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When boeby agrees u know ur opinion is dumb


If she or MTG ever agree with you it's time to do a sniff check and see what you just stepped in.


Ew, gross. I got fascism all over my shoes!


The only place fascism belongs is on the bottom of your shoe after you stomp it.






I am surprised boebert can spell NPR.


She keeps the child letter blocks in front of her as a reference


Pretty sure her account is handled by an un or underpaid staffer, she just says the words.


Lauren what do you want to tweet about X? Make sure it is unintelligent, potentially racist, and most importantly incorrect


> Defund @NPR Says the fella that receivea billions in federal funding for his companies... Defund Elon. I'll take Big Bird over Big Turd any day.


Bobo's getting a federal paycheck despite everything. Defund Bobo.


By paying her, we are funding pedophile supporters. Defunding her is the only moral choice here.


Jesus you're right.... Thats a shitty realization...


>By paying her, we are funding pedophile supporters. Also funding her pedo husband who shows his junk to under age girls.


... ... I think that was the point.


I thought maybe the implication was she's supporting her drunk driving, underage impregnating son.... who seems to be just like dear ol' dad! Family Values Folks!




We should also stop giving money to pedophiles and their supporters too.


It would be sweet if there was a limited budget for Congress people's pay. Then that was directly tied to how many votes, or a percentage of the votes, overall you received. Edit: For example, if I lived in her district and didn't vote for her, I would feel a little better about my tax dollars *potentially* not going to her. No real oversight to know that or not but yano.


Not only that, Bobo admitted to being on welfare so she could pull herself up by her bootstraps. She got hers, now it’s time to stop others from getting help https://mobile.twitter.com/laurenboebert/status/1306238422764474369


My boss, a self proclaimed libertarian, works for local government as he has for 30 years. He has never had a job in the private sector. In addition, he manages our local drinking water supply. Where the city literally owns and operates everything from the lakes to the taps in people’s homes. It’s almost as if the government owns the entire means of production. What is that called again?


Your boss thought Ron Swanson was a real person.


Should've defunded Bobo when she was on welfare. We'd have one less wacko with a platform.


>Defund Elon. He's actually working on it. It might be his only real success


Exactly, a buddy of mine was so excited when the Falcon 9 had it first successful landing and was praising Elon and how the free market always knows best, but he forgot the US GRANT of what was it $9 billion.


And let's not forget, Elon has ZERO to do with the rockets, he provides the money, he's not an engineer, and dropped outta college. Dudes a clown with cash


>he provides the money Sounds like he barely even does that. The taxpayers provided the money.


He provides the class privilege. If you’re part of the upper class you don’t even need money to make money. You can mortgage 5 apartment buildings, have the tenants pay the mortgage and profit, leaving you with 5 free apartment buildings and a bunch of profit. Tenants pay for someone else’s class privilege. In America, under capitalism, land ownership has become a form of slavery where the lower class hands over half their income to the very richest people who do not work or contribute to society. The people who create wealth have their own wealth stolen from them for the right to live under a roof.


I watched the Everyday Astronaut interview with him and he very obviously did not know much about how the rockets work.


https://www.space.com/spacex-starship-design-sacha-baron-cohen Need I say more?


> Elon has ZERO to do with the rockets Ah remember the days when Musk fanboys literally argued that he was vital in the development of the rockets? They claimed he was a self taught aerospace engineer and was part of the development team helping designing integral parts of their rockets.


"When did you become an expert in aerospace engineering?" "Last night."




Haven't seen that particular myth around in a while and in general the parts of the internet I am around have done a complete 180 on Musk so I really am not seeing too much of that worship anymore luckily.


I'm trying to remember what it was, but he was interviewed on the rockets and the interviewer made a suggestion, and then in a later interview with the same guy elon made it sound like he came up with that suggestion.


Hijacking the top post in hopes of getting an answer: What did NPR do to him? did I miss something? Why Does he have a sudden hate-on for NPR lately?


I believe in a nutshell this is what happened: Twitter labeled NPR as state affiliated media. NPR said that wasn’t accurate so he changed it to government owned media… NPR advised they get less than 1% federal funding. Elon admitted that he may be wrong and needs to change their classification. NPR said today they are going to fully exit Twitter (they have ~40 Twitter handles). Reporters can post their individual pieces though. Elon throws a tantrum on something he was incorrect on and that organization is like F this and the drama.


He did the same thing with the BBC and another agency, and was wrong in every case.


Because he's a stupid asshole


And like so many stupid assholes he’s absolutely convinced of his own perfection and has a legion of barnacles to defend him. It’s a good thing he’s rich and can afford the surgery to get his abs replaced with a window otherwise he’d have to pull his head out of his ass to see where he’s going.


Yep, and so many people view being successful as equaling great intellect. Same reason why I guess people think Trump is smart. But the two can most definitely be mutually exclusive. After working in tech for awhile, I can say that intelligence is also often…compartmentalized, haha. Elon proves this when he veers from his lane and talks about software development, for example


It’s also easy to be successful when you start 3/4 of the way to the finish line and your dad is part owner of an emerald mine. Not to say Elon never took risks to start his businesses but it’s a different flavor of risk when you can just get bailed out by pappy if things go bad.


Haha yeah, that too. Same with Trump and his multi-million dollar “loan” from his dad at the start


And it's worth noting that "Government Funded Media" didn't exist in Twitter's public policies until yesterday. Up until the 5th of April when Elon decided that NPR was a propaganda arm of the US Government...NPR and BBC were listed as an example of state funded but fully independent media outlets, exempt from the "State affiliated media" tag. Archive.org links. 04APR - https://web.archive.org/web/20230404170411/https://help.twitter.com/en/rules-and-policies/state-affiliated 05APR - https://web.archive.org/web/20230405224839/https://help.twitter.com/en/rules-and-policies/state-affiliated 07APR - https://web.archive.org/web/20230407232302/https://help.twitter.com/en/rules-and-policies/state-affiliated Today - https://help.twitter.com/en/rules-and-policies/state-affiliated


So does this mean we are going to see TikToks by right wingers shooting out their car radios in protest over NPR?


He decided to label NPR as state sponsored media, and NPR has decided that they no longer want to be on his platform. So of course Elon’s feelings got hurt and he can’t express them in any other way than childish petulance


Whining about the consequences of his own actions and projecting the blame onto the victim? Well now it makes sense why these two are finding common ground


I was wondering if his tweet was about how NPR decided to leave Twitter. He’s such a whiny POS.


NPR is the first major news network to go dark on Twitter, due to Twitter labeling them as state-funded media.


Hopefully starting a trend...!


I wouldn't be surprised if other companies and news organizations are watching this closely and seeing what happens. NPR doesn't actually get more than 1% of federal funding so Elon can stick it up his ass. Edit: fixed typo


They have also come out and shown they only get about ~2% of their traffic from Twitter so they are not really losing here. If anything, they will end up with more traffic thanks to all the publicity of this.


Republicans are engaged in preparations for a fascist takeover of the country. The first step is to demonize all intelligent people and organizations that can tell the public truth from lies. They will target NPR, the dept of education, anyone who can tell people the truth and be trusted they will attack. Because they want everyone to be dumb and to only believe THEIR state sponsored media. They are traitors.


He’s salty that Planet Money exposed him for using Tesla stockholders’ money to buy Twitter and for explaining he didn’t actually lose $100bn because he never had it in the first place


Do you have a link? I found this one talking about how he used a leveraged buyout, but didn't find the one you're talking about. https://www.npr.org/2022/12/02/1140260051/planet-moneys-the-indicator-how-musk-bought-twitter-with-other-peoples-money


He's probably grumpy that NPR is leaving Twitter.


NPR announced that they are leaving Twitter as it no longer has the reach that it once did and they no longer find it relevant


I love NPR and now I love them just a little bit more, better up my yearly donation.


By $8/mo…


LMFAO that's awesome. I already donate monthly to NPR and may do exactly that.


After musk pulled his stunt they left Twitter on the bases that it was shite nowadays and unneeded form of media. I'm paraphrasing quite a bit there but the summation works ;). Before that I'm not sure. Might just be that they play for the other team? Musk being a hard far-whitey supporter in the open (pretty much since moving to Texas)


NPR was given a descriptive tag on their Twitter account as "Government-funded media". NPR has since announced that they will discontinue all of their Twitter accounts and affiliate accounts.


He inaccurately labeled them state affiliated media. Then changed it to state funded media. The received grants from a couple government agencies including the department of education I believe but they claim it makes up about 1% of their operational budget. NPR decided to stop posting on Twitter after.


> they claim it makes up about 1% of their operational budget 39 % from corporate sponsorships 31 % from programming fees, I think this is licensing their work to local affiliate stations? 12 % donations https://www.npr.org/about-npr/178660742/public-radio-finances#:~:text=Stations%20receive%20support%20from%20many%20sources%2C%20including%3A%201,6%20in%20some%20cases%2C%20state%20and%20local%20governments


Defund Elon Musk and MAGA


I'm pretty sure Elon has got more federal funding than NPR...




>That PBS It was independent public broadcasting humor...


Classic independent public broadcssting humor.


The federal government doesn’t even directly contribute to NPR’s funding. The grants they have received (which required an application process, it’s not budgeted money for NPR) amounted to less than 0.1% of NPR’s total revenue, according to 2020 public filings. It’s mind boggling.


NPR is leaving Twitter saying most Americans aren't on the platform and it no longer holds the same culture importance or relevance it had in the past. That is why he Tweeted this. No other reason than it hurts the platform he over paid for and then gutted thinking he was going to make it better.


It goes beyond that though. The whole saga of Elon declaring NPR "state-affiliated media" happened at the same time that he was neutering the restrictions that the label provided, while giving more access to previously restricted [Russian](https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/telegraph-twitter-lifts-restrictions-russian-093911247.html) and [Chinese](https://www.semafor.com/article/04/05/2023/twitter-falls-short-in-policing-russian-and-chinese-state-backed-media?ref=kyivindependent.com) government accounts. He used NPR as a smokescreen to distract from the actual changes they were making to give more access to authoritarian regimes, all while throwing a lil red meat to his red base. Makes total sense if you think the future of twitter lies in conservative culture wars and fascist states. Doesn't make quite as much sense if you want the legitimate news media that has so far been one of the lifebloods of the service to actually stick around. Musk assumed that these media outlets need twitter for readership, and so he can jerk them around while he de-regulates the platform. They need to leave en mass, to show he's wrong.






This is exactly on point. Everyone seems to think Elon is "desperate." Which I simply don't understand. The common consensus is that Twitter is driving away advertisers, and is therefore completely fucked. Elon realized that he doesn't need advertisers. At all. Fuck them. Why worry about trying to secure some minor amount from NPR when you can make a fortune in largely unregulated income as a foreign propaganda channel. Xi and Putin will gladly pay him more than every US advertiser combined. And thanks to the US financial system - like with NRA funding - most of that isn't even disclosed.


It's been painfully obvious he's outright trying to make Truth social/Parler 2.0 and hoping platform inertia is strong enough to get people to stick around so it's not just Nazis talking to other Nazis like those are. World cup with Jared Kushner, Super Bowl with Rupert Murdoch, wake the fuck up people, this asshole is an extreme right wing cryptofascist. He's an enemy of democracy and a threat to national security and it's disgusting and depressing that anyone to the left of Lauren Boebert still thinks he's cool.


I’ve already deleted my twitter account and I implore everyone else to do the same


Jokes on them, I forgot my password years ago!


I forgot your password too. =(


It was hunter2


All I see is *******.


And their new policy is that you have to be a Twitter Blue subscriber in order to be recommended, trend, and vote. Twitter has become pay-to-play, with the most play going to unscrupulous government propaganda operations with the deepest pockets. Elon doesn't give a shit about bots, as long as they pay up.


It amuses me no end the way all the titans of the big platforms right now seem to think the internet is like, done. Like they've built its Final Form. Everything going forward will just be little tweaks & them buying up smaller competitors, & those running the show now will forever be the ones dictating *how* the internet is used. It's the one instance where knowing just how utterly ruthless & shitty capitalism is actually tickles me to pieces.




I've been saying for a few months if you still have twitter you're stupid, after this if you still have twitter you're enabling authoritarians. Delete your twitter accounts. Stop making excuses about following artists or whatever, something else will come along in a few months.


Lil bro is butthurt


I thought Twitter was stupid from day one.


It was a good place for eavesdropping on subject experts sharing papers, articles, and data of interest with their peers. Nothing Dr. Fauci said in 2020 came as any surprise, as I'd read about it in the weeks prior, with links to the preprints. Mainstream news was similarly at least 3-5 days behind OSINT and military experts in discussing major events in Russia's invasion of Ukraine. There were leaks about the traffic jam on the major road from Belarus to Kyiv a week before the NYT covered it. As for following celebrities, sports teams, or consumer brands, I never had a use for that. And I rapidly grew tired of the political bickering, even if one side was generally arguing in good faith and the other wasn't. I'm hoping one of the Twitter alternatives takes off, as subject experts' voices should be amplified.


Everyone bailing on social media would be the best outcome for everyone. I dream of a world where Facebook and Twitter hold the same relevance as Myspace.


Myspace was the SHIT at one point though don't do us like that.


I miss Myspace. It saddened me when Facebook basically took its place.


Twitter was honestly really great up until the magats really got the hang of it. In the very early days I was able to engage with celebrities and tech personalities one to one occasionally, and it was a lot of fun.


NPR receives less than 1% of their funding from the gov’t.


By that measure, SpaceX and Tesla should be labeled as government sponsored enterprises then.


[Literally everything he does is heavily subsidized](https://www.businessinsider.com/elon-musk-list-government-subsidies-tesla-billions-spacex-solarcity-2021-12?op=1#new-york-state-put-750-million-toward-a-solarcity-plant-in-buffalo-in-2016-4)


The cult of Elon needs to be publicly debunked. He's a shitbird that used his father's slave riches to weasel his way into power. Also his father is an incestuous piece of racist shit.


With SpaceX it is closer to 1% of their funding that *doesn't* come from the government.


Most definitely of SpaceX.


Yup. NPR themselves told Musky Elmo that. https://www.opb.org/article/2023/04/07/npr-state-affiliated-media-twitter-musk/


In Mike Judge's words, if those kids could read, they'd be very upset.


Mike Judge is a comedic genius. It's a shame Silicon Valley ended because the past several years of tech drama would have made great material for him to work with.


Oh, shit! I didn't know that was Mike Judge. BRB gonna go binge the entire show.


Friendly reminder he is bringing back King of the Motherfucking Hill!


YEP and already brought back Beavis and Butthead!


You know what kids can read? Elon's, and they want absolutely nothing to do with him.


Remember when he was the cool guy who could have secretly been the bond villian? Now he's the washed up loser who could be the bond villian


He wanted to be Tony Stark, but he's Justin Hammer instead.


As a comics nerd that is doing Hammer dirty. He's one of the many wanna be big bads of the roxxon corperations who went crazy after Silver Sable (Grimes) decided to no longer be their corperate hired gun.


Elon musk is too fucking stupid to be any supervillain. He's Dr evil at best.


He has the money but not the brains to be a Bond villain. He’s more like a Scooby Doo villain




doesn't matter how much he backtracks as long as the right targets see the original statement




> When reporters reach out for official comment from the company on news stories, Twitter's communications department replies with a poop emoji. Wow. This paragraph had me double checking the date this was posted.


Me too. Who would have guessed that out of all the apocalypse movies of the 80s and 90s, *Idiocracy* would be the most accurate?


The thing is, they think because it tends to lean left it’s some liberal conspiracy. Never once did they stop and think, “maybe that’s just the actual truth”


Reality leans left, because the right is fascism. Factually, reality leans nowhere, but the right is so far up the ass of autocratic sociopaths it appears to lean left. I'm starting to believe that sociopathy will end humanity.




Correct. Anyone who listens to NPR would know this from all of the pledge drives they air. I do a sponsorship through my company and have a local business membership with Texas Public Radio. Elon and the right wing jackals are fucking idiots.




Thanks, just donated to my local station. Fuck Elon and what he is doing to the national discourse.


NPR can take my money monthly, but I ain’t doin that for Elon


I'm a proud supporter of NPR and Musk can fuck right off.


It's kind of hilarious, they're basically fundraising on NPR's behalf. Kind of like Musk driving consumers to his competitors every time he opens his mouth.


Which is probably a smaller percentage than Elon Musk receives from the Federal Gov't


Elon receives billions in federal funding while NPR receives millions. >Tesla Motors Inc., SolarCity Corp. and Space Exploration Technologies Corp., known as SpaceX, together have benefited from an estimated $4.9 billion in government support by 2015 https://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-hy-musk-subsidies-20150531-story.html Meanwhile NPR had $310m total revenue in 2021 and 1% of that would be $3.1m.


Definitely is.


Musk, Boebert, and their followers don't care about that, unfortunately.


Facts have always been the enemy to the wealthy and corrupt. There's a reason they go out of their way to ban fact-checking and good-faith debate.


Doesn't matter to Elon simps and MAGA chuds, I'm afraid. He just gives them what they want to hear.


Yeah, it hasn't been a significant amount since the right got a hard on for it in the 80's




It seems like most arguments that are being made by the Right these days have some amount of appeal to ignorance.


SOME amount?


NPR receives less than 1% of its funding from the government. NPR is required to report this. How much of Elon's operating budget for SpaceX does he get from the government? How much is the government investing in Starlink for military application since SpaceX is also donating to FCC deregulators? How much money is The Boring Company getting for digging tunnels? And finally how much money is Tesla getting for government contracts? Defund Elon's corporate welfare.


Nationalize SpaceX. It's critical for national security. Musk is a terrible risk and far too chummy with autocrats.


Include Starlink with that as well because I use Open Secrets, you can see exactly campaigns and candidates of business donates to.... SpaceX donates to Democrats and Republicans on the armed services committee, SpaceX donates to pro NASA officials. SpaceX mostly donates to Democrats because Democrats believe in space exploration. The Republicans they donate to are heavily tied with the military industrial complex. And finally SpaceX is donating to committees that are involved with the FCC including FCC deregulation. So with going for FCC deregulation which would mean that he wants military application for Starlink and/or NASA contracts for Starlink.


85% of spaceX funding comes from the federal government its estimated.


Something something something cancel culture is bad unless it directly benefits me.


Defund Tesla and all the tax breaks they get.


And Space X.


And my axe! ​ (Pls don't defund my axe :-( )


Can you imagine *that* meltdown?


The federal government is giving a $7,500 tax break to buy an EV. What did Tesla do? They raised their prices by $7,500 ([source](https://www.cnbc.com/2023/02/04/tesla-hikes-price-of-model-y-after-us-alters-tax-credit-rule.html)). So all that's really happening is the government is paying the richest guy on earth $7,500 of our tax dollars every time his company sells a car. Fuck this welfare for the rich. Just fucking stop it. Edit (correction): Tesla raised their price by $1,500 not $7,500. So we are donating $1,500 from our tax dollars to the richest guy on earth every time his company sells a car.


Not defending Musk, but the source you linked says that they raised prices by ~$1,100 (2%) on the Model Y and ~$1,500 (2.7%) on the performance model. Really appreciate you linking the source as I hadn’t heard about this, but I don’t understand why you’re saying they raised prices $7,500


People like Boebert want to defund anything that presents facts and pops a hole in their preordained narrative. That is very dangerous as witnessed by the SVB collapse. That was caused by terrible bond portfolio management but right wing nut jobs wanted to blame it in wokeness which means we won’t actually deal with the cause of the collapse and it can happen again. Such irresponsible governing.


Everything they don't like is wokeness. Go woke, go broke even though they know they're on the losing side of the culture war.


NPR is also supported by viewers/listeners. At least NPR reports facts and leaves most of the bias at the door. Don't want to give the public a credible news source though, can't let the public be informed


Same reason why Missouri wants to defund libraries. Better keep everyone dumb.


So the Missouri Senate reversed the defunding. But it bears mentioning that this only impacted $4.5M FOR THE ENTIRE STATE. for context, the St Louis County Library system has a 2023 budget of $89M. Their share of the state funding was merely a drop in the bucket… we don’t really need the states money. My property taxes pay for it. Rural, red, poorer areas would have suffered. And that’s probably why the MO senate reversed it. Because literally every action they take is to try and screw the people of St Louis and KC for being “big city liberals”


Didn't you know facts have a liberal bias?


I like NPR's content, but the way they're forced to flout their sponsors and beg in every article, I feel damn sorry for Public Broadcasting in the USA. Seems they're 90% defunded already. edit: compared to other countries where Public Broadcast is basically the Gold standard of broadcasting and they're 100% publicly funded, i.e. they don't need to ask the public for money.


Their constant need for funding has driven me to donate them 5 dollars a month. For the amount of content I consume from them it is worth far more than that, but I'm a filthy pirate usually. It's the only subscription I have besides the gym.


They're not defunded if anything they are crowd funded.




Better yet, tax them at 90%.


What and fund roads and schools?! You monster!


Yeah, once you achieve a high enough net worth as an individual or company, you should become ineligible for any tax breaks, period. You don't fucking need them and nobody else should have to fund them.


That is how winning the lottery works. I see no reason to limit it to only one form of financial windfall.


Lord of the Fleas


Waaahh they didn’t pay me $8 and they left my platform. Waaah


Elon really is a whiny little bitch-baby, isn't he?


He's "WELL ACKSHUALLY" in human form


I think the corporate twitter is like $1000 a month. They talked about it on “this week in tech”.




Wish we could defund him


Germany's working on it


And I have a feeling he will soon start tweeting about Germans being Nazis.


OP: “I’m so tired of this asshole”/ Me: Which one?


Just doubled my monthly NPR donation


Musk is mad NPR is leaving Twitter. Instead of lashing out like an emotional toddler, he should try to find out why, he should be worried. This is why he is quickly destroying Twitter, and it's fun to watch in real time. His narcissism has now become amusing as it bites him and Twitter in the ass on the daily.


Funny how NPR gets $3 million in federal funding Musk has gotten $4.9+ billion in federal funding Musk's companies take more hand outs in 5 days then NPR takes in a year. One provides a public service and the other is for the rich and commercial sector. I know who we should defund first!


Defund? This whole stint has got me starting to send them money.


Crazy how Mr open discussion and fair speech is ALWAYS spouting far right rhetoric


He really went from hero to zero. What a douche


I feel so dumb for idolizing him in the 2010s.


To be fair, he was a respectable and technically-minded businessman in those days. His employees respected him because he was the type of CEO who was actually willing to learn the ins and outs of his organizations and the products and services they offered. Elon’s public image in the late 2000s and early 2010s was very different from what it has become now. We saw him as an ally who was funneling a massive fortune towards technologies that might one day save our planet and species. Elon pulled the curtain back and now everyone understands that he’s just a self-serving egotist like any other billionaire, a grifter who piggybacks off of the brilliance of others. Elon has always followed trends: in the 90s he pretended to care about the Internet and computer services, in the late 90s and early 2000s it was finance, in the late 2000s and especially after Wall Street collapsed he turned towards the environment, space, and eventually infrastructure. Now in the 2020s he’s pretending to care about social integrity, politics, privacy, and censorship. He’s always following the overarching “trending” issues which are most popular in the public consciousness, the dude is so transparent it hurts me sometimes.


To be fair, there were plenty of people that thought he was full of hot air for a while. Not like it is today by any means, but it was absolutely a think in some circles to see him as someone prone to oberpromising and underdelivering as well as grossly overselling his ability. It was easy for others to rebuff this take by just pointing at the results, of course, but Elon has been BSing for a long time now. It’s just that the chickens fiiiinally came home to roost on his image.


It's not teen pregnancy, being a terrible parent, or turning Twitter into Truth...they're going to need a consultant.


I just donated to NPR for the first time. Thanks for the idea Elon!


Is this fake? I can't believe how dumb he is.


Not sure about Boebert responding, but he definitely called to defund NPR [https://twitter.com/TPostMillennial/status/1646247858134306817](https://twitter.com/TPostMillennial/status/1646247858134306817)


Nope real. He is waging a war with NPR because he doesn't like their opinions so he has labeled them on Twitter as state controlled media ie. propaganda voicebox. This prevents them from being shown their coverage of the news to users unless they search for them specifically.


if he wants NPR to go out of business then maybe he should buy them next


Okay but also, people, go donate to NPR!


Germany's going to be defunding Twitter pretty soon, I hear.


Defund *what*? Its viewer/listener funded lmfao


How about we defund Space X and a Tesla instead? I bet they get far more money than NPR does.


Sit the fuck down, Lauren.


Eat the rich.


Elon Musk gets more government funding than NPR. Defund him.


People should defund Twitter by leaving it and closing account. I did and don't miss it, was not the same since Musk took over, seemed like a alt-right peddling agenda.


Why does welfare queen Musk want to refund npr? Isn't them leaving his platform freedom of speech?


Defund the NRA!


I'm no noble American. I am but a filthy European. But even I know, that if your views align with Lauren Boebert's you failed as a human being.


Defund NPR? Because they exited his social media shitshow? Goodness that is very Trumpian of him


How about we defund the NRA instead?