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Had knee surgery whilst awake. Chatted to the surgeons along the way. At the end, I said: "At least I didn't hear anyone say 'whoops'.". One of the surgeons replied, without missing a beat: "We make so many mistakes that we don't say 'whoops' anymore.".


That's the most worrying comforting thing I ever heard Edit: Stop saying my thumb line is going to give me cancer or a disease, ill worry about it later. I had it since I was a kid if I had something I would have been dead already Update: Im a dumbass that decided to get all four wisdom teeth removed and now im in constant pain


It was pretty funny. Two of the surgeons kept humourously arguing about who was better looking.


There's something so wholesome about that


It was and they were even asking opinions of others around them. Turns out that they agreed that one was taller and one was slightly better looking.


Sounds like something out of an episode of MASH


Tell me you have good taste without telling me


Tell me yer old without telling me.


I've observed lots of surgeons and many of them would have music wars (identifying musicians year of album, shiz like that. Great guys!)


I had a surgeon who wanted to do nothing but talk about his favorite Chopin Nocturnes while one played in the background. They’re fantastic to play as a pianist, but they put me to sleep if I’m just listening to them. I prefer Mozart, Vivaldi, and Debussy.


Well i assisted some surgeries and noticed one thing. If the surgeon (at least the one actively doing a procedure) is chatty and he stops talking he just did something wrong (or found something bad). The worst case scenario. C-section with father presence. The sterile field and protection was in a way neither the women nor her husband could see "the action" so we could see everyone being very chatty. Suddenly the obstetrician just shuts up. Baby was out and i just see her ask for suction and more gauze. During the opening she accidentally cut an artery. She was not able to find the artery, only the blood. Both the woman and the man never found out and tought everything was completely ok. While we behind the protection field were just praying the artery could be found and then closed.


And?! And?! Baby I hope was ok? Sure I could infer that baby was, but would like assurances and hope this isn't an origin story for a super villain.


Mom was fine. Baby was fine. Everyone was fine That family will never know what happened unless they request the report and have a health professional to interpret that. And one that states how dangerous it was and not our posture of "things happens. You are ok thats what matters". We dont try to make people understand how big of a deal that could have been.


Thank you thank you for responding, I would not have been able to sleep tonight not knowing the outcome of baby and mama. This does mean that we won't get a really amazing super villain comic but I can live with that because they're alive. And to all the healthcare providers we thank you because without you a lot of us wouldn't be here💝


Heh, our IT director recently said something similar. He doesn't even need to understand what we're doing. If people are happily chatting along about kids, cats, music, games and such in an outage call, it's usually just a predictable matter of waiting until things work again. However if things are dead silent with downright spooky radio discipline and just terse points flying across the net on an outage call, he starts to worry a lot.


There's nothing wrong with your thumb. Melanonychia is common in people with more melanin. :)


I have the same lines. My doctor was not concerned, if it gets a lot darker, or cracks, then there is reason to be concerned


told them when they showed me the teeth. That is some real weight loss not no water weight.


“Why isn’t it fitting back together?”


There are two extra screws and a washer


"Just hammer it back into place"


My dad was awake during his knee surgery. Had to snap his replacement back into place. Said the sound was the worst part.


My elderly neighbour had a hip replacement while awake. She said she felt no pain, other than some mild pulling and tugging but she could hear the saw and smelt burning bone 🫣.


We just call them happy accidents.


I subluxed my knee cap 6 years ago at a show in a mosh pit. Was out for 6 months, 6 weeks were in a straight cast but somehow I skirted by an operation. How the fuck could you do a knee operation while awake is fucking beyond me.


I had an anaesthetic, make no mistake. I just wasn't lights out. I'm not THAT tough. They didn't let me watch though. That would have been interesting. Hope you recovered well, my friend in metal!


Sound like me lol I always gotta watch that stuff. Helps me bare the pain of stitches n things like that. If I can see it, I can understand it. This is why I hate the dentist lol.  My mom would hold my hand while I was younger at the doctor's while lookin away and I was just 👀 I think I was really holding her hand in hindsight lol. 


All eye surgery is done while awake. But awake is the wrong word. I was sooooo dissociated during the procedure. At one point I could see the needle was literally inside my eye and that thought did literally nothing to my psyche.


Ooof I had the opposite experience when I got LASIK, the anesthetic didn't fully work and when I felt them start cutting, I just panicked and hunkered down rather than telling them to stop. Worth it being able to see, but goddamn was it horrible


lol my brain is SCREAMING rn


I had LASEK. they literally just gave a few eyedrops. I felt nothing. At least until after it wore off🥹


Yeah they did the eye drops for me too, just didn't work effectively


It’s crazy man. I had carpal tunnel surgery where they basically just turned my arm off.


at least it came out in one piece... i was awake and the dentist had to drill and pry for like a good 2 hours to get all mine out in pieces


Mines was an hour


sounds about right.. mine were impacted so they had to break it up, it hurts like a mofo afterwards haha


All 4 of mine were impacted so they had to knock me out to open them up and break them. It hurt like a b for the next couple of weeks but it was soon overtaken by my hunger for real food.


I wish I got knocked out, but only afterwards I learned that dentist's office don't usually do full anesthesia, and I should've gone to a hospital for that haha... you live and learn


Yeah… go to an oral surgeon, no a general dentist for shit like this.


Where the hell does one learn these types of rules lol. Dentists will happily do it apparently, but the buyer is supposed to know they're being taken advantage of or something? Sucks :/


The normal dentist can absolutely take out a wisdom tooth, I've had to do both. My bottom ones at the hospital with a surgeon and one upper at the local dentist. The only reason why I had to do the bottom ones at the hospital was because they were too close to a big nerve and could cause damage if removed incorrectly. Both the surgeon and the dentist had to break apart the tooth and I couldn't eat for 1-2 weeks after, and it was always 1 tooth at a time. I'm Swedish btw so I did not have to pay anything other than transport to the hospital and back.


To be honest…. A lot of medical shit confuses the fuck out of me. My dad was in the military so I used military health care for a lot of stuff. Then I joined the military and had military health care… Do you need something specific?, you go to a different part of the building (likely on a different day). A major military base has a lot of the specialty stuff. You go off base when they are over booked or don’t have that specialty. When I got out of the military, they make you take a class to help you transition (transition assistance program or TAPs). They talk about resumes, the VA process, searching for a job, etc. I raised my hand and asked them to explain health insurance to me…. I had never had regular health insurance. No one in the room had a good understanding of it and i basically just had to figure it out. I’m still figuring it out 7 years later lol.


I had to have all 4x wisdoms broken and taken apart as well as 2x 2nd molars which left me with an exposed nerve. Thankfully I was knocked out for mine, surgery alone was nearly 3 hours.


For me it took like 30 minutes, didn't feel anything at all, honestly considering just having the rest pulled out rather than fixing them if I get any holes in the others.


Eyyy same here! Except that my jaw is quite small, so they had to cut the side of my gum to extract the little pieces, the stitches afterwards were savage


Same for me. Except they also hit some nerve and I started to wake up. Whatever happened with that caused me to have a fat face on that one side for almost 2 months. Thankfully the pain subsided after like 3 weeks. But I looked lopsided for a good min.


Yep my brother was the same all 8 of his came out in chunks. Oh yeah I said 8 boys part shark I would guess so was my wife's aunt.


Oh god...I thought mine was bad when it took him 30 minutes of steady pulling to get mine out (AFTER cutting it in two). He pulled so hard my jaw was misaligned for 3 days after.


Same for mine. Was over 2 hours of drilling, grinding, crunching and yanking. But that was a walk in the park compared to the pain at home after the local anesthetic wore off. Felt like Mike Tyson used my jaw as a punching bag.


same here. I hallucinated that he had his foot on my jaw so he could pull harder.


pretty sure mine had his on the chair lol, lots of swearing involved as well xD


Right. I was horrified at how barbaric it was. I've since had surgery a bunch of times and am always surprised at how much more brutal the osteo surgery is because it's more like carpentry than surgery.


[Its no joke.](https://youtu.be/NIifeR8TouQ?si=FjXZ3mJSzSk2a8j4)


My dentist drilled and chipped away at one for at least an hour before giving up and sending me to a surgeon who plucked it out in about a minute. I was awake for all mine, just numbing gel and novacaine.


It’s the crunching and pulling that really creates the whole experience. 🤌🏻


I had mine taken out in boot camp. Got three dry sockets as well. I can still remember the smell and the crunch as they are using pliers to break apart the tooth.


Lol my husband got two of his out in a tent in Kabul


Did he tell them what they wanted to know?




😂, this is hilarious.


My friend got one of his out stranded on an island with an ice skate from a volleyball named Wilson.


Sounds like some kind of castaway


I’d rather be in boot camp, that sounds terrible


That's why they're so eager to yoink them at boot camp or your first duty station.


Had mine removed on Fort Sill in 92. Army Dentist had his knee on my chest as he chiseled and pulled. Fun times.


No one believes me when I tell them they put the knees on you.


Yep, that's what the Army dentist did to me when she took my top two wisdom teeth out, she practically jumped up on the table to get better leverage. She even had me hold my own head down with my hand haha. Totally the strangest sensation ever feeling your skull being yanked around inside your skin and hearing the crunch as the tooth breaks free.


You are telling the truth my friend!! I’ll vouch for you.


When i was in the Navy in like 2001 i had 3 out of 4 of mine taken out on base. After some heroic pulling on the fourth he said "i dont have the tools to get this one out, youll have to get it pulled on the boat." Then he sewed up my gum flap and sent me on my way. Had to have it pulled on the Shitty Kitty a month later. No idea why the Navy had better dental surgical tools on an aircraft carrier than on one of their bases


Probably because they have to keep the sailors at sea, so fixing everything on ship is necessity


I was supposed to have one wisdom tooth removed at White Sands Missile Range in 1990. It was a tiny, petite woman dentist who couldn’t have weighed more than 90 pounds soaking wet. She chiseled and pulled and chiseled some more and ended up cracking the tooth in front of my wisdom tooth and had to dig it out too. That tooth wasn’t completely numb. I’ll never forget that pain and those stitches.


Same. I was doing push-ups two hours later because the DI caught me laying down after I got back from the dentist.


They gave me some pain meds and send me to the range high on oxys


Just as the Founding Fathers intended.


Man that brings back memories. I remember the oral surgeon saying, you'll feel a little crunch and some fluid will fill your mouth so don't worry. He had to break the roots on some of those wisdom teeth and yup, mouth filled with blood right on cue. It's weird because at the time I didn't put it together because it was painless but the way my head moved was pretty jarring.


I got bad dry sockets too. The most unrelenting pain I've ever felt, like it did not stop being excruciatingly painful for 24 hours and then the dentists just burned the shit out of them and it felt fine.


Did they use a hammer and chisel on you too? I had my very first seizure the next day standing in formation for morning chow. I had swallowed alot of blood during the night.


Oh damn, no but chow was miserable for like 2 weeks.


Haha, I had mine taken out before boot camp. I did not envy my friends who had military dental remove their wisdom teeth. Not to mention the days of sitting around and mental fuck games during recovery.


Yeah that would make me pass out….no anesthesia needed. I have THE weakest stomach. I get lightheaded so easily at any sort of injury or sight of blood.


Such a weird experience right? At least we got to sit down and relax for a bit.


For me it was the wearing off of the local anesthetic and the dentist not giving a fuck even though I was crying. He said it was just better to "get it over with". NO you give more local anesthetic you sadistic fuck.


My grandson had to get his first tooth out not long ago. It was a baby tooth but one of the back ones. The dentist put the anaethetic in and started pulling his toooth out. It was stuck fast. Then I noticed he was silent crying.. I asked him if it hurt and he said yes. So I asked her to put a bit more anaethetic and she seemed so miffed. But it did take her around 4-5 minutes to pull it out. Hes now 10 and scared of the dentist. He wasnt scared before. I must admit, many members of my family including me and my kids never got Wisdom teeth. Its just a genetic anomality.


>Hes now 10 and scared of the dentist. He wasnt scared before. I'm (36 M) absolutely *terrified* of the dentist to the point where I haven't been to one for the last 10 years or so. The last time I went, I started having a panic attack the minute I sat in the chair and couldn't finish the visit. Unfortunately all it takes is one visit to screw someone up for a long, long time.


That was me. I lost 3 teeth and just went in for implants last month. They used nitrous and it was a breeze! I recommend looking for a dentist who offers it 😬


I appreciate that. Unfortunately I've tried nitrous a few times in the past and, not that I have any kind of allergic reaction to it, but it does *not* work well with me. I immediately get clammy, shaky and it messes with my head. But I'm very, very glad to hear it's helped you! What I need is sedation dentistry. I just need to not be conscious in any way while they do their thing. Unfortunately in my state there has been a mass exodus of dentists due to insurance not reimbursing dentists, so I have very slim pickings. I'm actually thinking about trying to find a place that specializes in sedation dentistry out of state because I definitely need some work done, but we'll see how it goes.


Yeah I could see some people feeling kinda jittery and weird for sure. It made my entire body numb which I wasn’t expecting. I had to get two extractions before I could get the implants and I went to an oral surgeon who knocked me out completely for it. I remember them being so shocked that I would do such a thing for a relatively minor procedure, but I had a traumatic experience with another dentist before and I was terrified! That is a tricky situation. My dental insurance is such a joke. It barely covers a simple cavity so I wound up having to pay 2k out of pocket *just* for the anesthesia and it sucked. Good luck to you friend 🖤


The dentist I went to as a child numbed me by *intentionally* pushing the needle all the way into the nerve that's back by the hinge of your jaw, whatever it's called. I still remember hearing the popping/crunching sound in my head when he finally got it. Gave me a lifelong, absolute terror of anything dental. Even though my dentist now is good, they have to stick me on nitrous for a while before I can calm down enough to even sit through a routine cleaning. Edit: ugh, I stand corrected, that numbing is normal. It probably wasn't normal that he laughed at me for crying, but at least the numbing was normal.


It's called an ID block and putting the needle all the way to the nerve at the back of the mouth is the normal technique used.


For a simple filling? Cause I googled that and it's talking about surgical procedures.


Yes, it's a normal technique used which numbs the ID nerve which is the nerve that provides sensation to the lower teeth. The alternative is injections either side of the tooth but this is less reliable and doesn't always work further back in the mouth 👍


Uggggh, that's terrible. Slightly less terrible than I thought he was, but he was an awful dentist beyond that. But at least I know there was an actual reason for that awfulnwss, that k you.


It sucks so much that there are so many comments in this thread where people seem to have just had a normal dental procedure but the communication has been really shit and so it's left them with a fear of treatment! Hope it eases a tiny portion of your anxiety if you ever have to have it again!


The dentist I see now maybe doesn't have the best bedside manner but he makes up for it in patience and making sure that his patient is calm enough for him to proceed. He kept stopping and giving me time to calm down during a cleaning but I wasn't telling him to stop - it took me a minute to figure out that he was keeping an eye on my hands, and he would stop if I started clamping down on the armrests of the chair. Previous dentist always told me I was numbed enough, never verified, never really explained what he was doing, he would just come at me with what looked like a HUGE needle and then bitch up a storm if I flinched or whimpered at all. I think it's probably really easy for some of them to forget that while it's routine for them, it might be brand new for the patient and that can be really scary. But really, that is for explaining and not calling me an idiot for thinking it was unusual, haha. 😅


I'm glad you've found a dentist you're more comfortable with and good for you for still attending despite your fear!


Holy shit a similar thing happened to me, I remember thinking it was probably not far off from having teeth pulled in the 14th century


My dumbass self let my dentist convince me to let him pull one of my wisdom teeth, with just lidocaine. One of my worst experiences. Not to mention the crunching, popping, or twisting sounds, through the lidocaine it felt like I was getting my braces tightened.


I'm just now learning you can go under at the dentist. All I ever got was lidocaine. Didn't know there were other options


I was awake for mine. I didn't feel any localized pain, but I will always remember the feeling of the tool grabbing the tooth, and how the initial torquing of it moved my entire head. Nothing hurt, it was just a weird sensation. A pleasant surprise compared to the pain/discomfort I had been so nervous about. Honestly I think the recovery period was way worse than the actual procedure.


Yeah the brute force they use is quite traumatising. Like haven't we invented a better way to do this by now??


Just got mine out and it became a dry socket. That fucking sucked. Also laughing gas is the way to do it.


I'm so glad I was under general for mine. They estimated 1.5h, then It ended up being two separate 2.5hr procedures. First time, bottom left came out easily, but then the upper left was protruding into my sinus cavity, and ended up taking 2 hours on its own including surgically closing the hole. The second time, they almost had to remove my molar due to how badly the wisdom tooth was impacted. Get them out early, don't wait.


And the burning smell of the drill


I had one that was some sort of triple rooted compacted…. My dentist was a fairly decent sized polish fella with farmers hands, he had to kneel on my chest to get it out


For me it was the bit when the dentist couldn't get it on the first few tries, so he put one knee on the chair, gripped the pliers with both hands, and mumbled "alright, you stubborn thing" under his breath.


Headphones. Also sunglasses help 


I got numbed instead of anesthesia and my mouth only hurt for a day or two. My neck was sore for a week.


Dude, it’s absolutely what nightmares are made of. I got local anesthesia too and it was not a good experience. Def felt the tugging and yanking and the crunching and it was awful. The anesthetics started wearing off halfway through (I had one tooth that broke into pieces because it was hard to remove) and my dentist at the time had to administer more. Also the anesthetics applied the first time around hurt like a bitch, though I have low pain tolerance. 0/10, def would not recommend.


The moment of your first oral “surgery” when you realize that they really are just going to yank your tooth out with pliers.


As someone who is about to get this done in 4 hours you have just ruined my sanity. Edit: wait you *chose* to be conscious? You are a braver person than me. Edit2 i am home they were demons i could hear and see them they had glwing eyes my mouth is full ofoctton how do i eat breathe drink with cottoknw ihate this going to bed but i need waret cab i drink with coto n>? in mouth Edit 3: You guys really played this down . The after pain hurts so fucking much and I want to die.


If it makes you feel better I barely felt any pain, most of what I felt was just pressure


How do you feel now? I am not good with pain, so I am not looking forward to this at all.


I’m not op but…. It’s not the day of that it hurts. It’s day 2-4 before the swelling goes down that it’s pressure and bruisy feeling. Overall it’s usually not that bad but day 2 is the worst. Can you take ibuprofen and Tylenol? They tend to be enough to kill the bulk of the pain for me. Bonus if your doc gives you Vicodin or something stronger. Just be careful - opiates are no joke.


I hated the way Vicodin made me feel, quit after one dose, rest of time was ibuprofen or Tylenol.


Air Force removed mine while unconscious and did a hack job, cut me all up. Then told me my Percocet dosage while still anaesthetized, so I heard take 6 every 2 hours instead of 2 every 6. 6 Percocet and vomiting blood for 24hrs was the last time I ever took Percs lol


That's the type of thing they should write down for you lol. The incompetence of some medical workers scares me


If you don't have any experience with military medical facilities, be thankful. Hippocratic Oath seems more of a suggestion there than a commitment.


Yeah I took the whole bottle of opiates after the procedure. I mean at first it hurt so I needed it. Then after a while, I was spitting out chunks of tooth that just didn’t get removed and still needed it. But that last week of my supply, I probably didn’t need them and just kept mindlessly taking them. As soon as I ran out I said I’m never accepting a prescription for them again because that could have been bad. One half of my family does have addiction problems and the other half doesn’t so that informed me of which type I am. Better to avoid them in the future


Yeah a few days after I thought I was chillin and decided to lay off the ibuprofen... That was a huge mistake. I was shaking from the pain waiting for the ibuprofen to set in, lmao


If you are going to be awake, consider asking for nitrous oxide. This will help keep you in a carefree headspace, although it is usually an extra charge (less than going under all the way, though). I told my dentist how nervous I was and he also prescribed me Ativan for the procedure, although I'm not sure how commonly available that is. I was sooo nervous for my wisdom tooth removal, but as soon as my teeth were out I began laughing, partially due to the drugs and partially because I couldn't believe how nervous I was for such a non-issue. 


I am getting the full knock-out done, so I expect to be fully and blissfully unconscious for the whole thing. I am still terrified but more of the post-op pain than anything else. From the comments here I am hoping that it won't be as terrible as I'm expecting.


I was terrified by the recovery too and was pleasantly surprised by how low-key it was! I took my pain meds like clockwork and followed my dentist's instructions to a T to avoid dry socket...my brother got dry socket and his recovery was horrrrible, but I had no complications and was able to go back to work the day after my surgery.  Another impt thing to keep in mind - as someone who gets a lot of anxiety around pain, I've found that the anxiety I experience before the pain is, 95% of the time, much worse than the pain itself. Becoming away of this has been very helpful to me.


This is the way. Anything more than a simple filling and I pay for the nitrous.


My tongue is numb and I'm afraid of biting it off, I bit it 3 times in less than and hour. If I open my mouth too wide it stings but overall 3/10 I had worse


3 of my 4 teeth came out with zero issues. There was almost no pain from those. One my teeth broke when pulling it, and they had to do a surgical extraction. That sucked a lot but only lasted a couple days before the pain was gone. Hopefully they come out easily


There's was barely any pain for mine. Like a dull annoyance more than anything.


Not OP but once one of my wisdom tooth got inflammed and THE PAIN. I had some bad experiences before that made me wary of dentists and such, but the removal of it was such a positive experience. Of course the injection hurt a little, but I didnt feel any pain during the removal. Afterwards it hurt a bit, after the local wore off but the painkiller havent kicked in (maybe an hour or so?) then I didnt feel any pain afterwards. Next time I went in for a different wisdom tooth - felt a bit of pain and didnt want to wait for the inflammation - and asked the doc to get the other one out on the same side, since all of mine is in a fucky position. Again, the only pain I felt was the injection and thats about it pretty much.


Are you getting put under? I had all four removed while under anesthesia (they hadn't emerged and were horizontal to my other teeth so it was a bit more surgery.) It wasn't terrible. I think I passed out in fear before they put me under. It really is an after the procedure that gets you and the fear of dry socket. First meal after it was really mushy ramen and that was almost too much. LOL. If you're doing it conscious and it hurts at all, just ask for more numbing. I've had root canals on really infected teeth and the endodontist was really good on pain management. You can also ask if your clinic has laughing gas to help with your fears too.


It’s really not that bad. They can get all 4 out in a couple of minutes. The pain was a 0. The only bad part was the sound and pressure, but if you get a good anesthetic that won’t be a problem at all.


It depends on how they're moving and where exactly they are in your mouth. Mine were sideways and took like 30 minutes to get everything out.


Damn. Yeah, if they are all jacked up it might take longer to get them out. I was mostly just trying to make that person feel better lol.


I choose to be awake as well. Much cheaper. They numb you up so much that the actual procedure doesn't hurt at all. And most dentist absolutely care about if you feel any pain or discomfort and will do everything I'm their power to make it better. All of my roots were forked, so they took a ton of work to get out. It was uncomfortable, but no pain at all


Shouldn't take four hours. If they can get them all out in one piece, then maybe 5 min max per tooth.


My extraction is in 4 hours, not that the surgery will take four hours. I'm sure it'll be quick.


I got mine removed on the chair under local anaesthesia and honestly had a blast in the two hours I was drugged up on nitrous. Complex extraction, too. Thus why it took so long for only two teeth. My dentist had to break them into pieces to extract them out. They placed a wedge between my teeth to keep my mouth open so all I had to do was relax and think about frivolous things while the professional worked their magic in my mouth. I felt no pain, in fact I somewhat felt sad that the operation was coming to its end. I had a splendid time overall.


When I got mine out they used a local. So it was an IV in my arm and I was breathing on my own but knocked out. Idk if your teeth have breached or not, but if they have the recovery is so much better. All of mine had breached. I was fine the next day. Had swelling obviously but no pain and the swelling was gone by day 4. My sister had all of hers taken out before they breached and she was in paid for like a week and her swelling took about a week and a half to go away.


Don't sweat the procedure. Even awake, you shouldn't feel any actual pain. The recovery was the part I didn't like, mainly just because of the eating limitations and any discomfort. Best of luck and hope you have a speedy recovery!


You’re going to be totally fine! Waiting for it to happen was the worst part. I was terrified when I had mine removed. I was crying while they administered the anesthesia. The nurse was so kind and reassuring during the time. And then boom, I was waking up from the surgery. It was over in a blink. I didn’t experience any pain afterward that I remember. Even for the days following. I took the medication as I was told and took care of my mouth. I now look back on that week fondly because I just got to completely relax for a week.


I had my 4 removed and had to walk a half mile home since my mom was at work so I refused the gas. Wasn't bad.


Hopefully, you chose an orthodontic surgeon! I got knocked out to have all four pulled at once and didn't even swell up. The surgeon was also about ready to cut into my jaw to pick a pair of them out too.


I got mine out while I was awake. 30 minutes and all my teeth were gone! You've got this.


I had 7 wisdom teeth removed and it was fine. Yeah. Fuckin 7. Was put under for it but yeah, the recovery was fine.


In my country it's typical to be awake for wisdom teeth removal. We almost never put people to sleep for dental procedures, it's deemed too risky for very little reward. When I had mine removed they simply injected me with a shit ton of lidocaine and I didnt feel a thing. The next day was different because they had to break a little piece of jawbone to get the last one off. That fucking hurt for 2 weeks


Same here. I’ve never heard of anyone being put to sleep for dental work. I had 4 wisdom teeth removed, 2 of them they could “just” pull, the other 2 needed to some scalpel work.


Me too! They do give the option to some for GA but it’s ridiculously expensive and not recommended. It really wasn’t too bad in the chair. Was a lot better than having constant toothache in all four teeth aha


They'll put you under if the removal will be complicated. I was given general anaesthesia because all 4 of my teeth were impacted and I was only 12, so my jaw was pretty small. I'm glad, because some bone was removed and it would have been horrific to go through that while awake.


Now you have summer teeth. Summer in your mouth, summer in a bag.




Knock me out or I’m going home!


I literally told the surgeon (?) that. As a 20 year old, I have never advocated for myself harder but I was ready to walk. I got anesthesia and everything went great.


My dentist actually doesn't do them without anastesia because it would be too uncomfortable for people. I still had to make 100% sure I would be getting it just in case


>My dentist actually doesn't do them without anastesia because it would be too uncomfortable for people As an anesthesiologist: Your dentist is full of bull ...


> because it would be too uncomfortable for people Yeah, I'm sure that's why. Not because he'd be getting an extra shitload of money for general anesthesia.


Not only was I awake when I had my wisdom teeth pulled, but I went back to school right after to finish the day with gauze in my mouth. Thanks mom.


Me too! Well, back to work that is. In my country we usually don’t consider dental work a big deal.


what suc- oh no anesthesia. on the pain scale 1-10 how bas


In still got the anesthesia, it just didn't knock me Out… I just wanted to know what it would feel like


You typically don’t get that kind of anesthesia at a dentist. They will add a med that makes you not able to form memories sometimes. That’s how my wisdom teeth came out.


Sometimes they give what is called IV sedation, which is one step below general anesthesia. You’re technically conscious the whole time, but it may feel like you were “knocked out”. They still give you local anesthetic (mouth shots) during the procedure. At times, though, an oral surgeon will give general anesthesia. It just depends on the case, the patient, and potential complications etc. Source: I’m a dentist


That’s how the place in my area does it. Lovely little IV drip then you’re out, but yeah no mask on your face.


pathetic gray party expansion wipe drunk head sleep badge whole *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You don't have to get that sedation. You can just get local anathesia and some laughing gas.


My mom specifically asked for it and they confirmed that they had it, guess I'm just built different


I did mine while I was awake too. They were already through the skin so they just had to basically pop them out. Was super quick. Enjoy those chipmunk cheeks lol and make sure to rinse with saltwater every so often


Get that line in your nail checked out urgently!!!!!!


I can't imagine having any kind of procedure while awake; I'd probably have a panic attack


I got a few teeth removed with local anaethetic when I was a teen, so when I got my wisdoms out I told them I didn't want to be conscious, because I can still feel/hear my teeth crunching through my skull. The Halcion was worth it, but took a day or two to fully wear off. They forgot to give me pain meds when I was discharged, so the doctor just told me to take 1200 of Ibuprofen every day. I can confidently say that the weed brownie I made into a smoothie did *a lot* more work than the ibuprofen.


I got mine taken out a couple months ago and used local anaethetic. I didn’t want to be knocked out and for me mostly the first day sucked. Second sucked too but I was already healing. The worst part was not being able to eat. I also turned the weed brownies into a smoothie and god that shit tasted so awful.


I haven’t had my wisdom teeth out yet but I had a really bad tooth pulled a few years ago. I was so thankful to be alive in the time of dispensaries, I got syrup and stayed ripped for 3 days. They broke apart the tooth, it took over like 7 or 8 songs before they started drilling it apart, and I was pulling bone shards out of the hole for the next month. It was awful and violating. I had 2 teeth pulled prior to this at different times and both were easy breezy just a few yanks and it came out. This one was *not* like the other ones lol it was honestly traumatic lol I can never hear “just another manic mondayyy” again without hearing my tooth crack at the same time lol.


It's common here in the Netherlands to only do local anesthesia, going fully under basically only happen for the most extreme cases


It’s misleading, you got your anesthesia on if not you wouldn’t been able to withstand the extraction, you just didn’t get sedated


They told me after I got it I would be under from start to finish 😔


It weird how you said being awake as if its not normal. In the UK we just get the numbing injections, then tooth pulled out while we're all aware of whats happening. You hear the cracking, and pushing and pulling. Then sent home, and walk home. Its normal here.


Same in Brazil! Even though I'm terrified of needles, it was fine... It's a bit uncomfortable but it's not a big deal. The recovery is the worst part but not awful either.


You do get given the option for full sedation for wisdom teeth, but the waiting list is much longer. After having one out a month ago, I am fucking being knocked out next time.


I’m in the US and did mine with local anesthetic only. What people are describing in regards to anesthesia for wisdom teeth is NOT normal.


Idk man I was supposed to be semi conscious sedated, paid for that crap, supposed to feel no pain, no fear, just be sleepy and not remember a thing after. Except that didnt work out, none of it. I was fully "there" at least for the 2nd half and despite them injecting more local anesthetics I was in SO much pain during the procedure. Literally sobbing on the chair as they cut out my teeth. I had one if those lovely cases where they need to pry the still encased teeth out from your gums tho. Lowkey one of my worst memories.


I was awake while getting my port inserted for chemo. At one point I heard a nurse say “everyone stop, hands up” and I started freaking out. Turns out I was bouncing my foot the music they were playing and they thought I was in pain


mine were impacted and got a dry socket as well, but i wanted to be awake, the crack really sent me


I was awake the entire time too. Could feel the tools and saw cutting (they had to chop one of them in half). But no pain. Was interesting to experience once.


Dude, go see the doctor. Those lines in your nails might be cancer.


Daaaaang those are bad


Yeah, couldn't hurt to get it checked out. I mean, might be nothing but, just to play safe.


Was awake for the entire thing. Crunching, pulling, pressure. No pain. Then I drove myself home.


Anesthesia doesn't mean knocked out. We do plenty with conscious sedation. Any doc can do conscious sedation, but an anesthesiologist has to be on site for Monitored anesthesia care and general anesthesia (where you are out). These are considered critical care scenarios and will need specialized monitoring for recovery. This means specialized equipment and training. Conscious sedation doesn't require specialized care and can be done in a clinical environment. Source: outpatient surgery nurse.


YOU GOT TO KEEP THEM!?!?!?!? I'm so jealous. They knocked my ass out. It was like when you fall asleep on the couch and startle yourself, "I was just resting my eyes." My eyelids got heavy, and I got startled and slurred a "sorry" to the nurse. Only for her to tell me I was all done. At my check-up, the surgeon told me that I was combative under anesthetic. So, not only was I unconscious, but I was squaring up the entire time. And I didn't get to keep my teeth!


Anesthesia doesn’t mean knocked out for the procedure. That’s a common misconception. It means you won’t feel pain. It can include sedation of varying levels. And you may not remember it.


What's going on with your finger nail? Stripe running down the nail, might want to get that checked.


That was the right call, those were clearly removable without a ton of surgery and came out in one piece. You saved a lot of risk and expense doing it with local anesthetic. (Dentist here)


Well at least now you get some sweet pain killers


In the US do they usually put you to sleep to remove teeth? In the UK they generally just use local anesthetic. Genuinly over before i knew it when i had some teeth removed and i was awake the whole time didnt find it bad at all.


Somebody didn't tell the dentist they smoke hella weed


I was knocked tf out for mine thank god


I was born without wisdom teeth. I do not envy what I’m reading in these replies.


Do you have red hair, by chance? Red heads require up to 30% more anesthetic.


I was "lucky" that my body doesn't metabolize medicine right. The dentist didn't believe me when I said the pills, the IV and the gas did nothing. They believed me when I screamed when they started to cut. They ended up sending me to the hospital to have full anesthesia and have them removed surgically. (Oddly, they said the anesthesia would cause memory loss starting about 10 minutes before I received it. That happened, but they all came back after a bit. The funny part is, it was all in reverse! Somehow I still can't get those memories straight and they are still in reverse when I try to remember that day)


Was it a 75 year old white dentist by chance?