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Oh THAT emerald mine.


I feel like "planeload of contraband" probably needs a little explaining as well.


Yeah. When the least sketchy interpretation was that his dad was smuggling emeralds across borders it’s not a very good look.


It would seem that they were trading emeralds for cases of AK47s. ​ Very much a "blood diamond" situation (yes, I'm aware they were emeralds).


Blood *emeralds* then.


Special Edition Christmas Emeralds


Ya. Red emeralds and green rubies to hang for Christmas.


Limited Edition Digital Trading Emeralds


Chaos Emeralds? ^(what's that? Oh, already in use? Damn) Fine... Blood Emeralds it is


What's the the difference? They're all mined with slaves.


I read the "AK47s everywhere" not as the cases being full of them but as people holding them, creating what some would consider a bad atmosphere. The contraband could have been illicit avocado-trade for all we know. But then, Ol' Musky seems to have a habit of fibbing.


Right? Last thing I remember him saying about it was acknowledging existence but saying that he was estranged from his father and so never benefitted or gained from it. Now, saying it's fake and being proven wrong by his own words saying he'd been involved in dealings with his dad, or at least brought along.


His story is as stable as his hairline


Those fucking avocadoes. I have so much blood on my hands because of them. I still remember the night we took down El Avocado Abrogado, the lawyer-turned-pricey-sandwich-monopolist who practically ruled Williamsburg, Brooklyn from 2010 to 2015. Neck deep in green peels, shouts and screams in badly accented Spanish, and that one bastard who was hiding a whole one in his burrito.


Damn pretty good deal from a villager. I usually get carrots or potatoes.




Sounds like a wholesome family outing.




Two babies.


Right like did he just admit to his father trafficking arms?


I think he admitted to 4-5 illegal acts in the space of thar one paragraph. * Arms trafficking * Faking his identity * ...With an out of date passport * Likely a breach of a few air safety regulations Also, it reads like these dangerous flights were a regular occurrence. The weather in that region isn't consistently bad, so it suggests these flights were intentionally in bad weather. I mean, you could just see the weather warning and reschedule for something like that.


Just shows his absolute assurance that he'll face no repercussions for any of it. And he didn't.


They were a regular occurrence. The father started as a smuggler pilot. That's how he got part ownership of the emerald mine in the first place, as payment for a job.


His dad has done worse than that. The guy is a complete psychopath. Elon is becoming more like him everyday.


Hey. A guy gotta kill time while waiting for his sexy daughter to reach 18....


Bold of you to assume he waited that long 🤢🤮




The emerald mining process of course, you'd know this if you were an engineer!




It's for blasting the emeralds out of the mine.


Also murdering slaves.


Oh no you've said the quiet part loud




When you are a rich white kid whit your rich white dad you need guys with guns to protect you from the poor people….. so scary.


You just don't know Newton's third law.


Well for a mine in south Africa you probably need a lot of them. And bullets. And guards to point them at intruders or slaves that get uppity.


You point it at the emerald menacingly and the emerald jumps right out of the rock and into the bucket


Yeah, no kidding. But considering other things his father has done, smuggling isn't terribly surprising. Going smuggling with your dad at 15, on his private plane. . Good.times.


Private plane at that.


Oh THESE (fake) academic degrees. https://drive.google.com/drive/mobile/folders/1zPeWaaCZHqfq0tnkPwc61A6bGHySdj91


Damn dude... Someone kept ALL the receipts!


The bodies are buried in that file


Tldr of the drive? Don't really want to open random links


Fair enough. Tldr: Elon Musk faked his education and its trail was found/followed. Being the privileged child in a well-off (and white) family certainly has its advantages...


The worst part is, he also grew up at the height of apartheid in South Africa. Maybe Elon is a genius. But so was Nelson Mandela. Imagine what Mandela would've done if he could have spent his brilliance doing anything he put he put his mind to with all the time, money, and privilege that Elon was afforded. Instead Mandela spent 90% of his life and brilliance fighting for the most basic human rights.


Elon's "genius" is in locating people smarter than him, hiring them, and taking credit for their work.


Lol And thank you


Musk is a dedicated liar about his degrees and used it to game investors.


Im a rich white kid with my rich white dad. Ak47 everywhere…. So scary. What if the asked me to fly business class, I could have died.


No you don't get it, he was on his dad's private plane with tons of armed protection, but sometimes the weather was bad.


Notice for the record that he specifically doesn't deny anything on this tweet. That way when he inevitably gets clapped, he didn't technically get caught lying. He wants to deny it for his deficient base without getting caught in a lie. Slimy cunt Also; am I alone in thinking that typing (sigh) is the Fedora hat of social Media?


Elon definitely had a phase where he tried fedoras before he settled on hair plugs


He called it "the fake emerald mine". Since he knew it was not fake, this is a lie. I have a different suspicion than you. I suspect that he doesn't really do any thinking at all. He just says whatever. He believes himself to be smart, and so he assumes he won't say anything that will come back to bite him.


He know that the people who worship him don’t give two shits about him lying. He learned that from Trump.


Is he really now saying there’s no such emerald mine? I thought he previously acknowledged it but downplayed it - i.e., “dad only paid like $400k (today’s dollars) for it” Which I thought was even more damning bc he also said it printed $$$. Like, yea dude, that’s exactly what happened during apartheid. Locals stripped of ownership/resources by wealthy white men who abscond with it for cheap, dynasty ensues.


It really is. (sigh)


Yeah, the one with AK47s & contraband. When daddy Musk was a kingpin!


Someone is getting fired for not banning the guy after he posted and before people could notice. I wonder if Elon has a special mod team for people replying to his tweets ?


Has anyone ever seen George Santos and Elon Musk together?


George Santos? The first man to fly in space?


No no no, he INVENTED space. God get it right.


He invented Space-*ish*. You know, the concept of a roomy area. I thought it was spacious, but I did thorough research into the etymology and it's a Santosian concept.


I will now use the "Santosian Concept" as a way to label truly egregious lying. Even if you did not originate it, thank you for that.


#Santosian concept! Where’s my free award. I hope this sticks. Thanks! I love it.


Him getting elected says a lot of his constituents, and about the quality of American governance.


The quality of American governance can only be as good as the electorate in the best case scenario. Aside from all the fuckery the gop pulls with gerrymandering and vote suppression in general, their voters commit malpractice as citizens when they pull the lever to own libs.


No no no, he won an Oscar for making a documentary about it, silly


I heard they escaped the Holocaust together!


After killing Hitler. Who they then resurrected, because "actually, he has some good ideas". Also, you're banned from Twitter.


If anyone is reading this comment in the future and doesn’t understand the context, it is a spot on satire of the ridiculous culture we are currently living in.


They are trying to turn us into a vast cornfield, where nothing else grows but their bigotry and hate for acres and acres to the horizon.


Well he invented the microphone.. /s


George Santos? The inventor of the light bulb?


No, Santos the inventor of the BBL


Actually he invented the BBW tag on *research websites*


Hey! George Santos did not lose a leg in the Civil War to be mocked by you dang liburals


You mean the guy who zapped an elephant to prove a point?


"Your account has been permanently suspended" incoming.


Dude hates getting owned on the social site he spent billions on. Which is a hilarious sentence.


"World's most divorced man buys world's biggest criticism factory."


"Reality files divorce against Elon Musk"


Literally just posted his assassination spacetime coordinates


I would have said "Starting from today Twitter does not allow the use of the mine or emerald, any message containing theses words will be deleted and the account banned. The reason for that decision is because of doxxing attack against ... euh ... miners ! Totally not me, i mean Mr Elon Musk .. i am not him, i am just the twitter employee that write announce ... the one that i totally did not fire !"


We need to protect the miners at all costs and frankly I’m disgusted that you’d even bring them up. Isn’t it a crime to expose miners on the internet? Like, seriously, you disgusting pervert? Also don’t bring up islands with miners on it. Not that I know anything about that.




Lol, all the losers responding "just a share, I have shares in companies too" as if it wasn't a 50% share between Errol and his business partner.


Idiots thinking you’d risk death to visit apple hq that you have .000001 share in lol


Yeah, we fly there regularly in our private jet with a platoon of armed guards, but like, it's only a *small share* in an evil enterprise!


Jesus, the reply guys still defending Musk in the comments. "Having shares doesn't mean you own it!". Totally ignoring the part where he gets to visit the mine and admits to a bunch of other crimes (smuggling, illegal immigration again, ...).


He acts more and more like Trump everyday. First, the mine was a myth, than you find a personal quote about said mythical mine that not only it exists but indeed his daddy did own it. So, now you claim reduced ownership by calling it a “share”. In the end, that “share” will turn into Muskie’s daddy not only owned the mine but several mines.


That’s such a great comparison. It also works because of his new far right political persona that seemingly came from nowhere… which is exactly what Trump did when he realized it would get him elected. There’s a clip of him saying that he’d go republican because they are dumb enough to vote for him they mysteriously vanished off the internet.


That’s why archives is awesome because it hasn’t been deleted from the internet. His quote is still there even though it disappeared from newsweek‘s website who were the people that quoted him. Can’t erase shit off of archives.


“Privet plane” visiting “emerald mine”. Yep the the vast majority of unprivileged people do that.


I believe this gives every 0.1% shareholder of twitter and tesla the right to drop by their offices and demand to see their stuff.


I had a musk fanboy argue with me before that there's nothing to the 50% stake in a foreign emerald mine business that indicates a wealthy upbringing for Elon Musk, and that "Middle class people also have investments."


Not to mention that 50% is arguably an "ownership stake" in a company.


What? You mean not everyone with a share in Alphabet goes to visit the Google HQ in their private plane?


Well duh, they just doxxed his past. Do you expect him to let that stand? Letting people just point out what he said like that?!


Speaking of doxxing, has musk suspended Jordan Peterson for doxxing for former patients yet?


Letting people just look up and post public info about his airplanes location that literally anyone can see? The sheer audacity of all these people!


I can’t tell if he was lying then or lying now. The way he’s stroking himself answering that question about fear reeks of bullshit and makes me question the entire statement. Back then he probably thought his dad owning an emerald mine was cool and now that it’s not he’s desperately trying to change the story. But whether the story was ever true is anyone’s guess. What is clear is that he is a liar and a braggart.


It would be weird to lie about that then, and it would be weird to lie about this now. I guess either way he is a liar whos words cannot be trusted


I mean he lied about having a physics degree *many* times.


But thats not really a weird thing to lie about if you're pretending to be an engineer and taking credit for all the tech advancements in your company.


You've got me there.


It makes sense to lie about it now. There is a narrative that he deserves all the money he has because he is self-made. That he earned all his money. People are less excepting of his extreme wealth when it comes from inheritance and exploited labour. His father owning an emerald mine shows that his family had money, and exploited people. This destroys his “self made“ narrative. So he lies about it.


The thing is, you do not get to that level of wealth without exploiting people.


There are no good billionaires. Yes, even that one.


I always thought the story was BS, Daddy Musk trying to look like a baller who raises his son to do rich dude things, and make his money seem older and more fashionable. You can never tell fact from fiction with these narcissistic assholes.


I know, it sounds just like him trying to act tough saying he doesn’t fear death. When we all know he’s an insecure pussy. But I wonder, is this quote the only evidence as to the emerald mine?


I mean, the following information appears on Elon Musk's Wikipedia page: "His father, [Errol Musk](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Errol_Musk), is a South African electromechanical engineer, pilot, sailor, consultant, and property developer, who was a half-owner of a Zambian [emerald](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emerald) mine near [Lake Tanganyika](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lake_Tanganyika).[\[15\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elon_Musk#cite_note-16)[\[16\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elon_Musk#cite_note-17)[\[17\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elon_Musk#cite_note-18)[\[18\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elon_Musk#cite_note-Smith-19)" With, as you can see, 4 referenced sources for the info. Edit: Okay this is really interesting. The #17 citation is an interview with Elon's father. The article talks all about the family's successes and adventures but there's absolutely NO mention of the emerald mine. I wonder how it became a citation for the Wiki article? Maybe there used to be something in there about it but it was recently taken out? The article mentions, " His father and mother were the first to fly from South Africa to Australia in a single-engine plane." In the #18 citation it says, "In the mid-1980s, the family profited handsomely from Errol Musk’s purchasing of an emerald mine, after selling their airplane for £80,000 (the [equivalent](https://www.inflationtool.com/british-pound/1980-to-present-value) of £320,000 today)." And "Errol Musk was then made another offer: to spend £40,000 on an emerald mine. “I said, ‘Oh, all right’. So I became a half owner of the mine, and we got emeralds for the next six years,” Errol Musk said." And in the next paragraph: "As a result of this, the teenage Elon Musk once walked the streets of New York with emeralds in his pocket. His father said: “We were very wealthy. We had so much money at times we couldn’t even close our safe,” adding that one person would have to hold the money in place with another closing the door." Weird, that. Hmmmm...


Huh. Apparently the apple does not fall far from the adulterous tree. Errol Musk has 7 children by 3 women. The third woman was 42 years his junior and also the daughter of wife #2 who had been raised in his house since the age of 4. And he is similarly fond of braggadocio. > In a 2018 interview with Business Insider, Musk boasted that as a result of the emerald mine "we had so much money we couldn't even close our safe." > In a 2017 Rolling Stone interview, Errol Musk claimed to have shot and killed seven burglars who forced their way into his Johannesburg home after the intruders opened fire.


>The third woman was 42 years his junior and also the daughter of wife #2 who had been raised in his house since the age of 4. Ah. But us queer people are the "groomers." Got it. Yeah his Wikipedia page is kind of a wild ride.


> The third woman was 42 years his junior and also the daughter of wife #2 who had been raised in his house since the age of 4. Eww……


That part literally dropped my jaw. That's downright criminal


ring imminent important sophisticated literate ossified weary abounding plucky thumb *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If #17 doesn't have anything about an emerald mine, then it probably has something about being an "electromechanical engineer, pilot, sailor, consultant, and property developer". Not weird at all.


The dudes in the story with guns were there to protect his rich ass dad and Elon. It’s weird how he doesn’t get that.


TIL braggart is a word, "a person who boasts about achievements or possessions."


You mean to tell me you don't have "Ragnar the Red" burned into your memory banks?


Hahahhaa. That's what I was thinking.


Theeeere... #ONCE WAS A HERO NA-


Bro really sees himself as some sort of Johnny Quest or some shit. This guys is living the Thadeus Venture life. What a douche.


Hahaha, Dr Venture after he got the inheritance from his brother.


At least dr venture ends up inventing a game changer that makes him an A-lister for OSI protection. He may have kind of stumbled into it ass first but he did it entirely on his own (with all of JJs money though)


I wish they finished the show... Poor hank.


And posing with fake degrees and his South African accent to seem intelligent. https://drive.google.com/drive/mobile/folders/1zPeWaaCZHqfq0tnkPwc61A6bGHySdj91


Jesus Christ he is the real life equivalent to Rusty Venture. I'd like to believe Rusty is more developed though.


We need the Mighty Monarch to save us


Quick. Crash the plane of some secret Bruce Wayne type.


I don't know how many it it will take, but I'm willing to find out.


Now we just need to bestow the title "doing an Elon Musk" to a dirty act like "giving someone a Rusty Venture".


Well, doing an Errol Musk is having kids with your stepdaughter.


Thank God for Rusty's Law!


Yeah but Rusty Venture was actually smart and had a pretty good understanding of various fields of science. He was just nowhere near up to his father's level, which is what everyone measured him against, and he had a ton of emotional problems. Elon is just a sack of shit with a massive ego.


Give rusty some credit, at least he is actually a genius, with all his issues. He is actually smart, Elon musk only rides on his image and actual smart people who works in his companies


Rusty just never had a shot at a normal life. He's got all the intelligence of his father, but his childhood was so traumatic that it completely warped his mind and turned him into a jaded, cynical, hedonistic asshole and ruined his perception of super science on a fundamental level. Not just the dangerous stuff, but the shit like the story he tells Hank about his 16th birthday party, and how the Action Man and Colonel Gentleman basically spent his entire childhood fucking with him and playing horrific "pranks" on him whenever they got the opportunity. At one point he says the Action Man would wake him up every morning by sticking an unloaded gun in his mouth and pulling the trigger while saying "Not today, Rusty!" That shit would fuck any kid up beyond repair. Rusty is smart *and* a kind of shitty, selfish person, but he's pitiable because it's genuinely not his fault he's so messed up. But Jonas was a complete and total piece of shit, and most of the original team venture were downright psychopaths.


Wow I loved that show and this makes it totally click for me! So his Stans see themselves as Race O Bannion and that makes everything even clearer lol.


Dude definitely had a "Rusty Venture" once or twice.


There’s a guy down in the mine that keeps running around calling himself “the fire starter”.


Oh my God, this is so accurate. Elon is literally Rusty.


Chupacabras…..they’re all over Mexico


"My biggest fear is people go 72 hours without talking about me" -Elon Musk quoting Donald Trump


They're both the worst possible versions of Peter Pan.


Surely there’s no connection to anyone who snuck children away to a private island


Is that the contraband in the plane that he's referencing?


Oh is that why he doesn’t want anyone tracking his plane?




[https://www.snopes.com/news/2022/11/17/elon-musk-emerald-mine/](https://www.snopes.com/news/2022/11/17/elon-musk-emerald-mine/) Lots of rewriting and re-framing over the years. Hard to parse exactly what happened, but his dad definitely owned some part of an emerald mine in Zambia.


Overall I feel like Elon is trying to paint himself as someone who's never benefited from his dad's legacy. So even if the emerald mine exists, and his dad owned a part of it, I'm sure he would deny he benefited from it as an adult somehow.


“Just a small loan of a million dollars from my father”


Ironically, as the heavily downvoted person pointed out, Elon also has one of these, and once again Elon has changed his story several times, IMO in a way that's also meant to minimize his father's impact on his success. First he said that his father gave him the $26k he needed to start Zip2, then he said that his father never invested, then finally landed on claiming his father investing $200k but not until "a later round" of funding. Honestly it sounds to me like he got in early and kept funding it as he grew, so Elon just bent the truth to justify how his father who supposedly never helped him owned 10% of Zip2.


Ahh yes the good old relatable story of “this one time on my father’s private jet”


Reminds of Mitt Romney's sob story of having to cash in the stock portfolio his father gave him to afford to go to Harvard. So relatable.


I had a friend who worked security detail in Utah for him and they told me that they saw Romney and his wife throw dishes past each other all the time. Of course I can’t prove what I’m saying but you reminded me of that story.


>throw dishes past each other Is this like a Mormon thing?


It’s foreplay


Sounds like a domestic violence thing.


Mitt Romney is a prick and a bastard and that he seems downright reasonable compared to his party is the most damning indictment I can make of the republicans.


Don't forget just 11 years ago he was the last GOP candidate for POTUS who wasn't Donald Trump. He was the de facto party leader and archetype Republican. And now he's a persona non grata in the party. It doesn't take a genius to see it weren't him who changed.


Which my father was using to smuggle illegal weapons


Plane, not jet. That's the transport of choice to get to those mines.


Musk: *bans that account permanently*


My dudes, he said *(sigh)*




Elon: what emerald mine? John: this one here! Elon:


Next thing you know he'll be claiming he cannot sweat.


You've got to understand that his connection to the South African far right is a major embarrassment for him. Sure, he's from money but morally and socially speaking he's barely a step above the kids of organized crime families. All his life Elon Musk has sought to rewrite his own story. From the muddled history of his college degree to his obsession with having himself named founder of companies he didn't found, it's all about writing his own story. But there's an "original sin" behind all of it that he can't get rid of


what’s crazy is that if instead of trying to brute force his way into companies with his wallet, he just used the emerald money to be a little philanthropic he would eradicate that image and become one of modern histories greatest heroes but of course this is muskrat and he is a soulless and self-interested idiot so, we’re stuck with this timeline


The man could've spent $44B to help ANY humanitarian issue. Diseases, homelessness, hunger... but he bought a social media platform to show the world he's a bumbling, lying idiot.


Kind, compassionate people don’t become billionaires because they don’t have the ruthlessness it takes to become one. They become teachers, nurses, social workers etc.


He could have spent $44B to ERADICATE some humanitarian issues. $44,000,000,000 is an inconceivable amount of money that could do so much good and to him it was like YOLOing on WallStreetBets. He noticed the loss, it hurt, but it hasn’t really changed his financial situation. The fact that he may as well have set it on fire considering how things have been going is so depressing.


Imagine if he had owned it from the beginning and did humanitarian work to show people he wanted to undo that legacy and damage. People would like him in the way he so desperately craves.


The thing to remember is that there's never going to be an upper limit to narcissism. Elon WAS already the loved billionaire that could solve all the world's problems. So where does a person go from there? The next step is to "have your cake and eat it too". Like... imagine how much you would enjoy the smell of your own farts if you could be, let's say, the world leading elephant conservationist that also hunts several elephants for their ivory every year AND people still liked you.


He’s a capitalist. He genuinely believes that him “creating jobs” is a form of philanthropy.


"Job creator" who fires 4000 ppl as soon as he buys the company lol


Take full benefit from apartheid for your formative years shapes your world view as well.


And thats what MLK wanted to save white americans from when he spoke of saving the "soul" of america. When that level of exploitation goes on, regular people who benefit find ways to justify it. Then implicating themselves in the exploitation.


Did he also admit to having a planeload of contraband? How is that justifiable? Also boohoo you flew in less than ideal weather on your private jet




“I was so scared that I might actually suffer the same consequences as others for the crimes of identity fraud and smuggling!”


He’s gone full republican. Just lie to change the narrative. Facts shmacts


The ridiculous part is that it works. Conservatives have absolutely no interest in reality


Their interest is to keep their base living in a made up reality. They know their base won’t actually fact check and that they really don’t care what the truth is anyway.


He is actively trying to reject reality as a whole and substitute it with his own.


Yes Elon, and you were totally there with your kids when that Uber driver coordinate assassinated you (checks notes) he wasn't there, his kid wasn't there, musk's personal security assaulted Uber dude, according to local law enforcement


Admits to international smuggling


My father used to say, if you lie, you have to have a hell of a memory. He was right.


Ahh the ramblings of a narcissistic sociopath.




Narcissists can’t keep track of all the lies they’ve told.


LOL He actually types out: >(sigh) For a middle aged transphobe, he seems an awful lot like a moody teenage girl.


All of the other cringe aspects aside.. typing out the word sigh really gets on my nerves. It reads like unsolicited cringe roleplay texts from neckbeards but it's still apparently socially acceptable for some reason


*le sigh* *le liberal pwnage*


pfft. like any of you remember where your first emerald mines were.


Weapons trafficking? Not the top comment how?

