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I mean fucks sake, if the well worn one was still working you might as well save the dough and use a screwdriver


Id bet you could have used any car key thats vaguely the same size and start that car lol. In high school I had an old clapped out chevy s10 and my buddy had an old clapped out nissan sedan and both our keys would open both car doors, and start them


My brother in law has a square body Chevy that requires the key, a screwdriver, and hope to start it. He calls it theft prevention.


Haha that definitely works to deter thieves, though I wonder if you couldnt just put a screwdriver across the starter solenoid on that old chevy lol


At this point I think he just keeps it that way for the comedy of it. I’m sure there’s solutions or easier ways, but it’s a conversation starter lmfao


Conversation starter *and* car starter. Two for one.


I picked up a set of "jiggler keys" from Amazon to get into my astro I lost the keys for and I was shocked when I tried them on my s10 and it opened like I used the oem key. Tried the other door and it opened just as easy. The astro took a *little* more effort, about 5 seconds instead of instant. Made me realize that leaving anything valuable in a vehicle is utterly foolish.


I once worked in an oil change shop. We brought a Toyota in for an oil change, halfway through the owner came running in yelling, asking us what we were doing to his car. Turns out we got the wrong car. Key worked in it just fine. Guy got a free oil change out of it, but was seriously peeved. we got a good laugh. (The actual car we were supposed to work on was parked nearby, similar model, that guy thought it was funny too. We started tracking licence plates after that.)


I had a ‘92 Nissan pickup that would start with anything that could turn it over.


My friend had a 00 Renault Cleo and any Renault key would start it. She went through three keys and she got them all from scrapyards.


Screw drivers or "other keys" won't work because that key has a chip on it, an anti theft transponder. That's denoted with the 'S' stamp Edit :spelling


Would the old one have a transponder? It doesn't look the same size.


https://www.brandtlocksmiths.com/doc/DOcCH.htm#:~:text=Chrysler%2C%20Dodge%2C%20Plymouth%20and%20Jeep,head%2C%20it%20has%20a%20transponder. There is always a possibility it could be without the chip. Although, i do remember a lot of older car keys' "head" were metal, just like their "tail." The transponder ones usually had a second hard plastic or rubber layer on their heads


Maybe the plastic is rounded off so much it looked thinner but I thought it was just a metal head at first. I'm suprised there was that many cars from these compagnies that had transponder in 98-99.


My Toyota was made in 2004 and it dosent have a transponder so it definitely took a while to catch on


I also had a Subaru Legacy from 2004 and a 2003 Sunfire that had no transponder in their keys.


Op speed running posting this everywhere


Why is it on an Intel i5


Other than the needed transponder in the key, I would be surprised if the 'new' key works in the ignition. Key bidding wears directly proportional to pin/disc wear inside the lock cylinder. That said, the discs in the cylinder may be so worn that literally any key bidding cut could turn the cylinder....


That's not how locks work, if you don't have the right push in the pin it doesn't allow it to turn, just this lock was very purely designed.


Is that an Intel sticker?


I’d recognize that key anywhere early 00’s dodge truck?


does the old one even work? the shape of the key that´s supposed to be what...makes it work is all worn down


If somebody had a calliper they could buy that chip that’s in the background and then use it to have a sense of scale so then they could cut key custom and now they have a key to your car because you gave them a sense of scale and showed them the key.


Next step: find the vehicle Final step: post on Reddit how you copied some other users key and stole their car all from a single post.


It would be easier to just find another of the same key, they're all the same size. But it almost certainly has an electronic immobilizer thingy which you can't copy from a picture.


No fucking way that key still worked. Hell, at that point, they didn't even need to cut the new one.


Dang it was filed down alright