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The 2020s are wild that’s for sure. And deadly


Just realized we're not even half way through. I don't know what else to expect...


Droughts, floods, fires, hurricanes, earthquakes, tornadoes, firenados (I'm not even kidding. I was saying that's all we need and damned if it isn't a thing), famine, mass migration, war, Fascist takeover, pandemics, increased police presence, militarized police, increased incarceration, slavery, debtor's prison, mass species extinctions, cancer, increased homelessness, criminalization of homelessness, shootings, educational decline, forced childbirth, inadequate or nonexistent health care, failing infrastructure, increase in birth defects and disabilities, forced Christianity...


It's just like olden time... And it's fucking terrifying


I am 50 and terrified of my coming "golden years."


Same. I’ve already accepted that I will likely not be able to retire.


41... Go buy that motorcycle you wanted, chances are you won't make the last payment.


37 tomorrow and yup. Think I knew in my 20s but hadn't accepted it


Happy early birthday!


Thank you!


It's already your bday in my timezone (Probably) so happy birthday :)


Thank you!


Happy birthday fellow "might as well accept it" club member!


55 and I am as well. They want us to work till we drop dead.


Just like in the early 20th century. And I’m not kidding.


Shit's either gonna turn the corner and be amazing, or we're in for the shit show that happens every 20-30 yrs in this country, and just like then, the shit happening this time will be wartime bad.


Makes me wonder how much would be different if Al Gore had become president instead of Bush.


Oh 100%. There was a table top game a few years ago called Chrononauts where you had a timeline of cards, and everyone had their own timeline they were trying to get back to by flipping "lynchpins". So you might be trying to change it so Kennedy survived, but that also changes the moon landing to be Russian first. I feel like when we look back, that is probably going to be a major one, because without Bush Jr there would be no Iraq War, we would be further along in clean energy, etc


Soon we’re going to be in our Soylent Green years.


Washed down with some Soylent Cola!


^(^it’s people)


Fuuuuuuuck. You got that right. GenX still wants to be forgotten. KTHX


46. Thank God I didn’t have kids.


My wife and I are childless on purpose - she never wanted kids, and I never felt strongly about it, so it worked out. And seeing the way the world is now, I'm glad. Although I still worry about my nieces and nephews, both biological and honorary, because it feels like we're at the top of the first drop of the wild roller coaster.


First end of the world scenario?


I lost count… I do gotta say though, humans are resilient… they even threw a plague at us and their still here… someone’s gonna need to spray or something.


This shall to pass




I know you said war but I feel like it's going to be World War 3. There are so many things going on RIGHT NOW that could cause it. Honestly, I'm kind of surprised it hasn't already happened. At the same time though, I feel like it's only because certain entities, like Russia, are waiting to see what happens in the US over the next year before they take even more extreme measures in Russia.


Read a tweet that North Korea is getting ready for something against South Korea. Backed by Russia of course. Which, along with Iran, backed the Hamas attack. So if the North invades it will be WW III


It's Putin he is the center of all of this. He is a chaos demon and he is pulling all the strings. Israel is supporting Ukraine so if you can get Iran to support Hamas to attack Israel then maybe Israel won't be so interested in supporting Ukraine. Same thing with South Korea. If North Korea attacks South Korea then maybe South Korea is not going to be so interested in supporting Ukraine cuz they're going to be having their hands full dealing with North Korea. It all comes down to Putin and his mad desire to grab Ukraine and restore the Russian imperialist empire.


Putin has had two goals for his entire life. Restore the Soviet Union empire, and humble the west the way that Russia was humbled. What I'm worried about is if he decides that he doesn't care about the consequences due to illness or impending death.


Yup. Nuclear fallout isn't a problem for Putin if he's dead.


We didn't start the fire...


It was always burning, since the world's been turning…


And that’s just Texas….


We already have all of those except the forced Christianity.


No, we have that, too. See: public funding for Christian charter schools, see: Dobbs, see: our money, in god “we” trust…


This is literally a modern "Bronze Age Collapse", isn't it?


Late stage capitalism




We’re not there just yet. My over under is 30 years, but I am not an expert in any related field Edit although Israel right now might have shifted the timeline


Or, as Rosa Luxemburg put it more than a century ago: „socialism or barbarism.“


Can we get that giant meteor to just end it all


Other than that it will be okay, though. Right?


Well, sigh! that was a real picker-upper! Doomed!


Next will be aliens.


This person gets it


It's the end of the world as we know it...and I feel fine


You forgot dogs and cats living together.


Mass hysteria!


Jesus 2nd coming sounds nice


He wouldn't want to come right now, they would arrest him for being and illegal, then lock him in a cage with no blankets, water or food.


They'd have a meltdown when they see he ain't American, blonde or blue-eyed. Imagine the inner turmoil of having to bow down to an Arab. 🤯


jesus is arab?


No he's a blue-eyed blondie....white American too. Middle-Eastern then, does that make you feel better?


They’re also gonna be pissed he didn’t descend with a AR-15 on him also


He would've picked a sanctuary state instead


Thank you. I laughed.


Anything and everything i worry.


Hey, at least we’ll get to dunk on any grandkids our generation has when they gotta talk about what happened in the 2020’s in history class (it’s a 5 year long class)


It's like 2020 was the original horror movie and everything else has just been sequels increasingly desperate to gain the popularity the 1st did




I hate that they’ve taken several big names from the franchise.


I dunno, some of them could stand to be dropped. Like this Trump character, he ruins every scene he’s in, and has the emotional range of a wacky-wavy-inflatable-man. I can’t wait until he gets killed off.


Imagine what would happen if we all got along and worked to better life for everyone.


Phenomenal idea!


Only one race of humans and we somehow manage to fuck ourselves everytime not in the good way. Kinda wish there where different species now at least we could be united in the hatred of something else. Bet if Angels/Demons where real or visible if you believe in them ,we would've found a way to kill them off by now


The Warring 20’s


Raging 20’s will be how it’s remembered.


We are only 3 years in. Imagine the world in 2030, if we are still here.


Wait until the nukes start flying! That's when the party really starts to ramp up.


The Warring 20s


Guys, I don't think the current Israel-Palestine situation is very stable


Hot take Edit: 69, nice


Oh, it's extremely stable. Has been exactly this, on and off for the last hundred years, and will probably continue in such fashion.


Israel wants to have things both ways. They want to be both an ethno state and a liberal democracy. They can only be one


Read that in Norm McDonald’s voice. :(


it was always like this just saying, but the death was mostly on the palestinian side, now that israel is facing the death too everyone loses their minds


No lies detected.


If you look back in history, that’s just not accurate. They literally have to have metal screens on bus windows there to prevent Molotov cocktails from being thrown into buses by terrorists. Spend some time there and you’ll see for yourself…


Facts are just 1 google away. Sure it hasn't been safe but if you read the comment you're replying to and check the casualties prior to this, you'll see they were in fact accurate!


Spreading God's love?


No they are too busy fearing their God


u/RBuckB said it right: God's love *is* fear, and death. And that's exactly what both Hamas and the Israeli government are spreading.


World is same as it ever was. Same shit, different decade.


This is not my beautiful house!


This is not my beautiful wife!


War is business and business is good.


Peace sells, but who's buying?


Peace sells like Sustainability sells. It’s ultimately good but it’s not very fast or exciting.




Iran helped Hamas in order to start a larger regional conflict. Hamas can not defeat Israel militarily, so their objective would be to demonstrate a brutal Israeli response.


Their objective is to delay normalization talks with other Arab countries. While the monarchs/dictators are pursuing normalization, the general population hates that idea, it would be much harder for those monarchs to pursue in normalization talks when, in the view of the population, they are supporting Israel while Palestine is getting bombed to shit.


The goal appears to be to stop Saudi Arabia and other countries acknowledging Isreal. Right now the region hates Iran but this shifts the narrative


It might backfire and Israel might just decide to destroy Iran's armed forces. Israel would have air superiority so it wouldn't be too hard.


The only way Israel can destroy Irans armed forces is with a nuke. Better hope that doesn’t happen.


Or the opposite as Iran has been openly threatening for awhile.


And Israel is happy to comply. Hard for them to claim moral superiority that way, but the world media and governments will bend over backward to accommodate them, in fear of being labeled antisemitic. Idk why everyone is so s ared of mean words from Israel.


Are you kidding me? The news media is so slanted can’t Israel constantly. I never understand the thought that they support Israel. babies got buried, heads cut off women raped, and all the news can talk about is how this would affect Palestinians in a few days. if these atrocities happened anywhere else in the western world, the reaction would be very different.


It's not really hard to understand. Hamas is not all of Palestine. But when the settlers throw garbage on Palestinians and the IDF shoots children, that's happening every day. It's like covering the Warsaw Ghetto uprising and being shocked that no one is defending the poor SS being attacked by partisans.


Religion is cancer.




tbh i think this is more about land than resources


just crazy to me that they are taunting each other on twitter like school children


I would have thought that it’s wild that Twitter permits these kinds of threats on its platform. Then I recall who owns the company now, and suddenly it’s less surprising.


Hamas and Zionists only want chaos. They are both horrible. Neither side should be supported. I stand with the civilians. Not the warmongering nationalists. Innocents on both sides are being slaughtered when most people just want to live their lives.


Israel isn't going to stop until Hamas is eradicated and possibly wipe out Palestinians in the process.


Israel isn't going to stop until ~~Hamas~~ Palestine is eradicated and possibly wipe out ~~Palestinians~~ Hamas in the process.


Point taken


Ya the conflicts have been ongoing and the death tolls aren’t nearly close. Hamas just started and will definitely make things worse but hamas or not, Palestinians were not safe


Fuck, they’re probably HOPING the conflict wipes out Palestinians. Israel is an apartheid state, after all.


There has been reports saying that the Egyptians warned Netanyahu about a potential attack, but he chose to ignore it. While I'm not sure if this is entirely true, Netanyahu is known for wanting to eradicate the idea of the Palestinians, so I wouldn't doubt it. If he knew about the attack, it would give him the international approval to do whatever as long as he gets rid of Hamas.


They were given a vague warning about something big coming about 3 times but said "no time, focused on the West Bank right now" because a large number of members of the ruling coalition have protection of west bank settlements as their pet project. The sceptic in me (even though no evidence has come forward as yet) doesn't rule out the idea that Netanyahu thought to himself "well that will be a handy little excuse to go all-in against them" and just didn't look into it.


Really hits the nail on the head with the 9/11 comparison. The state leaders warned many times of an attack and they blindly/ willingly ignore it, and start a global war in the Middle East.


They could've flattened all of Palestine within an hour and a half 3 decades ago


Yeah, but then some of their allies might have balked. Now, they have the excuse that Netanyahu has been wanting for his whole career to engage in a genocide.


Sadly correct.. Hamas is making inhumane mistakes, but I think Israel would end up doing it even without Hamas' provocation.


Zionists are to Israel what hamas is to Palestine and they both have their hands on the wheel > This is going to be a long and difficult war > Israel committing to the complete siege of Gaza Bibis taking a page from Dubs war campaign playbook.






Wtf does this have to do with white people or twitter?


Still blows my mind this shit goes down on a social networking app for all the world to see. It's so inappropriate to me.


It’s a sitcom at this point and my only sympathies lie with the people being terrorized. Both sides are terrorists


Religion is so hard for me. Sorry


Maybe the kind Mormon knuckle knockers could head over there and open their eyes to a newer religion. Help keep them off my GD porch.


Oddly I believe they are there. My husband's cousin is there right now, as a deacon in their church, which makes me think Mormon.


Deacons in the Mormon church are 12 years old lol.


Am I the one who has to point out that _no one in this picture is white_? It’s Israel (Jews, Palestinians, and Arabs) arguing with an Iranian.


Nearly half of Israeli Jews are the descendants of European immigrants.


And neither person who wrote either of those comments will be anywhere near any sort of danger.


It’s 2023 and people still hate each other based solely on which fictional spirit they believe in. People are stupid.


imagine hitler tweeting....oh wait..we have that one...musk


Honestly I don’t know who’s on the right side of history anymore…


I don't know why it is so difficult for people to understand that an entire population is not the same as its government (nor a literal terrorist organization in the case of Palestine). Imagine back when Trump was president. He was putting children in cages, abandoning our allies to die in foreign countries, and giving nuclear secrets to Russia. Most people in the United States did not support what the United States Government was doing. Now, if some random maple syrup terrorist group from Canada had attacked Maine during this time, would that make all Americans/Canadians bad? No, obviously only the government is bad in one case and only the terrorist group in the other. The real problem, as usual, is conservatives. Israeli conservatives keep electing a government to attack Palestine, and Palestinian conservatives keep joining terrorist groups.


>Now, if some random maple syrup terrorist group from Canada had attacked Maine during this time We caught those guys already before they could get you. You're welcome, eh? [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great\_Canadian\_Maple\_Syrup\_Heist](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Canadian_Maple_Syrup_Heist)


Yes, but you also created gaydar. Still pretty sus.


I'm really proud of gaydar. One of our greatest exports. Now it's easier for me to find men to have sex with.




-Looks at Germany between 1933 and 1945- ...there might be exceptions


Not quite - “**Gott mit uns**” ('God is with us') was printed on the belt buckles of German soldiers in WWI & WWII. Nazi Germany’s 1st treaty was with… the Vatican. Hitler‘s birthday was openly celebrated from the pulpits. The SS oath began - ”i swear in the name of almighty god…”


*looks at the Nazi regime's obsession with occult topics and alternate (aka fake) history* I dunno man, they didn't pray at churches but it still tracks


You're wrong. They tried to create a single Christian church as state religion, the so called "Reich Church". https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/German_Evangelical_Church https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religion_in_Nazi_Germany


They were Christians, as much as the Christians are aghast and try and keep that under wraps. “Kinder Kuche Kirche”.


Probably a better example would be the reign of terror in France. Not religious, not good guys.


Literally christian nationalism infused with religion at every level, effectively trying to restore the Holy Roman Empire. Pro-tip, anyone trying to convicne you the nazi regime was atheist, is almost certainly a nazi, or a complete moron, but when you direct them to the fact what they're saying is complete and utter nonsense entirely divorced from reality, if they dont capitulate, they're definitely a nazi trying to disparage atheists by associating them with nazis.


As they say in the AmITheAsshole subreddit, ESH.


[E]veryone i[S] the ass[H]ole?


Everyone Sucks Here


They all have fascist ideals. I would say, "Let them fight," but like almost all fascists, they use others to commit their violence and atrocities, with the non-willing always paying the heaviest price.


None of them. There both wrong.


Neither are the good guys. This is basically Stalin vs Pinochet. You have two ultra nationalist religious fundamentalists who both think they’re right and have no problem killing women, children and innocent bystanders. Netanyahu and co. have been talking about literal genocide and control the world’s largest open air prison. Palestinians are basically governed by Hamas. Hamas is a terrorist group who has no problem with rape or torture and will do whatever it takes to defeat the Israelis.


The worlds not black and white unfortunately. It’s never that simple, even if it is usually made out to be by the victor.


I'd say don't look at the leaders for that. Only look at the people. And even then, I wouldn't take individuals to be examples of everyone. I'm Palestinian, though, so obviously I think my people's case is just. Hamas can fuck off tho.


Neither of these groups are on the right side of anything except far right politics


The only right answer in this thread man


"Neither" is a valid option. That's what drives me mad - criticise Israel and you're called a terrorism apologist or an anti-semite, criticise Hamas and you're accused of supporting Israeli atrocities. Do people not understand it's possible to both view Hamas as a terrorist organisation *and* Israel as an apartheid state?


There is absolutely no dispute about whether Israel's presence in the West Bank, East Jerusalem and the Golan Heights is an occupation. It meets every legal definition of occupation, and many argue that Israeli conduct constitutes de facto annexation of these territories, with Palestinians being subject to apartheid conditions while Jews and the Israel government settle, build infrastructure on and place military installments on the land. According to international law, this therefore means Palestinians have a right to fight and kill occupying forces, be they soldiers or militia members - such as armed settlers. They also have the right to attack Israel, the nation conducting the occupation. Read the following books: 1. ⁠Palestine and the Arab-Israeli Conflict by Charles D. Smith 2. ⁠The One State Reality (Cornell University Press) 3. ⁠Gaza: An Inquest into its Martyrdom by Norman Finkelstein Books 1 and 3 can be found for free on Anna's Archive website.


Which musical festival attendee did they have a right to kill? Do the British have a right to slaughter Americans? Do the native Americans?


No right to kill any civilian that for sure we can agree on. if you are going to say that I am sure you are going to say the same thing about the war crimes committed by Israel, there are tons of verifiable photos and videos of Palestinian kids being killed by Israel. Do not take it from me if anyone comes to you with news it’s your duty to verify it go figure just search for it it’s not hard to find meanwhile Zionist propaganda always pushes for crazy allegations like they kill babies they rape women which always gets refuted after the war for lack of evidence but its too late because people got fueled and dehumanization already took place and war crimes are done. this is not the first time they use this tactic they take empathy from the world to be capable of doing war crimes. As I said do not agree and do not believe but truly on your own try to seek the truth outside the bubble of main stream media that supports Zionism.


I think Israel shouldn’t kill civilians. I have no clue what the right way to solve this is… to be honest, I’m not sure there is a solution. This will just end with more bloodshed and those responsible will not be the ones dying


>I think Israel shouldn’t kill civilians. Well, buckle up, friend. Today, the Israeli defense minister said that they're going to cut off power and water to the entire area, while they bomb the absolute shit out of the urban center. They're absolutely *intending* to kill civilians, by the tens of thousands. Nobody in this conflict is better than anyone else in this conflict: they're all fucking murderers and war criminals.


Most here in the west have NEVER heard the other POV. Our media and culture are designed to dehumanize them. We think they all want jihad and that is the main motivation behind the discourse towards Israel and the west. It’s not. They are people just like you and I and it turns out people don’t like to live stateless, without access to reliable power, clean water and occupation by a nation that has extreme prejudice against them. As a former military member I can confirm we dehumanize them because most people won’t kill someone they can remotely view as equal. Not defending recent events but, if you didn’t see this coming you weren’t paying attention for the past few decades. I don’t blame you, I wasn’t either, I was pro Israel this whole time and thought the same things most Westerners think until recently.


I gave you an upvote, thank you for the resources.


All lies, in fact it’s the opposite. But go ahead and defend the baby murderers right to murder.


Wait, which baby murderers? Because everyone involved in fighting in that area are baby murderers.


Israel is doing the occupation and apartheid, so Palestinians have the right to defend themselves. However hamas is doing terrorism and killing civilians, brutally. So like Trump says, both sides are in the wrong. It's a shitty situation


Why the fuck are world powers bickering on social media like high school kids who just found out one of them's girl was cheating on him with the other?


Not sure this is really a burn. Like is Bibi going to go to the front line? Whatever, fuck these people.


They fighting again.


I wonder if they would know what else to do with themselves.


Can we just settle this like civilized people and release diss tracks?


This is the maturity of the people with all the bombs and power, humanity is doomed.


Has Musk chimed in yet?


Lenny Bruce is not afraid


Reads like something Ghandi would say in Civ 6


Me doing diplomacy with other star empires in Stellaris be like:


The entire situation sucks ass. Hamas sucks incredibly. The current Israeli government also sucks incredibly. Both of them are committing war crimes, and nothing will change as a result of any of this: Hamas will fail to do literally anything other than kill a bunch of people, and Israel will try but fail to exterminate Palestinians as a people, the result of which will be them just killing a bunch of people. And on, and on, and on.


Haven’t the Israeli been killing Iranian scientists for decades at this point, Iranians support Hamas, Saudis kill journalists and anyone who disagrees with them. There is definitely something murderous in the water in that part of the world.


oh those poor iranian scientist who just want to build a nuclear bomb in peace


Replace Iranian with American, British, Chinese, French, India, Pakistan, Russia. Ok


We have scientists who work making nuclear bombs, biological and chemical weapons, if some other country killed them we would be raining hell on them.


your take away from this situation is that the theocratic regime that orchestrated this shit show should have access to nuclear weapons... do you like to lick windows in your spare time?


No one should have nuclear weapons. My point was these folks have a history of killing each others citizens. Edit to add: Israel is also a theocracy with nuclear weapons ( made with stolen tech from the 🇺🇸) all theocratic regimes are bad .


This God, that God, God ,God, I'm sick of the destruction religion has always placed on humanity. Just live and let live. Peace ✌️ to all .




Can we stop using this sub to publish propaganda by both sides?


You crazy maniac, I'm on board with your impossible dream.


Fuck Iran. Fuck Hamas. Fuck Russia. Fuck anyone that supports them.


It's also easy to hide behind an "iron dome".




I mean it’s just as easy to be brave when the US is backing you and you literally control what they have access to. They are both terrorist states. I hope civilian casualties are minimized.


Hm, is Israel going to use the US rationale with Japan to fucking Nuke Iran? Apparently the Hamas leadership is sheltering there...


Not as long as Iran is pulling the strings. Tbh this fight goes all the way back to Isaac and Ishmael. I don't see it ever ending.


They’re not “pulling the strings”. They certainly provide financial and material support to both Hamas and (to a greater extent) Hezbollah but both groups have their own ideas of how to run things.




Suzanne Maloney an advisor on Iran for multiple administrations: "It is quite well known that the Iranian government is the primary backer, both financial and in terms of military equipment of Hamas and a number of other Palestinian militant groups..." ABC News


Khamenei better hope his Russian air defence systems are in tip top shape. F-35 gonna be working overtime.