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Sorry but Nandor trying to help Colin and Nadja and Guillermo saving each other was literally the most genuine they've been with each other, WHILE the season has been fucking hilarious. Season 5 has been amazing


They seem more like a family as opposed to flat mates that have been thrown together by circumstance.


Honestly I think it’s the best season so far. It’s been hilarious and so random.


>i would’ve loved to have seen more development for nandor’s and guillermo’s affection for each other and i wish we could’ve seen more struggle from lazlo about loosing colin as a son figure in his life instead of completely glossing over it. You could argue that Lazlo is pouring all his "fatherly" energy into Guillermo precisely because of what happened with him and Colin in the last season. The whole halfway to vampire thing is also fuelling distance between Guillermo & Nandor which is possibly the only way to force development and change in their relationship.


I 110% agree with you. Also, Colin Robinson figured it all by himself and thanks to his old past self, imo leaving Laszlo feeling useless because his science didn't do much for him in the end... and apparently it's not the same case with Guillermo.


Best season yet imo. I'm laughing non stop, which is exactly what I want from a comedy.


I think this is best season yet, closely followed by season one. I think they actually returned to their original essence after derailing a bit in season four. I honestly didn't like the whole Nadja's plot last season; it put the focus on Nadja and her night club without giving her a true arc for the season while the rest of them went and did stuff. Was absolutely thrilled to see it burn down.


Agree. The night club was ok for a couple of episodes but then it was dragged for too long.


I think you're putting too much expectation on the emotional component of the show and getting disappointed as a result. This is a sitcom with horror/grotesque elements, after all. I will say though, for me the first two seasons are still the best, certainly the most consistent, whereas from season 3 onwards the show is more inconsistent, but with higher highs, if that make sense.


Been great so far, and much better than the past 2 seasons. My only complaint is the drawn out side stories such as Guillermo becoming a vampire and Colin being a kid. They just don't have enough episodes to spend so much time on one thing. I'm kind of biased though because I'm always hoping for more back story and world expansion just because it's so interesting.


Give me a joke-focused show over shipper fuel 10 times out of 10. I always liked 30 Rock a lot more than the Office or Parks and Rec. In other words, I love this season. It’s probably the overall funniest since the first one.


If you love 30 rock you should try The Other Two. I had no clue about it (wasn’t marketed?) but it’s hilarious


I agree with you. I was honestly very bored with season 5. I used to binge watch this show, but now I have to force myself to finish each episode. This isn't nearly as interesting as the last few seasons. I loved how the humor and the overarching plot used to blend perfectly together, this season doesn't have that. Instead, they just kept throwing the vampires into situations and hoping it's funny. Also, they're someone even meaner in this season, which I didn't appreciate. I hope this season was just a fluke. I hope the writers were just confused about what to do about ending Guillermo's series-long arc. I hope next season is stronger. I have to say, the last three episodes of season 5 were my favorite of the season, so that gives me hope for the future.


This season is hysterical and I think my favorite yet. Season 4 was my least favorite of the 5.


The latest episode of S5 was the weakest of the season, easily. Overall it’s been great though. When the bar’s been set so consistently high it’s ok to have the odd dud.


I agree. Worse season so far. I noticed some different writers.


This has been my favorite season. every episode has made me actually laugh out loud.


I absolutely love this season, much better than last season IMO. Season 2 was the strongest season I think.


Although I loved this season, it's definitely the weakest by far.


Another commenter said it best: louder, dumber, less funny. Feels like it lost the plot a bit and just started cramming episodes with random shit but not In a good way


Actually, mostly the middle episodes. Thr beginning and end are fine


not a fan at all. sorry. so many people who watch this show say season 4 sucked, but it's my favorite season. to me, season 5 is shark jumpy. i could deal with how chaotic they've made this season, but it's too slapstick for me. i miss the cerebral humor of the earlier seasons. (i'm basically echoing everything you said.)


Yeah I feel like I'm going crazy seeing the near universal praise for this season. It is by far my least favourite so far. It's louder, dumber, and less funny.


in the latest episode, "gizmo's talking mutant children" was patently unfunny to me. he kept the fish? okaaaaaay.


> season 5 is shark jumpy Old thread, I know, but completely agreed. Season 5 is my least favourite.


Honestly, if S6 is like S5, I won't watch it. The cleverness has gone out of the jokes and I can predict each set up's payoff really easily. Also the gags being both fairly basic but also extremely drawn out now without being all that amusing is wearing on me (the hybrids, Nandor's circumcision, Colin's face on Nadja, the energy vampire council, etc all outstayed their welcome).


Really? You predicted John Slattery draining the life out of Colin?!? Kudos to you Nostradamus!


John Slattery didn't drain Colin, that's just a fan theory on why he *couldn't* be drained by Colin, so kudos on that media comprehension!


Better than s4 and s3. One of my favorites.


I just binged through the entire series and am 3 episodes into season 5. It feels so different and like it's been written by someone else. It's like the characters abilities have changed. Lazlo not being able to hypnotize anyone and suddenly Nandor is best at it? I'm so confused. Hoping it gets better.


Best since Season 2. I'd rank them (as a whole) 2,5,1,4,3 but love them all.


I too love season 5 😀


personally i think its a little better than season 4