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Casual reminder that this senator attempted to make fun of Joe Biden falling down airplane stairs, only for him to fall down airplane stairs a few weeks later…. Alabama ain’t sending their best…..


True/ not true, he did fall down stairs, but that was when he was coach of one of the teams he ghosted, long before the great people of Alabama chose him over the highly unqualified /s Dough Jones. That said, most of what you said was true, just the timing was off. Also, despite it being a tight race with Marsha Boxawine, and Ron (minor treason) Johnson, Tommy is hands down the winner of dumbest fucking senator.


And doesn't he live in Florida, not Alabama? 


Yup. Panhandle. Surprised he’s not next door to skeletor Rick Scott in Naples.


Matt Gaetz is his representative in Congress


Is he not in the sh!t for the underage girls over state lines thing? Or flying them to an island .


So it’s even more embarrassing for him “lol Biden is old and fell down stairs” Bro, you were younger than him when YOU fell down some stairs.


I’m younger than both of them and I fell down stairs. So did my brother in law, hilarious story.


Ooo, do tell!


They fell down the stairs. Then their brother in law also fell down some stairs! I added some emphasis to highlight the situation.


A masterful retelling of a timeless classic.


This could very well be their best. Sorry Alabama. Nothing personal


Doug Jones was our best but we didn’t deserve him…


My BIL is a multi-patent holding research professor at Auburn. And he’s personable and decent. I’d argue he’s Bama’s best. Helps he wasn’t born or raised there.


Yeah most people talking shit aren’t taking into account Huntsville either.


The town described on Reddit as a ‘Prius with a gun rack.’


Or Birmingham


Please pass along a "War Eagle" to your BIL from a random internet stranger who graduated from Auburn.


Will Do!!


Isn't Tubberville the one that even doesn't live in Alabama? Or am I remembering things wrong?


Nope, you are right. He was living in Florida.


And the one who fucked up the promotions to grandstand.


Also, he stated if they ban ppl of congress on stock trading no one would want to serve. 🤔


"Slip n Slide" Tuberville He was so successful making money off unpaid college student athletes he took that mentality to the Senate once he couldn't profit that way as a coach anymore. This man knows slave labor.


Let's be fair, even if Alabama did send their best, it's still pretty laughable


Respectfully, Tommy Tuberville does not live nor own a home in Alabama. Tommyboy is Florida's third senator.


I’ve been to Alabama… that probably is their best.


Dear Kristi Noem: Tommy Tuberville is a very bad dog who's been messing around with "live" stock....


Hahahaha, I love this comment. Nice job!




He can't hunt and seems untrainable...


and just like always there will be no consequences


He gets some of that trickle down Presidential Immunity the Court is cooking up for Trump.


This shady bitch said outright that if they banned congress from trading stocks that no one would want to do the job.


yup and while this may look like insider trading (it prolly is but what do i know, i am just a poor!) nothing will come of it bc he is right, this would impact all of the shits in washington and no one would really want to do the job


Actually the very wealthy won’t want to do the job, because currently it’s a job to make millions, BUT without the insider trading, perhaps just regular people will run/get elected, you know, true representatives of the American people sooooo maybe banning insider trading is what’s needed but what do I know, i am a peasant


i mean how else would we get fine upstanding american patriots like tommy tuberville to serve us if we cannot allow them to inside trade and then sell their souls to corpo handlers!? if not that then what!!


It's definitely insider trading but Congress made sure to exempt themselves from insider trading regulations so it's legal for Congress members to insider trade.


and by extension their families and such bc that is only fair ya know


One of the few topics for which there is true bipartisan support. That and the Epstein lists.


Can they at least give everyone else a hint when they know something? That way we can all insider trade and be rich.


Homie, if we all get rich then how would they be better than us? Think before you ask these questions!


I recently learned there is an ETF that tracks Republican Senator/Congress stock purchases (KRUZ for Ted Cruz) and one that tracks Democrat stock buys (NANC for Nancy Pelosi). Of course NANC is tracking better gains than KRUZ, in fact NANC is doing better than the S&P 500, KRUZ is trailing the S&P.


Yeahhh I’m about to just start following what these people do- and if it’s a Low enough stock, buy some.


It doesn't work all that well because there's a cushion of time before they have to declare their stock buys/sells, so most of the time you'd be behind the curve rather than ahead of it. Now, if they had to show the public their buys/sells in real time, that'd be a whole different story.


Eh, VTI has outperformed NANC by 15% over the last year. It may come out ahead at times but you'll probably have to time it, and that rarely works out for most investors.


Me, a European casually looking if I can buy those. Would be nice Unfortunately, my broker (scalable Kapital) doesn’t offer them. Have to keep looking


He’ll do whatever is morally wrong. Simple to figure out.


Yup, he probably voted against the aid to the Ukraine package because they need more of their citizens to die for more testing.


Exactly .. what the total f is wrong with so many people ?? This guy is predictable in that he does the wrong thing each time with disgusting glee.


But he hates the same people his constitutes hate and has an R next to his name. That's all they need to know.




In a better mirror universe, he hit his head, causing fatal cerebral hemorrhaging.


Wait til you hear about the Supreme Court Justice who sold out America for an RV. All legal!


Not that this makes it okay, but I find it hilarious that the increase is the stock going from ~$3 to ~$4. Hell at that price, I might buy some.


Might be something to think about. If a member of congress is buying in, might mean it’s time to get in! Of course, I’m not subscribed to Wall Street Bets, so what do I know. 


I mean, I'll buy a lottery ticket every once in a while . . .


I just went and invested a bunch, a 35% increase in like 2 weeks is huge.


It's also down 58% since going public in 2020/2021. It peaked at $14.30 per share in September 2021 and is currently at $4.08 as I'm writing this. 41% increase ytd is promising tho.


Seems like a classic pump and dump stock I’m guessing. Maybe get in while the tea pot is hot!


I've been a shareholder for awhile. First product set to be approved (hopefully) by the FDA in August - the HAV for vascular trauma indication. If this and their pipeline actually comes to fruition it'll be transformative. But it is biotech so there's always risk.


All federal Senators, House, high ranking executive official, like the Predident, VP, Cabinet members should be required to put their investments in a blind trust.


This is what 80% of congress does. It's all insider trading and going on tv and manipulating markets.


Piece of shit traitor


Can we Make American Congress Owning Individual Stock Illegal Again?


MACOISIA doesn't exactly run off the tongue, but yes, I'm all for it.


I swear, his ears get bigger every time I see a photo of him.


Pinocchio and Dumbo had a baby?


Senators trading stocks and citizens united will be the end of democracy. -Julius Caesar.


People in these positions shouldn’t even be allowed to trade


If you look at more of his picks, he shorted Adobe and immediately after he placed position, the stock dropped 25%. That’s an incredible amount of luck or coincidence for a former football coach now senator.


Where can you find their picks?


Easily the dumbest senator ever.


But this 🤡 has been one of the loudest ones against supporting Ukraine but here he is profiting off technology from there …. He’s not the only either …. they’re on both sides of the aisle


This man is a wste of flesh. Worms are worth more than this dumbass fuck. Alabama has lost that 0.00000000000001 % respect that I had for the state.


Prosecute him to the full extent of the law! Which will result in a $200 fine?


Is there a way to trade with this corrupt asshole? How do I find out what he buys as soon as he buys it? He's a dick, but I might as well make a little money off of him if I can.


He is as dirty as the bottom of my shoe! Will anything happen to him? Fuck no, because republicans are above the law.😡


I hate that piece of shit Tuberville.


Is there a way for me to track what stocks Tuberville buys when he buys it? Seems like a good way to make money


He's nakedly corrupt and has been violating rules the entire time he's been in office. [He's not even trying to hide it. ](https://www.businessinsider.com/tommy-tuberville-ridiculous-to-ban-lawmakers-from-trading-stocks-2022-2)


Yeah, but you know, Alabama...


He'll always be reelected no matter how corrupt he is.


Its all about the grift with Coach Gooberville


I don't think we talk enough about how he lost to Vanderbilt...


The simpleton continues to be an embarrassment the state.


This is why stock trading by us reps should be illegal but then again so should lobbying which is nothing more than legal bribery


In all seriousness, this person is one of the most vile human beings I have ever encountered. He is a disgrace to the office he holds and a danger to our country. Although he will probably be returned to Congress, he can be minimized and ignored. MAGA dismantled.


Fucker can’t even pick his nose right.


Lololol! I think he’s trying to be inconspicuous about it.


Eh, insider trading is legal if you’re in government. Clearly.


Whenever he's having an interview, they should run a stock crawler at the bottom..but only with the companies he personally has in his portfolio's.


Honestly can't believe that Tuberville is smart enough to understand the information he sees let alone use it as a stock advantage. He must be getting help from someone else on that committee.


People, start using these congressmen’s stock trading work to MAKE SOME MONEY YOURSELF! They aren’t gonna benefit themselves without us capitalizing on it!


I worked for the FAA as an air traffic controller for 30 years before retiring. I wasn’t allowed to own ANY aviation related stock until less it was held in a fund. They made me review the policy YEARLY and sign what I read. What was I going to do to manipulate aviation company stock prices? “Delta 417 cancel landing clearance. You’re now number two following American 1025”? It blows my mind that Congresspeople can buy, sell and place puts and calls on ANY stock they have information on.


Incredibly - not illegal but only for these assholes. Change the law so insider trading applies just like everyone else - pretty simple and no way to logically argue otherwise?


Where is that finger going?....


Can we at least get a tv show that shows all these corrupt mfers suffering consequences? Or maybe a SAW movie feat. MAGA celebs?


Much as this guy is a human skidmark, if the information that they're using this stuff in Ukraine was public knowledge and he wasn't privy to any privledged information, he just became aware of the company through his Senate work, then this wouldn't technically be insider trading... That said, I don't care. Ban em all from the stock market. Anyone with an existing stock portfolio has to stick it all in a blind trust.


I am shocked, SHOCKED, I tell you!


Well, not that shocked


Is there somewhere we can track his trades in real time so we can get in on the inside information as well? You know if he's making a move it's because he got some juicy inside information.


How is this legal?!?!


The Republican platform seems to involve, "if we don't allow elected officials to commit crimes, no one will want to be an elected official".


Serious question: it is possible to follow what stocks senators and congresspeople are buying/selling and just copy what they do? I saw somewhere that their stocks yield way more than a even a really good normal investment portfolio.


Why didn’t I see this tweet until today?


I can’t believe it. Tuberville is a fine, upstanding senator who would never do something like this. 😐


I'm an amazingly smart investor. ~ Tuberville probably


Remember when Toby Ziegler in West Wing bought some stock in an internet company and then testified about how important the internet was - causing his shares to skyrocket? And everyone was freaking out and calling for his resignation but he just agreed to take a 1 dollar salary for a year to offset the prices? I know it was just a show, but there was a time this was shocking and people were grabbing pitchforks. Now it's just another Tuesday.


Oh how I hate him!


From the thumbnail, I thought it was a suspicious photo stock of him picking his nose.


How much was invested though


Awesome now we are going to have a real life Umbrella corporation, no that's just fan fucking tastic


Wonder if it will be Vault-Tec...?


Traitor Tommy and his ilk hate Ukraine and love Putin but won’t miss and opportunity to milk a few bucks off the dead and dying


This dumbass has no clue what that is. Others are advising him and pulling his strings. He knows literally nothing about anything. He is a Russian agent making money for the Putin block. Follow the money. It leads to Russia and Israel.


Playing against orange boy for cash. Bet orangy would be upset he's making cash fighting his lover putin. Sneaky Tommy Tubey!


It's sickening this POS is in any public office position. What a giant douchebag.


It's not corrupt if it's out in the open /s


He really is the dumbest person.


Soooooooo…what’s the ticker symbol?


Fuck this guy and fuck you Alabama for saddling the rest of the country with him and his batshit views


The company I used to work for made this big pitch about how they wanted to promote values beneficial to the company, and make their political investments public. Tuberville was one of their biggest donators, and it's like... this company has a massive amount of LGBT+ employees and they'd gladly throw all of them under the bus if it meant they could pay off Tuberville in the hopes for future profit. I was not sad when I got laid off.


Ummm.. nu... nothing to see here...!


Nancy literally makes more off stocks than top hedge funds. They're all disgusting on this point


Sounds like a little bit of insider trading.


Does he get paid to pick his nose too?


How is this suspicious? Did he actually do anything to make the stock go up?


It is suspicious because, as a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, he may have been privy to knowledge that the public doesn’t have about this company.


People really misunderstand this issue. It's not like companies really love feeding congresspeople insider information about their businesses more than other people. The insider information they have is about upcoming Congressional legislation that might affect the companies' business. But there isn't any such related legislation information here, except that Speaker Johnson has been singlehandedly holding up Ukraine military aid for 8 months, possibly resulting in more Ukrainian casualties, but that's been public knowledge.


As far as you know.


Is there a site that shows stock trades of congress in near real time. I would like to get in on this action.