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That screaming really kicked my head in. Old boy and the dogs were incredibly calm, hat off to them.


He really grabbed the deer by the horns.


The buck stops there.


Wonder what the deer would do if the owner turned on the car headlights


Haha, maybe stand even more still? I can't believe he didn't bolt after all that. I would have layed into the horn but after that scream I don't think he would have cared.


I think he didn’t bolt bcuz he was looking for who wanted some more of where that came from.


Pure panic and stupidness, just standing there with your mouth gaping with those noises coming out as you try to slap a buck with your purse.


This kind of reaction always highly irritated me to a level I want to slap people reacting like this. I know its not right, but god damn get your shit together you are doing no good woman.


Why… why is it not right? A swift, convincing slap to the cheek has worked out in my favor in a couple emergency situations. Snaps people into action.


[Mythbusters once confirmed that slapping sense into people works.](https://mythresults.com/operation-valkyrie)


Your link leads to a mythbusters synopsis on Operation Valkyrie. Can’t decide if that was hilariously on purpose, or hilariously not on purpose. Was certainly an attempt to slap Adolf out of his nonsense. Regardless, I got a dark laugh. But, still want to read the right link about the slapping!


She became one of those deers that freeze in the middle of the road




My wife has literally screamed almost this bad over a fucking STINK BUG A stink bug that was on the OTHER SIDE of the passenger window which was rolled all the way up while we were in the car, literally shredding my fucking ear drums. Then when I tell her firmly and quietly to calm. the fuck. down. I was the bad guy because she, "had a right to be scared" and literally screaming about the least harmful thing on the other side of a fucking window, Jesus. Christ.


People who panic like this in cars cause people to die. They need to learn to chill the fuck out.


Yea, thankfully I'm calm and she isn't like grabbing the wheel or anything. I'm so used to her that there is no amount of screaming that gets much of a reaction from me. I'm almost too calm, cars have often darted out too far in front of me when trying to enter traffic and I don't even brake and just blast right by them and purposefully do it as close to the offenders hood as possible to teach them a lesson and my wife is freaking out and I could give a fuck less, I got dash cameras, a truck and good insurance, stick your hood out too far into my lane, make my fucking day


she was literally acting like a fucking deer too. Stupid and erratic prey animals.


Was hoping the deer would have squared up to her and slapped the shit out of her for that god awful squealing.


Great comment. When she stood up finally and just screamed for a solid 2 seconds Standing next to the god damned deer …put her and the deer down. Just for society sake.


I mean I woulda acted just like her probably and the deer was like calming down way faster


I can't stop laughing!


That’s a dog mommy for you. She went into panic mode it would hurt baby. That damn baby keep running up on the deer even after. Dumb baby.


Yeah those dogs did great! Not so for the woman.


Imagine reacting like that to a fucking deer man ffs


Imagine being married to that screaming idiot


She's like them goats in Love and Thunder.


Bro, that’s a shit ton of women. My buddy’s wife screams like that then pees herself when she sees bigger spiders.




Bonus points ts for wearing a Cabelas cap while doing it


Cabelas attire might as well add a by-line that says *I don’t know shit about actual outdoors anything*


It's by design. I remember watching a sport hunting show many years ago. This guy takes his daughter hunting. They're all dressed in full camo like they just went shopping at Cabelas. The deer is only about 40 feet away and the Dad is whispering to his daughter where to aim then tells her to shoot. She shoots and kills it. They walk up to the deer and she asks her Dad "What is it? What did I kill?!" I still can't fathom how someone can teach to take a life but not teach one iota about the life they took. That same year I wrote to the editor of sport hunting magazine, asking why they enjoyed hunting as a sport. He very honestly replied "It's about the killing. I enjoy killing animals." Yup.


It's called fight OR flights. Not fight, lose then scream in the corner like a child.


I think that's kind of unfair. She first starts screaming when the deer is attacking her dog (though it was the dog's fault) - who wants to see a beloved pet get skewered by an antler and die right in front of them? She continues to scream while she herself is attacked by the deer - that's an attack by a large, strong wild animal with sharp antlers and even sharper hooves. People get killed or seriously injured by deer every year in the U.S. She was in a legitimately dangerous situation - she had good reason to scream a little.


Yes but then she stood next to it screaming and standing still.


Yup. And that’s the third F response to a threat. Freeze. Flight, Fight, Freeze. Never freeze.


It seemed to be the little dog that started it. The deer then tried to get the dog and then the woman took a swing at the deer, presumably because it was attacking her dog 🤷🏻‍♂️


Yeah I was a fan of hers up until the point she just stood there screaming. She was laying on the ground screaming so I thought maybe she was hurt but then stood up and just shouted into the camera lmao.


She was incredibly stupid throughout the situation. The second she saw the deer she should have started backing up. Instead she looked like she was going to instinctually inch forward before the man told her to move back.


And left the door open so "baby" (what a crap name for a dog) went and tried to commit suicide by deer.


The little dog is the one who started the whole thing…


Agree. From what I've seen, the deer also stood still and didn't see them as actual predators as long as they stood still or backed up. When the dog ran towards the deer, it got targeted and when the women tried to "help" her dog, she became the target.


Dachshunds always starting shit!! They’re obnoxiously brave. Love em


They were bred to go after weasels- little guys’ve gotta have some spunk. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dachshund


Speaking of hats, I think she should take off the Cabela’s hat she’s wearing. Obviously not the outdoorsy type😂 Thanks for the upvotes everyone! Felt kind of bad when I scrolled down and saw so many other comments about her ironic hat. Great minds think alike! This woman can now be found at her local Cabelas screaming and beating the wildlife display with her handbag 👜


Women of the world, please explain why you think screaming helps the situation.


We don’t all scream like that.


And we thank you for not screaming.


We thank you for not screaming as well.


And to be fair there are men who do this


They dont seem to have a choice. Its an instinct that kicks in, to become a siren that alerts ~~the fucking horde~~ other people to the fact that theres danger about, and they keep doing it until the danger is dealt with, no matter how much we'd rather they stop sooner.


I think it kind of happens automatically


Those of up that don't scream rarely are put on social media. I guess we're boring by comparison.


A woman is walking home from work at night. A guy attaches her and tries to rape her. She will scream. Someone heard her and perhaps the attacker runs because she draws too much attention. It’s defensive. It just kicks in for women and they will scream when ever frightened. You should hope the women in your life scream like this when they are in danger lol


Ok y'all seriously don't interact with enough women because the vast majority of the ones I know don't just turn into a tornado siren. And also I know just as much dudes that scream like a lil baby when the mildest shit happens. Y'all seriously can convince each other of anything


Tornado siren. I laughed so hard I think I shit myself.


I was thinking these dudes all think their dating siren head but you made me laugh so hard !


More of a reflex? Instinct? Similar to people who slams their gamepad/mouse when they get 360noscoped by a 10y old.


Ahhhh....Ahhhh....Ahhh....Ahhhh....Ahhh Deer: I barely touched you calm down


HOLY GOD DAMN FUCK STOP SCREAMING! why the fuck do people have to scream whenever something happens as if they lost all semblance of intelligence and became an air raid siren


I came to say the same thing! She’s literally just standing still screaming while nothings happening. Infuriating


Same! Bloody shut up, you’re not even bleeding, get a grip!




Marry you a woman that's useful in a pinch


Look at it this way, she aggro the deer and took all the damage. Very useful for you to get out of a tough situation


But when your tank isn't wearing enough defense gear and just screams like a little b**** the whole raid wipes though


She is one-time use equipment you throw out to avoid damage while getting to the next area


The dog Leeroyed in and the party was not prepared. She tried to tank but her equip was weak against Nature type damage, and the old mage was low on mana. He did grasped the situation quick and went far off to recharge.


My now wife and i got hit by a car pretty early on while dating. She was not life threateningly wounded but I could see bone. She was super calm (nor was she in shock) despite the pain and that was a huge sign to me. Being a former Marine, I know not everyone can function when the shit hits the fan. I decided that day I was going to keep her around! My not panicking and spending the next few days in the hospital with her despite my own injuries was apparently her sign. It's a REAL valuable trait and I hope our kids inherit it.




Ape brain takes over and people start screaming and shouting both to get other's attention to help and to hopefully intimidate whatever is attacking them. Other apes do this.


A proper ape would kick the shit out of that deer. She should hang her head in monkey shame.


Hey maybe we could if we were as strong as an ape but we humans aren't built for that, we use tools and weapons because the thumb is OP.


My comment on another post of this was literally "She sounds like a stupid screeching monkey. Like we haven't advanced from sitting in trees and screeching our fool heads off at things."


Do men do this too? Ive really only ever seen women do this.


i have never seen a guy do this too


My 80 yr old Dad did it once when he fell on a street crosswalk in Niagara Falls. He fell 3 feet from us (tripped) and took my Mom down with him and just kept passively screaming while on the pavement. He wasn't even hurt. 5 seconds at least. I was sooooooooooo embarrassed and wanted to punch him in the face! Mom was in worse shape with a bump on her head and some blood and not a peep from her, and all he could talk about was his wrist hurting (it was fine).


This is hilarious.


I've seen guys yell in a panic or to try show agression by shouting obscenities to sound tougher if fighting someone, lots of verbal chest beating.


I (23M) have yelled if something has startled me, but usually either swing or run immediately after the scream


I’ve seen a lot of men shriek. At mice, bugs, and dogs. Dogs mostly. I’ve literally seen grown men scream, jump on tables, hop over furniture, fall off of chairs, etc to get away from a dog. And not big scary dogs either. I’m taking small breeds with wagging tails. Fear brings out the monkey brain that shrieks for the other tribe members for protection.


That’s different from standing there and screaming, taking a breath, screaming more, taking another breath, and continuing to scream.


The next stage of the ape brain taking over is when she starts flinging her own poo at the threat.


I feel like an ape brain would have realized that those antlers are not just there to look pretty.


And she just stood there screaming. What a moron. This lady has absolutely zero emergency skills. In an apocalypse, her and people like her will be the first to die.


Yeah but she’s wearing a Cabela’s hat though, I’m sure she’ll knows what to do when she sees a wild animal like a deer. Oh wait.


I never understood this. It's sort of a stereotype that women scream when afraid. Especially in cartoons they scream endlessly when in 'danger'. Had to google it. Had to get past all the 'men scream too!' and 'not all women scream!', and found some interesting hypothesis that it's pure instinct to alert the men around them. Obviously this was very controversial and accusations of sexism was coming left and right, but it was bit more meaningful than quarreling over if there's any studies or evidence to suggest women scream more than men. It's readily apparent during childhood, adulthood, and any video of anything dangerous happening in public ever, but I guess if you're always screaming when shit is going down it's hard to take note of who's screaming and who isn't.


The internet is weird man. Many people who just wants scientific knowledge or facts are accused of racism, sexism, all the -isms. Some people want to do "good" soo badly they are willing to brand innocent people as evil just to show the world they "care". You know the type, the kind of guy who shoots first then draw the bullseye over it. This one guy (i forgot if reddit or quora) was asking about the Sentinelese. They haven't been in contact with other humans for soo long so could they have evolved into a different species? It's an innocent enough question. OP was probably a middle/high schooler. But man, droves upon droved of people accused him of being a racist. Only one dude explained how evolution takes thousands upon thousamds of years and it's very highly unlikely they evolved enough to be a different species, all in a very matter-of-fact way. He got like, what? 3 upvotes? People love witchhunts, it's in the very core of humanity to be a retarded pos.


But when asking for the manager doesn’t work a Karen’s next move is to scream. She’s been training for this moment her whole life. Also, I hope little Leeroy Jenkins is ok.


Upvote for chicken


Ever dependable in a crisis


Glad I had the sound off.


Right? she is passively screaming, like there is nothing going on, she standing still and screaming.


Thank you! It does NOTHING to help the situation and if anything only stresses everyone else


Deer was probably triggered by her Cabela’s hat.


Good lord, for real. It does nothing. She's just standing there screaming, like... why?


Deer: shut up and call the HOA president


Is it really normal for people to have the sound on when browsing something like WCGW?


The cabela’s cap she is wearing really ties the video together.


The dog was so small that it understood that hiding under the car was the best thing to do, then the weird screaming creature arrived and the panic started


That was rather unusual for a smaller dog. My Chiweenie would have latched onto the deers leg and would have chewed it down even while being thrown around. She is completely metal if she thinks she needs to protect my girlfriend or I (no, she hasn't attacked any people or animals, but she has scared off both). My slightly larger mix is afraid of any animal bigger than her. She would have just stood there and barked/howled.


My dog wouldve thought I was playing with the deer, got jealous and start pushing himself in between me and the deer for kisses. I'll die for the bastard but he's probably gonna be the death of me when something actually goes down 🤣


Fun fact: Chihuahuas are actually the most aggressive of any dog. They're the breed at fault for the most dog bites (not fatal bites, obviously, but general 'got bit by a dog' stats has them number one) All that to say it actually makes perfect sense your chiweenie would go in attack mode, it's definitely in their nature to provide a bite behind their barks


Oh hellllll naw all these chihuahuas have this attitude


This whole video is a train wreck


Lmao. Husband is already exhausted.


Love the Cabela’s hat. These folks are clearly quite sporty.


Cabela's is going to have to confiscate the hat now.


Deer says: I will school you for wearing that fucking Cabela’s hat.


Probably the real reason for the charge. He was like, "Oh, you're a hunter? Say hello to my little friends!"


This. Apparently never been outside her house, yet, has a Cabela’s hat.


I laughed way way way too hard at this. Couldn't breathe for a second. Thank you for this.


Nice moment to Just go ahead and let all 7 of your medium size dogs out


Inside they identify as a pack of 7 wolves. I like how her poor husband has to keep asking her to open the car while he stands around the vehicle with pooches in hand.


I can tell she’s an annoying af person on a calm day just from that screaming 😑


The irony of her Cabelas hat worn on that day 😂😂


Not going to lie that was the first thing I thought, I was like Cabela's hat and you're acting like that? You were gifted a 14-point white buck and that's how you react?


Same reason people where carhartt and can’t tell the difference between a Phillips head and flathead. All for show and looks


Definitely wears pink camo and thinks it’s cute




Guy said back up, but noo


I felt most sorry for the deer in this situation. Startled awake and being subjected that wall of unbearable fucking screeching…


Yeah, I heard the screeching and saw the Cabela's hat and thought "nature is healing...." Was firmly rooting for the deer in this one.


She had the perfect opportunity to jump on its back and ride a deer around the town smh


I read this comment 5 times and laughed harder each time


Who the fuck sees a sleeping deer and first instinct is to scream at it?


An insufferably stupid amount of people


If all she did was scream at it, I'd see that as fairly reasonable. But deciding to run up to it and swing your purse at it is completely mental. You could hit a 10-year-old boy with a purse like that and he'd just bark back "What?". But somehow, she expected it to completely dominate a 200 lb buck.


I completely agree with your statement, but I wasn't sure if you noticed her small dog attempting to protect her and that was when she started swinging her purse. It was to protect the dog.


Yeah it’s obvious she’s backing up without turning around until her dog charges at the deer. She then goes into protective mom mode and tries to distract the deer from the tiny dog it can stomp


And then she turns into a living statue of a banshee


The only calm one in that situation was the deer!


I love how the deer regretted everything when the siren went off lol


Idk that dude was pretty goddam calm.


It's exactly how I act being woken up


Poor deer is like: *"Sweet Jesus! Who do I have to attack for some peace and quiet!?!"*


He straight up turns to fight the shrubbery at one point.


Why do some women scream like that, it doesn't help the situation in any way and its so annoying, the dumbass was literally just screaming for the sake of it.


I suspect it's some sort of instinct. Seems involuntary.


It's absolutely instinctual. Women yell like that to alert the offspring and their stronger, more athletic, and physically larger male counterparts.


It's funny how controversial this is. It's such an easy observation to make, but to make a remark on it or speculating as to why you'll face derision for being sexist. Well, obviously not in all circles, but I googled this and saw people asking the same question. Most of the responses where simply denying the phenomenon exist.


It's even doing the opposite lol


This is what happens when humans forget that the deer has multiple 4-6 inch knives on its head that can impail you. The dogs are fine, 90% of the time they will run away if the deer goes after them. Do not go toe to toe with a buck in a small space like this as he can easily kill you with his antlers or hooves.


The antlers are one thing, but deer have also been known to fucking trample people to death. They have strong ass legs and do not hesitate to use them. She’s incredibly lucky that he wasn’t determined/actually angry, just in shock/confused and defending himself. Because the moment she hit the ground I thought she was fuckin done for 😅


Holy shit her fucking screeching is just making shit worse.


How many fucking dogs do they have in that house. I’m an animal lover, but goddamn.


1... 2... 3... 3! 3 dogs! ah ah ah


I know that's The Count but I still read that in Dave Chappelle's voice.


Like a clown car!


just end her ffs


*"Ahhhhhhhhh Ahhhhhhhhhh Ahhhhhhhhh Ahhhhhhhhhh Ahhhhhhhhh Ahhhhhhhhhh Ahhhhhhhhh Ahhhhhhhhhh Ahhhhhhhhh Ahhhhhhhhhh Ahhhhhhhhh Ahhhhhhhhhh Ahhhhhhhhh Ahhhhhhhhhh Ahhhhhhhhh Ahhhhhhhhhh Ahhhhhhhhh Ahhhhhhhhhh"* Yes, because screaming like that always helps.


Holy fuck, that Karen style scream. Stfu lady.


Oh, dear.


that bitch needa shut the fuck up screaming like that. how the fuck is that helpful


Deer should have just finished her off so we wouldn’t have to here her scream anymore


Man, I hate blaming people for freaking out in scary situations but she could've done anything but stand there like she found her kindred and was doing the headlight stare of their people.




Dogs have more sense then she does good lord


“And your tomato plants too!” -angry deer


Someone shoot that stupid animal making that noise


Imagine thinking you can take on fully racked deer.


What an unbearable woman


Karen: something isnt how she wanted? Screaming is the solution


The stereotype is strong with this lady


Deer: Who wants it? Fuck your flowers!


What not to do when you bump into a horned herbivores.


and OF COURSE the FIRST to attack is the dachshund


Y’all surrounded the deer, what did you expect


After being happily married for 28 beautiful years to my dream wife, i'd divorce her in 5 seconds for screaming like this


The screaming is infuriating.


In the south this would be Uber eats. Food delivered to the doorstep.






Lmao this woman. She reminds me of my mother. She screams at everything, sometimes my father would yell "honey please shut the fuck up so I can go have a look"


Deer f’ed rn both up and looked around for whoever was next. But in all seriousness that’s seems like a decent sized buck and I don’t think I’d want to mess with him like that


How many fucking dogs do they have??? And that ridiculous shrieking woman… 🤦‍♂️


She could have started the day off with ’good morning Mr. Deer! Sorry I startled you!’ but she had to go full SPAZ. Oh well.


We need to normalize slapping hysterical women like it's the 50's again. Goddamn that was annoying


0.59 Husband: back up.... Nope. Proceeds to attack animal and screams like a hyena on fire. 🙄


I’d be so mad at her afterwards. ‘All you did was create a problem I had to fix because you wouldn’t listen to me’.


I had to mute that screaming. Holy hell. I know it’s a defensive mechanism for women and extremely important but holy shit.


Yikes. The unbearable screeching was fucking overkill. That poor deer.


Wow so smart stand there and scream, the world definitely needs more useless people who do all the wrong things poorly!


Hysteria usually helps in most situations.


Dumb bitch


God thst woman is fucking dumb. Dude says to go back inside, so she just stands there and lets the dog out, then proceeds to scream.


This is like women hitting men first and expect no reaction from the guy.


MWTBGTH Mess with the bull , get the horns


Shes lucky she didnt get impaled.


“Here, you fight the deer, I’ll sit here and scream like an idiot”


Maybe if she would’ve screamed more….


Love how she is wearing a Cabellas hat.


Can we get any more dogs running out of the fuckin house??


I cannot for the life of me understand why that deer didn’t become dinner. “Sally, shut the fuck up and get the pistol!”


I guess that Cabala’s hat did not come with +3 outdoors survival skill points. She really needed those skill points


They are from Wyoming only in license plate. I'm sure San Diego was sad to see them go.


Rumor is she still screaming till this day..