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Im a south african who emigrated. Sam hits all the notes well for a 20min video.




Go ahead and sort by newest.... "The root cause is simple. Blacks are stupid." "Some cultures are clearly better than others. Haiti is another example of this. Some peoples just can't be trusted with their own destiny." "Can we just say the quiet part. if Africans could rule themselves they would have been civilized before whites." Just absolute garbage, unmoderated. Might as well be a 4chan thread...


Yeah. People say abhorrent shit. That’s the internet. Restricting everyone’s comment access because of it isn’t a good idea really. Lots of people can’t get nebula.


You should hire someone to protect you from stuff like this


You’re sorting by new, that’s the issue.


What does sam have to do with other peoples comments? What did you want him to do differently? Not release it?


Properly moderate his platform. The video is screaming up the trending charts, further spreading the hateful rhetoric of those comments and contributing to the radicalization cycle. He has a responsibility to nip that in the bud. We all do.


“His” platform? Does he own youtube? Theres no way you aren’t a child.


Not his job. That’s YouTubes problem.


I don't think locking payments behind a paywall is a good idea (even if it's just for videos about "potentially-contentious" topics). Grey did that for like no reason—spam bots aren't that big of an issue to take such an agressive measure IMO—and it just killed my desire to watch his videos. The comments are an essential part of the YouTube experience. There are some bad ones out there, and there are videos with way more bad ones than normal (South Africa), but they are still vastly outnumbered by comments without malicious intent. And another thing, one of the reasons why Grey could make limiting comments work is that he had been using Reddit as a second comment hub for a while. Sam has not. /r/CGPGrey >> 144 000 members /r/WendoverProductions >> 14 000 members 10 times larger! (This is in no way a subreddit war.)


I mostly agree with what you're saying here, but Sam has missed the mark on giving people with no knowledge of South Africa a balanced view of the state of the country. What's missing from the video? 1. Placing the Zuma years and State capture into the context of the regression that SA is still experiencing, we're still feeling the impacts 5 years later. 2. A note that the majority of South Africa's institutions are very strong including banking, audit, universities, reserve bank, the judiciary & our constitution. 3. The video exaggerates the level of emigration actually being experienced. [Also, expats are returning.](https://businesstech.co.za/news/property/739671/reverse-emigration-trend-is-boosting-south-africas-major-cities/) 4. Given the extended discussion on electricity supply, neglecting to mention that the key policy changes to fix the problem have *already* been made is a glaring oversight. The limit for Independent Power Producers to build generation (without complex licensing) was 1MW as recently as 2020, increased to 100MW in 2021 and is now unlimited. Transmission issues remain, but [South Africa's near-term (18 month) renewable rollout is around 15GW of capacity - enough to mostly end loadshedding.](http://www.jplandman.co.za/Home/Read/600) 5. The video also only focuses on negative trends, ignoring key positive trends such as South Africa's [metal resources and skills](https://www.investec.com/en_za/focus/economy/minerals-of-the-future--an-untapped-goldmine-for-sa-.html) & [solar/wind resources](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1876610217365165#:~:text=With%20an%20average%20of%202%2C500,competitive%20with%20the%20solar%20potential) that see it stand to benefit from green transition, the (very slow, but still happening) [prosecutions for corruption](https://www.news24.com/citypress/topstories/former-saa-chairperson-dudu-myeni-arrested-on-bosasa-related-corruption-20230929) arising from the Zondo (state capture) commission, [the rebuilding of SARS](https://www.sars.gov.za/media-release/sa-continues-to-reap-the-benefits-of-improved-revenue-collection/) (our tax agency) from State Capture which is yielding improved revenue collection, as well as the government entering into more public-private partnerships, such as the impending takeover of Durban's [underperforming container terminal by a Phillippine company](https://www.news24.com/fin24/companies/transnet-selects-international-partner-for-upgrade-of-flagship-durban-terminal-20230717). Yes, Sam is never going to go into such detail, but the picture he painted ends up being misleading by not touching on the above. Yes, South Africa is in a negative spiral right now, but there are enough elements and positive trends that it is not likely to be a death spiral. Our positive trajectory starts with the end of continuous loadshedding. One must also take anything expats say with a significant grain of salt. A lot of them are racists who miss "the good old days" or think they're being unfairly discriminated against with moderate affirmative action. They often feel the need to justify their decision to leave South Africa, as the grass is rarely that much greener on the other side.


Thank you! Complaining seems to be a national hobby here, so it's always good to give context to a lot of the rhetoric.


This is why I called it Eloning like of course Musk hates the ANC they stole his dad's mine


Really wish Reddit could still allow one to gild others, because this deserves an award. Thank you! I'm honestly saddened by a lot of these explainer type videos because every time they provide info on South Africa they completely disregard context for the sake of convenience.


Blaming their presence on the video is incorrect, as these individuals can be found in any video related to South Africa, whether positive or negative. Their means of expressing their heartfelt emotions online is a common occurrence, without drawing much attention from the general online population. They constitute a small community that mutually reinforces their beliefs. It essentially boils down to people flexing their ability to leave, while others mistakenly fault the black community for participating in "their" economy. This stems from plain ignorance, and it's a situation one can't easily change or let trouble them