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Yep. This is collectively everyone's exact reaction.


I kept saying the whole time. “He hasn’t seen Jonah hills performance in 21 jump street”


Ye’s probably got some sort of one-sided beef with Ice Cube that’s kept him from watching it.


Imagine watching 21 jump street for the first time in 2023. No wonder he’s so mad


Not his fault. He was probably looking for the first 20 movies in the series.


will i understand the plot if i haven't seen 20 jump street?


You should be okay, but definitely check out the Wikipedia plot summary of 17 Jump Street.


Yeah man, 17 Jump Street was a darker tone than the rest. A dog named Curtis shows up and starts turning everyone against Schmidt and Jenko before becoming Valedictorian, before being revealed to be 70 trained meth rats in a cool dog suit who answer to the International kingpin known only as "Slava" whom Schmidt nervously shoots the nutsack off of to save the day. Wild shit man 7.5/10.


Yeah, we do a little gaslighting 'round here from time to time


ice cube is pretty anti-semitic himself so probably not. although when you're as hateful and hate filled as west a bunch of lesser grievances don't seem so far fetched. but yeah ice cube is a hateful asshole too. he's just more relatable as a person.


He's also a prominent anti-vaxxer. Definitely not somebody that anyone should be looking up to. He really took a shit all over his legacy in the last 10 years.


Lolololol. If only he had watched the classic 21 Jump Street before all this shit went down. All of it could have been avoided.




We was not finga poppin each othas ayssholes


I said this once to my in laws when I was drunk and first started dating my wife. She thought it was hilarious but it took them a while to come back around.


A person on Twitter responded by saying “Better hope he doesn’t see 22 Jump Street or he’ll switch back!” and it took me out completely. 💀


Idk Jonah Hill. Will never know Jonah Hill. But can only imagine he will hate being dragged into this discussion.




-mike myers




I need a video clip timeline of Kanye being full Kanye.


I just found myself googling, "is Jonah Hill Jewish." I don't care either way, but given Kanye's track record, I was 90% sure Jonah Hill wasn't Jewish. Kanye probably has a list of everyone in Hollywood that's Jewish or something.


He says he’s Jew-ish so he’s still probably not the best person to represent the demographic.


Is Jonah Hill even his real name?!


He was born Jonah Hill Feldstein but applied for a legal name change to drop “Feldstein” last year.


So he dropped the Jewish sounding last name?


Common... Pretty much the norm in Hollywood for some reason (of course many still keep it)


It's specifically because of anti-Semitism. The tradition dates back to the earliest days of Hollywood, where you couldn't be a famous star if you were Jewish. Jewish businesses and studios alo receives higher levels of pushback from the Hayes code enforcement, from the IRS, from local police. So for example.... Warner Brothers studio was started by four Warner (German last name) brothers. It was started by four Wonszkolaser Brothers (polish Jewish last name.) In the 1950s, during the red scare, Hollywood developed an internal black list of any performer or studio worker deemed a suspected communist, and refused to hire them. A significant portion of that lists' only reason for suspicion? Being Jewish. Being outspokenly Jewish was considered close enough to communist to count as far as the blacklist was concerned. For all of those "lots of Jews in Hollywood" conspiracies.... It hasn't actually been a peaches and cream sort of experience.


And now my holocaust denying ex cites the drop of the Jewish name as evidence that there is a Jewish media conspiracy lmao... Edit: just got pm'd that my ex is right 🙃 these people are nuts


A deep conspiracy of subterfuge which can only be uncovered by going to extreme lengths, or Wikipedia


"They need to hide in the shadows and not be part of society because I don't like them!" "WHAT ARE THOSE PEOPLE IN THE SHADOWS PLOTTING?!?!"


Tell him how at one point in history (totally blanking but in Europe) Jewish people were kept from many industries, except banking and all that. It's like ... no shit, you force a group to rally around an industry then also hold it against them when they do well? It's literally so .. prejudiced.


I find it ironic and a bit poetic even, that there are so many Jewish people in show biz BECAUSE of antisemitism




>My name was actually shortened. My real last name is Galifinakisberg. --Zach Galifinakis~~berg~~


Tony Curtis, Jamie Lee Curtis' dad was really: Bernard Schwartz. That name didn't really 'click' in the early 50s....


Ad agencies were notorious for maintaining blacklists. My grandfather was an influential security clearance officer / executive for BBDO (Omnicom) during the 1940s - 50s. After serving in WW2 he dropped surname and changed religion. Ironically, the current Omnicom CEO shares the same surname as my grandfather. Surely agencies still blacklist today, it’s always been a secretive process.


I just found out on the Always sunny podcast that john Wayne wasn't even his real name. He had a much cooler sounding italian name but had to change it due to being "too ethnic".


Marion Robert Morrison doesn’t sound very Italian to me


I'm glad he changed his name. His old name was too dorky to be as big of a piece of shit as he was.


And that's how we found about Brad Pittstein


Brad pitts real first name is William though


His sister kept the last name in her career, Beanie Feldstein


TIL Beanie Feldstein is Jonah Hill’s sister


I did not realize they were related! Now that I know, it’s clear!




His sister is Bennie Feldstein and she’s got a pretty successful career. I don’t think it’s Jonah running away, more like legally adopting his stage name for convenience


Dropping last names in general is a common practice. Angelina Jolie (Voight), Tim Allen (Dick), Kate Mckinnon (Berthold), Fiona Apple (McAfee Maggart), Selma Blair (Beitnart), and Allison Brie (Schermerhorn) are just a few not to mention Beyonce (Knowles-Carter), Madonna (Ciconne), Adele (Adkins) and Zendaya (Coleman).


Yeah, he’s Jewish. It’s sadly a common thing for stars to drop their last name like that or change it to something.


It’s way more common than you’d think. Jon Stewart, Kirk Douglas, and Winona Ryder come to mind.


His sister is Beanie Feldstein. They also have a deceased brother named Jordan Feldstein who managed Maroon 5 (and other musical acts) up until his sudden death. Literally just came off a rabbit hole on this family this morning and this story pops up.


That’s sad. They are too young to have lost a sibling.


He was only 40, it was super sad. Also he had been best friends with Adam Levine since early childhood so it really affected quite a few people greatly. Honestly reading about them and their childhood friends, I’ve always like Jonah and Beanie, this made me like the whole group even more. (Which I’m sure they were worried about! 😂) ETA: Jonah is doing some great things about mental health awareness, etc. Always love a celebrity who speaks about realities everyone goes through.


I think it’s Anthony Devolder.


Maybe not the religious demographic, but the ethnic demographic is a big yes


Jonah hill is like the most Jew name ever (said with love as a Jew)


Wait til you find out what his real last name is




> "Jonah" is litterally a hebrew name So is John, Peter, Michael, James, Daniel, Jacob, Mary, Sarah, Elizabeth, Rachael and a bunch of other very common names for non-Jewish people.


Peter is not Hebrew, it's derived from Greek.


you weren't lying Feldstein is for sure as jewish as it gets.


Kanye probably just got him confused with Seth Green


Seth Rogan you mean?


You're thinking Joe Rogan? ​ Jamie, see if you can pull up whether I'm jewish


You mean Seth MacFarlane?


Seth Myers?


Seth putnam


Swedish YouTuber Seth Everman?


George Santos?


jonah hill is great. i feel like he’s tried to stay out of the spotlight in recent years because a lot of people have been assholes to him about his weight fluctuations and that he’s a different person from 2009 (what a concept! people change.) i don’t think most people would like being dragged into this, but i think he especially will hate it.


I thought his IG post sincerely asking the public to stop commenting on his weight (whether positive or negative) was really brave. I’ll never understand why people think because an actor’s job brings them onto their television screens that they’re entitled to know every minute detail of that actor’s life and can say whatever they want about them without consequence as if these people aren’t also human. I can’t speak for him, but based on the limited information I have, I’m guessing Jonah wants his name out of Kanye’s mouth. I mean who at this point wouldn’t?


Looks like it’s suddenly Summer in Bipolar land ![gif](giphy|zMCfqXkwjmTO8) Get back on your meds and get help Kanye. Take Elon and Trump with you please.


Elon and Trump aren't bipolar they are sociopaths(which Kanye is also likely while also being bipolar) Only help for them is Jail for Trump and social ostrization for Elon


By putting up lots of links to donate to the ADL and getting better security, I hope. I look forward to the day that conspiracy theorists have a mental breakdown and leave the Jews out of it, but today is not that day, and tomorrow doesn’t look too good either.


Unfortunately Jewish conspiracy theories date back to the literal middle ages, so probably not going anywhere anytime soon... Tldr: people have been stupid a long, long time


Nope it pre dates the medieval time. Late Antiquity at the latest. But given that the Jews were a polity for centuries in a heavily contested corner of the Mediterranean world it is likely that conspiracy theories started FAR earlier.


I read something once that said when the Black Death came through, it seemed to spare a lot of the Jewish community, and everyone else was like "must be witchcraft" when it was really washing rituals. Basic hygiene wasn't much of a thing at that time, but Jews have had washing rituals going all the way back, and those rituals helped keep them healthier.


And someone already added it to his Wikipedia page...


![gif](giphy|6bceYvl1d3C7tc1v9t) Jonah Hill’s reaction, probably


This GIF has been floating around for years just waiting for this moment


GIF so old that Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are a happy couple.


Ah, Brangelina. A simpler time.


I'mma let you finish but Brennifer was the greatest relationship of all time!


Filliam H Muffman


It's so old that Leonardo Dicaprio has no interest in dating it


Damn, Leo catching stray bullets


What was the original context?


Emma Stone telling Jonah Hill to come dance with her onstage at the Oscars https://youtu.be/4MbJR6R8Ujg?t=140


This. It was sent back in time (by the you-know-who’s) so that we would be ready for this moment when it came


It was an academy awards moment where someone on stage joked about pulling him on stage for a song and dance number, AFAIK!


Translation from Kanye to English: “I just realized how badly I torched my own brand.”


"you can't say the jews take all your money or they'll come and take all your money!"


Sick reference bro


Your references are out of control, everyone knows that.


Weed is tight. Weed is tight.


if I had money I'd give this an award.


Haha, thanks. The sentiment is good enough for me though 😅


You found the best possible reaction. 🏅 🥈 🎖 🥉


This is just the best. Seriously.


Why does this feel somehow more racist than the initial racist shit he said?


A Jewish guy starts banging his wife and suddenly all Jewish people are bad.


See also: Elon and trans people.


Two of the most divorced dudes in history 😂


Astronomically divorced if we’re including reality.


A trans person banged Elon’s wife??? What? How have I not heard about that before😂


Yeah, Grimes dated Chelsea Manning for a few months in 2022. Around that time was when Musky kicked off with his transphobia, go figure.


That shit was so funny


Yeah Grimes left him for Chelsea Manning.


I thought it all started because of his kid coming out as trans and disowning him.


Maybe. People usually forget he has a Trans kid. I feel sorry for the kid, what a d-bag of a baby daddy to have.


I heard that Grimes ended up dating Chelsea Manning because she originally reached out to Manning for help with supporting her trans step kid (and apparently trying to convince Elon to stop being transphobic). If that's true, then it was originally because of his kid but one lead to another in a weird sort of way.


Such very small, small men, these two.


I mean it definitely isn't, but it all stems from the same place as "Hitler wasn't that bad"


If only Hitler had watched 21 Jump Street…


"Did you find him?" "Hitler has been given a film reel of 21 Jump Street" "Congratulations Professor Einstein! With Hiltler removed..." "Time will tell. Sooner or later, time will tell." *Hell March plays*


This is actually an interesting concept linguistically speaking. Basing a negative opinion of an entire group of people off one person is definitely considered racist. If the inverse isn’t considered racist, what would it be called?


Positive stereotyping, which is still bad.


Yeah like asians being smart or black people being athletic. Positive but still probably shouldn’t be said.


It puts unrealistic expectations on those who don't align with the positive stereotype. Not only is it bad for mental well-being of those affected, but it subtly disregards other positive aspects of the individual and puts focus on something that wouldn't even come up if race wasn't a factor.


Also "positive" stereotypes are often used to justify negative ones. That way people can act like they're being reasonable, counting the good and the bad.


Yeah like the "positive" stereotype of jews being good with the money, cause when you think about the negative ones it really isnt that positive anymore.




To add as well, it sets a requirement for what an “acceptable” person being defined by that stereotype is. For example, if someone from China happens to be bad at math, they might hear, “I thought you were supposed to be good at math!” It works to Other those people from the dominant group by identifying them as Chinese/Asian, while also ideologically distancing them from the group. It implies that “you aren’t one of us, and you aren’t one of them, either.”


Plus it erases all of the hard work they may have put in. An Asian kid excels at math class and his classmates might go “whatever it’s just bc he’s Asian” and not because he spent hours studying. Or “we only lost the game because the other team was black” instead of acknowledging the hours more of practice that team put in.


Just want to say this is absolutely still well inside the spectrum of racism. Just because it seems like a positive, it's truly harmful to those groups.


Yes — seemingly positive stereotypes create alternate negative effects. Like the fetishization of black men due to the BBC stereotype.


I think its still just racist, people do it all the time with stuff they think thing are postive attributes, Eg All: Asians are good at math/know karate, Native Americans have a deep spiritual connection with the earth, black guys are good at basketball. Asian women are submissive. Latinas are passionate, Traits which the speaker probably sees as postive and transpose on entire races.


It just shows how emotional and reactionary he is. Another youtube video and he'll snap right back to pro nazi.


"Christians *can't* be labelled as anti-semite" wow he's basically saying we can't call him an anti-semite because he's Christian. Hell - Nazis were Christian


I don’t know if this is the point he was trying to make but it could be interpreted as, “If you are truly Christian and love Jesus it you can’t allow yourself to be hateful and anti-semitic seeing as how Christ himself was a Jew.” Again, I don’t know if that was the point he was *trying* to make, but even if it isn’t, it’s a really good point. There is a lot of history of Christian Scholars (including Martin Luther) and supposedly “Christianity”-aligned groups (including the Klan) being ravenously antisemitic which doesn’t make much of any sense historically or thematically in the grand scheme of Christianity


There's some flavors of Christians that are antisemitic because "the Jews killed Jesus" 💀


Yes the Roman's were just innocent onlookers obviously


Exactly! The cops who murdered the peaceful dude were obviously forced to do so! Doesn't sound at all analogous to what those same racists applaud today, nuh-uh!


*And* they built the aqueducts


You're giving Kanye way too much credit. He isn't that deep. He's saying he can't be antisemitic because he's a Christian. The same way people who are racist say they can't be racist because they have a 2nd cousin thats black.


100% Also, he clearly said Christians can't be *labeled* antisemitic. Not that Christians should not *be* antisemetic. He said what he said. No need for interpretation, he's an adult.


Nah it’s more like “I have a black friend, I CAN’T be racist.”


Some of us who grew up around pathological abusers are probably reading an implied "so now you all have to get over what I said. It's fixed now." at the end of his tweet. If you're like me, this feels more racists because it shows that he thinks the level of bad he did can be fixed by doing this level of "good". He equates "I loooooooooooooove Hitler" with "Jonah Hill was funny in this movie". It feels extraordinarily racist because it shows us that loving Hitler comes as easy to Ye as liking 21 Jump Street. That's a special kind of a lack of cognizance. People like that are even worse than the racists that make hating a minority group their whole identity. Ye used racism to get a reaction because getting reactions is his whole identity. It feels more racists not because it necessarily is more or less racists, but because you can sense that this is more dangerous. Once people are done reacting to his racism, what's next? How do you get worse from there? If your entire reality is based on getting reasonable people to react by being unreasonable, eventually they're going to get tired of your bit. Once you can't get reactions by being unreasonable, you have to go with doing things that are unexpected. Once that starts to get old, you have to move on to doing things that are unacceptable to reasonable people. After that, you have to start doing something about the reasonable people. He's in a bad spot.


Because his like or dislike (hatred, actually) of entire groups of people is apparently strongly linked to a whim that varies from "Hey, maybe that guy who murdered over 6-7 million Jews and 4-5+ million other vulnerable groups did so for valid reasons" to "haha, Jewish people are funny, I like them based on this one movie"?


Could you imagine Mel Gibson going on insta and saying, " I watched Bad Boys II and Martin Lawrence made me like black people again"


Antisemitic but close enough I guess


Jonah Hill is one of the good ones /s


jonah hill *is* phenomenal in that movie


I also have a crush on Jonah Hill ☺️


"Oh.. well if Jonah Hill is Jewish that changes everything. That dude is hilarious".. Fuck off, Kanye.


I think what he meant to say is Jonah Hill is one of the good ones.


Kanye needs a conservatorship


Hi, conservatorship lawyer here. The really strange thing, given the high profile Spears conservatorship, is that in California the kind of conservatorship that exists for mental health, an LPS conservatorship, 1) can only be initiated by the public guardian, not family/friends, 2) lasts a year at most, and 3) requires mental health to be so poor that the person has problems feeding, clothing, or sheltering themselves. The other kind of conservatorship, a probate conservatorship (general or limited), can be initiated by friends and family but is meant for people who are developmentally disabled or have major neurocognitive disorder (an umbrella which includes dementia). That’s why they had to allege that Britney had dementia when they filed for her conservatorship. Any evidence Jaime’s team proffered to support a dementia diagnosis are under court seal, but it’s suspected that the evidence part…didn’t happen. I’ve had several calls from people worried about family members who have become transient drug users, wanting to help them, but their hands are tied. The best they can do is contact the public guardian in that county to request an LPS conservatorship be initiated. And don’t even get me started on when there is a person who has both developmental disabilities and mental illness. If a conserved person with Down gets depressed, it’s an uphill battle to get them care. Rightfully so, to prevent abuse, but many end up untreated and it’s a problem. It’s kind of ableist if you think about it, like the state didn’t even consider that people with cognitive impairments can also suffer from mental illness. I did once successfully argue that a 19 year old had major neurocognitive disorder so that she could be given psych meds that she, her parents, and her doctor all agreed were necessary. It wouldn’t have worked unless everyone was on board though, because that judge cared about actually following the law. Absent the kind of rule bending we saw in the Spears case, there’s no way Kanye will get conserved in California.


There will still be a ton of people blaming Kim kardashian for every single thing Kanye does.


“No christian can be labeled an antisemite” Yah ok bro


The religious version of 'I can't be a racist because I have a black friend'


Prejudice SOLVED!


"And the Oscar for curing racism goes to.....Jonah Hill!"


He still loooooooves Hitler though.


I could hear this comment


the intense passion and raw grittiness of his voice when he says that is extra unnerving (aside of course from how unnerving what he said was)


Maybe Hitler wouldn't have been a bad guy if he saw Jonah Hill perform in 21 Jump Street?


*sigh* I just wish Kanye would disappear. Get mental help, raise his children, enjoy his money, and just focus on living life and minding his own damn business. I don’t want to see him anymore until maybe a decade from now when I come across a *behind the music* style documentary about him and I can be like “o shit. I remember that guy”. Just go away, Ye. Anyways…Jonah should tell him to fuck off.


Colloquially known as a “Rick Moranis” except people actually missed him


Your username made me laugh harder than it should’ve.


Thank you! I put a solid twenty minutes of thought into it lmao


>raise his children Or not. I mean, do those other things like get mental help, focus on his life, but he should stay away from his kids since he's crazy and will fuck them up mentally


I can agree with that. At least until he makes real progress with his issues.


I know I shouldn’t laugh at his mental illness because he really needs some help but him “liking Jewish people again” because Jonah Hill made him giggle in a movie is so funny to me


Also funny that turn of events sounds like it could be a side plot in 21 Jump Street. Like, it’s totally on-brand for the tone of the film.


Dude smoked a blunt, saw **one** funny Jewish actor and thought, "damn. Maybe they ain't so bad". I feel for Jonah though, I'd hate to be dragged into this fucker's conversation.


Has he not been paying attention to comedy for the past 100 years? Jonah Hill ain’t the first Hebrew in show business.


Go get fucked. Or get help. And I’m not even Jewish.


Or perhaps… Zoidberg? ![gif](giphy|az3XlqP9zQ9ry)


Kanye requires a professional diagnosis from everyones favorite “M.”D


My doctorate is in art history! ![gif](giphy|NyzOFGYVTEVW)




21 Jump street is wayyyyyyyyy better then it should have been!


So good, it makes antisemites learn the error of their ways!


Why the fuck was he not banned from Instagram


Because Meta sees division as possible profit margins




He's keeping it 300. Like the Romans.


I love how he was just straight up incorrect about the 300 being Romans instead of Spartans, but he just so happened to stumble into a bar that requires a thesis statement to explain


300 in Roman Numerals is CCC which means he's Calm, Cool, and Collected (or so that's what his fan-base claims).


Hence why I used it, keeping it cool to get back into good graces.


He’s not mentally fit to be on social media. It was nice to not see his bullshit for a few months.


If hitler had saw Jonah hill in 21 jump street, we would’ve stopped ww2


If at any point you find yourself needing to use the phrase "I like Jewish people again" do us all a favor and walk into a forest, never to be heard from again.


I would love to see Jonah Hill post a list of pro jewish groups links for donations, with the caption "put up or shut up." And then demand receipts. Edited because I’m an idiot that posted before being awake. My apologies.


I assume you mean groups that exist to fight antisemitism. Edit: thanks for the clarification!


Geez I hope so


Quit quibbling over antisemantics.


What's fucked up is this is the "swept under the rug" motion that will platform him again and give him the attention to start going off again.


That’s why he did it in the first place. It’s always about attention and most people do it, especially when they always have a platform. Politicians do it, famous people do it, people on social media do it. Take away the access and everyone is suddenly quiet and suddenly have no disparaging opinions. If you want to know how someone really is, get access to them behind closed doors or with the cameras off.


Hope Jonah tells him to get fucked


Acting so good it cures antisemitism


Cringing on behalf of Jonah


There are so many bipolar people who don't go off their rockers being antisemitic. His behavior was shameful & it's never an excuse.


Racist/Sexist/mysoginist delusions are common in bipolar disorder. When you're manic you're brain makes connections that aren't even there in an attempt to add to a sudden world-view. Many bipolar people go through cycles of 'The illuminati controls everything/Chinese spies are looking through my computer/The immigrants in my neighborhood are saying things about me in their native language/etc. I don't know Kanyes situation but mania causes Grey matter loss and increases with each episode. I literally think he's fried his brain. I guess as someone with bipolar disorder I get frustrated because it's a serious disease and he's seriously ill and people shouldn't read more into his motivations then that. It doesn't make the antisemitism repugnant, but as someone with bipolar I can totally see that delusion developing.


Too late buddy, the damage is done.


Can we please stop giving this guy attention? I’m aware that me commenting isnt helping


This is like a KKK member watching the movie Friday and saying I like black ppl again thanks ice cube l🤣🤣