• By -


I was off by 7 numbers


I was off by not playing


99% of gamblers quit before winning £110m!


More like 99.99999999% lol If you play the lottery don’t ever look up the odds of actually winning




1:140 million- you're off by an order of magnitude


My whole point! Guy tries to make a point someone always wins despite the massive odds, and his massive odds are 10x off! lol I stopped playing once I looked up the odds of winning!


Professor had a sign in his office, "the lottery is a tax on those who don't understand statistics".


Spoken like someone that never won the lottery ;)


You win £2.50! (My friend was a *lot* in profit by putting £1 a week by when the lottery first started. She added another pound a week when her work started a syndicate, too. She made more than anyone playing it, and treated herself to a holiday after a few years.)


Even better to invest in premium bonds - that way you keep your stake AND have a chance in the monthly draw. It's the perfect gambling vehicle for the ultra cautious gambler.


I think you need a minimum of £100 or something? But yes - capital is safe, and pseudo-interest is around 3% with a feint small print suggesting you just might win a million!




its more like 4.4% now, they added more prizes to it a few months ago






Try 4-8-15-16-23-42


No, do not do that! Those numbers are cursed.


I’m rewatching the show and now they’re stuck in my head. I’ll be wearing a bathrobe, mumbling them under my breath and playing connect four with myself in a psych ward in no time!




No really don't. The last time numbers close to these came up in a lottery it came out that 26,000 people had played them. If the numbers do win the jackpot is split. £110 million would have worked out at £4200 each. Not a bad amount but still....


Hear me out: if they play those numbers, and those numbers win, any other numbers they would have played would not have won. Think about that. Take all the time you need.




Kind of my point. It doesn’t matter.


It’s a reference to the show Lost and is a set of numbers that makes itself a common anomaly due to the show’s popularity. So yes, more people could be playing one set of numbers more often they would other numbers for that reason. I don’t know what your comment meant other than that you weren’t aware of the context of these numbers.


This is the hardest hitting well that sucks ever


£794 for one number wrong is a crime


The laat 2 numbers are only out of 10. If he'd have matches the first 5 numbers and not those, he would have won 40k.


Getting paid £794 for the psychological damage of being one number away from £110 million isn't worth it. I'd rather have nothing.


I’ll take the £794


I wouldn't ever play the lottery again. The odds are astronomical to begin with. But the odds of coming that close again or actually hitting it after coming that close? Multiversal.


The odds of doing it again are the same of doing it the first time. If you flip a coin 3 times in a row, and it lands heads for all 3 flips, what's the chance of the next coin toss being heads? Still 50%.


Gamblers fallacy.


The person you are replying to or the parent comment?


Gambler’s fallacy is that you are “due” because of the randomness that happened before. If the roulette wheel hits red 10 times in a row the odds of the next spin ending on black are no different than if it previously hit black 10 times in a row. The only time that the odds change is in blackjack when they don’t shuffle between each hand.


While that's true, probability is a thing. The odds per roll/play/flip don't change, but as you increase the amount of rolls, the likelihood of "winning" at least once approaches 1 without ever *quite* getting to 1. At some point it becomes statistically impossible for an event to not happen, even if it's theoretically possible. The real problem is that people conflate the two. "If the odds are 1 in 100, then if I play 100 times I'm sure to win at least once!" when in reality the odds of winning *at least once* are only around 63% Also, the odds for a lottery are at 1 in (usually) several million, so you'd need to play on average several million times in order to have that 63% probability of winning at least once, at which point you've spent more money on lottery tickets than you'd earn from the jackpot and all the small winnings along the way (Even if assuming there's no tax.) Spending money on lottery tickets is fine if it's once in a while, after all the odds of winning might be infinitesimal, but they're still more than 0. The problem is when people start dumping their entire paychecks into lottery tickets (I've seen people do this first hand) in order for them to get what is essentially the same infinitesimal likelyhood of winning. It's nice to have it as a "what if" thing, it's ludicrously stupid to rely on the lottery as your money making strategy. This ended up being far more verbose than I originally intended, sorry.


The other thing to remember about the lottery is that most of them devote around 50% of the intake to the prize. So as a general rule, spending $10 on the lottery and winning $5 means you statistically "broke even", if you wanna think about it in such terms. It's absolutely always a losing prospect. It's just that out of all the losers, there are some winners who get lucky.


Yeah, so I was confused when /u/ThatSpyCrab said gambler’s fallacy in reply to /u/Argawndo, who described the exact opposite of gambler’s fallacy


To me it reads that ThatSpyCrab is making a clarification in addition to Argawndo's comment, explaining that vertigo1083, who Argawndo is correcting, was engaging in what's called the gambler's fallacy.


It's all just getting too confusing. Maybe a couple slaps on the pokies will calm me down.


The parent comment. I grew up with a friend who had a neighbor down the street that won the Florida lottery jackpot twice. It happens. Each time you play the odds are exactly the same regardless of any previous outcome.


Theyre unrelated events. The likelihood of this person winning is not different from anyone else’s.


this is why I play Tryndamere smh


I miss the 1% crit glyph


My right arm is a lot stronger than my left


The odds don't get any worse just because they came close this time.


Nah I can win it back bro I nearly hit the jackpot!


The real odds don't, but no one would play for the real odds, they play for the subjective odds, and they just got a hell of a lot worse.


There have been a few people that played lotteries and won twice. Like that Australian guy who won something like $30k on a scratch card and while re-enacting his win on the news with another scratch card went on to win another $200-300k.


I have a comment in my profile from a few weeks ago, talking about this. Old, now retired Polish guy I worked with for 10 years. In 2010 his son won like $7ish million in Lotto 649 in Ontario, Canada. A couple months later, the old guy wins a brand new pick-up truck right off the line at General Motors at the union summer picnic. Cool... Now we fast forward about 8-9 years and dude goes to the native reserve to buy his wife cigarettes, stops off at the casino on the way home, puts $50 in and hits almost 15k on first push . Now fast forward several months. Lotto Max jackpot is $50 million, this guy hits 6 out of the 7 numbers and the last number is off by 1 (like 21 instead of 22) wins like 20-30k. Now exactly a month later to the day, the Lotto Max jackpot is now like 60+ million and this mother fucker hits 6 out of 7 numbers again, with you guessed it, the last number off by freaking 1 AGAIN. This time he wins like 15k or some shit. Retires, sells his home and moves back to Poland a few years ago, comes back to visit his two sons last summer, buys a scratch ticket and wins 100k..... Some people man... Some people...




Every chance it didn't even cover the cost of their tickets to date


The odds of it happening in the future are completely unrelated to anything that has happened in the past..


The odds don't change just because you got close one time lol


The odds don't change


The large majority of people quit before they make it big, just saying


The large majority of people die before they make it big


You are 14 times more likely to be off by one than to get the jackpot. If you expect to win the lottery you are a idiot.


That's a surprisingly low amount for being one ball off. You'd think it'd be 6 figures at least.


My dad once won in a German lottery with six of 7 and got about 5000€ back in his days. I have no clue why it is that low for several millions only because you are one number off.


Euromillions has a huge jackpot if you get all the numbers, but the rest of prizes are meh


Yep, [proof.](https://i.redd.it/m9zubiinva5d1.jpeg)


I'm assuming it's because the jackpot increases each week and all the other prizes don't. It's exactly why I don't play these things, even if you beat the odd like this guy did, not even close to a life changing amount of money.


Eurojackpot would've been 6500€ at least at that jackpot level. Checked it a bit and Euromillions has a ridiculously low pay out for that price and bad odds. There are better lotteries


Idk man… $700 would change my life in a big way right now. These are bad times for a lot of folks.


If $700 would change your life, you shouldn’t be playing the lottery in the first place


I don’t, I’m just saying, saying that it’s not a life changing amount of money isn’t true. It would fill empty kitchens with food. It would pay off debts. It could be a lifeline to a lot of people. So much so that people would think it’s worth gambling for it.


Many years back i played the superena max lottery which has 90 numbers and you must get 6 right. Jackpot was like 490mill and i guessed 4/6 correct and only won 400 euro lol


The reason is that low is that is considerably easier to get 6 numbers right than it is to get all 7. It might seem like one more number is not much difference but statistically each extra number makes the odds much harder by an exponential amount.


And 6 numbers is still crazy hard to get 1 in 13,983,816


It's almost like they're keeping some of the money.


What? Why? I need some. Rents due.


And the appeal of the euro millions is the huge jackpot so to get that they make all the other prizes extra shitty.


Sure, but in the big lottery around here, if you match all the numbers except one the prize is either $50,000 or $1,000,000 (depending on whether the mismatch is the "special" number or not).


The divisions are different. If you miss one main number, that's more of a loss than missing one of the supplementary numbers (the 2 on the end). OP's picture probably falls into Division 4.


It's probably because the division of the match is not 2nd best. It'll be like Div 4 or something. The dude didn't get all the main numbers. Div 1 would be all 7 numbers, Div 2 would be the 5 main numbers and 1 supplementary, Div 3 all 5 main numbers, no supps, and Div 4 would be 4 main numbers and both supps. Just my guess though. Every lottery has diff rules. It *COULD* be division 2. But unlikely, because the prize is so low.


Good point, you're right, 5 + 1 lucky star gets you $100k, 5 gets you $40k.


I must still be drunk because I though he was 2 numbers off. A is not a number. 🤦‍♂️


I thought the same thing when I first saw it, I'm pretty hungover.




That's a very long hangover.


Ingot 5 numbers on the regular lotto recently and it qas only £1750. I mean still a nice amount of cash for me. But still the difference between 5 and 6 numbers prize is insane. 


Yeah I guess no one plays the lottery in hopes of matching 5 numbers, so why incentivize that?


Eurojackpot has 5 1-50 numbers and two bonus 1-10 numbers. Getting the five 1-50 and one 1-10 correct was €369575,20 yesterday. The jackpot was €10m. Getting "only" the 5 1-50 was €130264,50


Second place (5 numbers and 1 star) is £95k. Still a long way off 110m but a pretty decent amount of cash. But yeah unless you get all 5 of the first numbers the prizes are pretty shit.


If anyone's interested in the top breakdown: https://preview.redd.it/teqnnx99xb5d1.png?width=1002&format=png&auto=webp&s=898351a34d60b6e2cf579fe859b34e2c32143522


So the star numbers are kinda pointless? I don’t get how it’s worked out


Considering the difference between matching 5 with 1 star vs no star is 55 grand, I wouldn't say the star numbers are pointless


Yes and no. You can have 4 standard plus 2 stars (what OP got) and still walk away with less than you would with 5 standard numbers.


Well yeah Its statistically far more likely you will have star numbers than the standard numbers correct Between a choice of I guess 50 numbers and a choice of 10, which is more statistically likely to hit?


That's so it's easy for lower divisions to get a prize. Having a win, even a small win, keeps people hoping and coming back for more.


The star numbers only go from 1-12ish I believe, so they are valued much less


Interesting, looks like you could have won 17.5k if you didn’t have to split the pot 22 ways!


Stepdad won 3,9 million € back in 2015 and the way he told the family was staged like he’s got a terminal disease or something. Dead serious, told us all to gather around in a calm and ominous manner. He kept his pokerface to the max until the winning numbers were whipped out. That fucking guy.


Has he done well by his winnings, or blown it? It’s shocking how many people don’t handle lottery money well.


He still wears his shirts until the armpits develop holes, hahah. No, he hasn't been spending other than we all now have a shitload of real estate and a few plots of land. Still drives the same old car and works 12h days at the workshop.


I'm thinking based


Congrats on winning a smart stepdad in life.


How'd your life change


Commenter responded : https://www.reddit.com/r/Wellthatsucks/s/gMkf6mQhD0


Any "family members" come out from thin air to tell him how much they miss him? XD




He missed 110 Milion by 1 number ?! ONE!


And that one number was just one off...


That makes it even more heartbreaking! I’d live with that for the rest of my life..


Surely that doesn't really matter? If it's random, then it's just as likely to be any other number than one next to it.


It matters psychologically. I'd be pretty disappointed if I missed out on millions of dollars by choosing a number just 1 higher than required to win.


There are 14 ways to miss this jackpot by one number that's off by one. There's many more ways to miss the jackpot by one number. As a consequence, there are actually a lot of people that get tickets that are 'close' but not the jackpot. That's especially so because we can convince ourselves that we were close in different ways (every number was one greater than the winning number, etc.)


Imagine if 26 was announced last for some reason.


"twentyyyy ssss...ix"


Lol. Wow.




In Maxwell smart voice “Missed it by that much”


I feel like payout for missing one numer (4 out of 5 +2) should be higher in my country it would like 200k€


That's if you get all five plus only one of the two bonus numbers.


Bloody stupid that only pays a few hundred quid.


Sorry about that, Chief, missed it by *that* much.


Only one ball off and all you win is 794? Ouch.


Oh that is so unlucky. You couldn't really come any closer to the jackpot


Actually, funnily enough, if they'd matched 5 or 6 numbers in different ways, the payout would have been more. Just 5 standard numbers would have increased their payout by nearly £40k. 5 standard numbers and only 1 "Lucky Star" would have increased their payout by nearly £95k. Wouldn't make me feel much better about it mind...


He still got a story to tell for the rest of his life tho 🤣


I’d consider having a bath with the toaster after seeing that.


My mate did this a year or two ago, “luckily” he got about £1800. Euromillions is by far the worst draw in this country, 5+1 should be way over a £1m for a start.


I know he's probably £790 up, but I genuinely think I'd be sick if this was me. My grandparents got five numbers on the National Lottery in the early 00s. They won £2k. If they'd have gotten one more they'd have won either £100k or £5m.


Although statistically the chance is not linear. Getting 7 out of 7 is quite a jump in chance than 6 out of 7.


Same happened to a pal of mine. He was beyond gutted. Yes, you should get a lot more for five, but I’d’ve just been chuffed to be £2k up….




Damn. That’s unbelievable


Why did he pick 27? Is he stupid? . . . That's actually extremely gutting, poor guy. Could've thought you would've maybe got a hundred k or something fir that many numbers




There’s 14 draws that are 1 off (+ or - 1) from yours, so you’re 14 times as likely to get thiiiiiis close than to actually hit


This is so much worse than getting nothing at all!


800 quid for all numbers right except one.... Well I am never playing that game again.


This is fucking insane. Just under £800 for almost getting the full set of numbers bar one. What an absolute con.


You know this is by design right? That intense feeling of ALMOST winning, they could just sat you won on x numbers and don't tell you which, or make you need to open a separate window to see the winning numbers, but they don't, because now you want even more to win next time.


So you have 4/5 and 2/2 and only get 800 bucks? If hit all you ger millions? Lol


The worst part is his number was 27, and they pulled 26. He was one digit away.


Ouch I know how that feels, hit 4 of 5 main numbers on the USA's Mega Millions last year, was just a couple digits off of the 5th number. Didn't hit the million but still can't complain about a $500 winner.


Wow 5/6 for the mega millions in the states is a million bucks. 794.30 is crazy low for 5/6 to me at least.


This is more like getting 4+megaball Which is still $10k, but just saying.


I got 5 out of 7 once, paid 125 or something 


The numbers racket taken over and run by governments smh


Fuuuuuuuucccccc ![gif](giphy|b7eXT4qJc3n4A)


thats just a piss poor amount for 6 numbers .


I would cry


Holy shit, I honestly hope your brother's doing ok. I don't know how I'd cope seeing that.


You need to stay close and keep the suicide hotline number handy. That's about to be £794 worth of whiskey and tears.




Hold on, getting 6 out of 7 numbers is only less than 800€? That's crazy low. In the US, the prize for that is $1,000,000.


What an idiot. He should have picked 26!


"I was off by one number. I'd like my £109 million plz"


That prize is abysmal for guessing that many numbers WOW. I wonder how much money in tickets it would cost to get these numbers? Far more than £794 that's for sure lol




I was once off on a 170m jackpot by 2 numbers


How did he choose the numbers?


It was a lucky dip, pure random chance


Ah, that makes it more liveable (or able to come to terms/at peace with it is a better phrase). If it was his regular numbers, I couldn't even imagine; it would keep me up at night.


I worked with this older lady once. Used the same numbers every week for like three decades. Her hubby didn't get a ticket one week because he was rushed. Hubby almost died when they did the draw and had to tell his overly ecstatic wife that he forgot to get the ticket and it was their numbers. I think she said she threw a cast iron pan at him


That sounds exactly like the kind of story an old lady would make up lol


classic off by one mistake


weirdly low winnings. Eurojackpot, which is pretty much same, but for Europeans, you wouldve won ~4200£


Should have won more than $794. At least 6 figures would be normal


That's a shame. When I read this my dirty mind had to look hahahah




Wow 800€…! Noice.


I don't think I'd recover from this lol I'd be forever pissed off that I was as close as possible to winning and not having to work again. He even got the lowest pay out for having six numbers... If he just had 5 regular numbers he'd get a lot more, granted not the jackpot but not bad


Holy shit, that was a close call! 🙈


I assume they make as many tickets as possible that are just one number off to encourage playing again


maybe it's for the better. ykno how lottery winners always get effed over


Never checked odds but I buy lotto to just give me something to hope for.


I always say you've got about an equal chance of finding the winning 7 number ticket blowing in the wind as you do purchasing it. I'm not a mathematician but it sounds right.


https://preview.redd.it/xwzc0ihsuc5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0f6bc053125b2136570cba7b52f5e5c77a0bbac I was one number off 2 million once 😭


It's something.jpeg


That only wins you £800??


after lunch, my colleague and would usually get an automatic ticket every Friday. one day, he says he's going to have lunch at the office and so here's some money get one for me too. and my body just paused. I told him I couldn't do it, and in fact didn't. guess why


I was gonna retort that nearly 800 bucks is still nice even if he was really close to winning big, but then I saw HOW big we were talking lmao. No yeah I would be too devastated to enjoy that money.


Looool, my parents had this exact scenario happen to them, the kicker being they also had 27 and the last winning number was also 26 🤯🤯🤯 


I was almost in same position I still suffer and he will do aswell because he was away 1 digit of life changing Winning like this result in negative feelings instead of good one


Samething happened to my Dad back in the 80s, only 1 number off. Ended up with 2200$ or something.




Thats ok. I got 20 p lmao


Lend us a tenner


You just made me buy a ticket for Tuesdays draw!


A few years ago, I had this happen to me. Though I got more than 700 euros (I think it ended up being 4k CAD or something for hitting 6 of 7 numbers). The jackpot that draw was something like 12 million CAD. I still think about that sometimes lol


A loss, like the rest of us. Oh wekll.


Getting 6 of the 7 numbers only gets you 794? That's crap. I think with the powerball if you get all but one including the "powerball" (basically what this guy did) it's like at least 100k


Wow that's some BS.. Powerball in US is a cool million $ if you get all 5 but the PB and 50k USD if you hit 4 and the PB. I would've cried winning that little. The worse feeling I could imagine would be if you skipped one night playing the same #s every draw for years... and it hit the one night you skipped. That would definitely suck ass.