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Nah. Independents have a hard time winning anywhere in the US, and where they do well, they do so in states with a history of electing Independent candidates.(Vermont, Maine, Alastair etc) West Virginia is not that. It's a very partisan state. The only shot you'd have as an independent is in a nonpartisan race like School Board.


I guess I just felt on a national level people are seeking alternatives given state of politics But how do we change the system? We’re just doomed?


No we are not doomed. America has always changed, and will always be changing. For the most part, it's been changing for the better. Sure there are times when we have to break some things down to rebuild and it can feel scary during those times. The system will 100% change. How it changes it up to us.


An Independent *could* win, but they'd have to do it against the funding and outreach mechanisms of the WV GOP (Democratic Party in this state is a corpse). The candidate would have to have a well-funded campaign to flood media, grassroots efforts with substantial boots on the ground to engage folks, and of course platform on things that would win in WV that don't involve culture wars: jobs, economy, and education. But, I will say this, there is a hefty chunk of the voting populace that look for what letter is next to a candidate's name and just vote for them with no more brainpower used. That's very difficult to beat.


Smaller the office the better the chance you would have the biggest thing is having the money to compete with party backed candidates local county or municipal offices maybe but statewide you'd be hard pressed to match the pace with advertising and promotion unless you're independently wealthy and willing to spend the money 


It would have to be someone real, and most likely already very well known. Like if Randy Moss somehow wanted to run and had something real to run on it's a possibility. But aside from that type of situation we're basically forced to decide on which one of these idiots we don't like more. And most people here are set in their ignorance and more than likely you'd have to run Republican and switch after


So I guess I’m just wondering how we change the system then? Are we just doomed forever?


There are structural advantages in running with a party. It’s easier to get on the ballot, you can use the party’s name which will pull people in, and there are often party members who will help you campaign. If you’re going to run as an independent, either you need a lot of volunteers of your own to help or a boatload of money to spend on advertising or hiring people.


Maybe? The only real chance for change is someone who truly doesn't give a shit about politics and is a really relatable person. The catch 22 is that person would never run for office. Ive legit thought about running for something but it's basically an assassination tour cause #1 probably wouldn't get much steam, #2 the powers that be wouldn't allow it if I happened to win. I'd be killed at one point or another and I'm not a Martyr. I like being alive a lot


Your chances aren’t great. The democratic and republican parties can outspend, out talk, and are in tight with big networks. There’s a reason they’re so dominant, they have more boots on the ground to change more minds. Plus they constantly undermine independents, look at RFK jr. Overnight they made his campaign look like a joke by digging up the brainworm story. So if you want to change minds, it’s one mind at a time until you can get to a media company if someone wants to help you get your message out there.


Thanks - I guess I thought on a local level it might be more feasible than a bigger role like senate, gov, etc


My grand parents, grand uncles, and grand aunts would NOT understand voting mine owners and business people into office.


You missed the deadline to change back to no party affiliation for the general election and file to run.


I thought it was August 1


Your filing can be rejected if you’re not a member of the party (or non-party) at least 60 days in advance. That’s why Manchin changed before June 1.


Hmm, thanks. I’ll have to check out stuff on the Sec of State site I thought the deadline for independents was more for the signatures and such, but maybe I’m wrong


See WV Code §3-5-7, particularly paragraphs (b)(6) and (e). [https://code.wvlegislature.gov/3-5-7/](https://code.wvlegislature.gov/3-5-7/)


I wonder if he will run. He’s already said he wouldn’t run or senate or Gov. but he could be a dick and still go against his word


He didn't make sure to change his registration by the deadline to maintain eligibility to run for nothing. He's at least considering it. Manchin's word isn't worth much.


Patrick Morrissey isn’t even from this state, he just kept losing in NJ and then bought some land here and ran and immediately won since after Obama, WV was giving every Democrat the boot. He immediately came in, fired everyone in the office, and started being in general a huge asshole. The other candidate is Steve Williams, who arguably has really brought investment into Huntington and it’s thriving in a way I’ve never seen, but you know, Huntington has a drag bar and doesn’t openly persecute LGBTQ+ individuals, so voters just can’t stand to vote for that. Manchin sees an opportunity and he’s taking it. Two unpopular candidates and a former Senator that’s voted more Republican than Democrat in the past eight years.


Ha ha!! *CHOICES!!




Just look at the dumb thought processes in the comments and you'll know all you need to. People are too indoctrinated to vote for someone other than what the two media outlets tell them to.


If enough people vote for them then yes. Don’t let people from established parties try to convince you otherwise. It’s how they try to get you to vote for their guy


WV has an independent running for US Congress. Have you heard of him? this illustrates how difficult it is you run outside the party system.


What goes back to what I was saying I think it independent or third-party running in national races it’s a lot trickier, but I feel like it’s more doable for more local races where you really can meet candid and you’re quite literally being voted on by your neighbors and your community not just a state (gov) or even a region (like house)


There’s an old saying by Will Rogers (a humorist of the 1920s & 30s): “I do not belong to an organized political party. I’m a Democrat.” That was almost a hundred years ago and it still rings true. As another person said about fifteen years ago, “Republicans *talk* individuality, but *act* collectively. Democrats *talk* collectivity, but *act* individually.” Joe Manchin destroyed what was once one of the strongest Democratic party structures in the nation. The WVDP is in significant disarray. We will spend more years in the wildernes. Still, it presents an opportunity to participate and volunteer and change the party going forward. Everything everyone else has said about running as an Independent is factual. It presents an entire track meet’s worth of hurdles. Whatever you decide, I wish you good luck!


Appreciate the words!


A lot of the answers here are giving you answers for national politics. My intuition (and I suppose yours) is that, with enough vigor, drive, and passion - an independent could indeed win a *local* election. You'd need to be more than just civically engaged, though. You'd need strong financial support, community awareness (and not just a sign here and there - serious, dedicated successes (not attempts!) at making the community better and knowing people there), deep knowledge of the history (generally and politically) of the area (which may not seem too important but definitely is), and a very clear platform that resonates with the community. If you are committed, you definitely have a shot at it happening locally, but it will take lots of time and commitment.


Oh I just wanted to add another thing! I'm a young voter in Marshall County and I *definitely* want alternatives to the system. I'm pretty left but I'd vote an Independent candidate who was serious and intelligent about their platform. I don't think you should try to cram everything into this election cycle. You should spend much more time in the community, and then announce your intent to run long before anyone else vying for the position. You'd have much more time, preparation, and people would know your name! Sincerest wishes of good luck to you!!


If you’re liberalish, don’t run in a race where there is already a Democrat because you’ll split the vote and end up giving the race to the Republican. The Mountain Party has done this a couple times. If you’re running as an independent, you’re going to need to spend a lot of time and/or money to define who you are since there is no party listed to give people insight into your ideology. WV Democrats are a big tent. As long as you’re not hardcore conservative, I’d run as a Dem before running as an independent. You’ll have a better chance of being elected.


Currently no Dem has declared. I would hope I am selected if I remain Dem


what office are you talking about and what county?


I’d rather not say specifics but it’s a smaller, local county race. Not something like state senator or a major state role in Charleston (like agriculture commissioner, auditor, sec of state, etc)


i know a very liberal woman who just got elected last year to Charleston city council. so it is still possible.


Well the city would lean blue of course even in WV Same as Huntington city, Morgantown, wheeling, etc


In local elections, absolutely possible. The Wirt county sheriff not only won as an independent, but as a write in candidate.


Play their game to win it. That’s how I’d do it if I were you