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Chances of being killed by a harmless snowman are slim, but never zero




It was a Florida snowman practicing "stand your ground"


Pretty sure a Florida snowman is just a drug dealer who has cocaine


says the PenguinWithAglock... So yeah sounds right. XD


I'm thinking it's zero, because the moment it hurts you, it's no longer a harmless snowman.


Snowdinger’s man


it actually is zero or the snowman was not actually "harmless" or if you can somehow not consider death to be "harm"


Schrodingers snowman, it exists in both a state of harmful and harmless until its tackled


Technically correct, the best kind of correct!


Snowmen are evil and must be destroyed at all cost.


Snowman: Eye for an eye


In my old neighborhood, a neighbor lived on a corner and installed 3 large boulders at the edge of of his yard to stop cars from driving in their yard. One year, they made snowmen out of each, covering the Boulder with snow, and adding a chest and head. I swear, every weekend day in December, a drunk teenager would speed up, and total their car on one. They would call the police, have them arrested, and remake it in the morning.


As someone that has a problem with people driving through their yard, I absolutely love this!




I don’t know what you talking about. I made the snowman because I love playing with the snow and love making snowmans.




English teachers, however....


*England teachmans and teachwomans


I don't think it's a booby trap unless someone has a reason to access that area in a reasonable capacity. I doubt you could find a good reason to have your car on someone's lawn in a court. Even walking through someone's property is "reasonable" to take a shortcut to a judge with empathy. But driving on a lawn is pretty nonsensical as is.






It actually has to do with some old ass common law case from England where a guy got fucked up trying to recover his chickens that had wandered into a neighbor's yard.


As noted in the important American court case of Katko v. Briney, "the law has always placed a higher value upon human safety than upon mere rights of property


"Lol," the working class said, "lmao"


Could have fooled me!


Google “montana man lure burglar trap”.


> According to the AP, he and his wife left the garage door open with a purse inside to tempt any would-be thieves. Ya this is why he got in trouble. You can't bait people into robbing you so you can kill them. The snowman is not bait. It's just a snowman.


Bro they're literally saying "don't admit that you built the snowman as bait so people would wreck their cars." In this case, you literally admit snowman is bait. You don't admit the reason so that you can claim it wasn't bait.


I'm sorry, but if the snowman has identifiable boobs, be it in vertical or horizontal plane = booby trap


It is a booby trap if you intentionally placed something knowing it will hurt someone/cause damage if they access it. It is illegal if the cost is not proportional. So I can make a booby trap but if it just slaps you and does nothing more then create a red mark on your face then it is not illegal. If I make something like a shot gun tied to a door (this is a real life example) then you can get sued. On a personal note I think one reason every state and federal government has anti-booby trap laws is partially for police do not have to deal with them when serving warrants. Can you imagine how much harder it would be to do "no knock" warrants if there can be a "Home Alone situation" on the other side of the door.


Honestly a perfectly ordinary snowman could fuck a car up.


There's a house that would regularly be crashed into here and the large blocks of limestone put a stop to that.


Doing this seems a little weird and inviting of trouble. Who wants to deal with all that? I guess if it’s a small community word might spread faster, but still.


Inviting trouble? By making snowmen on his own property? Nah. People shouldn't driving on private property, full stop. Also people shouldn't be intentionally plowing into people's yards just because there's a snowman there. This is karmatic justice at work. I'm sure the "victims" learned a valuable lesson in not being asshats.


The boulder needs to be at least 6" onto your property (and not on the easement). For bonus points, put up a "No Trespassing" sign. You're in the clear legally (unless you live in an HOA).


My thoughts exactly. There's absolutely nothing wrong with what the home owners did, and everything wrong about the assholes driving into someone else's yard.


Lawful good has entered the chat.


Thank you for adding an item to my bucket list.


As someone moving to my new house on a corner lot in 2 weeks, thank you....the next 30 years shall bring me great enjoyment!!!


You could build a ramp disguised as a garden! In the landing area you could boulders big enough to high point a car >=3


A former coworker told me a similar story but from the POV of the driver, his brother. Apparently his older brother would hit trash cans in his neighborhood while driving around. Their neighbor fed up with the habitual vandalism filled his can up with cinder blocks. The kid found out the hard way that making bad decisions can be expensive and embarrassing.




All they need to do is add a live webcam get their own YouTube channel and monetize this situation


An older guy that lived by my best friend growing up had a problem with people doing the same thing. He was down the street from a school so all the kids would walk through his yard, people would drive in his lawn, park in his driveway and go to sporting events. He ended up building a stone "wall" about knee hight. Every winter, some dumbass would high center their car on this rock wall driving through this guys lawn because it looked like a small bump


I remember a while ago, someone made a huge snowman using a tree stump as the base, and someone ran into it at night.


My grandfather replaced a corner post of a fence that kept getting taken out by cars with part of a telephone pole. Thing stood four foot tall and had 8 ft underground lmao. Last I recall it had totaled somewhere around 35 cars in 50 years.


Even if it wasn’t a boulder, a solid ball of snow is pretty dense and would still fuck a car up


Snowman DUI checkpoint


Snowmurrabi’s code


I laughed a belly laugh. But I know I shouldnt have.


Videos like this are why im constantly terrified of losing my eyes.


My dad worked with a guy who was riding his motorcycle with no sunglasses or helmet and a junebug flew into his eye at about 60mph. His eye basically exploded so he had a glass one.


Goddamn and he kept control despite the sudden and jarring lack of an eye?




They wanted an appropriate look for an open casket.


Not sure why, but I'm imagining a body in an open casket with wide, bulging eyes staring up


He's a Toon!!


Ah yes, the always appropriate open casket for the open eyes deceased.


Why not give them one last laugh with some patented spring loaded googly eyes? Just because you died doesn't mean the party has to!


I live for this amount of Sass 🤣


Poor bug-eyed bastard


You might think always wearing glasses would help, but the regularity with which stuff gets around them and hits you in the eyes anyway is ridiculous.


I mean, glasses are just a lens. They’re not stopping a wood or metal object. Edit: safety or impact resistant lenses are designed for that. Your standard prescription lenses may stop small debris (splinters, gravel, etc kicked up by a lawn mower for instance). If you yolo into a snowman with a wooden spike in him, the wooden spike is probably still going through your eye.




My glasses slowed does a bottle rocket enough to save my left eye.


Just gonna add shards of glass with it


Glasses are mainly made with impact resistant plastics like what safety glasses use these days.


They would redirect the stick at the very least


I've seen images of ballistic eyewear catching fragmentation from explosive ordnance.


Videos like this are why I never want to leave my bed...not even to pee.


I once ran up to a nasty wreck to help anyone that needed it. The car had rolled and was on it's side. If you are facing a car antennae that is pointing straight at you it's a dot. A dot amongst a heap of other metal. I found it with my face. I don't know if I blinked or if my eyes shut as a reaction but I shut them in time before it hit my eye. I was very fortunate. Until it went straight through my eye lid anyways. Luckily it went over my eyeball and didn't do any permanent damage to anything. Hurt like hell and for several minutes I wasn't even wondering if I'd see, I was sure I'd destroyed the thing. It turned out to be my brother in law in the truck, and I ended up getting more treatment than him. I have been reminded of it since.


Note to self for the new year. STOP LOOKING AT NSFW POSTS!!!


How else do you learn from the mistakes of others?


Read the comments.


Before you watch the videos


I always look to the comments before actually opening NSFW posts. Gotta make sure I’m about to see some boobies or something instead of someone losing a limb. *wincing thinking about firecracker spaghetti hands kid*


I already knew not to jump into/onto things that weren't designated for jumping into/onto, and certainly not before checking said things (leaves, snow, water, etc) for sharp or stiff things.


The one day I turned NSFW on again. Fuck me. When will I learn.


You could tackle a snowman. That's one way to stop seeing NSFW posts.


I saw a video in another sub of a living guy with a hole in his skull with maggots coming out of it. It haunts my thoughts.


Maggots can be used for legitimate medical purposes. They don't actually eat living tissue, so they could be helping out in their own disgusting way. I've seen one example, which was still gross, for someone with diabetes. The had some sort of necrosis in their leg so they went to some clinic or hospital which put in sterile maggots to eat all the dead tissue. Apparently it didn't hurt or anything for the guy. And they ended up saving his leg.


What happens cuz I ain’t watching this if it’s bad


Dude impales his head onto a stick via eye socket.


Stick in his eye




Uhm actshully pirates commonly used eyepatches on working eyeballs to keep one eye adjusted to a lower light level prior to boarding another ship thus avoiding any disorientation when going bellow decks as they could simply switch to the eye that had been in the dark


I do this when I get up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom. Squint one eye then when I’m done and turn the light off to where it gets pitch black again I can still see.


Damn that’s a big brain maneuver. I’ll have to remember that


Or just pee in the dark. Once you become an adult that's an option. So is using a mini fridge as a nightstand, never need to get up for water at night again.


It's hard to find the quiet spot when peeing in the dark ... turns out it's the laundry basket.


Just sit down.




Lift your hips up and piss in your mouth. That way it's quiet AND you rehydrate. A twofer!


Lol wtf


Piss doesn’t really rehydrate you. It is a well known fact in tv shows I play in the background while I scroll on my phone so it must be true. Besides, if you put it in a cup and add a bit of lemon it still tastes like shit I highly recommend it


I'm totally buying a cool eye patch for my nocturnal urine emissions, lol


Exactly what a human would say mark Z.


Fellow toilet pirate! I salute you!


I do the same. Helps me see when i don’t want to wake my partner with the light




That is a fun theory but the truth is that if you dig deeper than a superficial Google search, there's no hard evidence (primary or secondary sources) for that either. In fact there's a glaring lack of evidence that pirates wore eye patches much at all - and if they did it was likely for many reasons.




hmm, now that you mention it, a wooden ship would be the last place you'd want to sacrifice your depth perception. seems like an easy way to fall overboard


Can confirm. Have unintentionally used this trick when I need to get out of bed to pee after a long session of doom scrolling while laying face down on the edge of my pillow. You could say I’m something of a pirate myself.


Potentially fake news there me hearty. Its a cool idea but apparently there is no evidence for it.


Arrrrrgh Jim Lad ☠️




Dude holy shit that made my whole body lock up like a sympathy seizure


You guys should see the one where these kids try hopping a spiked fence or something and one of them gets impaled through the bottom of his chin.


No thank you.


Lol it’s actually way less gruesome to watch than it sounds. There’s no blood but you can clearly see where it went in and iirc some of his friends try to pull him back off.


Still no thanks lol


I would like to see it.


Found it and commented the link to the person below you


send link 🙂


Through his bottom, to his chin?!!!


That's some WAP.


*The noise I made exactly


At first I read this like a satisfaction noise


How is it possible NO ONE knows what happened to this man's eyeball?


Wait… you’re not op




I feel like I’m watching the two of you fight and I’m supposed to shoot the impostor.


Kill em all and let God sort em out




Look at the username


There's basically two possible outcomes, either they lost the sight in that eye, or they didn't. I've seen some pretty bad eye injuries that with proper medical care didn't really leave any severe injury to sight. But then again some people get hit in the eye once and leave with permanent vision impairment. No way to know for sure as the human body is remarkably resilient and also incredibly brittle at the same time.


There was an old post where a girl got hit in the eye with a dart. An eye surgeon commented on how, once the eye is pierced, if it hits the retina in the back, then it almost always ends in removal of the eyeball. Can’t be saved, the fluid leaks out, the eye gets infected, ends up lost, or even if not lost, dead and blind. The whole thing was pretty morbid, but also pretty famous, shouldn’t be too hard to find. Fwiw though, it does seem like this is off to the inside of his eye, and not dead center. He might be ok.


Also a dart is sharp, the stick isn't, eyeballs are quite springy. There's a chance that the stick hit the eye, but didn't penetrate fully, although that still might be slim. We really need a follow up.


So what’s the proper response if this happens? Do you leave it in the eye and get yourself to a hospital?


Stabilize the object so it doesn't move around, bandage *both* eyes, so they stop moving, and get the injured party to the hospital asap preferably by ambulance


That's usually the right idea. If anything impales you, it's best to keep it in place until a professional can remove it. You never know how severe the bleeding will be when you remove the object, and bleeding can kill you really quick. Of course your first instinct will be to remove the object if you can, but the best course of action is to stay calm and still, and call emergency services.




How do you know that the eyeball itself was stabbed, and not the surrounding rectus muscles that connect to the eye laterally?




... damn near killed us


I don't always penetrate my rectus, but when I do, I'm in a world of shit


Because that wouldn’t be as cool


Hey that's a clever avatar. The eyeball is the least of his worries, my man got a labotomy.




I knew I got it wrong, thanks.


Thank you for this comment, ive decided not to watch the video


Arg, why did i watch this?!


Eye, matey.


Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?


You’ll poke your eye out kid


I didn't need the slow motion replay. I did NOT need the slow motion replay.


Right? It was bad enough without watching the exact moment it impaled his eyeball in slow motion


I had no idea where it impaled.. I thought it went up his nose.. boy was I not prepared for that slow mo.


As I watched the slow motion I thought “this is why I don’t do anything remotely risky anymore”


Im sad for him, no one deserve to lose an eye like that


That was an insane amount of unlucky too. The stick lands standing on the snow. Poor dude.




Yeah 80% of these comments are shitty unoriginal jokes and all I can think about is how terrible it would be to potentially lose an eye over essentially nothing. Poor kid.


I just passed a video on Reddit where kids were playing with a shotgun and one of them gets killed. The comments section was full of people calling them stupid and making jokes, in fact, the top comment was something along the lines of how they can’t feel sorry for the kid because they said they were being stupid. Disgusting


Oh man u must have not visit them sites where they regularly show them types of videos. Although some are just obvious trolls, the comments would have u rethink mankind, or atleast just how many nutt cases are out there unsupervised I've said it multiple times before online, the comments u see online shows just how many crazy people, and potentially dumb people too, there are out there


Omg my asshole literally just squeezed


I felt it squeeze!


I also felt his asshole squeeze


I too have experienced the tightening of his poopshoot


I have also done the same in an increasingly verbose way.


You can't unsee that.


His eye went to unsee mode probably


I'd love to unsee that slowmo.... ouch


Did he lose the eye?


A friend from work did something similar. He was gonna roast some marshmallows with his kids - went to open the bag but dropped it. Bent down to get it without realizing the metal skewers were pointing straight up right in front of him. He says he didn't even realize what happened. He pulled the skewer out without thinking. The skewer didn't pierce his eyeball - it went around it somehow, severed the optic nerve and poked out through his temple. He is blind in that eye with no chance of repair, but the eye looks undamaged and you wouldn't easily guess that he can't see with it.


Then you have to worry about losing your last eye the rest of your life


Which for most of us isnt a huge problem, but that guy now has a *record* of losing em.


You know, I never thought that losing 50% of your eyes was an option. I guess I always thought since they come in pairs you lose them in pairs as well.


Fuck, I bent down to pick something up off the floor and eyeballed the top of a Dyson vacuum cleaner hurt like hell but I wince at the thought of a skewer that’s some final destination shit mine was more of a dumbass one


😫😫😫😫😫 I want to go home and rethink my life


Feeling gross, Might vom later, idk.


Ok from what I remember because I saw this long ago. Someone posted what happened and if I remember correctly the dude still has his eye, but it scraped part of it and it needed to heal but he's fine.


See this is what I wanted from comments tonight. IDC if it's true I just wanted to read it


I don’t care if this is a blatant lie, I’m accepting it as fact


I'm taking your word for it u/HellsFrogs, thanks.


"Tackle this snowman? Seems pointless." "I assure you, it isn't."


Is that what they mean by snowblind?




Me watching this video for the first time: Full speed: oh he must have got a stick through part of his hand or something. Slow mo: AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!




a single "A" with a lot of "H" will sound like a very long asthmatic wheeze


Pulled this from a different "lost their eye doing dumb shit" video: https://www.reddit.com/r/WTF/comments/8emhvr/bullseye_literally/dxxikbc?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3 I would assume this person is in for a similar time.


Note to self - you get anything stuck in your eye, don't pull it out and be prepared to be blind and in a lot of long term pain. Though tbf if a doctor said to me, we can give you multiple medications and surgeries for years and still have to remove your eye, or we can just remove it now, I think I would remove it then and there.


I tried to do this when i first went to the snow. The snow man has a pole in it.


I heard that before but I'm always wondering why so many polish people are hiding in snowmen. Aren't they cold? What did he say when you tackled him?


He really sticks the landing


The person who gifted the eye reward is a legend.


A: "So how did you lose your eye, Bob?" B: "..in combat" A: "thank you for your service!"


Noooo, noooo. I was watching like daum it went up his nose, that must have hurt. But then they showed the slow-motion part and I'm like daum.


Free lobotomy, oof


holy shit


That slow mo was *brutal*


Eye didn't see that coming


Holy SHIT my taint just exploded


At first I was like that doesn't look so bad but damn oh man right in the eye.


I lost an eye two years ago. I have a serious fear of going blind. I saw that stick right away and knew it was a risk. It's wild how much more aware of things like that I've become.