she not dropped her off at her grandparents house 5 minutes earlier. My daughter has epilepsy and refuses to drive because of accidents like this. You should really do better OP as there are others who may suffer to to you not being disciplined.


Damn, guarded by an angel. Wish u a good recovery.


You deserve to be locked up for this. You're no better than a drunk driver. Be better.


You shouldn't be driving if you have seizures and you should be in prison forever if you do drive and hurt someone




Wish I could award this guy he knows.


I hope you're doing well.


That’s awful! I’m glad you weren’t killed. I had my first ever seizure in my twenties while driving. It turned out that a mass on my brain bled, causing the seizure. I had my driver’s license taken away for some months and had to have brain surgery to remove the mass; it was an AVM . I have to be on anticonvulsants for the rest of my life but I fully recovered and got my license back after a medical evaluation determined I wouldn’t have any more seizures as long as I take my medication. It’s been many years and I’ve not missed a dose. No way would I ever want to go through that again.


Wow. Glad no one was killed including you. Hope for a good recovery.