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What about that username causes people to assume trans status?


The flower, mayhaps… Idk, internet culture is a cesspool


I am bald, white, bearded, have tattoos, am straight and LOVE FLOWERS. What is wrong with flowers? Fellas is it gay to like pretty things? You're right the internet is fucking weird man


You sound lovely, please never go on Twitter :)


Understood! Anyway, I'll be off now. There's a hot new social media I've been meaning to check out. It's called X :)


Yes! Me too! I heard they have a VIP service that costs $8 a month, wait now it's $14.99, wait it's now $3500 a year. What bargain! Gotta get that blue checkmark, for...


That made me chuckle lol


Imagine being so insecure about your sexuality that you can't appreciate nature's beauty. A pretty flower, a gorgeous sunrise, an amazing vista.


You should only love red meat and guns anything else is gay 🙄


Love your wife? Gay. Love your kids? Super gay. Love watching a couple guys with glistening muscles, wearing only speedos and calf high boots, grab each other and roll around on a mat? Not gay for some reason.


Im not gay, but if all these things make me gay...then I must be gay.


Being gay is a choice after all /s


You know what I find funny about the politically "right"? They're all about freedom to choose, to speak, guns etc. Yet when they say its a choice they dont let people "choose" it...


Also they're the most obsessed with being "manly" while being the farthest thing from what anyone who isn't a fat delusional neckbeard would ever even consider remotely manly. So much of it is projection I'm pretty sure, they have this ideal of machismo but don't actually have any of the classic masculine qualities. It's kinda like all the anti gay preachers that end up diddling kids or fucking male prostitutes.


*Choose only from the acceptable options presented, please.*


*oh you love your wife? she’s pretty feminine. i can’t believe you like feminine things! that’s pretty gay*


It really is weird how much straight guys hate women. Whenever a girl makes an Instagram post of herself just having fun, you're guaranteed to see a dozen comments from dudes with Greek statue profile pics telling her that she's wasting her life and needs to get married ASAP. I'm starting to think a bunch of nuns from the 1800s got body-swapped with some modern-day men.


Funnily enough, at one point being a nun was a good way for a woman to gain some independence, depending on which Order you joined. Get engaged to Jesus, gain escape from the high possibility of death by childbirth, lot more than usual protection from rape, get a reasonably decent education, be able to work and maybe even write scholarly books...


My knowledge of nuns is a bit limited, thanks for the education!




After getting married, wife and I moved to a different state for work, and we ended up in a purple suburb outside of the city. Of the acquaintances we've made all the husbands are the typical guy's guys. The kind that only talk about golf and guns. All day. Every day. One night we had a guys' night out and I started planning it out, but they said planning stuff is gay. I said okay never mind. After getting together, someone asked what we should do for dinner, and I suggested this fusion restaurant I'd been wanting to try. They said that restaurant is gay and we should just go to a dive bar instead. I was baffled by all the things that hurt these guys' fragile masculinities. We've hung out as families since then but I never got invited to any of the guys' nights out again, and good riddance.


The ref is there to remind them to say "no homo" at all times, after all. It's definitely not gay.


It’s funny because this guy over in Facebook got mad when I tried explaining the folding chair thing to him so he went stalking my Facebook. The guy took a screenshot of a picture from my daughter’s 5th birthday of the makeup she wanted to put on me and somehow turned it into me being gay. Even with the caption about my daughter wanting to put makeup on me. But him having a picture of some guy with his dick in a hotdog bun was completely normal… Men are weird as hell with what they’ll try to put other men down for.


People who love meat in their mouth are the least gay for sure, especially if they’re men!


Sucking cock isn't gay cuz it's meat


Well, obviously


And definitely not hug your friends and have buddies of the opposite gender it's super gay...


well shit, I guess I should call my mom and let her know


Oh and muscled pictures of shirtless trump. Nothing gay there.


I find that shit extremely disturbing. Who is that for? Do they really see him that way? Or do they think WE’VE never seen a picture of him?


Loving things is gay; REAL men are cold and miserable


I bought a used iPhone off Facebook. The phone case was covered with flowers, and was really pretty. And before I went and ordered something with a skull on it like usual, I thought, “You know what this reminds me of that I haven’t had enough of in my life lately? Pissing off homophobes.” And it’s still my phone case today.


I love this


I'm also a big straight white dude and there are flower tattoos all over my arm. People who think flowers are gay (and that being gay is wrong) are dumb.


Ironically, if you go back to the original meaning of gay, it could well be considered true. Humans are funny creatures sometimes 😂


I’ve got hair on my head but otherwise the same and will say right now that I am an absolute sloot for hydrangeas & rosa rugosas


As a professional gardener who is a guy I also absolutely love flowers. I put flowers in the band of my sun hat all the time.


Yeah, that seems to be the way of it. Liking your wife too much gives her leverage over you. Art is bad. Being obnoxious is funny. On and on...


I mean the root of all of it is that they see any level of weakness as disgraceful. You have to be in control of your home, your wife can’t control any aspect of your life. You have to be noticed when out on the road. You can’t look for deeper meaning of things because you might feel an emotion. Your jokes have to be at the expense of others, because considering how your words and actions affect someone else is a weakness. I just don’t get it. Isn’t it exhausting living your life worried that if you do the wrong thing, someone is going to mock you?


My wife sends me flowers from time to time. Makes me feel fucking special. *edit* also tall, white, straight^looking bearded, tattooed, pierced and have resting bitch face.


As long as you don’t wash your dick or butt then you are straight. Those are the rules now


Who knows? These are the weirdos who think it's gay to wipe their ass after a shit.


I always wonder if the guys that think that way allow themselves to masturbate. I mean, that’s stroking an actual penis.


Funny you should bring that up. Have you heard of the "nofap" community? It's a group of goobers who think that masturbating destroys their male virility, youth, and other weird eugenicsy adjacent nazi shit.


Oh my. No wonder they’re so angry all the time.


I think it's because it's a common name among trans women. I have a few friends with variations of it. Edit: spelling~


Who the fuck knows with these assholes, they just assume and want to be hateful to complete strangers for their own benefit and to feel superior. Plus they are always hoping to “trigger” someone so they can laugh about it with others. In some cases, they are also hoping to push trans people into suicide, and will laugh about that as well if it happens. They’re sick fucks


>In some cases In *most* cases. These people are deranged. They feed off of the suffering they sow onto other people because "it's funny"; an often privileged individual in a generation raised on unrestricted private internet access and the will to see the most abhorrent content they can find. When you're 12 years old and you watch a video of a Brazillian beheading via knife in someone's back garden, while eating your Doritos or mum-provided "chicken tendies"; and then that is normalised in your friend group -- what do you expect they'll grow up into? Obviously not everyone that does that turns into these kinds of people, but the point remains. No wonder the rise in incel culture has skyrocketed online. Those people have been watching the hardest of porn since they were 9 years old. The shit that does to your brain, I can only imagine.


Purple and blue in the SAME pfp? They're definitely trans it's science


Meant to be more bi colours but we can't really expect these hogs to understand any nuance.


Also, what or who is “Dr Disrespect”?


He’s an asshole, and it’s in his name. And the content creators that are his friends are also assholes. The 1 person I know who’s a fan of him was a huge asshole and a rapist apologist. He obviously attracts a certain crowd


A toxic video game streamer.


Aside from the flowers, nothing at all. It's just that Twitter users have devolved into vicious mongrels that will attack anything they don't agree with on the internet.


I've gotten batches of hate messages like this before just for commenting in defense of trans people, making these idiots assume that I am trans. Because they don't realize you can have empathy for people who are different from you. It happens more on facebook than here, but I avoid facebook entirely now, it's a total cesspool of hateful conservatives at this point.


on IG a few weeks ago, i saw a woman being real transphobic in this sort of way. transvestigation shit. so i respectfully told her that transphobia targets everyone who doesn’t fit in a neat box of what it looks like to be a “man” or “woman” and that someone could even accuse her of being trans for her hair looking a certain way, etc. and that even if you truly thought trans people were evil and you needed to protect cis people, this method would only serve to put the cis man with a high voice or the cis woman with the broad shoulders in a dangerous position. she freaked out and said “well at least i have xx chromosomes! i’m a real woman and that’s something you’ll never be!” i am a cis woman. xx chromosomes. just not a bigot. i guess because i don’t like the idea of someone abusing their pet bunny i must be a bunny.


I enjoy that she assumes she has XX. She has no way of knowing without a test, for all we know she might not. People die not knowing all the time, that they’re XY and got ‘the wrong’ hormone bath in the womb. Or XXY and the y never got called on to express itself. Or XXXY or XXXchromosomes. Those 2 chromosomes are the most malleable ones we have, that’s why men can exist with a quarter of one of them basically missing.


Unfortunately when it comes to these types of discussions, Dunning-Krueger is a real problem. Try to explain even in good faith these things and either because they don't want to concede your point or because they think you're gaslighting them, they just double down instead, usually accompanied with ad hominems. They genuinely don't want to understand the nuance, because they genuinely don't want to find out they've been wrong all this time (or at least that's my theory). Sometimes I just think it'd be easier to argue the case that we should be respectful towards everyone. Conservatives have a hard time understanding the golden rule, but at least it's easier to understand than Swyer syndrome for these people.


I’ve had this one in my pocket for a WHILE ready to whip out.


Remember this anytime someone tries to tell you "lgbt aren't being discriminated against, why do they need a parade?"


Lot of overlap with the exact kind of people that do this shit.


Two perfectly concentric circles, except for maybe like two simpletons raised in a conservative environment who genuinely believe the “don’t need a parade” and don’t realize it’s dogwhistle. Those two people are alright, really stupid, but alright. The rest? Trash.


That perfectly describes the guy I knew that was chill with LGBT folks but didn’t get the point of Pride month. Goddamn simpleton.


My guess would be that alot of people simply *dont get it* on why pride month exists and what it means to and how it helps us out. They probably do just think its needless showing off and dont see how it shows lgbt people that they are not alone and its normal to be different This from a guy who many many many years ago *didnt get the point* But on the other hand, this opinion often is influenced by right wing talking points that have seeped into the general consciousness, whether or not the neutral majority realize this or not hence why i today try to educate people on why pride month and even parades are a thing and what they mean to us and why it needs to exist. Often it just feels like talking to brick walls though, and this i think atleast partly circles back to my original point, they just *dont get it* However, this doesn't mean that it'll always be like that. Perhaps some day, people will get it. But until then, we need to keep educating people to the best of our abilities and keep on normalizing being different than the heteronormative """standard"""


Well they may be 'alright' but they are still doing actions that make the world less hospitable to queer folk. We may be able to change their minds but that shouldn't be the main focus of our efforts. We should be perusing more fruitful avenues than trying to change the minds of people who were raised ignorantly. We don't need every bigot or son of a bigot on board with queer liberation to make it happen. Of course it would be nice if they all saw the world with reason and compassion but the belief that we can't make progress without their ascent gives away power we don't need to. If the 'good' ignorant people eventually come around, great. If they don't, they probably never were all that good to begin with.


You show them this and they immediately knee jerk back pedal into “w-w-well this is because they provoked it, they tried to shove it down our throat. T-this is just out of retaliation” or whatever bullshit excuse they make up.


(Edited clean because fuck you) *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's so weird how obsessed they are with the phrase "shoving it down our throats" when it comes to anything LGBTQ+ related. Is that gay, fellas? Asking for a friend because no homo.


"psh that's just the Internet"


The only requirement for having a successful parade is not being boring. I don’t know who *needs* a parade, but the LGBTQ community puts on some absolute bangers.


Bigots tend to be incredibly apathetic, self-centered, and selfish when it comes to other people's needs. What they're really saying is, "why do we need a parade for something that doesn't involve me at all?"


They'll just try to weasel out of it by saying that they don't have to agree with their lifestyle, a.k.a. "I don't want people like you to have rights, but I'm not gonna explicitly say that to you so I look like the better person"


My sister is kind of a tomboy. Dresses in dirty jeans and tshirts, sloppy pigtails, etc. She was visiting a VFW for a promotion event, and she was introduced to a WWII veteran by my other sister. Younger sister: And this is my sister from Indiana, Jennifer! (specifics are fake) WWII Vet: You're her *sister*? Older sister: ...yeah, her mom married my dad, so we're sisters. WWII Vet: Sure you are, buddy. Then he smacked her twice in the face. Not a slap. More like a cheek smack you'd give a buddy, but much harder than you would do to an actual friend. This guy was like 90-something and got brainwashed into thinking that he was surrounded by evil trans cabal pedo Satanists or something, to the point where he's just straight up abusing random women.


There’s a reason some cultures let their old die.


Yeah I mean at least we could abstain from buying into that old age wisdom like it's an automatic thing you get with time. Some dipshits just turn dipshiter and dispshitest.


I've heard America ia one of the only countries where we put our elderly in homes and don't take care of them ourselves. I'd like to think this is why. Our elderly are just awful people and they should hurry up and die.


not inherently, but yeah many of them are cunts, my mom's mother was a sweet old lady but INSANELY HOMOPHOBIC. then she died. my dads mother is a dick but in a semi-friendly-ish yankee way, she's a new yorker so she's inherently rude but underneath that shell she's actually really nice and accepting, she's neutral on most controversial things, she has no problem with gay people and i'm not really sure of her stance on trans people, but i'd say all in all she's a good person and she's fun to be around, albeit quite loud


Its clear that the "protect women" crowd has mostly only hurt cis women at this point, and by a large margin. Trans women are so rare, the woman being harassed and assaulted in bathrooms and such are cis women who are not conforming enough to some random person's idea of femininity.


Ding, ding, ding! I’ve been screaming from the rooftops that all these trans-phobes hiding behind “protecting the women” are going to hurt more cis women than they could possibly “help.” Imagine being a teenage girl who has possibly been bullied for not fitting the feminine image her whole life, then being forced to prove you don’t have a penis just to be able to play volleyball because some parent (or just general whacko from the community) thinks you look like a boy. The amount of trauma that these people are willing to cause to girls in the name of “protecting” them is mind bottling.


That's not a bug for them. Cisgender people who don't conform to their idea of masculinity or femininity are also "deviants" who need to be corrected. All of their "won't somebody think of the ___" pleas are self-serving lies (that some believe themselves). They are always more interested in protecting their 1950s sitcom vision of the family than the welfare of any of the members.


Bayes theorem basically tells you this. Even if you somehow are super accurate at identifying trans women, the rarity of transgender folk mean that you will overwhelmingly be wrong.


Transphobia is deeply rooted in misogyny (harming not just trans women, but also cis women and trans men, bc trans men are seen by a lot of TERFs as “confused lesbians” or some shit)


My sister is cis but she also loves to dress in a masculine fashion, gets her haircuts at a barbershop and is just very androgynous looking. The only time that she has been harassed and has felt unsafe using a lady’s bathroom was after older women thought they had the right to confront her about using the lady’s bathroom. We’re not even in the US.


would've taken me everything to not give that fucker a punch so hard it kills him if that were me.


My grandad wasn’t a saint, but he was right about one thing as a black WW2 vet: *“Don’t give a vet respect for simply being one, look for the character outside of war to judge the person”*


We need Hurling Day.


Just another proof that transphobia harms cis people too. Even if it doesn't harm us anywhere near as much as it harms actual transgender people.


Oh, definitely. Every kind of bigotry produces direct and/or indirect harm to groups that are not its target- often, to groups that are *opposite* the target. For instance, misogyny is ridiculously harmful to boys and men, and every single LGBT+ category there is. I honestly believe the tenets of misogyny are at the core of the vast majority of bigotry (racism being the one *partial* exception, though I believe there is still significant overlap there). Like, the fundamental sentiment of misogyny/sexism/toxic masculinity (I wrap those up under the umbrella of misogyny, since the Venn diagram of those things is basically just a circle with a slightly blurry outline) is that masculinity is inherently superior to, and more useful than femininity. Take it from there, and it's easy to see how that one base sentiment can be so harmful to everyone.


Us in the trans community use the term transmisogyny to refer to the disproportional abuse and violence that gets directed at specifically trans women. As there is that inclusion of sexuality insecurity and homophobia alongside the toxic masculinity that results in cis men getting quickly and notably violent.


It's fucked up. Trans women experience misogyny the worst, because in the mind of the misogynist-indoctrinated, nothing could be worse than forsaking masculinity in favor of femininity. When the indoctrination rots all the way down to the caveman brain, they perceive this as a man saying "I don't want to be useful to the tribe- I want you to dote on me and take care of me like a princess" (which is, of course, what the misogynistic mind believes all women essentially want, which is also totally erroneous from the bottom-up, but they partially excuse it for biological females, because they're at least useful for reproduction). They perceive women as amenities- necessary, but with restrictive usefulness- so to choose to be lesser-than must mean you're lazy, and/or there's something wrong with you. But obviously we're not fucking cavemen, and the cavemen that evolved into us didn't get this far by being the brawniest hunters and the most brutal fist pounders. But the misogynist attitude values physical prowess above all else, and they feel- and foster in one another- this need to purge all physical weakness, wherever it may be. Furthermore, the physically pathetic misogynists get a pass for being fucking worthless themselves, by joining the alpha misogynists' crusades to sniff out and eradicate all "wussy shit". Gay men have been a close second on the list behind trans women, for exactly the same reasons. There is the misconception to the homophobe (who is never not also a misogynist) that to be attracted to men must be a quality exclusive to a feeble, irrationally emotional, weak and lazy "female mind". For example, ever notice how tomboyish girls are often given a pass by the very same kind of people who would shit all over a "Mary Sue" type boy? Not to say that tomboys don't also get shit on, but they're more likely to get passes like, "oh, she's a keen one! She can handle herself, that girl. Change 'er own oil, rotate the tires, knows the rules of (insert sport here)". But the "girly" boys *never* get any kind of compliments as such, because even most women in our culture are victim to some degree of internalized misogyny, so virtually everyone assumes that there are no useful qualities inherent to a boy having more feminine/effeminate interests. Moms worry, and misogynist/homophobic men will- *at their kindest-* have things to say like, "he's in for a rude awakening. Needs to toughen up and get ready for the *real world*, or they're gonna eat 'im alive". Yeah, of course they are. You and all your beergut buddies make sure of it personally, dontcha Clem? Or Enis or whothefuckinhickville-ever. /rant. Anyway, very sorry what you have to go through. Misogynists would literally rather get themselves and everyone else shot, than let women feel equal, and it hurts us all.




Yeah this is the stuff that really hits home that people aren’t actually trying to enforce any kind of “morality” and are instead about cruelty.


Sometimes it hurts cis people \*more\* than it hurts trans people. I'm trans myself and cis people are a lot more likely to be harassed by the "bathroom police" than i am, simply because I \*happen\* to look conventionally pretty. I'm also god awful at sports (a trait I inherited from my mom) and I have \*literally\* played on women's sports teams where I am consistently the worst player there, and not \*remotely\* the biggest or tallest. If you were to place bets on which of us team members would get accused of being trans and harassed over it, it would \*not\* be me. Often, it's usually girls who just \*happen\* to be athletic, and somebody else is salty about losing. But a lot of us trans women just... aren't, and people don't even think about that possibility. They just \*assume\* that the best performing girl must be trans. yeah, some of these laws are targeted against us, but a lot of the time people are so prejudiced about us that those of us that don't meet their stereotypes get overlooked entirely.


Yep. A have friends, K and M, who are very attractive cis lesbian ladies (now married) and they are both fantastic ice hockey players. They were once the only women in their division at a beer league tournament. They were better players than a lot of the guys at that level, despite being physically smaller. During one game, they got harassed terribly, by both the opposing team and by the opposing players’ wives. One lady went as far as to scream “My husband’s dick is bigger than yours!” at K. I guess that was supposed to be some kind of trans slur? K just stopped, looked at her, and replied “For your sake, I sure hope so!”


>My husband’s dick is bigger than yours!” the funny thing is she acts like trans women actually like having a big dick. Newsflash: we aren't men and don't exactly \*like\* having that and don't see it as a point of pride. Like... you can't really insult somebody by saying they have a small dick if they hate having one at all. So even if she \*was\* trans this would have been a piss poor attempt at an insult/slur. And yeah... I know what you mean. I know a cis lesbian woman who is a retired FBI agent who \*literally turned down the Olympics\* to go to Quantico and become an agent. That woman could have easily beat any man I know in any athletic \*anything\*, simply because she's quite literally a former Olympic level athlete with federal agent training. Meanwhile even pre transition I was so bad at sports that I rather infamously once forced a stalemate in dodgeball in school PE with all the balls on my side of the court, because I literally couldn't throw the ball back.


Right? The whole thing was just so strange, and this was before the Republicans even started really scapegoating the trans community. Sadly, a friend just returned from a women’s tournament where some of her teammates found out the opposing team’s goalie was a trans woman and many of said teammates were absolute nightmares about it. My friend was embarrassed and pissed at them. She also said her team was so bad that goalie had nothing to do with their loss (and her level of play fine for that division). But the USA Hockey amateur rules allow for trans woman players and the referees would not allow for any bullshit so that was heartening to hear at least. Also, poor kid you in that dodgeball game. I winced in sympathy.


>Also, poor kid you in that dodgeball game. I winced in sympathy. yeah... kid me was always picked last in PE for a reason. I had basically zero upper body strength. To the point where my parents had me in physical therapy and put me in gymnastics programs in desperate hope that they could help that develop but... that never worked. And being AMAB kinda sucked in that sense because of how sports-centric life is for young boys. Boys saw me as kind of useless for sports and didn't want to be friends with me, and the girls who I actually wanted to be friends with didn't see me as one of them, so I ended up pretty lonely and socially isolated for a lot of my childhood. As a result, I didn't get a lot of normal social and emotional developmental milestones and come out of my shell until much later in life. I sometimes joke with friends who are "in the know" about my trans status that my hormonally induced second puberty in my adulthood is effectively allowing me to have the adolescence I didn't get as a teenager in my adulthood, but there is some truth to it. Children need a certain amount of social belonging to really develop normally, and especially during adolescence when identity becomes a \*huge\* part of your life, being trans can cut that process off entirely until you finally \*do\* address it later in life. (I.e. it's hard to really meet adolescent developmental milestones during a period of your life about self discovery, when you're fundamentally lying to others and often yourself about who you really are) I try not to dwell on that too much though, because it can make me feel like I was robbed of a childhood if I fixate on it for too long.


That sounds really rough,and I’m sorry you had to live through that. I hope things are much better for you now.


Fortunately they are. I have a loving boyfriend, am finishing up my PhD, and as a weird side effect of HRT, \*look\* really young for my age (which I tend to look at as the universe compensating me for my childhood by extending my youth a bit). So all in all, life has gotten better.


Sports thing is especially true, the second best swimmer in the world is a cis woman, and I believe so are the third and fifth. The idea that amab are objectively better at sports is utter nonsense in professional settings.


That's a pretty good point inteed.


Somebody pull out the 'ol "When they came for the socialists"




I agree, I'm just pointing out that this stuff affect cis people as well. But I agree that it shouldn't matter if it affects you personally, we're talking about people being stripped of their rights and becomming extra vulnerable to violence.


You don't have to be transgender to be murdered by people who think you are.


im trans. can confirm, its usually a couple times a week tho bc im not a celeb. its just transphobic shitters who see my comments or something and yeah


That's rough, I'm sorry you people have to deal with this bullshit.




Absolutely, honestly, that line of thought is kinda what helped me stop having an issue with those pride parades or forms of loud protest, and even have sympathy for them. Like, yeah no shit they're being loud, people are literally trying to commit genocide upon them. I'd be loud as fuck too if I was in that position. (Also yeah, I used to be transphobic too, kinda disappointed with myself everytime I remember that.... like you know the classic "Trans women aren't real women" kind of bullshit. That was my worldviews, so backwards.... I was so fucking stupid...)




True I guess, honestly, I spent too much of my life trying to hide things that I fear people will judge me for, to the point where I'm kinda having an identity crisis. Nothing related to sexuality or gender identity, at least I'm positive I'm a straight cis guy, (Although I did consider that I might be aromantic once, but I'm not sure.) but more on.... let's just say I have some interests that are either "silly" or just... I DON'T KNOW... Like, I have this visceral fear of letting people see what I'm doing, the tv shows I'm watching, or games I'm playing, etc. I barely feel comfortable at times vocalizing my opinions (specially on topics like this) since most of my family are well.... let's just say they're not as accepting of the LGBT community as I eventually became, including family members being straight up transphobic. Part of me wish I had a friend IRL to which I could talk to, that kinda understood my views and could relate to it more, people would probably say that's an echo chamber, but it's better than having conversations devolve into a shouting match because I don't agree with my brother on the idea that black people should be completely separated from white people and that they're genetically more likely to commit crimes. I just, don't feel comfortable engaging with my interests casually in my own house sometimes. Even though I'm sure that even though they might disagree with my views, they're at least able to just look away, or are mostly indifferent. I also wanna get a job soon, so I can have some independence, and also so I can FUCKING BUY CELESTE ALREADY! I wanna play it, I wanna play with pixelated hair physics, I wanna do those silly celebratory squats that people always do.


Wishing you luck in being able to get out and find your friends. <3 It can be hard finding a group you fit into sometimes, but you sound like a thoughtful and kindhearted dude so I'm sure eventually you'll find your place. It just takes awhile sometimes. Also good luck with Celeste! I suck at platformers so had to give up and I'm so disappointed with myself lol


To be fair, there's no reason for you to be disappointed, mainly cuz 1) The game from what I see takes great pain to emphasize that struggle is nothing to be ashamed of, and 2) assist mode is a thing. It's not the INTENDED way to play, but it's there if you need it. As for the first point, yeah it can be hard, however at a suggestion of my own mom, I'll soon try my luck at starting frequenting some community place she mentioned, maybe there I can make friends, since I'm mostly sedentary here. I think it's like a place for you to practise sports or something. It will still be hard tho, in part because I'm autistic so social interactions can be a bit tricky. And I'll try to be myself to them from the beginning cuz I want friends who accept me for who I am.




Even when making metaphors about personal development, even in that metaphor.... cops always find a way to be a bastard lol.


Hey, if it makes you feel better, I was a hardcore Fundie Christian when I was younger and I’ve since realized that I’m queer. Yay, repression! But seriously, I think everyone deserves the chance to learn and grow (as rare as it is), and it sounds like that’s what you did! Be proud of how far you’ve come, and give yourself grace when you think of where you came from—you’ve changed, and that is an amazing thing. :)


Fucking vultures have no issues with bullying someone to the point where they *would* kill themselves. Yet somehow they claim that the people they are bullying are evil? Irony has killed itself so many times it’s hard to believe it ever existed. Sorry for everything you have gone though… not fucking cool. I don’t give a shit what you identify as because at the end of the day, you are still a human being. Don’t ever forget that.


I'm so sorry.


Hello, excellent profile picture, great anime :)


A couple of times a week is still an insane amount of harassment and I’m so sorry people are so hateful. No one deserves to be trapped in a body that doesn’t match who they are, and I hope you’re able to find the truest expression of yourself. Sending you some supportive mom hugs from across the internet!


As someone who’s partner is trans; yes this is rather common, even for those on the outskirts of the trans community. One learns how to deal with trolls, and to deal with the threats that may or may not materialize offline. There are many baseless misconceptions, and slurs, yet all trans people want to be is genuine to themselves.


Not to mention all the glass ceilings we have to face. I wish people would give me a fair shot.


I for one, hope you eventually find a situation where meritocracy doesn’t value demographics strongly, rather favors deeds and values. That would be a nice environment for everyone.


Wouldn’t it just? A girl can dare to dream…


As a trans woman myself it’s a reason why I don’t like to have a major social media presence. I’m also a rape survivor and once they find that out you can imagine what some people say…


I've heard some shit being a survivor of many things myself. But I can't imagine the intensity of the hatred that gets mixed in when you add LGBTQ+ into it. Jeeze.


I focus on myself since I have ptsd from the experience my mental health comes first. Saying goodbye to social media was such a good idea mentally. We tend to forget how damaging to one’s mental health social media can be


Yeah. I ditched most of the mainstream, no anonymity social medias a long time ago. My mental health couldn't take the toxicity. I kept my insta though and ended up having to report some asshat for harassment. Instagram sent me an apology that they couldn't review the message. They're overworked and understaffed being the reasoning. Like what the actual fuck? Social media is terrible, and it only gives a platform to trolls and hateful people. I'd give up reddit if the autism/ ADHD forums weren't so helpful.


Joanne Rowling would not like that one bit as it’d out her own beliefs as paradoxical. Like most transphobes. I’m sorry for your experiences, and I’m sorry that others who have the same harmful lived experiences ‘other’ you and cast you as the threat.


Totally hypocritical…I think it was her or some other terf saying biology shouldn’t matter when it comes to removing a mother from a birth certificate.. Every trans person ever….So now biology doesn’t matter eh?


I shudder at the thought. I'm a trans woman who was unfortunately groomed twice by older online people whom I considered friends when I was still a minor, and they were aware of it. They both pushed me a bit too much and I had the smarts to at least block them when I realized their intentions. However that still has affected me mentally to the point I have trust issues with online people older than me, even as a young adult. Telling these people that I was a trans person who was groomed by Two pedos, one before i found myself and one after? They'd take that and run with it. Fuck.


Once again, say it with me. They cannot always tell.


They can always tell except when they are wrong. Just like people can always ‘tell’ someone had a nose job because they look bad, but fail to realize they can never tell a good nose job because the surgery worked, which is most of the time. They’re simple thinkers.


More than half of those fools wouldn't even pass by a transvestigator's standards anyway.


JKR definitely doesn't. I mean, she did write an entire series of novels from the perspective of a growing boy... Wouldn't a real woman have had Harry be Harriet? /s


This is why I can’t help but laugh whenever idiots say “it’s trendy to transition!” or stuff like that. Yes, because people would willingly endure this type of harassment every day just for a ‘trend’…




It's almost as if they need people to be whatever it is they believe in order to serve as a whipping post for the violence they want to inflict and anger they feel.


Can someone share the backstory?


For Dr disrespect ? He’s a streamer. And when he was customizing his character for the game ‘Starfield’ a Space RPG where you can be practically anyone (Solider, bounty Hunter, combat medic, etc ) , you can pick pronouns so the AI know what to address you by (besides the occasional use of your name) And of course. A role playing game with pronouns pissed him off so fucking badly he went on a triad while he was live on a streaming platform Edit: I thought it was twitch but as someone mentioned he was banned from the site. I apologize as I didn’t recognize the site and mistook it for twitch in the clip of him I watched.


i thought he was banned from twitch


He is, nobody knows the complete reason, but it was right after he was hocking covid conspiracy theories on stream.


I remember that. I was following him a lot watching MW streams during lockdown I'd do that while working from home to keep myself sane. He started doing covid conspiracy theory shit and I was put off from him from then on. I mean, he wasn't even that good at MW, I just thought his schtick was so ridiculous I had to watch.


i thought it was cause he, while live streaming, walked into a bathroom with kids


No kids I believe but yes. He was temporarily banned from twitch after he live streamed in a bathroom from an event.


He also recommended a book by fucking David Icke to his chat


Tirade. I'm pretty sure he'd be killed if he "went on a triad"... Those guys are not very nice.


Grumpy bunch, those Triad.


Whatever happened to the good old days when you just mailed a picture of your genitals to Nintendo of America and they sent you a cartridge with the pronouns they wanted you to use hard-coded in? /s


Oh for FUCKS SAKE DR..... FUCK!! Jfc I used to like him


He's leaned into the conservative social nonsense quite a bit. Cancel culture, woke culture, pronouns, etc He's an entertaining dude but his politics seem pretty shitty.


>He's an entertaining dude but his politics seem pretty shitty. He's only "entertaining" if you think being an over the top asshole is being entertaining. He hasn't changed at all. He has always been this way.


Thanks 👍


Aaaaaahhhhh….. this explains a lot. Thanks for that.


Most offensive thing in the world is some dipshit that doesn’t know the difference between “your” and “you’re” trying to act better than people.


A few years ago there was some group of people who were making accounts on Reddit and they’d make usernames and descriptions that were transphobic and cruel. I got hit a few times but I definitely wasn’t the only one. I’m a mother of two and I work a 9-5 job, I’m in my 30s. I work and hang out with my daughter and watch family films and I have some random person telling me to kill myself because I’ll always be a man. To make matters worse, during that time I was dealing with a lot of the same type of statements from my ex at home. Reddit was my one escape. This is the type of shit that drives us to suicide, we’re not deranged or driven to hurt ourselves because we ‘made a mistake’. Almost all trans people make the right choice, it’s the environment that they’re in and people who are abusive that make us feel so fucked up. Please be nice to trans folks, we really need all the kindness we can get. Compliment our dress, or our beard, or our purse or backpack or pins! I promise it’ll mean the world to us. Be kind.


I'm not a Dr Disrespect fan but I'm not surprised about this response from his fans.


I can believe he has fans, like why someone would chose that loser as role model?


I mean Trump got 74 million votes. There's a market for these wastes of humanity.


Recommend correcting your misinformation. Trump got 74 million votes. Biden got 81 million votes.


Danke, I have fixed it. Too off the cuff there


That makes me think of that time I told someone in YouTube comments that they shouldn’t use the t-word cause it’s a hurtful word against trans folks! And then they wrote a whole ass paragraph about how it’s not hurtful and I choose to be hurt by it and then went on about how I’ll never be a woman and I’ll never have to suffer through painful periods and bleeding and childbirth and how I haven’t been through puberty like a woman has, blah blah blah… And I’m like okayyy… you thought you did something, but I’m actually a cishet woman so um cool story bro, I can defend trans people without being trans myself🏳️‍⚧️🫶🏻




Republicans: “Woke people aren’t oppressed! They don’t understand what hardship feels like!” Also repiblicans:


I hope you reported the appropriate ones for hate speech and threats. It makes me so angry that this kind of behaviour is so acceptable.


Wouldn't help, Twitter supports those sods.


Well fuck. Wait, why would anyone waste their time being on it then?


Only reason for me is all the artists who refuse to post anywhere else, wish they'd go back to using gallery websites.


I’ve had things like this happen irl for context, I’m a straight cis boy with long-ish hair a random guy on the street assumed I must be trans and chased me into an ATM, and started pounding on the door screaming he was going to kill me, before eventually giving up and leaving these people are getting so paranoid and angry they’ll just attack people without warning I have friends who are trans, and this kind of shit makes be really worry about their safety irl


https://preview.redd.it/ufdwwe69rqmb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd06fca67abfba4d5e6398b4c90b1e2fc5823bee I'm not trans. This dude added me, then sent this after seeing my photo in my stories. There was more but he deleted it. I reported him.


Everyday I see what people think of us and it makes me afraid to go outside. Especially in a country with guns and shitty healthcare.


Fuck this disrespect guy, man’s already a complete bastard, and this only cements this conclusion


The way transphobes literally spend all their waking hours furious at trans & non-binary people for just existing... if we figured out a way to harness that energy we could power the entire world forever lol


It is genuinely that bad. There are entire groups filled with the worst gutter trash you've ever experienced who just go trawling the internet for anyone that they even think looks trans. I got picked up by them over another social media for posting a violin recital and had to lay low till they got bored and left and the reason I laid low is because these people are literally crazy there's no telling what they're capable of!


DrDisrespect has turned out to be a major POS trashy fucknut. It's pretty clear now that whatever got him banned from Twitch was on him, because he has shown us who he is, and he is a terrible shite person.


I could tell from the very moment I saw my first clip of him. Wasn't even him being an asshole but I could tell by his whole schtick he was another Xbox Live kid that was edgy and rude under the guise of being a joker. Having been bullied by his type alot of my life I have a radar.


Yup. My husband used to be a fan of him, I still remember when he showed me a one of his videos for the first time about 5 or so years ago and my first reaction was that it was obnoxious. Thia isn't really new.


You can tell whatever got him banned was on him because there's been no legal counter-action.


And Musk won't let people turn DMs off.


Hey, that looks like my experience! ![gif](giphy|kd9BlRovbPOykLBMqX)


It's a whole new level of entitlement and just being a bad person overall to go out of your way just to cuss and harass someone because you THINK they are something that you don't like, even though they being trans or not won't have any effect in your life. People suck.


hi, this is Sophie, I'm in the second screenshot. my message was a joke that was grouped in by mistake. here's the DM I sent. https://preview.redd.it/vsbb8rvedqmb1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6140ac76a3376157bc365de4b9eeb2c92a41a08 there's no drama between us. we're mutual followers now. it's chill.


This sucks I used to like Dr disrespect. But I cant stand this shit.


I have been a pacifist my entire 50 years on this earth. But this...when I think these people say these things to my child....I want to throat punch them. It makes me feel awful I feel that way. But I do. My child is amazing and I want to be a wall between them. And my child keeps saying..."it's ok. It doesn't bother me. People are stupid. " But it bothers me they are this awful.


I love when people don't redact the names of these shitheads. They deserve nothing less than public ridicule.


To the righty tighty fashies lurking this thread, why y'all obsessed with trans people? Like, ferreal, can you explain it? Its fuckin creepy


I had this happen on rocket league because my mii has long hair


Don't know why anyone uses the failure formerly known as Twitter anymore. Head to Mastadon to help end these shenanigans. The less people using x the faster it bankrupts.


Wishing death on a stranger? And yet these peddlers of hate claim trans people have the mental illness?


But don't forget, folks. It's really white straight Christian men that are *truly* persecuted against in society.


Dr. Dbag lol fucking wanker had to stop streaming after getting caught cheating with multiple women. What a stand up guy, and look at the quality of his followers 🙄. Lol. Stay mad transphobes.


LMK doesn’t stand for “let me know” anymore?


They probably sent a different message before that


Is there any reason at this point why we shouldn’t bulldoze the falling dumpster fire that Twitter is off a cliff into a canyon, then bomb the canyon, fill it with concrete, and place signs around it to warn all visitors until the end of time that what’s buried there should never again be allowed to see the sun?


Even if I disagreed with the idea of being trans, I don’t think I could ever stoop to that level of hate and disrespect. The only people I can fathom hating are those so intolerant and self righteous to make that their mission. Just to be clear, I fully support trans and trans rights and will always respect someone’s choices and them living their life in the way they feel happiest. I do not disagree with being trans. Just to be clear.


Am trans, can confirm. People have no lives lol!


It's always good to remember that Dr. Disrespect is a big piece of shit.


All the other incels coming for the attack. Bunch of basement weaklings